javascript to determine if page on remote domain has changed - javascript

I am trying to find a client-side way to determine if a page on a remote domain has changed.
I can't load the page in an iframe and examine its contents due to same origin policy.
So I tried using .getResponseHeader("Content-Length") and .getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") but apparently these are also restricted by SOP even though FireBug shows Content-Length in the console.
Is there a way to do this? I just need a way to know if the page has changed.

You can't do it completely client-side unless the other end supports CORS, or JSONP, or some other cross-origin mechanism for doing it. In the absense of that, your only options are:
Using server-side help
Using a signed script (which your users would have to grant permission to)
Using a signed Java applet (which your users would have to grant permission to)
Using an ActiveX control (which your users would have to grant permission to) get the idea.


Is there any way to avoid Cross-origin resource sharing check

I have a home server in domainX, it returns HTML page containing
js part, which should GET data from domainY.
I can't control domainY return, which means that it it will not return any Allow-Origin headers etc.
I can't use JSON either because domainY does not support it.
postMessage may not work either, because I need to make search query
https://domainY/cars=blue&price_max=10000 etc.
I guess GET is the only way (XMLHttpRequest). I would like to avoid cors proxy because I try to keep server IO usage as low as possible.
Is there any tweak I could try without doing everything in the server side?
The Same Origin Policy is designed to protect information that is private between the owner of the browser and the owner of domainY.
You can't get the browser to fetch arbitrary data (with the benefit of the browser's cookies and the browser's IP address) and then make it available to your JavaScript.
domainY might me my webmail, e-banking, or secure corporate Intranet. You aren't allowed to touch it using my browser.

How to get access to the cookies in Chrome via JavaScript? [duplicate]

I am setting the cookie from a local HTML file as below using cookie.js library
$.cookies.set("Demo","Dummy Data");
From another domain I am trying to get the cookie value using below code
But it is returning me null.
Please help me on this
This is by design. You can only get the value of a cookie which was set on the current domain.
What you are asking for is not possible due to the security measures built in to web browsers.
The best alternative is to make a JSONP AJAX request which can cross domains.
You can not read a cookie set by another domain.
Take a look at this thread about cross-domain cookies:
Cross domain cookies
Basically, this is a security feature. If set a cookies, should not have any access to it, otherwise you could get authentication tokens and other stuff for any website.
Unfortunately, it is returning null because cookies from another domain are not accessible. This is a security feature.
Consider, for example, your session cookie for some website. If I could access that cookie via JS on another domain, then my malicious website (that I trick you into visiting), can then take that session information and give it to some hacker. Then it becomes much more likely that the hacker can hijack your session. All too commonly, there are not other measures in place to make sure that the session used is used by the same person, so all a blackhat needs is the ID and voila - total access as you to the website. Say you're logged into your bank on one window, and then have my hacked evil webiste open in the other... now I might be able to access your bank account. Whoops!
So - it's not possible, and for good reason!
Indeed, this is not possible because of SOP (Same Origin Policy).
You can solve this problem with cross domain methods like: postMessage, JSONP, xmlHttpRequest or iframe to name a few.
However, you have to be concerned about security issues. This podcast explain how to breack cross domain barrier. The posts below also have solutions for your problem.
Stackoverflow Posts
How do I set cookies from outside domains inside iframes in Safari?;
Resizing an iframe based on content;

