Javascript Regular Expression for Password - javascript

I am writing the regex for validating password in Javascript. The constraints are:
Password must contain at least one uppercase character
Password must contain at least a special character
With trial and error and some searching on the net, I found that this works:
Can someone please explain the part of this expression which mentions that the uppercase letter and special character can come in ANY order?

I think this would work even better:
Look-arounds do not consume characters, therefore, start for the second look-ahead is the same as for the first. Which makes checks for those two characters independent of each other. You could swap them around and resulting regex would still be equivalent to this.
The following regex (suggested by Gumbo) is slightly more efficient, as it avoids unnecessary backtracking:
On passwords of usual lengths the time difference probably won't be easily measurable, though.

The ?= is called a lookahead where it will scan the rest of the string to see if the match is found. Normally, regex go character by character, but the ?= tells it to "lookahead" to see if it exists.
There is also a negative lookahead of ?!.

the "?=" does this. It is a "Positive Lookahead"
From JavaScript Regular Expression Syntax
Positive lookahead matches the search string at any point where a string matching pattern begins. This is a non-capturing match, that is, the match is not captured for possible later use. For example 'Windows (?=95|98|NT|2000)' matches "Windows" in "Windows 2000" but not "Windows" in "Windows 3.1". Lookaheads do not consume characters, that is, after a match occurs, the search for the next match begins immediately following the last match, not after the characters that comprised the lookahead.


Regex creation to allow, disallow few characters

I am new to regex, i have this use case:
Allow characters, numbers.
Zero or one question mark allowed. (? - valid, consecutive question marks are not allowed (??)).
?test - valid
??test- invalid
?test?test - valid
test??test -invalid
Exlcude $ sign.
[a-zA-Z0-9?] - seems this doesn't work
Try the following regular expression: ^(?!.*\?\?)[a-zA-Z0-9?]+$
first we're using Negetive lookahead - which allows us to exclude any character which is followed by double question marks (Negetive lookahaed does not consume characters)
Since question mark has special meaning in regular expressions (Quantifier — Matches between zero and one times), each question mark is escaped using backslash.
The plus sign at the end is a Quantifier — Matches between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible
You can test it here
Your description can be broken down into the regex:
You say characters and your description shows letters and numbers only, but it's possible \w (word characters) may be used instead - this includes underscore
It's between ^ and $ meaning the whole field must match (no partial matches, although if you want those you can remove this. The + means there must be at least one match (so empty string won't match). The capturing group ((\??[a-zA-Z0-9])) says I must either see a question mark followed by letters or just letters repeating many times, and the final question mark allows the string to end with a single question mark.
You probably don't want capturing groups here, so we can start that with ?: to prevent capture leading to:
Doesn't match
<empty string>

JS regular expression, basic lookahead

I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why this regular expression
does not match
anyone know why?
I am going off the information provided here:
The reason it doesn't work is because the lookahead doesn't actually consume any characters, so your matching position doesn't advance.
Matches the beginning of line (^ -- this matches) followed by a literal . (\. -- this also matches), and then (without consuming any characters), checks to see if the next character is a literal a ((?=a)). It is, so the lookahead matches. It then asserts that your position is at the end of the string ($). This is not the case, because we're still right after the ., so the match fails.
Another possible matching expression would be
Which works just as above, but the assertion about the end of the line is contained in the lookahead, so this time, it matches.
Your regex is only going to match a period that's followed by an 'a', without including 'a' in the match.
Another issue is that you're using $ after a character that's basically being ignored.
Remove the $ and it will work as described.
Bonus: I've enjoyed using this lately

