JS function returning another function - javascript

I want to understand about variables, that has been used in returning function.
This is example code
Prototype = {}
Prototype.F =
bind: function()
var args = arguments, __method = args.shift(), object = args.shift();
return function()
return __method.apply(object, args.concat(arguments));
function ObjectA()
this.addListener = Prototype.F.bind(this.eventSource.addListener,
var a = ObjectA();
a.addListener(this); // assuming 'this' here will point to some window object
As I understand the returning function in bind() is not evaluated until it's called in the last line. It's ok to accept. So addListener will hold a function body containing 'apply'.
But what I don't understand, when addListener is called, what kind of parameters it is going to have? particularly _method and args will always be uninitialized?

The function that bind returns is a closure over the arguments to the bind function, and so the __method argument will be the first argument to bind (in your example call, that will be the this.eventSource.addListener function).
Closures are basically functions that have data bound into them intrinsically. Here's a simpler example:
function makeAlert(msg) {
return function() {
var myalert = makeAlert("Hi there!");
myalert(); // Alerts "Hi there!"
The function returned by makeAlert "closes over" (retains access to) the things in scope within the makeAlert function call that created it, including the msg argument. That's why when we call the function later, it still has msg even though the call to makeAlert has long since completed. More about closures here.
A key thing to remember about closures is that they retain access to everything that's in scope where they're defined, not just the things they they're obviously using. So for instance:
function init() {
var data;
data = /* ...build some really big array of data...*/;
document.getElementById('foo').onclick = function() {
this.style.display = "none";
Even though the event handler has nothing to do with the big data array, it keeps a reference to it, and so keeps that data in memory after the call to init has completed. This is because the link that it has is to a behind-the-scenes object (loosely called the "variable object") that is a container for all of the arguments and local variables in scope where it's defined. (In this particular case, if you don't need all that data, just set data to undefined at the end. The event handler will still have a reference to data, but that reference isn't holding the array anymore, so the array's memory can be reclaimed.)

_method and args will be always initialized, because you are defining them when you first call
this.addListener = Prototype.F.bind(this.eventSource.addListener, this.eventSource);
There, you'll get that _method will be that this.eventSource.addListener, and args will be those both arguments.

in the scope of a function, arguments is an array-like object which contains the values provided when the function is called, whether or not the function definition has parameters defined.
so for this call:
Prototype.F.bind(this.eventSource.addListener, this.eventSource);
which leads to this:
var args = arguments, __method = args.shift(), object = args.shift();
arguments contains 2 items: whatever this.eventSource.addListener and this.eventSource point to when the function is called. that collection of 2 items is copied to args, and then the items are moved from the colleciton to __method and object.
since the call bind actually generates another function, the arguments instance in the new function will be different- it'll have the parameters provided at the time of that call. the original arguments from the call to bind are saved in args and combined with arguments from the later function call.


