Problem with JavaScript arithmetic - javascript

I have a form for my customers to add budget projections. A prominent user wants to be able to show dollar values in either dollars, Kila-dollars or Mega-dollars.
I'm trying to achieve this with a group of radio buttons that call the following JavaScript function, but am having problems with rounding that make the results look pretty crummy.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
function setDollars(new_mode)
var factor;
var myfield;
var myval;
var cur_mode = document.proj_form.cur_dollars.value;
if(cur_mode == new_mode)
else if((cur_mode == 'd')&&(new_mode == 'kd'))
factor = "0.001";
else if((cur_mode == 'd')&&(new_mode == 'md'))
factor = "0.000001";
else if((cur_mode == 'kd')&&(new_mode == 'd'))
factor = "1000";
else if((cur_mode == 'kd')&&(new_mode == 'md'))
factor = "0.001";
else if((cur_mode == 'md')&&(new_mode == 'kd'))
factor = "1000";
else if((cur_mode == 'md')&&(new_mode == 'd'))
factor = "1000000";
document.proj_form.cur_dollars.value = new_mode;
var cur_idx = document.proj_form.cur_idx.value;
var available_slots = 13 - cur_idx;
var td_name;
var cell;
var new_value;
//Adjust dollar values for projections
var myfield = eval('document.proj_form.proj_'+i);
if(myfield.value == '')
myfield.value = 0;
var myval = parseFloat(myfield.value) * parseFloat(factor);
myfield.value = myval;
if(i < cur_idx)
document.getElementById("actual_"+i).innerHTML = myval;

First of all, Don't set myfield.value = myval after doing the math. You'll accumulate rounding errors with each additional selection of one of the radio buttons. Keep myfield.value as dollars all the time, then calculate a display value. This will also reduce the number of cases in your if-else cascade, as you will always be converting from dollars.
Now calculate by division -- you'll never have to multiply by 0.001 or 1000 since you're always converting in the same direction.
Use Math.round() to control rounding errors. You can multiply your original value first, then divide by a larger factor to also help control rounding errors; e.g. both these are the same in pure mathematics:
newvalue = value / 1000;
newvalue = (value * 10) / 10000;
switch (new_mode)
case 'd':
divisor = 1;
case 'kd':
divisor = 1000;
case 'md':
divisor = 1000000;
var displayValue = myfield.value / divisor;
Also, don't assign a string of numbers divisor = "1000"; use actual numbers divisor = 1000 (without the quotes)

Javascript's floating point numbers are a constant source of irritation.
You should try adding toFixed() to reduce the inevitable absurd decimals, and I've actually had to resort to forcing it to do it's rounding down where I don't care about it by doing something like:
number_to_be_rounded = Math.round(number_to_be_rounded*1000)/1000;
number_to_be_rounded = parseFloat(number_to_be_rounded.toFixed(2));
It's ugly, but it's close enough for a non-financial system.


