$.slideToggle() & $.hover() animation queue issue - javascript

I'm trying to set up a pretty basic hover animation in jQuery. Mouse over a div and the major content is slid down, mouse up and it slides up.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('.listItem').hover(function () {
This piece of code works fine, but the obvious problem is the animation queuing if you mouse in and out really quickly.
To alleviate this I have read that the .stop(true) function placed before the .slideToggle() stops the previous animation and clears the animation queue. So I tried this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('.listItem').hover(function () {
My problem now is that this only seems to work on the first mousein and mouseout. After that the animations no longer trigger and nothing happens. This is Google Chrome DEV channel.
This seems to be exacerbated by how fast you move the mouse in and out.
I can't seem to work out what the issue is, this JSFiddle has a working (and breaking on my computer) example.
EDIT: I suspect this is a bug in jQuery 1.4.2 and have lodged a bug ticket: http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/6772

or you can use this hoverIntent plugin

.stop(true, true)
works like a champ:
$('.subpage-block-heading span', this).stop(true,true).fadeToggle('fast');
$('.subpage-block-content', this).stop(true,true).slideToggle();

MayBe better?
if (!$(this).find('.errorData').hasClass('down') &&
!$(this).find('.errorData').hasClass('up')) {
$(this).find('.errorData').addClass('down').slideDown('fast', function() {
}, function() {
if (!$(this).find('.errorData').hasClass('up')) {
$(this).find('.errorData').addClass('up').slideUp('fast', function() {
This way the queue is at most 2, one when is up and other when is down.
With the first condition we prevents to stay down.


Mouse cursor set using jQuery/CSS not changing until mouse moved

In my code I use the jQuery/CSS to set and unset the 'wait' mouse cursor with the following code:
function setWaitCursor() {
$('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
function setDefaultCursor() {
$('body').css('cursor', '');
I use this code to change the mouse cursor for a long operation:
... do stuff that takes a few seconds ...
This code doesn't seem to work unless you move the mouse, however (at least for Chrome on Win 10). If the mouse is not moved after setDefaultCursor is called, the cursor displays the 'wait' cursor until the mouse is moved (or vice versa).
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/antonyakushin/0jv6rqkf/
In this fiddle, the cursor changes for 2 seconds after the link is
clicked. If you don't move the mouse when you click the link, the
cursor does not change.
What is the best way to resolve this issue, so that even if the mouse is not moved the cursor is changed?
Although this is not the answer to this specific problem, this behavior can happen:
On Chrome
With DevTools open (which is very likely, in order to debug this issue)
The solution is simply to close the Chrome DevTools.
Some elements have default cursor styles. So wile changing the cursor style we need to change that too.
$(document).ready(function() {
function setWaitCursor(elem) {
elem.css('cursor', 'wait');
$('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
function setDefaultCursor(elem) {
elem.css('cursor', '');
$('body').css('cursor', '');
$('#testLink').on('click', function() {
var x = $(this)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
return false;
Demo fiddle
Just change the body to *. It will be applicable to all the elements.
Fiidle Demo
Code snippets:
$(document).ready(function() {
function setWaitCursor() {
$('*').css('cursor', 'wait');
function setDefaultCursor() {
$('*').css('cursor', '');
$('#testLink').on('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
return false;
body {
min-width: 500px;
min-height: 500px;
background-color: gray;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="mouseContainer">
Test Link
I think I solved it! Just call setTimeout() after you change the cursor. For example
setTimeout(null, 0); //in typescript we need to provide arguments
This is well-known trick (Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful?) but I didn't expect this would work in this case.
This is my favorite method of telling user unobtrusively that there is something going on. For example I use it to indicate that http requests are in progress. It is such a relief that the solution is found. Why I feel stupid again...
Actually I see the timeout in John R's answer now. But it is not evident enough.
I had the same problem and I noticed on another post cursor won't change until mouse moves that they had suggested doing a blur and focus to fix this. It worked for me. So, your setWaitCursor() should look something like this. That should force it to change without the mouse move. It worked for me in Chrome, but haven't tried other browsers.
function setWaitCursor(elem) {
elem.css('cursor', 'wait');
$('body').css('cursor', 'wait');

jQuery-animate() can't stop?

