How to include js file in ajax call? - javascript

I am calling a ajax method to update a div. It contains links and functions which require java script files. But these methods and functions are not getting called properly as java script files are not getting included through ajax call. For example, i am trying to call a light box function, but it gets redirected to different page and not in light box.
Thanks in advance, Anubhaw Prakash

The Ajax framework in prototype will properly execute the text content of <script> tags, but will not import new script files via <script src="somefile.js"/>. The only solution I came up with is to import all javascript files I need in the head of the page. That way the functions in the imported file are available to the inline javascript code executed in the Ajax response.

I had a similar problem, where I did want to postload some javascript. What I did is separating loading the html-fragment and loading the script into two calls. For loading the script I call the following function (I have JQuery handling the ajax part):
function loadModule(name, callback) {
$.ajax({type: "POST"
, url: "/js/" + name
, dataType: "script"
, success: callback

I see you're using Ruby on Rails — does that mean you're using Prototype on the client? If so, Prototype's Ajax.Updater will ignore script tags that reference external files (it will evaluate script tags that have their contents inline). So to add those external files to your page, you'll have to hook into the process via the onSuccess callback, look in the responseText for script tags with src attributes, and handle those yourself. Once you've identified the relevant script tags and extracted their src attributes, you can include them by dynamically adding the scripts as described in this article from the unofficial Prototype & wiki.

<script> tags written to innerHTML are not executed at write-time. You can do element.getElementsByTagName('script') to try to get hold of them and execute their scripts manually, but it's very ugly and not reliable.
There are tedious browser differences to do with what happens to a <script> element written to innerHTML which is then (directly or via an ancestor) re-inserted into the document. You want to avoid this sort of thing: just don't write <script>​s to innerHTML at all.
Then you also don't have to worry about executing scripts twice, which is something you never want to do with library scripts. You don't want to end up with two copies of a function/class that look the same but don't compare equal, and which hold hooks onto the page that don't play well with each other. Dynamically-inserted library scripts are a recipe for confusing failure.
Much better to include your scripts statically, and bind them to page elements manually after writing new elements to the page. If you really need to you can have your AJAX calls grab a JSON object containing both the new HTML to add and a stringful of script to execute.

May want to try running some prepatory javascript in the :before option to setup a variable with the correct files?

hey i found a way to add it....:)
NOTE- this is a synchronous process so you dont have to worry about that the script is loaded or not.... the script will always load the instance u call the function and you can start using the loaded script instantaneously..
lets use these 2 functions
1) first one is the ajax function to retrieve the values
where async should be true to send the request synchronously
function loadXMLDoc(reqt,url,reqp,cfunc,async)
var xmlhttp;
try// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch(err)// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if(xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
else if(reqt=='POST')
return false;
/*use this function
2)then we use ajax to load the js file as string and then append it to the new script tag's innerHTML and then append it to the head section and one more thing to ensure file is already loaded i used the id of script tag as the path to the file which makes it really easy task to check for the duplicate...:)
//add new script dynamically
function add_script(src)
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script=document.createElement("script");
thanks for all help i used to get and will get from this site and its users for the development purposes...
regards VIPIN JAIN

include static scripts on pages that need to use them (IE contain a lightbox, then include the lightbox script)
Problem solved. Do not load scripts using AJAX
Make necessary function calls to the static scripts using AJAX callbacks


CSRFGuard: How to inject CSRF token into URL returned by AJAX call

We are attempting to add CSRF protection to our existing java web application by using CSRFGuard. We've followed the OWASP's guide to token injection, and that has gotten us most of the way there. We're using the dynamic DOM manipulation method, and find that most URLS/forms/AJAX calls are properly formatted with the inserted CSRF token. Our issue is this:
Parts of some pages are generated dynamically by AJAX calls that return jspfs. The jspfs that are returned have links which were never subject to the CSRFGuard DOM Manipulation, and as such, don't have the CSRF token. Clicking on those links causes a CSRF violation because no token is present.
Furthermore, according to the OWASP guide for AJAX support, the dynamic script needs to be reference prior to the AJAX call so that the AJAX call can be intercepted and have the CSRF token inserted into the header. This is the same script that dynamically updates the DOM. So - to solve the issue posed in this question I would need to run the script after the AJAX call, but I also need to run it before the AJAX call to make it in the first place. Trying to run it twice causes issues.
What is the proper solution here? Does that CSRFGuard javascript file need to be modified so that dynamic token injection can be run against targeted elements? Has this issue been solved already?
I had the same problem. I modified csrfguard.js this way:
I moved out all functions from (function() {}) block and put them before the block.
I defined 2 new functions
function getTokenNameValuePair() {
var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var csrfToken = {};"POST", "%SERVLET_PATH%", false);
xhr.setRequestHeader("FETCH-CSRF-TOKEN", "1");
return xhr.responseText;
function injectTokensForNewTags() {
var token_pair = getTokenNameValuePair();
token_pair = token_pair.split(":");
var token_name = token_pair[0];
var token_value = token_pair[1];
injectTokens(token_name, token_value);
And your AJAX that is returning a HTML chunk with links should look like this:
$.post(loadurl, function(data) {
Note: this answer requires modifying CSRFGuard.
I am using SkateJS ( to watch for dynamic updates of <a>, <img>, and <form> tags and calling a routine I added to csrfguard.js to add the token to them.
This catches tags that are inserted after the initial DOM load by javascript toolkits.
I had to also modify the script to keep it from always scanning the entire DOM tree at load time to insert the tokens. This was very inefficient and was unnecessary with the above method.
Here's an example of the SkateJS config:
function() {
var config = {
ready : function(element) {
if (CsrfGuard && CsrfGuard.isEnabled) {
} else {
type : skate.types.TAG
skate('a', config);
skate('img', config);
skate('form', config);
Note: this will not work on IE8. For that, I am using Microsoft DHTML behaviors.
<![if IE 8]>
a,img,form {
behavior: url("");
<public:attach event="ondocumentready" onevent="CsrfGuard.injectTokens([element]);" />

