Write a serverside c++/openGL App, that is accessible via JavaScript - javascript

I am currently having an idea where I want to save an image from a c++/openGL application on demand from a browser. So basically I would like to run the application itself on the server and have a simple communication layer like this:
JS -> tell application to do calculations (and maybe pass a string or some simple data)
application -> tell JS when finished and maybe send a link, text or something as simple as that.
I don't really have alot of experience with webservers and as such don't know if that is possible at all (it's just my naive thinking). And note: I am not talking about a webGL application, I just want to have simple communication between a c++ serverside application, and the user.
Any ideas how to do that?
Thanks alot!

Basically no matter what your language/framework you choose for your web server, you just need a interface that is callable from your browser JS, and you can do whatever you want in the server once it recieves the call.
Most likely any web service interface exposed from the server.
Just need to safeguard your server not to get DoS since it sounds like it's a huge process.

As far as I know, JavaScript (at least when embedded in HTML) is executed on your local machine and not on the server so that there is IMHO no way to directly start your server-application using JS.
PHP for example is executed on the server-side and so you could use e.g. the php system function to call your C++/OpenGL application on the server - initiated on demand through a web-browser.
When the call is finished you could then directly present the image.

Well you could always use the cgi interface to invoke your application
and have it save that image somewhere accessible to the webserver.
Then have your js load that via ajax.
Or make a cgi App that talks to the app and then serves a small
page with the pic in it.
Answering the comments:
CGI is not complex to learn, it is mostly a simple convention
you can follow. I think it would give you the maximum of
flexibility. I don't know which php mods allow you to leave the cozy protection of the server-application and interact with other stuff on your server.


Write PDF files from Web-App to USB-Stick

I am concerned with the feasibility of this:
On a pre-configured machine I will have a Web-Application pre-installed, next to an Apache-Suite. So client and server are the same!
In this Web-Application Users can drag and drop PDF-Files to an USB-Icon.
Then the Web-App should write the dropped PDF to an attached USB-Stick.
I have never done something like this (writing to USB), so I am fairly insecure.
And I am well aware of the browser-restrictions concerning JavaScript and Filesystem-Access, but...
after researching a bit I found out, that there might be some possible and
relevant (I'm a Web-Platform-Guy) solutions to this:
Make a "Chrome App" with USB-Permission (does this really work?)
Use PHP to find the USB and then write to it (how would that work under Windows?)
Use some Flash as middle man (not preferred)
Now I'd like to know:
Has anyone some good experience with before mentioned possibilities?
Has anybody ever done something similar? Did it work? Which path did you choose?
How would I know which drive the USB is mounted, and how would I get sure?
What other possible solutions to this problem are there?
You have a website ('client-side' user interface) and a back-end server ('server-side') running on the same machine. This gives you 2 options:
Client-side: Download a file through the browser via HTTP GET and let the user choose where they save it.
Server-side: Build your USB interactions into the back-end (Node.js) code, as #mcgraphix suggests.
Interacting with the USB on the server-side provides the most flexibility. Furthermore, there are a number of libraries that you can leverage. Head to npmjs.org and consider, among others, the following Node.js server-side packages:
With the server-side approach, initiate a Webservice request when the user completes the drag & drop action on the client, and implement the USB interaction within the server (Express.js or similar) method which services the request.
If the letter of the stick is known then writing a file from PHP will be simple
file_put_contents( 'E:\\folder\\file.pdf', $data );
You can read a list of drives into a dropdown and allow a user to select a default drive to write to
Your question is more an architecture question than a code specific question.
Your web app (if you insist on a web app) should have two major components, a server side component that can be given arbitrary commands, and a client side component (javascript using XMLHttpRequest) that can make requests to the server side component to execute said arbitrary commands.
So your server side component, the component that serves your web page should have some server side code that can write your pdf to the file system, it should probably generate the pdf file as well rather than doing that on the web browser.
Which technology you use is up to you, whether that's PHP, .Net, Node.js etc...
The general gist is you want a server side framework that deals with HTTP requests, in your case probably a post request from the client side containing the encoded pdf, and responds accordingly. Bind a particular http route to trigger your save logic.
Your http post request to the server will contain your payload which is the pdf file to a particular path, e.g. http://localhost/savepdf that whichever technology stack http listens to (you'll need to configure that)
Your server side component should read the incoming data, decode it as appropriate then make a file system request to write the received payload to disk.