Prevent local PHP/HTML files preview from executing javascript on server

I have some HTML/PHP pages that include javascript calls.
Those calls points on JS/PHP methods included into a library (PIWIK) stored onto a distant server.
They are triggered using an prefix to point the correct files.
I cannot modify the source code of the library.
When my own HTML/PHP pages are locally previewed within a browser, I mean using a c:\xxxx kind path, not a localhost://xxxx one, the distant script are called and do their process.
I don't want this to happen, only allowing those scripts to execute if they are called from a page.
Can you help me to secure this ?
One can for sure directly bypass this security modifying the web pages on-the-fly with some browser add-on while browsing the real web site, but it's a little bit harder to achieve.
I've opened an issue onto the PIWIK issue tracker, but I would like to secure and protect my web site and the according statistics as soon as possible from this issue, waiting for a further Piwik update.
The process I'd like to put in place would be :
Someone opens a page from anywhere than
> this page calls a JS method on a distant server (or not, may be copied locally),
> this script calls a php script on the distant server
> the PHP script says "hey, from where damn do yo call me, go to hell !". Or the PHP script just do not execute....
I've tried to play with .htaccess for that, but as any JS script must be on a client, it blocks also the legitimate calls from
Untested, but I think you can use php_sapi_name() or the PHP_SAPI constant to detect the interface PHP is using, and do logic accordingly.
Not wanting to sound cheeky, but your situation sounds rather scary and I would advise searching for some PHP configuration best practices regarding security ;)
Edit after the question has been amended twice:
Now the problem is more clear. But you will struggle to secure this if the JavaScript and PHP are not on the same server.
If they are not on the same server, you will be reliant on HTTP headers (like the Referer or Origin header) which are fakeable.
But PIWIK already tracks the referer ("Piwik uses first-party cookies to keep track some information (number of visits, original referrer, and unique visitor ID)" so you can discount hits from invalid referrers.
If that is not enough, the standard way of being sure that the request to a web service comes from a verified source is to use a standard Cross-Site Request Forgery prevention technique -- a CSRF "token", sometimes also called "crumb" or "nonce", and as this is analytics software I would be surprised if PIWIK does not do this already, if it is possible with their architecture. I would ask them.
Most web frameworks these days have CSRF token generators & API's you should be able to make use of, it's not hard to make your own, but if you cannot amend the JS you will have problems passing the token around. Again PIWIK JS API may have methods for passing session ID's & similar data around.
Original answer
This can be accomplished with a Content Security Policy to restrict the domains that scripts can be called from:
CSP defines the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header that allows you to create a whitelist of sources of trusted content, and instructs the browser to only execute or render resources from those sources.
Therefore, you can set the script policy to self to only allow scripts from your current domain (the filing system) to be executed. Any remote ones will not be allowed.
Normally this would only be available from a source where you get set HTTP headers, but as you are running from the local filing system this is not possible. However, you may be able to get around this with the http-equiv <meta> tag:
Authors who are unable to support signaling via HTTP headers can use tags with http-equiv="X-Content-Security-Policy" to define their policies. HTTP header-based policy will take precedence over tag-based policy if both are present.
Answer after question edit
Look into the Referer or Origin HTTP headers. Referer is available for most requests, however it is not sent from HTTPS resources in the browser and if the user has a proxy or privacy plugin installed it may block this header.
Origin is available for XHR requests only made cross domain, or even same domain for some browsers.
You will be able to check that these headers contain your domain where you will want the scripts to be called from. See here for how to do this with htaccess.
At the end of the day this doesn't make it secure, but as in your own words will make it a little bit harder to achieve.

Why will disabling Browser Web Security (e.g. Chrome) help doing Cross-Site-Requests?

We have several internal web applications. One of those needs to access all the other applications. Problem is: Same-Orign-Policy.
Actually I did manage to get around it. First of all, the IE is quite sloppy what concerns web security. So, it actually asked me whether I want to have these requests done or not. If I clicked yes, he just executed the cross site requests.
But since most of the users won't use IE, there was the need to make it run in another browser.
So, I tried to make it run in Google Chrome. And after some research I found out, that it will work when I turn of the Web Security by using the execution parameter --disable-web-security.
This did the job. But unfortunately, most of the users won't be using this execution parameter. Therefore I need another solution.
Then I came across CORS. CORS seems to be implemented in Chrome, but it has one drawback (for me). I need to set headers on the server side.
For reasons I won't discuss in here, this is a no go.
So what I was actually wondering about is:
Why will disabling Browser's Web Security do the job, while I need the server to allow the request when using CORS?
What exactly happens inside the browser when I disable the web security?
And is there another way to execute my CSR without adding headers on the server's side or disabling the security?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: JSONP is out of question either
Why will disabling Browser's Web Security do the job, while I need the server to allow the request when using CORS?
The point of the Same Origin Policy is to prevent Mallory's evil site from making Alice's browser go to Bob's site and expose Alice's data to Mallory.
Disabling security in the browser is, effectively, saying "I don't care about protecting my data on Bob's (or any other!) site". This is a dangerous thing to do if the browser is ever going to go near the open web. The option is provided to make development more convenient — I prefer a more controlled solution (such as the URL rewriting options in Charles proxy).
CORS is Bob's site saying "This URL doesn't contain any data that Mallory (or some other specific site, or everyone) shouldn't have access to, so they can access it. Bob's site can do this because it knows which parts of it contain public data and which parts contain private data.
What exactly happens inside the browser when I disable the web security?
It disables the aforementioned security feature and reduces the protection of the user's data.
And is there another way to execute my CSR without adding headers on the server's side or disabling the security?
A proxy. See Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy, specifically the Reverse Proxy method.
I guess you are using AJAX requests, here is another question Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy that has a big detailed answer.
You can use a Flash object (flash doesn't have this problem)
Also about "whats the worst could happen" and

