I am looking for a solution just to show in a html page the name of each song when played from a mp3 player.
I just have a .txt file outputted from a software that fetches in real time each song artist and name from the mp3 tag, when a new song is being played, with this format inside (the .txt file is also autoupdated each time, like a log file does):
[24-07-2010 20:17:11] * Song 1
[24-07-2010 20:21:11] * Song 2
[24-07-2010 20:25:18] * Song 3
[24-07-2010 20:29:58] * Song ...
I need to get this data from the .txt file and put it into a html div, showing the new song name when it has been logged into the file until a new song is played.
Pretty simple I think, but I donĀ“t know how to work with this formatted text file (it cannot be changed), instead a typical XML file.
I have founded a script that works with XML (not plain text) and the behavior is other than I expect, because it rotates the messages each 5 seconds, not just when the new song is playing:
How can I get the [DAY-MONTH-YEAR HOUR:MIN:SEC] * formatted items in javascript?
How can I update the html div, each time a new item (song) is loaded in the .txt file?
Thanks in advance for your help.
There are several pieces of your architecture missing, which makes it difficult to answer your question.
Where did the javascript page come
What is the connection to the server
that the javascript comes from and
the mp3 player?
Where is the text file, on a server
or updated on the local computer by
the mp3 player?
But, if I make several assumptions you might get on the more correct path.
First, if the mp3 player sends a message to a server, and the server updates the text file (big assumption) then what you can do it to either have the javascript application poll the server on some timed basis, to decide when the song changes, and the server can just return the current song.
Is there is reason the javascript application needs the entire text file?
The other option is to have the server open up a long-term connection, such as comet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_%28programming%29), and the server can just push the data to the javascript application.
I am not answering your question about how to parse the formatted file, as I don't see yet that that would actually be useful to your problem, but as I mentioned, there are too many unknowns in your question.
Is it possible to somehow set a constant parameter of 22010Hz? I want to make a website with a page on which you can record a sound message on a local disk in mp3 format 22010Hz.
Demo: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/simple-demos/audio-recording.html
Sample: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/simple-demos/audio-recording.html
i tried to change the parameter in RecordRTC.js(https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/RecordRTC.js)
in lines 2944-4946 and nothing changes.
Hi developers i have some problems with blob videos for long time.So I think i finally got hierarchy of blob video that something like reads part of video from server and sends to client.But today i encounter some other problem.Firstly I searched from where comes this blob data to player and some articles gave me useful information for to refer to the links for blob that in inspect section of web page Network section on Chrome.
In this way i saw that the blob video downloads every few seconds with different urls but with little modification.The site was : https://www2.1movies.is/movie/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.html
Blob request refers to urls in a short time with only change of number like that:
in this exapmle only seq 1 changes frequently and number increasing.
So i used python to download this video by parts in normal mode (without asyncio , or with another sophisticated ways).I did't know how many parts consists video and i checked manually untill it will give 404 error.I did't saved code i used cmd ,therefore i will give code with example.
import urllib as ur
def downloader(x):
"Imagine we will call downloader with given seed url
for example site.com/seq-{}-signature=xxxxxx
in there program will change number with format like that
site.com/seq-2-signature=xxxxxx and so on.."
for i in range(1,2000):
"video will created with given namber like -> : 1.ts , 2.ts"
"and part of video will be read with url and write to file"
except Exception:
so program worked , but when i attempt to combine all video in one then i saw all parts did't loaded fully , fr example in network section 215th part show 300kb but downloaded file is 298kb.Therefore video playing like interrupted..
So maybe there are have other ways to download this kind of videos but if site works with this way , why didn't I succeed?
I use Filereader to read local video file (mp4), so I can display it in video tag.
I need to cut part of mp4 file (i.e. from 5 to 10 seconds) and upload it on server.
My current solution: I upload whole video file on server with "from" and "to" parameters, cut it with ffmpeg on server, upload to s3 and return the url video.
Maybe is it possible only with JS/HTML? I found Blob.slice method but i didn't know how to use it to cut video parts.
An mp4 video file is made up of 'atoms' which are like blocks of information or data within a file.
They contain header and metadata about the tracks in the movie (Audio, video, subtitles etc) and also the media data itself.