Integrate Node.js with Symfony2 or PHP

I'm developing a web application with Symfony2. I need to create a push notifications sysmte (like Facebook). When an user publish something, I need some of another users receive a notification.
I saw that Node.js it's the easiest manner to do this. But, I did some simple examples and all works fine, but I don't know how can I integrate this node.js application with my Symfony2 application, or really with a PHP application.
Anybody can help me?
Thanks in advance!
Please note that you've not given enough details, so I will respond as a front-end developer and not as a mobile developer
Integrating NodeJS and PHP (in general) is not a good way since you need to launch both servers separatly, create the websocket server in JS while your application is in PHP and finally create a request (GET or POST) from your PHP to you JS server. Well, a big mess, so I'll expose my solution here under.
Quick insight for mobile apps. Well, technically, there's no easy way. You can use the Push "protocol" (http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Push_technology) with NotificationPusher (https://github.com/Ph3nol/NotificationPusher). I didn't used it before so I can't help you with it.
In general.
Most of the time when people thinks of Push, long polling will do the trick. For starters it means that the request is made client-side and the server don't send data & close connection until there's new data.
How do you implement this ?!?
Basically, you change the max_execution_time using ini_set or set_time_limit to a very long time for the current script and launch a loop (like a do..while) with a sleep and the check to your data inside. From your Javascript just make an Ajax call, for example with jquery: $.get. Just remember to remove the timeout and stay in asynchronous mode.
The only drawback of this solution is that you will always have a connection opened to your server which will consume a bit more of battery on a mobile device. If you have multiple types of data to receive do not hesitate to merge the calls and publish a type in your response data, since most of the browsers allows only 2 or 3 simultaneous connections to the same server.
I sounds like your describing WebSockets.
Take a look at Socket.io, its a module for node.js.
Also there is a example at GitHub https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io/tree/master/examples/chat
Interesting files for you should be the index.js and the public/main.js.
You can see the example live at http://socket.io/demos/chat/

creating login feature cgi-html in c language.(No PHP,Apache)

I am working in embedded environment. I have Atheros development board. I want to create login page using cgi and html only. I found one library libcgi. I have cross compiled that. I have checked the examples also.
how I can use that lib for session handling in login page?
Which is better cgi library?
Any suggestions are welcomed. Thank you.
CGI is a very simple thing: it's an executable that gets some information through stdin and environment variables. The script is executed every time there is a request. The script does not manage any http stuff (like listening on the port 80).
So you most likely will need a http server. There are lots of them, not only apache that will use much less resources.
CGI does not manage sessions at all. You will need a library that does that (however, as a general rule, I would try to avoid web development with sessions. If you need it only for logging in, it's much easier and secure to use authentication with a webserver). As the CGI executables shuts down at the end of a request, it requires some efforts to maintain a state.
Writing CGI in C is rather painful, can't you use any scripting language ? (like python or ruby ?).
Maybe you would be interested in http://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/ if you want to expose your application through http.k
Take a look at Wt. It is very good for a web gui of embedded system.
I found an answer of this questions. I have prepared one code for it. First of all I want to thank both persons bmeric and Tristram. I have take a look at both the suggestions. microhttpd is quite helpful. But the size of the wt is big so my board does not support it.
Finally let me tell you how I manage the things. In my board as I have already told that httpd is running. Which is part of busybox. Now I have prepared the html pages and java scripts in such a way that it will send the cookie in the header to the server.
My server is accepting the cookie in HTTP_COOKIE environment variable. So I have got it using getEnv function in my code. And based on that I have develop a code for login page.
This is the function call : getenv("HTTP_COOKIE")
Once again thanks.

Consuming webservices on client using javascript

I have found the practice of consuming webservices on the client quite uncommon and have a query in this regard. Is it bad practice to consume webservices on the client end? Does exposing the webservice put your application at risk in anyway. What is the main motive behind calling the webservices on the server and not client, because logic dictates that the number of calls to the server would become much smaller and the whole process would move a lot faster?
I am not sure contrary to what I believe is widely practiced and if so then I may be completely wrong in my notion. Since I could not find any real article on googling I ask this question.
it completely depends on the nature of the webservice and what you do with them, if the webservice is open and doesn't require authentication or certificate validation, then you can obviously load it from the client side.
incase if the web service exposes some critical information which you do not want to expose to the end user, its a practice to load it on the server.
incase if you want to do a business logic on the data returned by the webservice and dont want to expose the logic to the external world, you can do it on the server.
i would say it completely depends on the type of the web service and what you are doing with the webservice.
for ex: if its a weather webservice which is open, no authentication etc, i dont see any value in having it on the server except you want to increase the load on your server
Go over this Sun Link
Totally depends on web-service type you want to use there.
This might help you in further development.

How to use js to control actionscript on another page?

I know it's pretty easy to connect flash and js on one page by using external interface call.
But how would you connect a flash with the js on another page?
For example, if I had a flash game opened on one computer, but the user can only interact with the game with js on another computer. \
Please help.
I don't think you would be able to get these two things to communicate separately without some kind of medium or using XML Sockets. If it doesn't need to be real-time, then consider sending/receiving data to/from a MySQL server. If it does - I know you'll need to look at XML sockets - I'm just not 100% on how they are used as I've never had the resources to experiment.
I don't thinks this is possible. Only using some server-side programming ou multiplayer server, etc.
Using LocalConnection your SWFs can comunicate to each other, but they need to stay in the same page, same user.