The behavior of /g mode matching

On this article, it mentioned
Make sure you are clear on the fact that an expression pattern is
tested on each individual character. And that, just because the engine
moves forward when following the pattern and looking for a match it
still backtracks and examines each character in a string until a match
is found or if the global flag is set until all characters are
But what I tested in Javascript
does not produce a result like:
["aaa#bbb", "aa#bbb", "a#bbb"]
It only produces ["aaa#bbb"]. It seems it does not examine each character to test the pattern. Can anyone can explain a little on matching steps ? Thanks.
/g does not mean it will try to find every possible subset of characters in the input string which may match the given pattern. It means that once a match is found, it will continue searching for more substrings which may match the pattern starting from the previous match onward.
For example:
"aaa#bbb ... aaaa#bbbb".match(/a+#b+/g);
Will produce
["aaa#bbb", "aaaa#bbbb"]
That explanation is mixing two distinct concepts that IMO should be kept separated
A) backtracking
When looking for a match the normal behavior for a quantifier (?, *, +) is to be "greedy", i.e. to munch as much as possible... for example in /(a+)([^b]+)/ tested with aaaacccc all the a will be part of group 1 even if of course they also match the char set [^b] (everything but b).
However if grabbing too much is going to prevent a match the RE rules require that the quantifier "backtracks" capturing less if this allows the expression to match. For example in (a+)([^b]+) tested with aaaa the group 1 will get only three as, to leave one for group 2 to match.
You can change this greedy behavior with "non-greedy quantifiers" like *?, +?, ??. In this case stills the engine does backtracking but with the reverse meaning: a non-greedy subexpression will eat as little as possible that allows the rest of expression to match. For example (a+)(a+b+) tested with aaabbb will leave two as for group 1 and abbb for group 2, but (a+?)(a+b+) with the same string instead will leave only one a for group 1 because this is the minimum that allows matching the remaining part.
Note that also because of backtracking the greedy/non-greedy options doesn't change if an expression has a match or not, but only how big is the match and how much goes to each sub-expression.
B) the "global" option
This is something totally unrelated to backtracking and simply means that instead of stopping at the first match the search must find all non-overlapping matches. This is done by finding the first match and then starting again the search after the end of the match.
Note that each match is computed using the standard regexp rules and there is no look-ahead or backtracking between different matches: in other words if making for example a greedy match shorter would give more matches in the string this option is not considered... a+[^b]+ tested with aaaaaa is going to give only one match even if g option is specified and even if the substrings aa, aa, aa would have been each a valid match for the regexp.
When the global flag is used, it starts searching for the next match after the end of the previous match, to prevent generating lots of overlapping matches like that.
If you don't specify /g, the engine will stop as soon as a match is found.
If you do specify /g, it will keep going after a match. It will, however, still not produce overlapping matches, which is what you're asking about.
Its because.,
What Regex try to do:
All regex expression will try to match the best match.
What Regex wont do
It will not match the combinations for a single match as in your case.
When your "aaa#bbb".match(/a+#b+/g) scenario works
Rather, aaa#bbbHiaa#bbbHelloa#bbbSEEYOU try for some thing like this, which will give you

RegEx in JS to find No 3 Identical consecutive characters

How to find a sequence of 3 characters, 'abb' is valid while 'abbb' is not valid, in JS using Regex (could be alphabets,numerics and non alpha numerics).
This question is a variation of the question that I have asked in here : How to combine these regex for javascript.
This is wrong : /(^([0-9a-zA-Z]|[^0-9a-zA-Z]))\1\1/ , so what is the right way to do it?
This depends on what you actually mean. If you only want to match three non-identical characters (that is, if abb is valid for you), you can use this negative lookahead:
It first asserts, that the current position is not followed by three times the same character. Then it matches those three characters.
If you really want to match 3 different characters (only stuff like abc), it gets a bit more complicated. Use these two negative lookaheads instead:
First match one character. Then we assert, the this is not followed by the same character. If so, we match another character. Then we assert that these are followed neither by the first nor the second character. Then we match a third character.
Note that those negative lookaheads ((?!...)) do not consume any characters. That is why they are called lookaheads. They just check what is coming next (or in this case what is not coming next) and then the regex continues from where it left of. Here is a good tutorial.
Note also that this matches anything but line breaks, or really anything if you use the DOTALL or SINGLELINE option. Since you are using JavaScript you can just activate the option by appending s after the regexes closing delimiter. If (for some reason) you don't want to use this option, replace the .s by [\s\S] (this always matches any character).
After clarification in the comments, I realised that you do not want to find three non-identical characters, but instead you want to assert that your string does not contain three identical (and consecutive) characters.
This is a bit easier, and closer to your former question, since it only requires one negative lookahead. What we do is this: we search the string from the beginning for three consecutive identical characters. But since we want to assert that these do not exist we wrap this in a negative lookahead:
The lookahead is anchored to the beginning of the string, so this is the only place where we will look. The pattern in the lookahead then tries to find three identical characters from any position in the string (because of the .*; the identical characters are matched in the same way as in your previous question). If the pattern finds these, the negative lookahead will thus fail, and so the string will be invalid. If not three identical characters can be found, the inner pattern will never match, so the negative lookahead will succeed.
To find non-three-identical characters use regex pattern