Calculating the average of several function invocations using closures

I am doing a coding challenge that reads like this:
Create a function runningAverage() that returns a callable function object. Update the series with each given value and calculate the current average.
rAvg = runningAverage();
rAvg(10) = 10.0;
rAvg(11) = 10.5;
rAvg(12) = 11;
I got a working solution, yet they also want the results to be rounded like this:
rAvg(13) = 13.50678; => 13.50
rAvg(13) = 13.50; => 13.50
rAvg(13) = 13.5; => 13.5
rAvg(13) = 13; => 13
Here is my code:
function runningAverage() {
let number = 0;
let numbOfFunctionCalls = 0;
return function (y) {
number += y;
numbOfFunctionCalls ++;
let average = (number/numbOfFunctionCalls);
let averageArray = average.toString().split('.');
//to get the number of decimal places
//e.g 11.543 ==> ['11', '543']
if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) >= 2) {
return average.toPrecision(2);
else if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) = 1) {
return average.toPrecision(1);
else {
return average;
I tested parts of the function separately and it seems to work, yet when I invoke it I get the message 'cannot convert undefined or null to object'.
This sounds like a fun coding challenge!
In this case, you want toFixed(), not toPrecision(). toPrecision() essentially allows you determine how many digits TOTAL (including those on the left of the decimal point) should appear, whereas toFixed() focuses on the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Feel free to look these two methods up on MDN. When you read that toPrecision() may return exponential notation, this should make you pause and think, "That's weird. Why does this happen? When does this happen?", rather than "this detail is unimportant."
Your .length = 1 comparison needs to be modified to a ===.
Your code currently fails if an integer is the first number provided to rAvg(). In your first conditional, Array.from(undefined) may run, which is not permissible in JavaScript. You should consider ways to only work with "the digits to the right of the decimal" only if "there are digits to the right of the decimal."
Here is a working solution including all the suggestions, in case someone is interested:
function runningAverage() {
let number = 0;
let numbOfFunctionCalls = 0;
return function (y) {
number += y;
numbOfFunctionCalls ++;
let average = (number/numbOfFunctionCalls);
let numIsDecimal = average.toString().includes('.');
if (numIsDecimal) {
let averageArray = average.toString().split('.');
//to get the number of decimal places
//e.g 11.543 ==> ['11', '543']
if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) >= 2) {
return Number(average.toFixed(2));
if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) === 1) {
return Number(average.toFixed(1));
else {
return Number(average);
Not sure if this works but try it
function runningAverage() {
let number = 0;
let numbOfFunctionCalls = 0;
return function (y) {
number += y;
numbOfFunctionCalls ++;
let average = (number/numbOfFunctionCalls);
let averageArray = average.toString().split('.');
if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) >= 2) {
return Math.round(average.toPrecision(2) * 2) / 2;
} else if ((Array.from(averageArray[1]).length) == 1) {
return Math.round(average.toPrecision(1) * 2) / 2;
} else {
return Math.round(average * 2) / 2;

Iterate through result until 0 javascript

I have written a javascript function which accepts a number of variables to produce a result what I need to do is produce a result which is 0.00 (+/- 0.01) by adjusting a percentage value that is passed to the function.
If you select the first item from the list you will see the table updates with results and from there a user can enter a value into the Price ($) field say 100 click calculate and the results panel will show the results of the calculation.
The YTM when selected is 4.371 which produces a result of a Price ($) = 8.52
What I need to achieve is to show a result of 0.00 (+/- 0.01) by iterating through the YTM value and decrementing or incrementing by 0.001 until this result is achieved, for this example a YTM of 6.002 gets us close enough as we are happy with a +/- 0.01 variation in the output.
On line 114 of the fiddle there is an if statement that I have started but I am now stuck as where to go from here.
if (bondCalculation.calculatedPrice !== 0) {
Binary search will work. The idea is to start with a low YTM value of 0 and a high value of, say, 12000. Then you take the average of the low and high values, look at the error, and adjust the low or high end accordingly. Keep doing this until the error is sufficiently small.
You can replace
if(bondCalculation.calculatedPrice !== 0) {
function getPrice(ytm) {
return bondCalc(bond_term, bond_coupons, bond_semi_function, ytm, bondFaceValue, xtbPrice).calculatedPrice;
var low = 0, high = 12000, ytm;
var count = 0;
while (true) {
count += 1;
if (count == 100) {
ytm = (low+high)/2;
if (Math.abs(getPrice(ytm)) < 0.0001) {
} else if (getPrice(ytm) > 0) {
low = ytm;
} else {
high = ytm;
ytm = Math.round(1000*ytm)/1000;
bond_indicative_yield = ytm;
bondCalculation = bondCalc(bond_term, bond_coupons, bond_semi_function, bond_indicative_yield, bondFaceValue, xtbPrice);
to obtain this fiddle:
Try something like this, adjust variables/params as required:
if(calculatedPrice !== 0){
var currentPrice = calculatedPrice;
var adjustedYTM = ytm + 0.01;
calculatedPrice = calculatePrice(ytm, other, params);
if(calculatedPrice > currentPrice)
adjustedYTM = decrementYTM(ytm);
adjustedYTM = incrementYTM(ytm);
ytm = adjustedYTM;
function incrementYTM(ytm){
while(calculatedPrice > 0){
ytm += 0.01;
calculatedPrice = calculatePrice(ytm, other, params);
return ytm;
function decrementYTM(ytm){
while(calculatedPrice > 0){
ytm -= 0.01;
calculatedPrice = calculatePrice(ytm, other, params);
return ytm;

