JavaScript not replacing all elements - javascript

I'm trying replace the index of form elements. I have the following
var test = "<input name='[1].Id' value='598' type='hidden' /><input name='[1].OrderItemId' value='867' type='hidden' />";
alert(test.replace('[1]', '[2]'));
I'm getting curious results. The first hidden field is replaced by the second is ignored
ie my response is something like this:
"<input name='[1].Id' value='598' type='hidden' /><input name='[2].OrderItemId' value='867' type='hidden' />"
OK, thanks these methods worked on my simple example. However in reality my string is a bit more complex. Here is the contents of "var lastRow "
<a class="deleteAddress" href="#">
<img alt="remove" src="/images/icons/delete_button.gif">
<td class="p-5" width="100">
<input name="[1].Id" value="612" type="hidden">
<input name="[1].OrderItemId" value="868" type="hidden">
<input class="itemAddressQuantity" name="[1].Quantity" value="" type="text">
<td class="p-5" width="100">
<select name="[1].AddressId"><option value="2">address1</option></select>
and here is the js function
$('#addNewAddress').click(function (event) {
var length = $('.table-item-address tbody').find('tr').length;
var previousLength = length - 1;
var previousIndex = "/\[" + previousLength + "\]/g";
var currentIndex = "[" + length + "]";
var lastRow = $('.table-item-address tbody tr').last();
alert(lastRow.html()); // html is shown above
var newRow = lastRow.html().replace(previousIndex, currentIndex);
$('.table-item-address tr').last().after('<tr>' + newRow + '</tr>');

In JavaScript, passing a string as the first parameter to replace() will only replace the first occurrence. You need to use a regex, with the global flag:
test.replace(/\[1\]/g, '[2]');
The extra backslashes (\) escape the brackets ([ and ]).
Edit: responding to the OP's edit, if you want to dynamically build a regex, you can't use a regex literal - that's the thing delimited by forward slashes (/), not quotes (") as in your edit. You're passing a string into replace(), I'm passing in a regex literal. Use the JavaScript RegExp() constructor to fix yours:
// The first argument is the regex, the second is a string of flags.
var previousIndex = new RegExp("\\[" + previousLength + "\\]", "g");
// Then, it's exactly the same as before.
// The second argument to replace is still a string.
var newRow = lastRow.html().replace(previousIndex, currentIndex);
Note the difference in character escaping.

See here:
Check the 3rd sample where they talk about global replace

change the replace to this replace(/[1]/g, '[2]');
This does a global replace. However I'm not sure [] and . are legal characters for ids/names.


Add an ' at the beggining of each line and remove the comma on the last line

I have the following code:
function addComma() {
// get textarea's content
var content = document.getElementById('myTextArea').value;
// replace all newline's with ';\n'
var replaced = content.replace(/\n/g, '\',\n');
// rewrite the content with the new content
document.getElementById('myTextArea').value = replaced;
<textarea id='myTextArea' rows='5' cols='30'>
First Line
Second Line
Third Line
<input type='button' onclick='addComma()' value='Add Comma' />
How can I add an ' at the beggining of each line BUT remove the comma on the last line. (I will be having more than three rows.)
Thanks in advance!
Here's a slightly different approach that I think get's the result you're looking for:
var replaced = content.split('\n').map(l => "'" + l + "'").join(',\n')
What this will do is split the content into an array (by the new line), the map function will basically loop through each line and add ' at the start and end, finally join will join the array back into a string using a comma and new line
My filter makes sure there are no empty lines; No need for substring fiddling around.
var replaced = content.split('\n').filter(p=>p!="").map(p=>'\''+p).join(',\n');
Use split and map:
function addComma() {
var content = document.getElementById('myTextArea').value;
//Add in commas and speech marks
var replaced = content.split("\n").map(e => `'${e}',`).join("\n");
//Remove last comma
replaced = replaced.substring(0, replaced.length - 1);
//Put text back into page
document.getElementById('myTextArea').value = replaced;
<textarea id='myTextArea' rows='5' cols='30'>
First Line
Second Line
Third Line</textarea>
<input type='button' onclick='addComma()' value='Add Comma' />

Javascript - How to use variable when writing table

I'm trying to print the value of a variable in the first column of my table, but when I run the method, I get the name of the variable instead
I have the following code
function writeTable() {
var table;
var uInput = document.test.input.value;
table = "<table><tr><th colspan=3>Table Header</th></tr>";
table += "<tr><th>Column1</th><th>column2</th><th>column3</th></tr>";
table += '<tr><td>uInput</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
<form name="test">
<input type="text" name="input">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Write Table" onclick="writeTable()">
You need to change this line:
table += '<tr><td>uInput</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
To use template literal:
table += `<tr><td>${uInput}</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>`;
Or standard concatenation
table += '<tr><td>' + uInput + '</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
You need to concatenate the string:
table+= '<tr><td>'+uInput+'</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
Remember that everything between single or double quotes is interpreted as a string. However your uInput is a variable. To make sure JavaScript get's the variable you need to concatenate. That means pasting the string parts and the variable together using the +. Purgatory's answer has a nice ecmascript 6 solution too.
In print statement, you have to concatenate variable with "+" sign. Your function 2nd last row looks like:
table+= '<tr><td>'+ uInput + '</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
table+= '<tr><td>' + uInput + '</td><td>Value2</td><td>value3</td></tr>';
to concatenate your string.As well as for the standards ,use
uInput = document.getElementsByName('input').value
in your javascript