Confused about when to use `bind` in an Event Handler

The following successfully prints 'foo'.
var obj = {
name: 'foo',
printName: function printName() {
var printButton= document.getElementById('printIt');
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
The following doesn't, however:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() );
I know the solution... simply use bind so that we're referencing the obj object. i.e:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName.bind(obj) );
Why then don't we need to use bind in the first example. I don't know why wrapping obj.printName() function call in the anonymous function results in the console.log correctly referencing and printing this properly, but when called directly after click, you needs to use bind
Alright, I commented with some good information on this question so I might as well answer!
Functions are first class
Okay, let's starts with some fundamentals of javascript that is very dissimilar to some other programming languages: in javascript functions are first class citizens--which is just a fancy way of saying that you can save functions into variables and you can pass functions into other functions.
const myFunction = function () { return 'whoa a function'; }
array.map(function () { return x + 1; });
And because of this wonderful feature, there is a big difference between the expressions:
Expression 1
Expression 2
In expression 1: the function isn't being invoked so the value of the expression is of type function
In expression 2: the function is being invoked so the value of the expression is what the function returns. In your case, that's undefined
The method addEventListener takes in two arguments:
a string of the type of event
a function that will be run when the event fires.
Alight, so what does that mean?
When you call
// doesn't work
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() );
you're not passing a value of type function to the addEventListener method, you're actually passing undefined.
// works
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName.bind(obj) );
then works (for one reason) because the second argument is actually of type function.
What does bind do? Why does it return a function?
Now we need to discuss what bind actually does. It related to the pointer* this.
*by pointer, I mean a reference identifier to some object
bind is a method that exists on every function object that simply binds the this pointer of a desired object to the function
This is best shown by an example:
Say you have a class Fruit that has a method printName. Now that we know that you can save a method into a variable, let's try that. In the example below we're assigning two things:
boundMethod which used bind
unboundMethod that didn't use bind
class Fruit {
constructor() {
this.name = 'apple';
printName() {
const myFruit = new Fruit();
// take the method `printName`
const boundMethod = myFruit.printName.bind(myFruit);
const unboundMethod = myFruit.printName;
boundMethod(); // works
unboundMethod(); // doesn't work
So what happens when you don't call bind? Why doesn't that work?
If you don't call bind in this case, the value of the function that gets stored into the identifier unboundMethod can be thought to be:
// doens't work
const unboundMethod = function() {
where the contents of the function is the same contents of the method printName from the Fruit class. Do you see why this is an issue?
Because the this pointer is still there but the object it was intended to refer to is no longer in scope. When you try to invoke the unboundMethod, you'll get an error because it couldn't find name in this.
So what happens when you do use bind?
Loosely bind can be thought of as replacing the this value of function with the object you're passing into bind.
So if I assign: myFruit.printName.bind(myFruit) to boundMethod then you can think of the assignment like this:
// works
const boundMethod = function() {
where this is replaced with myFruit
The bottom-line/TL;DR
when to use bind in an Event Handler
You need to use Function.prototype.bind when you want to replace the thises inside the function with another object/pointer. If your function doesn't ever use this, then you don't need to use bind.
Why then don't we need to use bind in the first example?
If you don't need to "take the method" (i.e. taking the value of type of function), then you don't need to use bind either Another way to word that is: if you invoke the method directly from the object, you don't need bind that same object.
In the wrapper function, you're directly invoking the method of the object (as in expression 2). Because you're invoking the method without "taking the method" (we "took" the methods into variables in the Fruit example), you don't need to use bind.
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
// directly invoke the function
// no method "taking" here
Hope this helps :D
Note: You need to call printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() ); without parenthesis in obj.printName() since you want to pass the function.
The answer lies in the way this is bound in Javascript. In JS, the way a function is called decides how this is bound. So when you provide the callback function like below:
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
Notice, printName is being called via dot notation. This is called implicit binding rule when this is bound to an object before dot, in this case obj. Clearly in this case, you get the expected output.
However, when you call it like this:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName );
Notice that, all you are passing is the address of the function that is inside obj. So in this case info about obj is lost. In other words, the code that calls back the function doesn't have the info about obj that could have been used to set this. All it has is the address of the function to call.
Hope this helps!
Look at this crude implementation I call bind2 that mimics native bind. This is just to illustrate how native bind function returns a new function.
Function.prototype.bind2 = function (context) {
var callBackFunction = this;//Store the function to call later
return function () { //return a new function
callBackFunction.call(context);//Later when called, apply
//context, this is `obj` passed
//in bind2()
function hello() {
obj = {
var f = hello.bind2(obj);
Notice: How function f() is hard bound here. f() has hard bound this with obj. You cannot change this to other than obj now. This is another thing with bind that probably will help you knowing.

Javascript - keeping variable in scope after function has been declared

I have some javascript code that takes a function and invokes it again:
var obj = {
// returns the function with prevent default prepended.
run: function(functor, context){
return function(e){
context.call(functor, e);
var myContext = this;
var returnedFunction = obj.run(function(e){alert(e.target)}, myContext);
var returnedFunction(...);
Here is the problem:
On the line where it says context.call(functor, e);
context is always null because the function has gone out of scope.
What do I have to do inside that function so that I can use context?
context has not gone out of scope -- it's probably just null to begin with (and even if it weren't, it likely wouldn't have a call method).
Instead, you probably meant to use functor.call(context, e).
Functions have a call method, which accepts a this/context argument and variable-length following arguments. Objects in JavaScript generally don't have a call method that accepts a function and variable-length following arguments (unless you've added such a method and expect context to have it).

Defining a object's property based onanother object's property

I define an object called anotherObject with a function called anotherFunction based on the someFunction from the object someObject.
var someObject={
return this;
var someFunc=someObject.someFunction;
//the function does not have the same context as that of the function called earlier...
var anotherObject={
Firefox Scratchpad reports that the function anotherFunction is not defined.
That's the way JavaScript functions actually work, the someFunction is a function which its responsibility is to return the this in the current context, no matter what is for this one:
var someFunc=someObject.someFunction;
you can call it using call or apply with whatever context you like:
var myobj = {};
no matter what you pass as the first argument in call and apply, your function would return that very object. So as you see your function does what it is supposed to do, but if you want it to always return your first object someObject, you do not need to use this keyword.
Read my answer to the How does JavaScript .prototype work?, I have tried to dig into this concept in the first two parts.
And also this is one of the best resources you can find about this concepts:
Understanding JavaScript Function Invocation and “this”

why is this private method in a constructor?

