need to extract certain values from attribute and place them in variables - javascript

In the following markup on a page I want to extract out the following and put them in seperate variables.
1- In the onclick attribute get the value after the "ProductID" and put it in its own variable. "ProductID"
So in this case it would be 318
2- In the onclick attribute get the value after the "Orig_price" and put it in a variable, "Orig_Price" So in this case it would be 22.95
3- In the onclick attribute get the value after the "width" and put it in a variable, "width" So in this case it would be 330
4- In the onclick attribute get the value after the "height" and put it in a variable, "height" So in this case it would be 300
<img src="/v/vspfiles/templates/100/images/buttons/btn_quantitydiscounts.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">

var pieces = $('a').attr('onclick').toString().split('?')[1].split('=');
var parts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
var value = parseFloat(pieces[i]);
if (!isNaN(value)) parts.push(value);
alert( 'ProductID=' + parts[0] + 'Orig_price=' + parts[1] + 'width=' + parts[2] + 'height=' + parts[3]);

Please forget my previous answer, it was wrong (to test it, I assigned an id to the wrong element). You can get the value of the onclick attribute using getAttribute. For testing purposes, I changed your example to
<img src="/v/vspfiles/templates/100/images/buttons/btn_quantitydiscounts.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Now document.getElementById("test").getAttribute("onclick") returns'/BulkDiscounts.asp?ProductID=318&ProductCode=' + escape('LB30X40ES') + '&Orig_Price=22.95', 'Discounts', 'scrollbars,status,resizable,width=330,height=300');
Now you can get the values using
var theString = document.getElementById("test").getAttribute("onclick");
var ProductID = theString.match(/ProductID=(\d*)/i)[1];
var Orig_Price = theString.match(/Orig_price=([\d\.]*)/i)[1];
var width = theString.match(/width=(\d*)/i)[1];
var height = theString.match(/height=(\d*)/i)[1];
(code is stolen from Tambourine's answer, so please give him the credits ;).

Try this code:
var string = $('a').attr('onclick') + ""; // to be sure var string is string
ProductID = string.match(/ProductID=(\d*)/i)[1];
Orig_Price = string.match(/Orig_price=([\d\.]*)/i)[1];
width = string.match(/width=(\d*)/i)[1];
height = string.match(/height=(\d*)/i)[1];


Adding percentage to a price field incl. currency code

I'm trying to add 10% to a price field via javascript and so far i haven't been able to, and was hoping you guys would be able to help.
The field incl. currency code etc.
I did try something in this direction:
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
var Total = $("#cashamount");
Total.val(Total.val() * 1.1);
But that didn't work ;(
The price field shows up like the following.
<span id="cashamount" class="additional xxlarge carrental_total_amount">48,300.00 ISK</span>
After adding the 10% to the price, it should say in this example:
<span id="cashamount" class="additional xxlarge carrental_total_amount">53,130.00 ISK</span>
Any ideas are welcome, and i would really appreciate help on this matter as i do think it's fairly simple but i'm not very well into Javascripting.
First this: (solution below)
The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements
such as input, select and textarea. In the case of elements, the
.val() method returns an array containing each selected option; if no
option is selected, it returns null, jQuery docs
The .text() method cannot be used on form inputs or scripts. To set or
get the text value of input or textarea elements, use the .val()
method. To get the value of a script element, use the .html() method,
jQuery docs
So, one solution would be next:
var Total = $("#cashamount");
var totalNumber = Number(Total.text().replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));
Total.text((totalNumber * 1.1).toFixed(2));
//Add currency to this
Here's JsFiddle
var x = $("#cashamount").html(); // Fetching the value
var xSplit = x.split(" "); // Splitting the currency and ammount and storing it in array.
var intAmmt = +xSplit[0].replace(/,/g , ""); // Removing comma and Making it a integer
var newAmmt = intAmmt*1.1; // Incrementing by 10%
var y = newAmmt.toLocaleString() + " " + xSplit[1]; // Adding the currency sign with a space
$("#cashamount").html(y); // Setting the html;
So you can create a function for this:
function updateVal(elem){
var x = elem.html(); // Fethching the value
var xSplit = x.split(" "); // Splitting the currency and ammount and storing it in array.
var intAmmt = +xSplit[0].replace(/,/g , ""); // Removing comma and Making it a integer
var newAmmt = intAmmt*1.1; // Incrementing by 10%
var y = newAmmt.toLocaleString() + " " + xSplit[1]; // Adding the currency sign with a space
elem.html(y); // Setting the html;
and use it as:

