Javascript error in jssh in Firefox 4.0b1 - javascript

Using this Javascript through jssh compiled and built for the new Firefox 4.0 beta 1 returns an odd message. Here is the code (sorry if it's a little messy).
In summary the code checks all frames of a Firefox window which is a test page of our unit tests for a <td> element that has an onclick which contains the phrase Goodbye Wonderful, instead of getting a failed response back we are receiving this odd nserror at the end which we cannot explain.
var firefoxWindow = getWindows()[0];
var browser = firefoxWindow.getBrowser();
var doc = browser.contentDocument;
var elem = null;
var elems = doc.getElementsByTagName('td');
for(a=0;a < elems.length;a++){ if( ((elems[a] !== null && elems[a].hasAttributes() === true && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick') !== null && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick').toString().match(/doNothing/gim) !== null && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick').toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim).length >= 0) || (elems[a] !== null && elems[a].onclick !== null && elems[a].onclick.toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim) !== null && elems[a].onclick.toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim).length >= 0))) { elem = elems[a]; } }
var found = false;
var window = null;
for(var i=0; i < firefoxWindow.frames.length; i++){if(firefoxWindow.frames[i].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('object window') > -1){window = firefoxWindow.frames[i]; break;}}
function recursiveSearch(frames){ for(var i=0; i<frames.length; i++){var elems = frames[i].document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for(a=0;a < elems.length;a++){ if( ((elems[a] !== null && elems[a].hasAttributes() === true && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick') !== null && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick').toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim) !== null && elems[a].getAttribute('onclick').toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim).length >= 0) || (elems[a] !== null && elems[a].onclick !== null && elems[a].onclick.toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim) !== null && elems[a].onclick.toString().match(/Goodbye Wonderful/gim).length >= 0))) { elem = elems[a]; } } if(elem){found = true; return;} else{ if(frames[i].frames.length>0){recursiveSearch(frames[i].frames);}}}}if(!elem && window.frames.length > 0){ recursiveSearch(window.frames); }var origColor = '';if(elem !== null){origColor =;if(origColor === null){origColor = '';} = 'yellow';}
Here is the return message from jssh :
Received: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: interactive :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 1" data: no]

JSSh is no longer supported in Firefox 4 and is a mess to handle, switching to mozrepl since it's written mostly in javascript and adding my own javascript commands directly to the extension seems to be a better way of accomplishing certain things.


How to fix isInteger for Internet Explorer [duplicate]

i have this error in internet explorer console ' Object doesn't support property or method 'isInteger' ' how can i resolve it ?
function verificaNota(nota){
if (nota.length>0){
var arr = [];
if( nota.indexOf(".") != -1 ){
return ferificareArrayNote(nota.split('.'));
}else if( nota.indexOf(",") != -1 ){
}else if( nota.length<=2 && Number.isInteger(Number(nota)) && Number(nota)<=10 && Number(nota) > 0){
return true;
}else {
return false;
return true;
And yes, i pass it a number not char;
As stated by #Andreas, Number.isNumber is part of ES6 so not supported by IE11
You can add the following polyfill to you javasript
Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(value) {
return typeof value === "number" &&
isFinite(value) &&
Math.floor(value) === value;

Jquery undefined condition is not working

I have set a validation for undefined here below in my javascript code. Even if the value is undefined it is going inside the if condition
if (VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES != 'undefined' || VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES != "") {
VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES = lstPanaromicImages.join();
Updated code
var PANAROMIC_120 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic120')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_120 != "" && PANAROMIC_120 != undefined)
var PANAROMIC_150 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic150')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_150 != "" && PANAROMIC_150 != undefined)
var PANAROMIC_180 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic180')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_180 != "" && PANAROMIC_180 != undefined)
var PANAROMIC_210 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic210')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_210 != "" && PANAROMIC_210 != undefined)
var PANAROMIC_240 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic240')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_240 != "" && PANAROMIC_240 != undefined)
if (VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES != undefined || VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES != "") {
VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES = lstPanaromicImages.join();
You used an OR operator. This means that if the VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES value is undefined, it is still different from "", that's why the if statement is true.
Just replace the OR operator by an AND:
if (VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES !== undefined && VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES !== "") {
VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES = lstPanaromicImages.join();
Note that I removed the single quotes around the undefined keyword.
you can use isNaN function in javascript.
VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES = lstPanaromicImages.join();
if you are using "use strict" in your document then you can use the following way to check:
if (typeof PANAROMIC_120 != "undefined" && PANAROMIC_120 != "")
Note that I am using quotes over undefined when I have added typeof
Check undefined condition like as follows
var PANAROMIC_120 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic120')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_120 != "" && typeof(PANAROMIC_120) != "undefined")
var PANAROMIC_150 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic150')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_150 != "" && typeof(PANAROMIC_150) != "undefined")
var PANAROMIC_180 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic180')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_180 != "" && typeof(PANAROMIC_180) != "undefined")
var PANAROMIC_210 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic210')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_210 != "" && typeof(PANAROMIC_210) != "undefined")
var PANAROMIC_240 = $(document.getElementById('ImgPanaromic240')).data('imagename');
if (PANAROMIC_240 != "" && typeof(PANAROMIC_240) != "undefined")
if (typeof(VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES) != "undefined" || VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES != "") {
VSATSaving.PANORAMIC_IMAGES = lstPanaromicImages.join();

How to check null and undefined both values for the property?