I'm a bit puzzled by this coding pattern I've run into even though I've been studying up on 'this.' The following (simplified) code shows the pattern:
var MyConstructor = function MyConstructor() {
this._handlers = {
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
MyConstructor.prototype.start = function(someObj) {
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this._handlers.action); //<--here
MyConstructor.prototype.handleAction = function() {
//do stuff
module.exports = MyConstructor;
My question is, why is the private method in the constructor required? Is this pattern avoid some common problem? Could the line commented //<--here simply be:
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
No, they are different. The difference is in context, which means the value of this within the function.
this.handleAction passes the function to on without any context. There is no value of this specified. The value will be determined when the function is executed. It is very likely that the value will not be the a MyConstructor object, so this.start, for instance, will not refer to the right object, or indeed perhaps any object at all.
The solution is to bind context. This sets the context forever, so this will always refer to the right value. You see this line of code:
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
This means that, when the code later refers to this._handlers.action, it will be sending the function to on with the appropriate context, so this will always point to the correct value.
The difference between the following lines
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction.bind(this));
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
... is that the first handleAction will run with this being the instance of MyConstructor, while the second will run in whatever context the event handling mechanism decides. If it is something like this, it will run with this being the global object:
function on (a, callback) {
callback(); // callback is run with this as the global object
// UNLESS it was bound to something else
The 'private' _handlers property is just an object that holds references to callbacks bound to the instance. If you were to call bind twice, two functions would be created. The _handlers property makes it so that a single bound function is created which can be used as a handler for any number of events.

Set "this" variable easily?

I have a pretty good understanding of Javascript, except that I can't figure out a nice way to set the "this" variable. Consider:
var myFunction = function(){
var someObj = document.body; //using body as example object
someObj.foo_variable = "hi"; //set foo_variable so it alerts
var old_fn = someObj.fn; //store old value
someObj.fn = myFunction; //bind to someObj so "this" keyword works
someObj.fn = old_fn; //restore old value
Is there a way to do this without the last 4 lines? It's rather annoying... I've tried binding an anonymous function, which I thought was beautiful and clever, but to no avail:
var myFunction = function(){
var someObj = document.body; //using body as example object
someObj.foo_variable = "hi"; //set foo_variable so it alerts
someObj.(function(){ fn(); })(); //fail.
Obviously, passing the variable into myFunction is an option... but that's not the point of this question.
There are two methods defined for all functions in JavaScript, call(), and apply(). The function syntax looks like:
call( /* object */, /* arguments... */ );
apply(/* object */, /* arguments[] */);
What these functions do is call the function they were invoked on, assigning the value of the object parameter to this.
var myFunction = function(){
myFunction.call( document.body );
I think you're looking for call:
myFunction.call(obj, arg1, arg2, ...);
This calls myFunction with this set to obj.
There is also the slightly different method apply, which takes the function parameters as an array:
myFunction.apply(obj, [arg1, arg2, ...]);
If you want to 'store' the this value to a function so that you can call it seamlessly later (e.g. when you don't have access to that value anymore), you can bind it (not available in all browsers though):
var bound = func.bind(someThisValue);
// ... later on, where someThisValue is not available anymore
bound(); // will call with someThisValue as 'this'
My search on how to bind this brought me here so I am posting my findings: In 'ECMAScript 2015' we can also set this lexically using arrow functions to.
See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions
Instead of:
function Person() {
setInterval(function growUp() {
// The callback refers to the `self` variable of which
// the value is the expected object.
}.bind(this), 1000);
We can now do:
function Person(){
this.age = 0;
setInterval(() => {
this.age++; // |this| properly refers to the person object
}, 1000);
var p = new Person();
Setting the this keyword in javascript.
Javascript has 3 built in methods for setting the this keyword conveniently. They are all located on the Function.prototype object so every function can use them (since every function inherits from this prototype via prototypal inheritance). These functions are the following:
Function.prototype.call(): This function takes the object which you want to use as this as a first argument. Then the remainder of the arguments are the respective arguments of the function which is called.
Function.prototype.apply(): This function takes the object which you want to use as this as a first argument. Then the second argument is an array which contains the values of the arguments of the function which is called (first element of array is first argument of the function, second argument of the array is second argument of function etc.).
Function.prototype.bind(): This function returns a new function which has a different value of this. It takes the object which you want to set as the this value as a first argument and then returns a new function object.
Difference between call/apply and bind:
call and apply are similar in the fact that they immediately call the function (with a predefined value of this)
bind is different from call and apply in the fact that this function returns a new function with a different binding of the this value.
const thisObj = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: 2,
function myFunc(arg1, arg2) {
console.log(this.prop1, this.prop2);
console.log(arg1, arg2);
// first arg this obj, other arguments are the
// respective arguments of the function
myFunc.call(thisObj, 'Call_arg1', 'Call_arg2');
// first arg this obj, other argument is an array which
// are the respective arguments of the function
myFunc.apply(thisObj, ['Apply_arg1', 'Apply_arg2']);
// the bind method returns a new function with a different
// this context which is stored in the newMyFunc variable
const newMyFunc = myFunc.bind(thisObj);
// now we can call the function like a normal function
newMyFunc('first', 'second');

