407 Proxy Authentication Required - javascript

I'm getting the following exception while making a call using XMLHttp object asynchronously in Mozilla Firefox.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request.
Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied.
Description of cause:
Actually I'm trying to make an asynchronous request to using get in javascript. It is working fine using IE 6 but for IE 7 and Firefox 3.5, it will it won't get any data using asynchronous request so how to overcome this problem?
When I debug in Firefox 3.5 using firebug it shows
407 Proxy Authentication Required The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfil the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied.
exception at console so how to tackle this issue
Note: our network has proxy server

I recognize I am a little late to the party here, and this question, however, I was having the exact same problem. #FK82 indicated the right solution and I wanted to document it, as I've tried it and it works.
url: "http://somefancyurl.com/api/do_it",
data: { id:"user" },
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
If I do not specify jsonp I get the 407 Proxy Authentication Required error.
Although the original question didn't specify JQuery, I was able to test successfully with FireFox 3.6.x, and IE7 using this approach & JSONP.

Proxy Authentication is simply an existence of a http header field called "Proxy-Authorization"
Browsers are supposed to send those stuff automatically.
But since you could add some custom header to ajax requests, you could try setting it manually.
request.setRequestHeader("Proxy-Authorization", value);
request is the XMLHttp object
value is the base64 encoded version of username:password
Note that I am not sure thats the case or not, correct me if I am wrong.
Or some page I found on google says to add X-Requested-With, may be worth to try that too.
request.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");


How do I set a default Header for all XMLHTTPRequests

Problem description
We are running a Kibana 4.3 service. I do not want to modify the source code.
The objective is add an encrypted token, call it A-Token to every Ajax request that the browser makes to Kibana.
The Kibana service is proxied by nginx.
When a user makes an Ajax request to the Kibana service, the request is intercepted by an nginx http_auth_request proxy and passed to an "auth" service that validates the token. If its missing or invalid, then "auth" returns 201 to http_auth_request and the request to the Kibana service is executed, else it returns a 404 and the request is denied since it was made without a valid token.
(this scheme is based on the encrypted token pattern often used as a countermeasure for cross-site scripting in session-less situations like the one at hand).
I read the W3 XMLHttpRequest documentation and it seems that setRequestHeader needs to run after open and before send - which implies that this scheme is either impossible in a general case or very JS platform dependent.
A test using the Jquery .ajaxSetup like this example, confirms that headers cannot be set independently:
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(A-Token", 1314159);
Looking for possible solutions which will not require forking Kibana.
I was searching for solution for this problem as well but couldn't find anything and then I came up with next solution:
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.origOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () {
this.origOpen.apply(this, arguments);
this.setRequestHeader('X-TOKEN', 'the token');

Server is returning a 303 unless running an insecure version of Chrome

We are writing a web application using the Play framework hosted on Heroku. We wrote a rest API and are accessing it from Chrome. When we use an insecure version of Chrome we get no errors but when we try and use Chrome with the security settings we are getting a 303 from the server with a blank console in Chrome. The server logs say that the cookie isn't being sent with the request. Our headers are being set as:
response().setHeader("access-control-allow-origin", "*");<br>
response().setHeader("access-control-allow-methods", "GET,POST,PUT,DELETE");<br>
response().setHeader("access-control-allow-headers", "AUTHORIZATION"); <br>
I think we have some Cross Domain problem but I am not sure how to fix it. Any ideas ?
Figured it out. On the AJAX call from the application we needed to add:
xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}
and we needed to remove:
response().setHeader("access-control-allow-origin", "*");
from the server response and only specifically allow the domains we were allowing (localhost).

jQuery, CORS, JSON (without padding) and authentication issues

I have two domains. I'm trying to access a JSON object from one domain through a page on another. I've read everything I could find regarding this issue, and still can't figure this out.
The domain serving the JSON has the following settings:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"
From my other domain, I'm calling the following:
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
var auth = // authentication;
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + auth);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(textStatus, errorThrown); }
I know that 'auth' is initialized properly (logged and checked). However, this does not work. In Firefox's Console, I get
Request URL: ...
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
If I get rid of the beforeSend:... part, I see the following
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
However, the domain serving JSON also can serve JSONP. I don't want to use this, mainly because the application will be running constantly on a dedicated browser, and I'm worried about this issue. More importantly, I would really like to know what is actually wrong with what I am doing. I know that for practical purposes there are various ways to overcome the JSONP memory leak (such as not using jQuery).
At any rate, when I did use JSONP, my code looked like this:
This gets the following
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
after it prompts me with an alert box for a username and password.
Is there a fundamental difference in the way jQuery handles JSONP requests as opposed to JSON requests? And if so, how can I fix this?
Edit: Here's what I did find.
Basically, because I need authentication, the GET request is sending an Authorization header. However, this is not a "simple" header, and so the browser is sending a pre-flight request (the OPTIONS). This preflight request doesn't have any authentication, though, and so the server was rejecting it. The "solution" was to set the server to let OPTIONS request not require authentication, and report an HTTP status of 200 to it.
Reference: http://www.kinvey.com/blog/item/61-kinvey-adds-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors
mail-archive[.com]/c-user#axis.apache.org/msg00790.html (not allowed to post more links)
Unfortunately, the "solution" is only working on Firefox and not Chrome. Chrome simply shows the request in red, but doesn't give me any more info on why it failed.
Edit 2: Fixed on Chrome: The server I was trying to get data from had a security certificate which was not trusted. The preflight request on Chrome failed because of this. Solution
superuser[.com]/questions/27268/how-do-i-disable-the-warning-chrome-gives-if-a-security-certificate-is-not-trust (not allowed to post more links)
Welp, now that I have enough rep a while later, I might as well answer this question and accept it.
When you attempt to send a GET json request to a server with headers, the browser first sends an OPTION request to make sure that you can access it. Unfortunately, this OPTION request cannot carry with it any authentication. This means that if you want to send a GET with auth, the server must allow an OPTION without auth. Once I did this, things started working.
Some examples available here may illustrate further how access control can be combined with CORS. Specifically the credentialed GET example. Access control requires that the request set the withCredentials flag to true on the XMLHttpRequest, and for the server handling the OPTIONS method to do two things:
Set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Not use a wildcard * in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This has to be set to the origin exactly according to the MDN docs on HTTP access control (CORS).
Essentially, the thing processing the OPTIONS request needs to send back appropriate response headers so you can make that credentialed request.
In your question you stated that the service you are interacting with is returning Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, which is not compatible with a credentialed cross-domain request. This needs to return the origin specifically.
The aforementioned MDN Http Access Control (CORS) documentation also links to the Server-Side Access Control documentation outlining how a server would potentially respond to various cross domain requests - including handling a cross domain credentialed POST request that requires you to send back the correct headers in response to the OPTIONS method. You can find that example here.
Why don't you try typing the URL you are fetching the JSON from into your browser and seeing what happens. It sounds like you literally just need to authenticate into this other website to access it.
If your site needs to work in other browsers like IE, you WILL need JSONP, by the way. The security won't allow the cross site request to work. The headers won't change that. I believe you will also need to add a security policy in your headers.

