HTML5 Canvas: How to fake globalCompositeOperation="darker" - javascript

I've googled and googled about this, and all I can find, including on StackOverflow, is "support was and is broken in most major browsers." Not an actual solution to my problem.
This month's Playboy came with a pair of 3D glasses (red/cyan) to view the eye-popping centerfold. Naturally, I hit the Internets to find every single red/cyan anaglyph I could and look at how awesome they are. Eventually I found some animated GIFs, which led to the idea that maybe I should make some cool HTML5 Canvas thing that lets you put shapes on a scene in 3D.
This is how far I got. Only works well in Google Chrome. In Firefox, the "Elevated Text" should look correct, but not the rectangles.
The way I'm generating the scene is thus: There are layers that each contain a Z-index, and you can place a rectangle or some text on whichever layer you want. The concept is simple. When drawing the object, it draws one [Z-index] pixels to the left in pure red, then it draws one [Z-index] pixels to the right in pure cyan.
In theory, the overlapping parts should subtract to become pure black. In Chrome, this happens for filling rectangles, stroking text, but not for filling text. In Firefox, this only happens for stroking text.
Although the intended effect of globalCompositeOperation="darker" should do exactly what I want, it's obvious that going down this road is going to bring nothing but pain.
Does anyone here have an idea as to how I can get the effect I want without using globalCompositeOperation? I tried messing with the alpha channel on the colors but didn't really like how that came together (they never add up to pure black). I could draw a third black rectangle between the red and cyan ones, but that doesn't solve the problem for text or arbitrary shapes.
I could do the pixel-for-pixel rendering myself in the Javascript, but that just seems like overkill. Any thoughts?

If you still need this, I have written a free context-blender library that lets you perform Photoshop-style blend modes between two canvases. I have not yet added 'darker', but you could either:
Fork the project on GitHub, add your own support for darker (it's pretty easy to see how to add a mode) and then send me a pull request, or
Ply me with promises of upvotes to get it added for you. :) The only hard part (as with many of the blending modes) will be attempting to determine what is correct when blending one or two areas which are <100% opacity.

It seems that the correct mode in Firefox is globalCompositeOperation="difference". Haven't tested in Chrome or IE.
Because "difference" is a mathematical operation, there is no ambiguity in the implementation, unlike the subjective term "darker".

Maybe you would like to use darken instead of darker. darker has been removed from the specification in 2007

It's a bit of a hacky way but it worked for me.
You can invert the entire canvas by doing
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "difference";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
Then render whatever you want to render using globalCompositeOperation = "lighter". Then invert the entire canvas again and it should give the same results as a "darker" blend mode would.


Canvas lineTo drawing and blending [duplicate]

Please look at the picture (sorry, new users can't insert an image directly into post).
Lines are drawn semi-transparent colors (alpha = 0.5).
When the red line crosses itself, the double overlay translucent colors does not occur. At the same time, separate the green line superimposed on the red as it should.
It can be concluded that the lines are drawn on canvas is not linear, as well as the whole area. I think this is incorrect behavior.
Live demo:
I will not ask how to fix it :) The question is ideological: how do you think about this behavior?
This is logical and it should be;
This is not logical, but if it happened - we assume that feature;
Canvas work that way for technological reasons - the implementation is simpler.
This is an obvious bug, and the authors of browsers should fix it.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Great question! The spec writer (and I) believe that the answer is:
This is logical and it should be;
Lets explore the reasoning for this.
You are not drawing separate lines when you draw the red path. You are drawing an entire path, and an entire path is drawn all at once and stroked all at once, and the color of the path cannot "overlap" itself. This is intentionally defined by the specification. It reads:
Since the subpaths are all stroked as one, overlapping parts of the paths in one stroke operation are treated as if their union was what was painted.
If you wanted to get an overlay effect you could simply use multiple paths, as you do by adding the green line. So you can easily do it the other way when necessary.
You should consider this feature a good thing: If the Canvas spec were to require each subpath of the path to cause an additional overlay then the corners of every path (where each line is joined) would look horrible! (see the red connections here for an example of what each corner would look like)
Since having the path overlap on the crosses also means it would overlap on every corner, the specification decides to only use the union'd path when stroking, which keeps normal-looking corners as the expected default (I think most people would expect them to look as they do, not to look as I showed). If the lines were overlaid on the crossings but not every corner then it would not be a consistent rule, which makes it much harder to learn and work around.
So the reasoning is clear I hope. The specification has to give us 3 things, usually in this order: The most-common expected output (corners look as they do), consistency (if we overlaid on line crosses we'd also be doing it on corners, so we shouldn't do it), and ease of understanding.
A good specification is always consistent. If something is consistent then it is more learnable, which makes it easier to understand once you know why something is done that way.

