Is my javascript coding style following best-practice? - javascript

What is the 'best practise' with regard to coding style.
Should I use _ for private members?
Should I use this._privateMember?
Please re-write my code in proper style if its wrong:
var _blah = 1;
someFunction = function() {
someOtherFunction = function {

I would read this and incorporate any part you agree with:
You do not have to agree with all of it

I don't think there is one. Use a prefix if you think it helps.
I use _ for private members because it distinguishes them which can be quite helpful in Javascript when you have variables coming from all over the place. But they do clutter the code a bit.

I don't use _ for variables that are declared using var. I do however, use _ to denote object members that shouldn't be access directly.
Some people (who are strange in my opinion :P), also prefix variables with a $ if it contains a jQuery object.
As long as you are consistent with what you do, there are no problems.
Aside from just the code you're showing now, you should use Capital Letters to distinguish constructor functions, and camelCase to name instances of objects.
function Foo (val) {
Foo.prototype.get = function () {
return this._dontTouchMePlease;
Foo.prototype.set = function(val) {
this._dontTouchMePlease = parseInt(val, 10);
var aFoo = new Foo(6);

I think that its generally accepted that if a variable name starts with a _, you probably shouldn't touch it (accept in dire cirumcstances and even then, two keys and special codes should be provided).
If I'm remembering my Crockford correctly, you'll want to put var in front of the two inner functions, otherwise they will be implicit globals. If you want them to be globals, then that's moot. Either way, your second inner function declaration should probably end in a semicolon. This might be a misformating thing, but I think its generally accepted that the bodies of functions are indented one more level in. Also, I've never seen the (function()){/* stuff */}(); construction before, but that says pretty much nothing.
I'd write it these ways - one for if your just declaring a function and another for if your using an anonymous function and immediately applying it to get a result, because I don't which one you're trying to do (again, if you want the inner functions to be global, then this won't be what you intended):
//function declaration
var myFunction = function () {
var _blah = 1;
var someFunction () {
alert(_blah); //or console.log(_blah); for debugging purposes
var someOtherFunction () {
//using a one-of to assign a result
/* NOTE: if you are using this version, myResult will be undefined
(at least given the functions you provided), but like I said,
I don't recognize the construction you provided, and am therefore
assuming that you meant one of these two, which could be a perfectly
falacious assumption, and in that case, my apologies
var myResult = function () {
var _blah = 1;
var someFunction () {
var someOtherFunction () {
BTW, (and I don't want to overstep) Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts" is a stellar reference for JavaScript syntax. He also has, on his website a JavaScript style guide of sorts (though I don't know how widely followed it is). Link is:

I also use the "_" in c# for private/protected members. It is a fast way to see if the variable is a member-variable or not. And you can access it faster with code-completion because you don't get in mess with the public members (private: _blah , public property: Blah).
But are there any private members in javascript anyway? I think every variable defined as member is accessible from the outside.
So you don't have a public wrapper for the private member. And that means the "_" is a bit a overhead and the same can be achieved with "this.".

I prefer you to use the following stuffs which is preferably used around the world programmers.. see below
i = Int
f = Float
o = Object
r = Return
a = Array
e = Element
g = Global declaration
hook = a function which can be used for hooking with other functions
call = a function which can be used for making call from client to server system
sync = a function which can be used for SYNC
and so on.. you can prefix on your coding...


How do you properly OOP with Javascript and clearly specify variable scopes?

In Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript, a formal description is given on how to use javascript in an object oriented fashion. Your code for functions inside objects would like along the lines of:
$(function() {
var oPerson = new cPerson("Florian");
alert("Hi! My name is " + oPerson.sMyNameIs());
function cPerson(sSetName)
var sName= sSetName;
var oPersonInst = this;
this.sMyNameIs = function () {
return sName;
With a bit more experience, you probably want a more clearcut reference to the instantiated class, so you modify the class code as such (and I add another function too):
function cPerson(sSetName)
var sName= sSetName;
var oPersonInst = this;
this.sMyNameIs = function () {
return oPersonInst.sName;
this.sMyFullNameIs = function () {
return oPersonInst.sMyNameIs();
Now we have come accross three different ways of referring to function or variables from within class functions:
return sName;
return this.sName;
return oPersonInst.sName;
Suppose I want to call the sName variable in the instantiated class very specifically, and these example functions will get more and more and even more complex and in depth as development goes on.
I think that the first option ('return sName;') is uncertain, as you are not quite sure whether you are referring to the variable in the right targeted instantiated class scope. It could be an accidental local var that you are calling.
The second, using this, IMHO, is also not perfect as this apparently changes depending on situations, and you can't (?) rely on that you are calling the right variable in the instantiated class specifically.
So the third reference, is IMHO, the best looking reference. Very specifically defined right at instantiation of the class. How can there be any doubt that the var sName of the class is meant.
Q1: Why are functions in the class defined with this.? Can it not better be defined with oPersonInst.something = function () { //... }; ?
Q2: why does, in code that I have given, alert(oPersonInst.sMyNameIs()); work, but alert(oPersonInst.sName); does not (at least, not within $.each( something, function() { //right here }) ), but alert(sName); DOES work (not favored IMHO, because of the above mentioned reasons)?
Q3: Can someone pot some exemplary code, or maybe even change this sample code, where solid out-of-local-scope references are used, that will work outside as well as inside $.each(...) callback functions (or other callback related functions) ?
Forgive my confusion, we're all learners, and I feel a hole in my brain. This article did not explain my concerns over this very well.
this doesn't change randomly at all.. it always means the current closure (function):
if you are in function_1() -- this means function_1
if you are in function_1>function_2 -- function_2 is the current closure and this means function_2
IF you need function_1's this in function_2 you have to capture it while in function_1: meaning var function1This = this;
and the way to reference a var by using the functions name before it means static access. It has different semantics
so use this.var to be sure you get the INSTANCE's variable
use a 'captured this pointer' to access your parents INSTANCE's variable
and only use name.var if you want to get the static, shared (between all instances) value

javascript "static imports"

Is there anything in javascript that is the equivalent of java static imports? For example, if I have a Math class that looks like
com.example.Math = function() {
function1(...) {}
function2(...) {}
Now some of these functions are naturally chained together such that the output to one is the input to another. I can do something like
This is a little ugly looking, and I would really like to do something like:
But I don't want to put function1 and function2 in the global namespace. Is this possible?
Yes, there is. It's called with.
with (com.example.Math) {
That said:
Using with is not recommended, and is forbidden in ECMAScript 5 strict mode. The recommended alternative is to assign the object whose properties you want to access to a temporary variable.
For example:
var m = com.example.Math;
How about:
var Math = com.example.Math;
and then:
Math.fn1( Math.fn2(...) );
I'm assuming of course that your code is not global code. (If you're not familiar with the concept of avoiding global code in JS, read about the module pattern.)
You can go one step further:
var Math = com.example.Math,
func1 = Math.func1,
func2 = Math.func2;
and then:
func1( func2(...) );
I would do something like this:
var O = function() {
var that = {};
var PI = Math.PI;
that.circ = function(r) {
return 2*PI*r;
return that;
var o = O();
Notice how PI is used without the Math namespace in the O.prototype.circ method.
In JavaScript, there is no distinction between a namespace and an object, so some would argue that Math is not a namespace, but since JavaScript doesn't support the concept, it is as much a namespace as com.mycompany.somelibrary.
One option is to use a closure to wrap the object. It doesn't necessarily eliminate the object itself, but it helps with readability and if you are using a JS compressor can help reduce the output file size:
(function(Math) {
You can also pass in multiple objects (ie: function(Math, Foo) {...}(com.example.Math, com.example.Foo)).
If you want to use just a few functions directly, just pass them in like this:
(function(function1, function2) {
}(com.example.Math.function1, com.example.Math.function2);)
This, however, removes the relationship between the Math instance and the functions, so you might get some weird behavior if your methods depend on instance variables. As an example of how that won't work, imagine this class:
com.example.Counter = {
counter: 0,
increment: function() { this.counter++; }