Why does this jQuery.ajax not raise an error?

We had an interesting issue this morning - the details of the issue itself aren't relevant here, and I already fixed it, but I did run into something strange, to me, about jQuery.
The site I am building internally runs on https, only, so Apache is set to redirect any inbound http request to its https equivalent. This redirect is working fine. But, I had a bug in my software where I was trying to send the following ajax request:
jQuery.ajax({ type: "PUT",
url: "http://somewhere.com/cmdt/todo_lists/8457/toggle",
data: { deployment_id: 827},
dataType: "script"});
I understand that this would fail - I'm alright with jQuery not wanting to follow a redirect. But the actual behaviour is even weirder: I never see an xhr request go out at all! And there's no javascript error! It just fails, silently. If I change the url to https, or to a relative path, it works fine, no problem. My question is, why wasn't it TRYING to send out the request before? And why didn't it raise an error?
The reason you're not getting a failure is because it's a cross-site request, and so instead of using XMLHttpRequest, it's actually generating an HTML <script> tag and dropping it into the DOM, and using that mechanism to load the file.
This works reasonably well (considering it's a complete hack around wrong-headed browser "security" notions) but there's no way for jQuery to trap errors at that point, sadly. You will likely get a browser error if you have developer mode turned on, but that's it.
If you run that from an url that's https and try to open the equivalent http page you run into cross domain problems due to the different protocols they use. Have a look at same origin policy.

Sending POST message with AJAX Problem

I am currently trying to send a POST message which works fine except for the error that there are not correct credentials. However, after I add the credentials header, the message type is changed into OPTIONS and fails. I do not understand how adding a header causes the type to change to OPTIONS. Any help would be appreciated.
ajaxRequest = $j.ajax({
url: url,
type: 'POST',
beforeSend : function(req) {
req.setRequestHeader('Authorization', auth),
success: function(data, status) {
error: function(xhr, desc, err) {
console.log("Desc: " + desc + "\nErr:" + err);
EDIT: just to be more clear, I can literally go in and comment out the setRequestHeader function and it sends the message POST.
The problem you're encountering is because of cross-domain restrictions when using AJAX. When you try to set an authorization header, the browser issues what's known as a pre-flight request to see if the server will accept requests from this domain.
A pre-flight request is typically sent as an OPTIONS request. If the server you're invoking doesn't return an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header that matches your domain, the AJAX request is blocked.
There's more on this here: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
"User agents can discover via a preflight request whether a cross-origin resource is prepared to accept requests, using a non-simple method, from a given origin."
I've run into the same problem- there are a few possible workarounds depending on your scenario.
If you have any way of setting the above mentioned header on the 3rd party server (some applications/services offer this) then that's probably the easiest way.
There's also a javascript library called EasyXDM that may work for you, but again, it will only be of use if you have access to the 3rd party server to upload a configuration file for this library.
Other options to investigate are PostMessage and Cross Domain Iframe communication. The latter is more of an old-school hack, the former is the recommended approach for newer browsers. It won't work for IE6/7.
The option we will probably end up using is a simple proxy- invoke our own server with the AJAX request, and on the server invoke the 3rd party server. This avoids the cross domain issue entirely, and has other advantages for our scenario.
I guess this is a problem in Internet Explorer. without explicitly telling the request-method (POST|GET) the request header doesn't contain the custom-header in IE, but it works in other browsers.
Yet try to post this in the bugs for jquery. Also try in other browsers.
Edit 1 : I saw this as a bug in jQuery 1.4.x .... I reported a bug report now.
The OPTIONS response happens when the server does not know how to respond to the ajax request.
I've seen it happen often when trying to post to a third-party domain (i.e. cross-site posting)
The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI. This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.
Have you tried:
Having some sort of callback on the url that is being posted to?
Explicitly setting the headers (I'm assuming you're using PHP) on the url that is being posted to?