Javascript rounding failure

This is the rounding function we are using (which is taken from stackoverflow answers on how to round). It rounds half up to 2dp (by default)
e.g. 2.185 should go to 2.19
function myRound(num, places) {
if (places== undefined) {
// default to 2dp
return Math.round(num* 100) / 100;
var mult = Math.pow(10,places);
return Math.round(num* mult) / mult;
It has worked well but now we have found some errors in it (in both chrome and running as jscript classic asp on IIS 7.5).
alert(myRound(2.185)); // = 2.19
alert (myRound(122.185)); // = 122.19
alert (myRound(511.185)); // = 511.19
alert (myRound(522.185)); // = 522.18 FAIL!!!!
alert (myRound(625.185)); // = 625.18 FAIL!!!!
Does anyone know:
Why this happens.
How we can round half up to 2 dp without random rounding errors like this.
update: OK, the crux of the problem is that in js, 625.185 * 100 = 62518.499999
How can we get over this?
Your problem is not easily resolved. It occurs because IEEE doubles use a binary representation that cannot exactly represent all decimals. The closest internal representation to 625.185 is 625.18499999999994543031789362430572509765625, which is ever so slightly less than 625.185, and for which the correct rounding is downwards.
Depending on your circumstances, you might get away with the following:
Math.round(Math.round(625.185 * 1000) / 10) / 100 // evaluates to 625.19
This isn't strictly correct, however, since, e.g., it will round, 625.1847 upwards to 625.19. Only use it if you know that the input will never have more than three decimal places.
A simpler option is to add a small epsilon before rounding:
Math.round(625.185 * 100 + 1e-6) / 100
This is still a compromise, since you might conceivably have a number that is very slightly less than 625.185, but it's probably more robust than the first solution. Watch out for negative numbers, though.
Try using toFixed function on value.
example is below:
var value = parseFloat(2.185);
var fixed = value.toFixed(2);
I tried and it worked well.
EDIT: You can always transform string to number using parseFloat(stringVar).
function myRound(num, places) {
return parseFloat(num.toFixed(places));
Updated answer, tested and working:
function myRound(num, places) {
if (places== undefined) {
places = 2;
var mult = Math.pow(10,places + 1);
var mult2 = Math.pow(10,places);
return Math.round(num* mult / 10) / mult2;
Tested on most examples noted in comments:
function myRound(num, places) {
if (places== undefined) {
places = 2;
var mult = Math.pow(10,places);
var val = num* mult;
var intVal = parseInt(val);
var floatVal = parseFloat(val);
if (intVal < floatVal) {
val += 0.1;
return Math.round(val) / mult;
Only solution that I managed to find is to use strings to get round on exact decimal.
Solution is pasted below, with String prototype extension method, replaceAt.
Please check and let me know if anyone finds some example that is not working.
function myRound2(num, places) {
var retVal = null;
if (places == undefined) {
places = 2;
var splits = num.split('.');
if (splits && splits.length <= 2) {
var wholePart = splits[0];
var decimalPart = null;
if (splits.length > 1) {
decimalPart = splits[1];
if (decimalPart && decimalPart.length > places) {
var roundingDigit = parseInt(decimalPart[places]);
var previousDigit = parseInt(decimalPart[places - 1]);
var increment = (roundingDigit < 5) ? 0 : 1;
previousDigit = previousDigit + increment;
decimalPart = decimalPart.replaceAt(places - 1, previousDigit + '').substr(0, places);
retVal = parseFloat(wholePart + '.' + decimalPart);
return retVal;
String.prototype.replaceAt = function (index, character) {
return this.substr(0, index) + character + this.substr(index + character.length);
OK, found a "complete" solution to the issue.
Firstly, donwnloaded Big.js from here:
Then modified the source so it would work with jscript/asp:
/* big.js v2.1.0 */
var Big = (function ( global ) {
'use strict';
return Big;
})( this );
Then did my calculation using Big types and used the Big toFixed(dp), then converted back into a number thusly:
var bigMult = new Big (multiplier);
var bigLineStake = new Big(lineStake);
var bigWin = bigLineStake.times(bigMult);
var strWin = bigWin.toFixed(2); // this does the rounding correctly.
var win = parseFloat(strWin); // back to a number!
This basically uses Bigs own rounding in its toFixed, which seems to work correctly in all cases.
Shame Big doesnt have a method to convert back to a number without having to go through a string.