Increase value of digit within HTML string (jQuery)

I have a bunch of images in a folder which are all named as numbers. The first one is displayed on document load.
<img src="image/01.jpg" />
I want to use jQuery to flick through the images. In other words, I want to convert the HTML to a string and then increase the value of what is currently "01".
So far I have:
var $n = $("img").html(htmlString(17));
The bit that I'm sure I'm completely wrong on is the selecting of the digit (i.e delcaring var $n. I've tried to convert the HTML to a string there and count along the characters but I'm not even sure if that's the right route to be taking; I can't find anything similar anywhere.
img element doesn't have html content, apart from that you are using html as setter not getter. You can replace the src attribute's value using replace method:
$('img').prop('src', function(_, src) {
return src.replace(/\d+/, function(n) {
var num = +n + 1;
return num.toString().length === 1 ? '0' + num.toString() : num;
You can just
1)catch the src value in a js variable
2) using substr function get rid of the "image/" part.
3) Then using split() on "." take the first array slot's value.
4)Convert that to integer using intVal() and
5) then increment the value
var source = "image/01.jpg";
var number = source.split(".")[0].split("/")[1];
number = (number *1) + 1
var newsource = "image/" + number + ".jpg";
this is how you'd actually get source
var source = $("img").attr('src');
just realized that this will make "image/2.jpg" , you could use a data-number attribute, you could re-name the images that are 1 - 9 , but this gives you an idea

access javascript variable into the .ashx page

I have a JavaScript, which returns 2 variables. I just want to access those variables in the generic handler(ashx) page but I can't. Can anybody give some suggestion?
var myArray = [txt, value];
var url = "insertComments.ashx?dat=" + myArray.join();
Change your Javascript :
var url = "insertComments.ashx?datTxt=" + txt + "&" + "datValue=" + value;
and in handler access that values with :
string txt = context.Request.Params["datTxt"];
string val = context.Request.Params["datValue"];

Javascript eval

I am trying to get the following working. It seemed to work initially, but somehow it stopped working
var setCommonAttr = "1_row1_common";
var val = document.getElementById("abc_" + eval("setCommonAttr")).value;
what is wrong with above?
The above code is little different from what I am trying to accomplish. I gave the above example just not to make things complicated here. Below is what I am trying to accomplish:
First I am getting an existing element as follows. The element is a
<tr id="row_1_4_2009_abc" class="rowclick">
I am using jquery to get the id on click of a row:
$(".rowclick").click(function() {
var row_id = $(this).attr("id");
var getAttributes = row_id.split("_");
var setCommonAttr = getAttributes[1] + "_" + getAttributes[2] + "_" + getAttributes[3] + "_" + getAttributes[4];
var new_row_id = document.getElementById("new_row_" + setCommonAttr).value;
You shouldn't need eval() to do this. The value you want is already a variable in JavaScript. Try:
var setCommonAttr = "1_row1_common";
var val = document.getElementById("abc_" + setCommonAttr).value;
Will everything be in that form? row_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx
if so, why not var new_row_id = document.getElementById("new_" + row_id).value;
You don't need to call eval().
You can just concatenate the string with the variable:
var setCommonAttr = "1_row1_common"; var val = document.getElementById("abc_" + setCommonAttr).value;

Change margin value on table with value from a variable with jQuery?

I select some tables using this:
$('.StatusDateTable').each(function() {
var statusLight = $(this).find(".StatusLight").attr("src");
statusLight = statusLight.substring(33).slice(0,-9);
if (statusLight == "Blue") {
var columns = Math.abs((start - end)-1);
var columnWidth = 40;
var marginRight = Math.abs(columnWidth * columns);
Now I want to set margin-right="theValueOfmarginRightHere" on the current table, is this possible?
I tried something like:
$(this).attr('margin-right=" + marginRight + "');
but obviously it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance.
$(this).css('marginRight',marginRight + 'px');
Use .css():
$(this).css('margin-right', marginRight);
You might have to add px at the end, not sure about this: marginRight + 'px'.
Comments on your code line:
margin-right is no attribute of an HTML element. It is a CSS property. So you cannot set such properties with the attr() method.
Have a look at attr() which parameters the method expects. It is either:
attr(name) to get the attribute value.
attr(name, value) to set the value. You don't have to create a string like name=value.
When you do string concatenation, you have to be careful with mixing ' and ". Yours would indeed create the string margin-right=" + marginRight + " (as you can see from the syntax highlighter). To concatenate the right way, you have to put single quotes at the right spot:
'margin-right="' + marginRight + '"'
// --^ --^