When linking to an external .js file, isn't this a security risk?

Meaning if I have a website and I link to a external .js file, say for jquery or some widget service, they can pretty easy just pull by authentication cookie and then login as me correct?
What if I am under SSL?
If you include Javascript or JSONP code from another domain, that code has full client-side power and can do whatever it wants.
It can send AJAX requests to automatically make your user do things, and it can steal document.cookie.
If your authentication cookies are HTTP-only, it can't steal them, but it can still impersonate the user using AJAX.
Never include a JS file from a domain you don't trust.
If your page uses SSL, all Javascript files must also use SSL, or an attacker can modify the un-encrypted Javascript to do whatever he wants.
For this reason, browsers will show a security warning if an SSL page uses non-SSL resources.
Note that JSONP is no exception to this rule.
Any JSONP response has full access to your DOM.
If security is a concern, do not use untrusted JSONP APIs.
I can only agree with SLaks and Haochi (+1 and all).
It is extremely insecure and you should never do it even if you trust the domain. Don't trust the answers that tell you that this is not the case because they are just wrong.
This is why now literally all of the links to JavaScript libraries hosted on Google's CDN on the Developer's Guide to Google Libraries API are secure HTTPS links, even though encrypting all of that traffic means a huge overhead even for Google.
They used to recommend using HTTPS only for websites that use HTTPS themselves, now there are no HTTP links in the examples at all.
The point is that you can trust Google and their CDN, but you can never trust the local dns and routers in some poor schmuck's cafe from which your visitors may be connecting to your website and Google's CDN is a great target for obvious reasons.
It depends on what do you mean by "pull". As others have said here, cookies are only sent to where it is originated from. However, a third-party (with malicious intent) file, can still send your cookies back to their server by executing some JavaScript code like
// pseudo-code
So, only include scripts from trusted sources (Google, Facebook, etc)
No, because cookies for your site will only be sent to your domain.
For example when your browser sees it will send the authentication cookie for If it also has to make a different request for jquery (for the .js script) it won't send the cookie for (but it will send a jquery cookie - assuming one exists).
Remember every resource is a seperate request under HTTP.
I am not sure HttpOnly is fully supported across all browsers, so I wouldn't trust it to prevent attacks by itself.
If you're worried about a 3rd party attacker (i.e., not the site offering the JS file) grabbing the cookies, definitely use SSL and secure cookies.
If your page isn't running on SSL, using HttpOnly cookies doesn't actually prevent a man-in-the-middle attack, since an attacker in the middle can intercept the cookies regardless by just pretending to be your domain.
If you don't trust the host of an external .js file, don't use the external .js file. An external js file can rewrite the entire page DOM to ask for a CC to be submitted to anyone and have it look (to an average user) the same as your own page, so you're pretty much doomed if you're getting malicious .js files. If you're not sure if a .js host is trustworthy, host a copy of it locally (and check the file for security holes) or don't use it at all. Generally I prefer the latter.
In the specific case of JQuery, just use the copy on Google's CDN if you can't find a copy you like better.
Cookies are domain specific, guarded by same origin policy.