I have two properties where i need to check null and undefined both for each, how can i use that in if else statements ?
var validateControlRating = function () {
if ( ($scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey === null ||
$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey === undefined)
($scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey === null ||
$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey === undefined) ) {
$scope.caculatedRatingDiv = false;
} else {
$http.get('app/control/rest/calculateControlEffectiveness/' + $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey + '/' + $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey).success(function (data) {
$scope.calcaulatedRating = data;
}, function (error) {
$scope.statusClass ='status invalid userErrorInfo';
var errorMessage =;
if ( {
errorMessage =;
$scope.statusInfo = errorMessage;
$scope.ratingValidationMsg = '';
$scope.ratingWinValidationClass = 'valid';
$scope.caculatedRatingDiv = true;
$scope.enableRatingSave = false;
It's a little tedious in javascript, you have to write each condition, and use parentheses etc
if ( ($scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey === null ||
$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey === undefined)
($scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey === null ||
$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey === undefined) ) {...
or just
if ([null, undefined].indexOf( $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey ) === -1
[null, undefined].indexOf( $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey ) === -1) {...
I think you need to to check this correclty, check for undefined then for null
and use && not || because your code will go to check null value for undefined variable and this surely will throw exception
if( typeof myVar == 'undefined' ? false: myVar )
{ // go here defined and value not null
if(typeof myVar != 'undefined' && myVar)
{ // go here defined and value not null
In your code check will go like
if ((typeof $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey !== undefined||
typeof $scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey !== undefined) &&
($scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey !== null ||
$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey !== null)) {
// do home work
}else { // do other home work }
You can use negate operator as well, but this would make work for "false" as well:
if (!$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlPerformanceRatingKey && !$scope.controlProcessRatingDTO.controlDesignRatingKey) {
This is a bit shorter but if you want to treat False values separately, then use the Adeneo's answer above.
You could do this:
if ( some_variable == null ){
// some_variable is either null or undefined
taken from: How to check for an undefined or null variable in JavaScript?

Internet Explorer 11 : Object doesn't support property or method 'isInteger'

i have this error in internet explorer console ' Object doesn't support property or method 'isInteger' ' how can i resolve it ?
function verificaNota(nota){
if (nota.length>0){
var arr = [];
if( nota.indexOf(".") != -1 ){
return ferificareArrayNote(nota.split('.'));
}else if( nota.indexOf(",") != -1 ){
}else if( nota.length<=2 && Number.isInteger(Number(nota)) && Number(nota)<=10 && Number(nota) > 0){
return true;
}else {
return false;
return true;
And yes, i pass it a number not char;
As stated by #Andreas, Number.isNumber is part of ES6 so not supported by IE11
You can add the following polyfill to you javasript
Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(value) {
return typeof value === "number" &&
isFinite(value) &&
Math.floor(value) === value;

Detect CSS transitions using Javascript (and without modernizr)?

How would I detect that a browser supports CSS transitions using Javascript (and without using modernizr)?
Perhaps something like this. Basically it's just looking to see if the CSS transition property has been defined:
function supportsTransitions() {
var b = document.body || document.documentElement,
s =,
p = 'transition';
if (typeof s[p] == 'string') { return true; }
// Tests for vendor specific prop
var v = ['Moz', 'webkit', 'Webkit', 'Khtml', 'O', 'ms'];
p = p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.substr(1);
for (var i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
if (typeof s[v[i] + p] == 'string') { return true; }
return false;
Adapted from this gist. All credit goes there.
3 ways of doing so:
var supportsTransitions = (function() {
var s = document.createElement('p').style, // 's' for style. better to create an element if body yet to exist
v = ['ms','O','Moz','Webkit']; // 'v' for vendor
if( s['transition'] == '' ) return true; // check first for prefeixed-free support
while( v.length ) // now go over the list of vendor prefixes and check support until one is found
if( v.pop() + 'Transition' in s )
return true;
return false;
console.log(supportsTransitions) // 'true' on modern browsers
var s = document.createElement('p').style,
supportsTransitions = 'transition' in s ||
'WebkitTransition' in s ||
'MozTransition' in s ||
'msTransition' in s ||
'OTransition' in s;
console.log(supportsTransitions); // 'true' on modren browsers
If you actually want to use the right prefixed, use this:
function getPrefixed(prop){
var i, s = document.createElement('p').style, v = ['ms','O','Moz','Webkit'];
if( s[prop] == '' ) return prop;
prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1);
for( i = v.length; i--; )
if( s[v[i] + prop] == '' )
return (v[i] + prop);
// get the correct vendor prefixed property
transition = getPrefixed('transition');
// usage example[transition] = '1s';
As of 2015, this one-liner should do the deal (IE 10+, Chrome 1+, Safari 3.2+, FF 4+ and Opera 12+):-
var transitionsSupported = ('transition' in || ('WebkitTransition' in;
Here the way I used:
var style =;
if (
style.webkitTransition !== undefined ||
style.MozTransition !== undefined ||
style.OTransition !== undefined ||
style.MsTransition !== undefined ||
style.transition !== undefined
// Support CSS3 transititon
Also you can use the following approach (kind of one line function):
var features;
(function(s, features) {
features.transitions = 'transition' in s || 'webkitTransition' in s || 'MozTransition' in s || 'msTransition' in s || 'OTransition' in s;
})(document.createElement('div').style, features || (features = {}));