JS Private methods not redefined at each constructor call

How do you make a Javascript private method that is not redefined each time you call the constructor ?
As far as I know, in OOP-JS, private methods are methods defined in the "constructor method" of one's "class", called each time one instantiates a new "object". I was thinking maybe a function declaration (i.e. function name(), as opposed to function expression var name = function()) would do the trick, but how can I be sure that the following code only declares my function once ?
​function Tester() {
function test () {
var t1 = new Tester();
var t2 = new Tester();
How do you make a Javascript private method that is not redefined each time you call the constructor ?
You can't (well, see below for a bit of wiggle room). But unless you're going to have thousands of instances of Tester, don't worry about it too much; most engines probably reuse the underlying code across the multiple function objects that get created. (The code, mind; not the function object or the context it closes over, which must be unique and allocated each time. But they need not be large. Of course, quite a function functions are fairly small as well...) can I be sure that the following code only declares my function once ?
You can be sure that it doesn't; it declares the function each time Tester is called. Witness:
​function Tester() {
this.test = test;
function test () {
var t1 = new Tester();
var t2 = new Tester();
console.log(t1.test === t2.test); // "false"
Note that you can have functions that are private to the implementation, but not assigned to any instance of the object. The module pattern is handy for doing that:
var Tester = (function() {
function Tester(name) { = name;
Tester.prototype.publicFunction = function() {;
function privateFunction() {
console.log("My name is " +;
return Tester;
var t = new Tester("Fred");
t.publicFunction(); // Outputs "My name is Fred" via the private function
There, privateFunction is completely private, accessible only to the code within the anonymous function. And there's only one copy of it, but you can call it as though you were calling a method of a Tester instance using
Alternately, of course, since using call is slightly slower than doing a normal call, you could just pass the instance as an argument:
var Tester = (function() {
function Tester(name) { = name;
Tester.prototype.publicFunction = function() {
function privateFunction(t) {
console.log("My name is " +;
return Tester;
var t = new Tester("Fred");
t.publicFunction(); // Outputs "My name is Fred" via the private function
Of course, the extra cost of call is only a problem if and when it's a problem; unless you're calling something hundreds of thousands of times in a tight loop, it's unlikely to matter. So whether to use call and this or pass an argument would be primarily a style choice.
It took me a while (coming form an ActionScript 3 background), but I feel that I should share with you how I learned to stop worrying and love the lack of private methods ;)
Many popular JavaScript libraries, such as Backbone.js and js-Signals simply make use of a naming convention where a leading underscore denotes private members as opposed to using slightly esoteric syntax (although each to their own!). Just to give this some additional context, Python's documentation goes as far as saying that Python does not support private members at all and suggests using an underscore instead.
JavaScript is a very dynamic language; there's no strict type checking and some really exciting scoping; and there are some really cool libraries out there which take advantage of those facts, such as SinonJS which makes it effortless to achieve meaningful test coverage in your codebase; for example:
var instance = new Car("ford");
// Replace the car's engine with test stub.
// Alternative syntax: sinon.stub(instance, '_engine');
instance._engine = sinon.stub(instance._engine);
// As the '_engine' object has been mocked it gains new attributes.
ok(instance._engine.checkOil.calledOnce, 'Oil level was checked');
Sorry this answer doesn't really answer your question (T.J's answer is pretty much textbook in that regard) - I just thought it would be worthwhile to offer another possible solution.

javascript function arguments as private variables

I remember reading somewhere that function arguments get turned into private variables within the function so I tried this:
var node = function(nParent,nName,nContent){
this.init = function(){
alert(nName+" "+nParent+" "+nContent);
var a = new node("A - parent","A - name","A - content");
var b = new node("B - parent","B - name","B - content");
which alerts the correct passed in arguments so is this ok to use instead of something like this:
var node = function(nParent,nName,nContent){
var parent = nParent;
var name = nName;
var content = nContent;
this.init = function(){
alert(name+" "+parent+" "+content);
I know I would have to use the second version if I wanted to do any form of extra validation checking on the arguments before assigning them to the private variables, I just didn't want to waste space if the arguments are already private variables that will never go anywhere, is this a reasonable thing to do?
Of course it's okay. These arguments are instantiated variables, with no appreciable difference from the other variables you set them to.
Now, if you didn't use any named parameters, and used arguments instead, then there would be a difference: in code readability, in even performance (there's a penalty for using arguments).
Only downside to all of this is that your variable definitions won't all be in the same place. (Assuming that there would be any more variable definitions and assignments in this function, beyond the params passed.)
Yes; that's perfectly fine.

What's up with this JavaScript pattern?