string interpolation for dynamic html attributes

Is it possible to use string interpolation for the below (Note the dynamic attributes)
document.body.innerHTML += <form id="digSigForm" action="${myObj.Url}" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="data" value="${myObj.someVal}"></form>
You should use the backticks to define a string with string interpollation: ``
Like this:
console.log(`1 and 1 make ${1 + 1}`);
This is from the typescript documentation :
Another common use case is when you want to generate some string out
of some static strings + some variables. For this you would need some
templating logic and this is where template strings get their name
from. Here's how you would potentially generate an html string
var lyrics = 'Never gonna give you up';
var html = '<div>' + lyrics + '</div>';
Now with template strings you can just do:
var lyrics = 'Never gonna give you up';
var html = `<div>${lyrics}</div>`;
Note that any placeholder inside the interpolation (${ and }) is
treated as a JavaScript expression and evaluated as such e.g. you can
do fancy math.
console.log(`1 and 1 make ${1 + 1}`);
document.body.innerHTML += `<form id="digSigForm" action="${myObj.Url}" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="data" value="${myObj.someVal}"></form>`;
You forgot the backticks
This currently doesn't work.
I have a string like this, where the row's data attribute is relied upon for some functionality.
`<tr class="row ${rowHiddenClass}" data-someId="${this.someId}">
<td class="cell">${this.Notes}</td>
<td class="cell amount">$${this.Amount}</td>
And it outputs like this within the attribute strings, which breaks that functionality.
<tr class="row $" data-someId="$">
<td class="cell">A nice note</td>
<td class="cell amount">$4.00</td>
We may have to do some concatenation for the time being.
I'm not sure yet what the cleaner, simpler solution is.
This works.
`<tr class="row ` + rowHiddenClass + `" data-someId="` + this.someId + `">
<!-- ... -->

JS Slice() doesn't work properly

I am trying to remove the last characters from the following html code
<tbody><tr><tr>1<td><label for='depart1'>Department 1</label><br /><input type='text' id='depart1' class='textbox large' value='IT' /><br><label for='Courses_for_depart1'>Course for Department 1</label><br /><textarea id='Courses_for_depart1' class='textarea large' >OS</textarea></td></tr></tbody>
with the following code
It should remove </tr></tbody> But it removes only ></tbody>
how to get rid of this strange behavior.
<table id="departments">
<tbody><tr><tr>1<td><label for='depart1'>Department 1</label><br /><input type='text' id='depart1' class='textbox large' value='IT' /><br><label for='Courses_for_depart1'>Course for Department 1</label><br /><textarea id='Courses_for_depart1' class='textarea large' >OS</textarea></td></tr></tbody> </table>
The above snippet is copied form view source code of chrome.
There are probably white space between the closing </tbody> tag and the </tr> tag. Try something like this:
addHtml = addHtml.trim();
var tbody = '</tbody>';
var t1 = addHtml.indexOf(tbody)+tbody.length;
var t2 = addHtml.lastIndexOf('</tr>');
var len = t1-t2;
var newString = addHtml.slice(0,-len); // This will have the string without the </tr> </tbody>
Since your addHTML contains spaces at the end and the beginning, so you need to trim all the spaces at start and end before using slice function so use
Working demo
As a possibly safer alternative, you could do this in two steps:
1) find the last </tbody> in the string, then slice up to it.
2) find the last </tr> in the remaining string, then slice up to that.

javascript Firebug error: Identifier starts immediately after numeric literal

I've got this error being reported in firebug, but I have no idea what it means:
Identifier starts immediately after numeric literal
Here is my webpage:
When the page and map loads, click on one of the blue or green markers. Then click on one of the check boxes to get the error. I have an onclick= for the input checkboxes.
Your string concatenation is broken. You need to wrap your method parameters in quotes
var statusForm = '<input id="tU'+Aid+'" type="checkbox" onclick="optionAUpdate(tU'+Aid+', '+color+', '+optionB+')"/> option A | <input id="iU'+Aid+'" onclick="optionBUpdate(iU'+Aid+', '+color+', '+optionA+')" type="checkbox"/> options B';
From here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------^
Corrected version
var statusForm = '<input id="tU' + Aid + '" type="checkbox" onclick="optionAUpdate(\'tU' + Aid + '\', \'' + color + '\', \'' + optionB + '\')"/> option A'
Note : I've treated all your params as strings
Your onclick needs to be:
optionAUpdate('tU20238', '75AB5F', 0)
Note that I wrapped the params in quotes as they are strings.
This message also appears if you've tried to name a variable starting with a numeral. eg.
var 2ndString = 'abc';
onchange="addaUserAccount(\'' + accWidgetData[count]["userAccountNumber"] + '\' );"
For this case, in my code:
.onclick("selectItem(" +"'"+cons.getIdentificacion().toString()+"'" + ");")
.style("vertical-align: text-bottom")
works Fine.