JS Variable is outputting as isNaN when I need a number

Here is the assignment so it's clear what I'm trying to do.
Write a program that calculates the price of a hotel room based on three factors. First, how many will be in one room: 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6? No more than six are allowed in a room. Second, are the guests members of AAA? Third, do they want a room with a view? The rate is calculated as follows:
Basic room rate is:
1-2 people = $50/night
3-4 people = $60/night
5-6 people = $70/night
There is a discount for AAA members off of the basic room rate per night:
1-2 people = 15%
3-4 people = 10%
5-6 people = 5%
A room with a view costs 10% more per night after all other calculations are performed.
The program should prompt the user for all the inputs, perform the calculations and output the total cost per night. It is suggested to use at least some nested if/else structures to calculate the cost.
Debuggers like firebug and JSLint haven't been any help and I suspect I'm just doing something completely wrong, though I haven't had trouble with "nested if" logic assignments before. Regardless I am a complete and utter newby.
When I test by inputting 1 for numberOfGuests, N for tripleAStatus, and N for roomView, finalRate is returning as isNaN (I know this means not a number), and I can't figure out why.
//Variable Declaration
var numberOfPeople;
var tripleAStatus;
var roomView;
var discountRate;
var roomRate;
var finalRate;
var discountPercent;
numberOfPeople = prompt("How many guests will their be? 6 Maximum.");
tripleAStatus = prompt("Are you a AAA Member? Y/N.");
roomView = prompt("Would you like your room to have a view?");
if ((numberOfPeople <= 2) && (numberOfPeople > 0)) {
roomRate = 50;
discountPercent = .15;
} else if ((numberOfPeople <= 4) && (numberOfPeople > 2)) {
roomRate = 60;
discountPercent = .10;
} else if ((numberOfPeople <= 5) && (numberOfPeople > 4)) {
roomRate = 70;
discountPercent = .5;
} else {
alert("Your number of guests must be at least 1 and no more than 6");
if (tripleAStatus = "Y") {
discountRate = roomRate - (roomRate * discountRate);
} else if (tripleAStatus = "N") {
discountRate = roomRate;
} else {
alert("You need to answer with either Y or N");
if (roomView = "Y") {
finalRate = (discountRate) + ((discountRate) * .10);
} else if (roomView = "N") {
finalRate = discountRate;
} else {
alert("You need to answer with either Y or N");
document.write("Total cost per night is " + "$" + finalRate);
It looks like
discountRate = roomRate - (roomRate * discountRate);
Should read
discountRate = roomRate - (roomRate * discountPercent);
Which is why you're getting NaN in finalRate; discountRate hasn't been defined at this point, so your code actually reads discountRate = 1 - (1 * undefined).
As other posters have mentioned, you also need to change your conditionals to use == or ===; = is an assignment operator, so rather than checking if tripleAStatus is "Y", you're actually checking if "Y" evaluates to true (which it always will).
tripleAStatus = 'N';
if (tripleAStatus = 'Y') {
// tripleAStatus is now "Y", and the code inside this if will always be executed
Working changes:
In your If statements, you are assigning values by using single "=". Since the assignment always occurs, it will return true. In order to compare values, you need to use double "==" in the if statement. like this:
if (tripleAStatus == "Y") {
discountRate = roomRate - (roomRate * discountRate);
} else if (tripleAStatus == "N") {
discountRate = roomRate;
} else {
alert("You need to answer with either Y or N");
Replace the single '=' in your 'if' statements with '=='. You're currently using assignment operators instead of equality.
if (tripleAStatus == "Y") ...
You are using assignments instead of equality operators in your if statements. i.e. change
if (tripleAStatus = "Y")
if (tripleAStatus == "Y")
Please use ===!! this way, the type in the statement isn't casted and therefor more strictly checked if its the same type.
if (tripleAStatus === "Y") {
discountRate = roomRate - roomRate * discountRate;
} else if (tripleAStatus === "N") {
discountRate = roomRate;
/e -> & its faster!
prompt() returns a STRING not a NUMBER.
Use parseInt() with numberOfPeople.
And the other problem, you copied and pasted the wrong variable names in your formulas. Look at how you are using discountRate instead of discountPercent.