I saw this pattern:
Money = (function() {
function Money(rawString) {
this.cents = this.parseCents(rawString);
in this CoffeeScript screencast preview. (The homepage for the screencast is here.)
Now, I don't understand this pattern. There is a Money function that contains a Money function. What's that about?
Could someone explain?
As quoted, there's no point to that pattern other than that the outer Money symbol can be deleted from the window object (except on IE7 and below, but that's another story) because it's a normal (implicit) property of window (as opposed to a var or a symbol deriving from a function declaration). But even then, the outer Money symbol receives a function that does absolutely nothing. Could it be misquoted?
For instance, here's a fairly standard patttern:
Money = (function() {
var someCompletelyPrivateVariable;
function doSomethingCompletelyPrivate() {
function Money(rawString) {
this.cents = this.parseCents(rawString);
return Money;
That's the module pattern, and it lets you have completely private variables and functions (both illustrated) whilst only having one public symbol. But I've had to edit a fair bit to create that (the most significant edits being the return Money; at the end and the addition of () after the anonymous function so we're calling it rather than just defining it.
Using the CoffeeScript code that the video claims is a proper conversion...
class Money
constructor: (rawString) ->
#cents = #parseCents rawString
...CoffeeScript will generate the following, which is basically identical to #T.J. Crowder's answer:
var Money;
Money = (function() {
function Money(rawString) {
this.cents = this.parseCents(rawString);
return Money;
I'm just posting this to show what CoffeeScript actually does, and that the video does not represent the reality.
You can see the conversion if you visit the site and click the "Try CoffeeScript" button.
Please do not "accept" this answer.
To add some private variable usage that utilizes the scope, you could do this:
class Money
constructor: (rawString) ->
#cents = #parseCents rawString
#id = priv++
...which renders as:
var Money;
Money = (function() {
var priv;
priv = 0;
function Money(rawString) {
this.cents = this.parseCents(rawString); = priv++;
return Money;
By the way, I know nothing about CoffeeScript. Its syntax looks confusing to me, but perhaps just because I'm not accustomed to it.
I like JavaScript the way it is (especially with the new and yet to come changes).
I'm the author of the screencast mentioned, and the source of the snippet. A few clarifications:
The context in which the snippet was mentioned was in an animated comparison of JavaScript and CoffeeScript syntax.
It was intentionally simplified so as to not add extra confusion in the context of the CoffeeScript concept being taught at that exact moment in the video (the video was not trying to teach JavaScript constructor or class syntax).
You can get the full JavaScript text of any CoffeeScript snippet by running it through the CoffeeScript compiler as shown in the screencast, or by running it on the official CoffeeScript website.
I'll add a clarification to the video and preview mentioned above.
Otherwise, the other explanations here on Stack Overflow are correct. If you're building a JavaScript class you should return the current object and call the anonymous function shown above. But that's not the point of CoffeeScript. ;-)
It doesn't look like a real example, the grouping operator of the "outer" function is pointless and as TJ says, it does absolutely nothing. Called as a constructor, it will return an empty object.
#TJ - the quote is correct, you need to watch about 40 seconds of the video.
Money = (function() {
var uid = 0;
function Money(rawString) {
this.cents = this.parseCents(rawString);
this.uid = uid++;
return Money;
Another use case of this pattern is to have local variables that act as if there statically bound to the function.
This is subtly different from the module pattern because your adding static private information to a function. Instead of packaging data and returning an object which has some local variables in scope.
The other option for achieving this would be using Money.uid but that would be public.
There are three things going on here:
First, as other answerers have noted, the code given in the PeepCode screencast and cited in the question has a couple of mistakes. There is a return, and the outer function is called.
Second, as T.J. noted, this is a module pattern. You can execute arbitrary code in CoffeeScript class blocks, and variables obey the same scoping rules as in other functions. So, for instance, you could write
class HashedPassword
salt = Math.random()
constructor: (password) ->
#value = hash password, salt
in which case salt is visible only within the HashedPassword class definition.
Finally, it should be noted that this is the only place that CoffeeScript ever uses "named" functions (those declared with function foo() rather than foo = function()). Named functions are great for stack traces and such, but they cause inconsistencies between IE (< 9) and other browsers unless scoped in a module like this (see the CoffeeScript FAQ, heading "Is there any way to name functions, for reflection and recursion?"). So a secondary use of the class syntax is to safely declare named functions.
I hope that answers your question, Šime.
The outer Money function takes no arguments. The inner Money function captures rawString via closure. The advantage here is that you're not polluting the global namespace with the inner Money function definition.
EDIT: I would agree with TJ that the pattern as it stands is useless. It doesn't do anything and the outer function is used solely for scoping. Without seeing the screencast author's complete example, it's hard to tell where he is going with this.