HTML Canvas: mouse click hit test by using ghost canvas - anti-aliasing troubles

I'm writing an JavaScript application that is drawing arbitrarily shaped objects on a HTML canvas. The user should be able to select any of the objects by clicking on them.
To make this an O(1) operation I'm using a shadow canvas, i.e. a not displayed canvas that has exactly the same size, where each object drawn on the normal canvas is also drawn there - but with a color that represents it's ID.
So a simple ghostContex.getImageData() together with the mouse click coordinates gives me the color at that pixel and thus the ID of the clicked object.
All of that is working fine - except when I click on the exact border of an object.
As it's drawn with anti-aliasing on the ghost canvas I get a wrong color (as that color is a mixture between the correct ID and the ID of the object under it that was drawn before...). This wrong color is representing a wrong ID and thus I'm selecting a totally different object :(
How can I solve that problem?
Note #1: I'm already using the translate(0.5, 0.5) trick to prevent most anti-aliasing
Note #2: I was trying to write this application with SVG before, but especially this object selection was extremely slow as I guess it's been too many objects for the collision detection. That's the main reason why I want a O(1) approach now... Oh, and this way I can easily draw a much bigger line on the ghost canvas than the line is drawn on the normal canvas to make picking much easier.
Note #3: Relevant browsers are Firefox, Chrome, Android 2.3+ native and iOS native
The reason why I couldn't accept any answer here is quite easy and quite sad: it doesn't exist... :(
The antialiasing can not be switched of, the standard has no method for that. But the standard does have a hit test function ( that would do exactly what is needed here. Even in a nice way that would hide the nasty details for the developer - but it's not implemented in any of the browsers right now.
And implementation was looking to be far away till impossible (see e.g. comment #6 at But apparently it gained momentum during the last month...
So what can be done in the mean time? What did I do?
In my code I could implement for each shape a isPointInShape() method. So I use the ghost canvas trick to get a shape and verify with the isPointInShape() that I really selected the correct shape. This helps in the anti aliased pixels not to pick a wrong shape (just think of clicking on the border of shape #2 where we had a 50% antialias transparency - this would tell you wrongly a selection of shape #1...).
If implementing a generic isPointInShape() is quite hard for your shape you could try a trick that I was reading of somewhere else (I didn't try it tough, so I haven't tested it...):
Create an additional ghost canvas of size 1x1 pixel that is positioned exactly on the mouse position. Then draw the shape of interest - when the A of the RGBA is changed, this shape does belong to that pixel.
I know this is an old post, but recently I had a similar issue. The way I solved the "seam of two colors" problem was doing a 10x10 pixel sampling of the secondary canvas instead of a single pixel. I then stringified the RGB values and used these as keys in a map that mapped to the object that color represents. So initially with the 1 pixel sampling I used the map immediately to determine the associated object but antialiasing created halfway colors that didn't exist in the map. The 10x10 method solves this problem by looping through the 100 RGB values returned and creating a "counting map." This map uses the stringified colors and maps them to a count, but only includes valid colors from the first map in the count. So you end up with a map saying you counted 65 red pixels and 23 blue pixels (where the remaining 12 pixels were some weird anti-alias hybrid). In the same loop where I was counting the colors I also maintained a variable for current max count and current color associated with that max count (to avoid looping through this new map again). Now at the end you have the color that was counted the most in that 10x10 sampling and can use that to map back to the object associated with it. You will only get an undefined result if no valid colors were found in the 10x10 sample which you can reasonably assume means the "background" was clicked.
I made up the name ghost context! Are you using my old tutorial? :)
In that old tutorial I do not clear the ghost context after each object is drawn to it. In your case, to fix your issue, you may need to clear after testing each object on the ghost context.
Make sure of course that you are translating the ghost context and normal context by precisely the same amounts. (and translating them back, or resetting the transformation, afterwards).

three.js outer glow for sphere object?