Calculating the maximum value for a decimal using scale and precision

I am working on a JavaScript function that takes two values: precision of a decimal value & scale of a decimal value.
This function should calculate the maximum value that can be stored in a decimal of that size.
For example: a decimal with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3 would have a maximum value of 99.999.
What I have does the job, but it's not elegant. Can anyone think of something more clever?
Also, please forgive the use of this weird version of Hungarian notation.
function maxDecimalValue(pintPrecision, pintScale) {
/* the maximum integers for a decimal is equal to the precision - the scale.
The maximum number of decimal places is equal to the scale.
For example, a decimal(5,3) would have a max value of 99.999
// There's got to be a more elegant way to do this...
var intMaxInts = (pintPrecision- pintScale);
var intMaxDecs = pintScale;
var intCount;
var strMaxValue = "";
// build the max number. Start with the integers.
if (intMaxInts == 0) strMaxValue = "0";
for (intCount = 1; intCount <= intMaxInts; intCount++) {
strMaxValue += "9";
// add the values in the decimal place
if (intMaxDecs > 0) {
strMaxValue += ".";
for (intCount = 1; intCount <= intMaxDecs; intCount++) {
strMaxValue += "9";
return parseFloat(strMaxValue);
Haven't tested it:
function maxDecimalValue(precision, scale) {
return Math.pow(10,precision-scale) - Math.pow(10,-scale);
precision must be positive
maxDecimalValue(5,3) = 10^(5-3) - 10^-3 = 100 - 1/1000 = 99.999
maxDecimalValue(1,0) = 10^1 - 10^0 = 10 - 1 = 9
maxDecimalValue(1,-1) = 10^(1+1) - 10^1 = 100 - 10 = 90
maxDecimalValue(2,-3) = 10^(2+3) - 10^3 = 100000 - 1000 = 99000
What about
function maxDecimalValue(pintPrecision, pintScale)
var result = "";
for(var i = 0; i < pintPrecision; ++i)
if(i == (pintPrecision - pintScale)
result += ".";
result += "9";
return parseFloat(result);
Check it out here
I would do something along the lines of ((10 * pintPrecision) - 1) + "." + ((10 * pintScale) - 1)
Although pow(10,precision-scale) - pow(10,-scale) is the right formula, you will need to calculate it with decimal type instead of float.
For example, if precision=4 and scale=5, you will get 0.09999000000000001 if it's calculated with float.
Therefore, in Python, you can do something like:
from decimal import Decimal
def calculate_decimal_range(precision: int, scale: int) -> Decimal:
precision, scale = Decimal(precision), Decimal(scale)
return 10**(precision-scale) - 10**-scale