Please explain some Javascript Regular Expressions

I'm learning Javascript via an online tutorial, but nowhere on that website or any other I googled for was the jumble of symbols explained that makes up a regular expression.
Check if all numbers: /^[0-9]+$/
Check if all letters: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
And the hardest one:
Validate Email: /^[\w-.+]+\#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/
What do all the slashes and dollar signs and brackets mean? Please explain.
(By the way, what languages are required to create a flexible website? I know a bit of Javascript and wanna learn jQuery and PHP. Anything else needed?)
There are already a number of good sites that explain regular expressions so I'll just dive a bit into how each of the specific examples you gave translate.
Check if all numbers: ^ anchors the start of the expression (e.g. start at the beginning of the text). Without it a match could be found anywhere. [0-9] finds the characters in that character class (e.g. the numbers 0-9). The + after the character class just means "one or more". The ending $ anchors the end of the text (e.g. the match should run to the end of the input). So if you put that together, that regular expression would allow for only 1 or more numbers in a string. Note that the anchors are important as without them it might match something like "foo123bar".
Check if all letters: Pretty much the same as above but the character classes are different. In this example the character class [a-zA-Z] represents all lowercase and uppercase characters.
The last one actually isn't any more difficult than the other two it's just longer. This answer is getting quite long so I'll just explain the new symbols. A \w in a character class will match word characters (which are defined per regex implementation but are generally 0-9a-zA-Z_ at least). The backslash before the # escapes the # so that it isn't seen as a token in the regex. A period will match any character so .+ will match one or more of any character (e.g. a, 1, Z, 1a, etc). The last part of the regex ({2,4}) defines an interval expression. This means that it can match a minimum of 2 of the thing that precedes it, and a maximum of 4.
Hope you got something out of the above.
There is an awesome explanation of regular expressions at including notes on language and implementation specifics.
Let me explain:
Check if all numbers: /^[0-9]+$/
So, first thing we see is the "/" at the beginning and the end. This is a deliminator, and only serves to show the beginning and end of the regular expression.
Next, we have a "^", this means the beginning of the string. [0-9] means a number from 0-9. + is a modifier, which modifies the term in front of it, in this case, it means you can have one or more of something, so you can have one or more numbers from 0-9.
Finally, we end with "$", which is the opposite of "^", and means the end of the string. So put that all together and it basically makes sure that inbetween the start and end of the string, there can be any number of digits from 0-9.
Check if all letters: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
We notice this is very similar, but instead of checking for numbers 0-9, it checks for letters a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (uppercase).
And the hardest one:
Validate Email: /^[\w-.+]+\#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/
"\w" means that it is a word, in this case we can have any number of letters or numbers, as well as the period means that it can be pretty much any character.
The new thing here is escape characters. Many symbols cannot be used without escaping them by placing a slash in front, as is the case with "\#". This means it is looking directly for the symbol "#".
Now it looks for letters and symbols, a period (this one seems incorrect, it should be escaping the period too, though it will still work, since an unescaped period will make any symbol). Numbers inside {} mean that there is inbetween this many terms in the previous term, so of the [a-zA-Z0-9], there should be 2-4 characters (this part here is the website domain, such as .com, .ca, or .info). Note there's another error in this one here, the [a-zA-z0-9] should be [a-zA-Z0-9] (capital Z).
Oh, and check out that site listed above, it is a great set of tutorials too.
Regular Expressions is a complex beast and, as already pointed out, there are quite a few guides off of google you can go read.
To answer the OP questions:
Check if all numbers: /^[0-9]+$/
regexps here are all delimated with //, much like strings are quoted with '' or "".
^ means start of string or line (depending on what options you have about multiline matching)
[...] are called character classes. Anything in [] is a list of single matching characters at that position in this case 0-9. The minus sign has a special meaning of "sequence of characters between". So [0-9] means "one of 0123456789".
+ means "1 or more" of the preceeding match (in this case [0-9]) so one or more numbers
$ means end of string/line match.
So in summary find any string that contains only numbers, i.e '0123a' will not match as [0-9]+ fails to match a before $).
Check if all letters: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
Hopefully [A-Za-z] makes sense now (A-Z = ABCDEF...XYZ and a-z
Validate Email: /^[\w-.+]+\#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/
Not all regexp parses know the \w sequence. Javascript, java and perl I know do support it.
I have already have covered '/^ at the beginning, for this [] match we are looking for
\w - . and +. I think that regexp is incorrect. Either the minus sign should be escaped with \ or it should be at the end of the [] (i.e [\w+.-]). But that is an aside they are basically attempting to allow anything of abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890-.+
so will match but wont (the % is not matched by [\w.+-]).
\# is the litteral atsil sign (it is escaped as perl expands # an array variable reference)
[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+ is the same as [\w.-]+. Very much like the user part of the match, but does not match +. So this matches and but not or my***
. means match any one character. This again is incorrect as fred#foo%com will match as . matches %*^%$£! etc. This should of been written as \.
The last character class [a-zA-z0-9]{2,4} looks for between 2 3 or 4 of the a-zA-Z0-9 specified in the character class (much like + looks for "1 more more" {2,4} means at least 2 with a maximum of 4 of the preceeding match. So 'foo' matches, '11' matches, '11111' does not match and 'information' does not.
The "tweaked" regexp should be:
I'm not doing a tutorial on RegEx's, that's been done really well already, but here are what your expressions mean.
/^<something>$/ String begins, has something in the middle, and then immediately ends.
/^foo$/.test('foo'); // true
/^foo$/.test('fool'); // false
/^foo$/.test('afoo'); // false
+ One or more of something:
[<something>] Include any characters found between the brackets. (includes ranges like 0-9, a-z, and A-Z, as well as special codes like \w for 0-9a-zA-Z_-
{x,y} between X and Y occurrences
/^[0-9]{1,2}$/.test('12');// true
/^[0-9]{1,2}$/.test('1');// true
/^[0-9]{1,2}$/.test('d');// false
/^[0-9]{1,2}$/.test('124');// false
So, that should cover everything, but for good measure:
Begins with at least character from \w, -, +, or .. Followed by an #, followed by at least one in the set a-zA-Z0-9.- followed by one character of anything (. means anything, they meant \.), followed by 2-4 characters of a-zA-z0-9
As a side note, this regular expression to check emails is not only dated, but it is very, very, very incorrect.