The concepts are straightforward but an mp4 file is quite involved when you look at one - there is a good example here from the apple developers site (https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/QuickTime/RM/Fundamentals/QTOverview/QTOverview_Document/QuickTimeOverview.html):
If you take a 'slice' of the mp4 file by simply taking bytes from some point in the file to some other point, you can see that you will be missing header information etc depending where you start from, and will also most likely start in the middle of an 'atom'.
Tools like ffmpeg do the hard work to extract and restructure the file when you want to cut part of the video.
There are projects which run ffmpeg in the bowser, but I'm not sure how practical or adopted they are - the one seems pretty popular anyway:
I am building a Discussion Forum as part of a bigger application I am building, the forum is just 1 section of the Application.
For my TextArea fields when posting a new Topic or a Post Reply, I have decided that nothing is as good as the PageDown Markdown Library. It is the same one that StackOverflow uses on all their sites and it works better than many of it's competitors.
The way the library ships though, I am not happy with the default Insert Image functionality. You hit the button to insert an image and it allows you to enter a URL for an Image and then it inserts the proper MarkDown syntax to show the linked image.
This just won't cut it. I need the functionality that you see on StackOverflow! Very similar anyways.
I need it to show a Dialog when you click the Insert Image button, like it does now, but instead of just an input field for a Image URL, it will have 2 filed options...
Upload image from your computer
Insert an Image URL and it will then DOWNLOAD the image from that URL and insert it into the post just as if you had uploaded it from your computer. This is important to not confuse this step. IT should not simply insert the Image linking it to the original Image URL. Instead it will take that URL and download/upload the Image to the same server that the upload from computer option does and then it will insert the NEW Image URL pointing to the newly uploaded image!
Based on some simple HTML like below for a Dialog window with a filed for my Upload from Computer functionality, which I already have working. I need to come up with some JavaScript and PHP that will download/save a remote image to my upload folder on my server when a button is clicked using only the URL that will be inside the URL text input field.
So it will need to do a few things...
Fetch and save an image file to my uploads folder using PHP when the only thing that the PHP function will receive is a URL of the image which could be on the same server or most likely a remote server.
After successfully saving/uploading an image from the URL, the PHP function will return a JSON string with the status/error and if successful then it will also return the actual URL and filename of where the new image is saved on the local server. The JavaScript/AJAX script will receive this JSON response and insert the Markdown syntax for the image into the PageDown editor.
The PHP function will need to ensure that the URL that it is trying to save/download is a valid image file and not some malicious file! Also not simply just some file of the wrong filetype like a non-image file unless we are allowing the file type.
It will be part of a module installed on many dinosaur servers so it needs to work on as many servers as possible too!
From the web
From your computer
I would be greatful of any help, tips, code snippets or anything to help with this. At this stage I really just need to build a nie PHP function that will upload images from a remote URL and also ensure that the URL passed in is a real image file or even better that it is in the allowed file types array!
A couple years ago I had started this but have now lost it and I am starting over and don't remeber much about how I went about doing it then.
The easiest way to download a file from a remote server would be to use copy (http://php.net/manual/en/function.copy.php):
copy('http://someurl.com/image.png', '/var/www/uploads/image.png');
As this function returns a bool, it is easy to determine whether the operation was successful and create a JSON response.
To verify that the file is an actual image, there is unfortunately no way that is 100% sure. It is probably enough to check the mimetype though. You can use finfo for that (http://php.net/manual/en/function.finfo-file.php):
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
echo finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
For a gif, this would return image/gif for example. You will have to hardcode a list of all mimetypes you want to allow.
I've got a llist of videos, with a click on a name it should display a video, the video-player i'm using read the video file name from a XML document in the same folder, I was thinking in, change the name of the file with javascript in the xml when a video name is clicked but I think this would change the original XML from the server and make it imposible for two people to view the page at the same time which actually sucks.
So is there any way to change only the XML on the user computer?
Or is there another way you can think to acomplish this job?
You can't change a (xml) file on the server easily. When you load it, the server will send you a stream of characters (call it string), which the browser will parse into a Document Object Model. This model is obvious locally, and when you modify it by using DOM manipulation methods like setAttribute, no one else will be affected.
To change a file on the server, you would need to explicitly request the server to do that.