I have a button used to scroll back to the top of the page when clicked.
I want to have an animation effect.
$("#back-to-top").click(function() {
$(document.body).animate({scrollTop: 0}, 800);
return false;
When I click on the button, it did scroll back to top. However, I can't scroll down and it seemed when I scroll down the function is called.
When I use
it works well.
What's the problem?
Here's my Fiddle
I'm new to Fiddle, it just didn't work!
Try like this
$("#back-to-top").click(function(e) {
$("body, html").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 800);
According to your fiddle, you have to put this function outside of $(window).scroll( function() {});
Your problem is actually browser based, I tested this in Firefox which it didn't work. I then tested it in Chrome and it worked fine. Try using $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0},500); instead.

Bootstrap Hover slideUp slideDown Animation

I use this code to make bootstrap dropdown show when mouse hover
var bMobile; // true if in mobile mode
// Initiate event handlers
function init() {
"use strict";
// .navbar-toggle is only visible in mobile mode
bMobile = $('.navbar-toggle').is(':visible');
var oMenus = $('.navbar-nav .dropdown'),
if (bMobile) {
// Disable hover events for mobile
} else {
'mouseenter touchstart': function(){
'mouseleave': function() {
nTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$(document).ready(function() {
// Your other code to run on DOM ready...
I use this code to remove hover effect from small screens and work on big screens
How can make this code slide animation ?
and if there is code better than this code please add it in comment
I am bad in English, sorry :)
I recommend using the http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ project, and adding the css class you want, i'll try to throw together a quick example
Here's a quick and dirty demo
$($(this).find(".dropdown-menu")[0]).addClass('bounceInUp animated');
you would want to use something like this to handle the mouse events (no need for the $.on()):
so your code would look something like this.
The Jquery animation of slideDown() and slideUp() is what you're looking for, and this combined with the .hover() jquery event handler should be able to give you what you need.
you can lose the .on() calls.

How to re-enable button hovers in jquery

I'm attempting to disable the animation on click because when clicked, the animation starts moving and if your still hovered over an object it freezes, the end result is the animation stops running and it just moves,
my code to freeze the animation on hover is
function show_box() {
if($(window).width() > 768) {
function() {
$(this).prev().css('right', '29.337803855%');
$(this).prev().children().children().click(function () {
$('.favorite').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.secret').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.current-projects').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.tab-selection').animate({right: 0}, 3000).queue(function() {
to disable hover on mouseenter and mouseleave i used
but after the function is done, and the moving complete I set
but it doesn't re-enable.
At first your code could be much shorter, i think.
And please take a look in the jQuery doc for the on function it does Not, what you are expecting!
I think you should set a global variable if it is disabled at the moment and in the eventhandler you firstly check the variable and abort if its disabled.

Using MouseOver and MouseOut

Hi guys im working on my first website and im trying to implement a sliding menu using jquery.
This is what a got so far :
<a href="javascript:void(0);"onmouseover="ShowBox();" onmouseout="HideBox();"">Show box<a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowBox()
function HideBox()
When i MouseOver the control my menu slides down but slides back up automatically.
What I would like is to let the user the time to select and option from the menu and if he doesn't, i would like the menu to close as soon as the mouse leaves the control.
Any idea why this isn't working ?
Thanks in advance.
Do your stuff without the inline JS, and remember to close the <a> element and use a ready function
<a id="test">Show box</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: function() {
click: function(e) {
As you're using jQuery I believe it would be beneficial for you to use something similar to:
function() {
//.stop() to prevent propagation
$(this).stop().animate({"bottom": "200px"}, "fast");
function() {
$(this).stop().animate({"bottom": "0px"}, "fast");
What this will mean is that whilst the mouse is over the menu, the menu will stay in its open position. When the mouse exits the menu it will close. Obviously change the id, and animation CSS values to suit your needs :)!
Here is a working example:
Really there is no problem here - the script is doing exactly what you told it to. However, from what I understand, what you want is for the menu to stay open when you leave the "trigger" element if the user's mouse is now over the menu. Try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeout=250;//timeout in milliseconds to wait before hiding the menu
var menuMouseout;
$(document).ready(function() {
}, function(){
menuMouseout=setTimeout("$('#SlideMenu').slideUp();", timeout);
}, function(){
menuMouseout=setTimeout("$('#SlideMenu').slideUp();", timeout);
This way, the user is left some time after mousing out of the trigger element to get to the menu. You might need to fiddle with the timeout, but this should work. I tested this and it seems to be working. Just be sure, if necessary, to wrap this in $(document).ready to make sure all elements are loaded and ready.
Demo: http://www.dstrout.net/pub/menu.htm
If you're using jQuery this would be the proper way to go about it:
Show box
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#showBoxHref").hover(function() {
}, function() {
(just copy/paste this in and it should work)