I'm building some sort of planetary system in three.js and I spent couple of hours looking for a decent solution to get an outer glow on one planet - a sphere object with a texture.
I came across this example which kind of does the trick, but the thing is - this form of glow also affects the main 3D object resulting in color change (as seen there).
Another nice glow example can be found here but again it glows the entire region, not only "outer" thing.
I've been reading some discussion thread about "overrideMaterial" property on GitHub but this seems experimental, unused and undocumented... not even sure if this could solve my problem.
Please share your ideas, thanks!
I've worked a bit on separating out the part of the WebGL Globe code (linked to above) that produces the atmospheric effect. A preliminary working version is here:
To the best of my understanding, there are a few interesting things going on in the original code to create the atmospheric effect. First, the glowing texture is placed on another sphere -- let's call it the Atmo Sphere :) -- that surrounds the sphere with the image of earth on it. The Atmosphere material is flipped so that the front side does not render, only the back side, thus it does not obscure the earth sphere even though it surrounds it. Second, the gradient lighting effect is achieved by using a fragment shader rather than a texture. However, the atmosphere will change its appearance if you zoom in and out; this was not evident in the WebGL Globe experiment because zooming was disabled.
[updated April 30th]
Next, similar to the source code from
the sphere with the gradient lighting texture (and another black-textured sphere) are placed in a second scene, and then the results from that scene are composed with the original scene using an additive blender. And just so you can experiment with the parameters used to create the glow effect, I have included a couple of sliders so that you can change the values and see the different glow effects that result.
I hope this helps you get started. Good luck!
[updated June 11]
I have a new example which achieves the same effect in a much simpler way, rather than using post-processing and additively blending two scenes, I just changed some of the parameters in the customized material. (It seems obvious in retrospect.) For an updated example, check out:
Still haven't figured out the pan/zoom issues though.
[Updated July 24]
I figured out the pan/zoom issues. It requires using a shader; for details about the complexities, see the related question Three.js - shader code for halo effect, normals need transformation and for the final working example, see:
I'm pretty happy with the final result, so I will not be updating this answer any more :)
In the example you are referring to, I used a blue glow with additive blending -- if you used a white color instead maybe that would produce the effect you want.

How to eliminate the seam between UV map triangles (HTML5 Canvas)?

I've set up a simple demo of UV mapping at . It's based on Image manipulation and texture mapping using HTML5 Canvas? .
The algorithm itself works pretty well. There's one issue, though. There appears to be a faint seam between the triangles. I tested this both on Chrome (14.something) and Safari (5.1). It's possible it works correctly in other browsers though I cannot be sure of that.
I'm guessing the issue has something to do with clipping. The thing is I'm not sure how to tweak the coordinates so that the issue disappears. Perhaps it's missing some padding (+1) or something. Ideas are welcome. :)
It has to do with the way different browsers choose to take on anti-aliasing (or not).
It looks good on Chrome 15.
Clipping less should solve your problem. I'd suggest you try expanding your clipping region for each object by 0.5 or 1 pixel and see how it does. (alternatively you could try shifting everything by 0.5 pixels and seeing if the anti-aliasing changes, you might be surprised)

SVG text hit-test

I'm trying to implement collision detection for SVG text elements using client side JavaScript. The hit-test should check if any glyph of a text overlaps any glyph of another text element. Since getBBox and getExtentOfChar are anything than accurate I need a custom solution.
My first approach was to get the colour of each coordinate/pixel of an element and do the hit-testing manually, but this does not work because it isn't possible to get the colour of a coordinate. It would require an additional canvas to get pixel colours -> awful workaround.
Now I'm thinking about converting the text or the glyphs to polygons for hit testing. Is it possible? Or has anyone another approach for glyph based hit testing?
Best Regards
You are really entering a world of pain and cross browser problems. I ended up doing custom path-rendering of fonts only to get the total text length reliable and consistent. I don't even want to think about glyph-hitting.
One problem for example is that firefox (at least 3.6) and iirc also some version of opera has some rounding error when scaling so when you scale the parent-element holding the text and scale the text by the inverse of that scale, then the letter-spacing will be slightly different compared to without any scale. (Because each letter must begin on an even number or something like that, problem can be solved by multiplying both the upscale and downscale with like 10000 but that's another story)
The performance impact by using path compared to text is unfortunately quite noticeable. If your canvas does any form of animated panning or zooming you should switch to pure text-elements during the animation and once static, turn on path rendering for accuracy.
Fortunally converting svg-fonts to paths is very easy, it is plaintext and using the exact same format as the path-element. (beware of font-embedding-licenses though! Also keep file size in mind as you cannot use the fonts from the users system, )
As for the pixel-based hit-testing – if you switch to HTML5 Canvas, then this will become possible. Several projects provide easy transition from SVG to Canvas, e.g. fabric.js. See a comparison table here.
As for the polygon-based approach – possible, but difficult. You can convert text or glyphs to polygons (paths) using some tool (Inkscape's text-to-path for instance). And then there'll be calculations. Making a general solution for any text will require a lot of work. However, if the text doesn't change, then drawing your text manually using paths can be a quick and dirty solution.