Creating a JSONP Callback From Safari Extension

I'm trying to load some data from Reddit via a Safari extension. I'm using a JSONP pattern to create the callback function and attach the new src to the script. However, it looks like there are two window namespaces, and the function that I dynamically create is not available to the context of the dynamically added script.
This link seems to detail the problem for chrome, which I'm guessing is similar to mine in Safari.
JSONP request in chrome extension, callback function doesn't exist?
Here's the code (works outside of extension):
function jsonp(url, callback) {
var callbackName = 'jsonp_callback_' + Math.round(100000 * Math.random());
window[callbackName] = function(data) {
delete window[callbackName];
console.log('about to create script');
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url + (url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'jsonp=' + callbackName;
console.log('script should be appended');
function getImages(){
jsonp('', function(data) {{
Any ideas, work arounds?
You're right about there being two namespaces in the same window. Injected scripts cannot access a web page's globals, and vice versa. When you initiate JSONP in an injected script, the script of the inserted <script> tag runs in the web page's namespace.
I know of two ways to work around this limitation in a Safari extension.
The probably better way is to use your extension's global page to communicate with the external API through standard XHR or jQuery Ajax methods (which are supported in global page scripts) and use messages to pass the fetched data to an injected script.
The other way is to go ahead and use JSONP from the injected script, but have the JSONP callback function add the fetched data to the page's DOM, which is accessible by the injected script. For example, you could put the data in a hidden <pre> element and then use the element's innerHTML property to retrieve it. Of course, this technique does make the content visible to the page's own scripts, so exercise caution.

detect XHR on a page using javascript

I want to develop a Chrome extension, just imagine when Facebook loads you are allowed to add extra JS on it.
But my problem is I can't modify the DOM of the later content, which means the newly loaded content that appear when the user scrolled down.
So I want to detect XHR using JavaScript.
I tried
send = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
/* Wrap onreadystaechange callback */
var callback = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
/* We are in response; do something, like logging or anything you want */
callback.apply(this, arguments);
_send.apply(this, arguments);
But this is not working.. any ideas?
Besides Arun's correct remark that you should use _send for both, your approach doesn't work because of how Content Scripts work.
The code running in the content script works in an isolated environment, to prevent it from conflicting with page's own code. So it's not like you described - you're not simply adding JS to the page, you have it run isolated. As a result, your XHR replacement only affects XHR calls from your extension's content scripts and not the page.
It's possible to inject the code into the page itself. This will affect XHR's from the page, but might not work on all pages, if the Content Security Policy of the page in question disallows inline code. It seems like Facebook's CSP would allow this. Page's CSP should not be a problem according to the docs. So, this approach should work, see the question I linked.
That said, you're not specifically looking for AJAX calls, you're looking for new elements being inserted in the DOM. You can detect that without modifying the page's code, using DOM MutationObservers.
See this answer for more information.
to detect AJAX calls on a webpage you have to inject the code directly in that page and then call the .ajaxStart or .ajaxSuccess
// To Successfully Intercept AJAX calls, we had to embed the script directly in the Notifications page
var injectedCode = '(' + function() {
$('body').ajaxSuccess(function(evt, request, settings) {
if (evt.delegateTarget.baseURI == 'URL to check against if you want') {
// do your stuff
} + ')();';
// Inserting the script into the page
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = injectedCode;
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);

Calling multiple perl scripts over APACHE server?

I am pretty new to creating web applications, so I am very unfamiliar with working over a web server. Just to let everyone know, I am implementing html, javascript, strawberry perl, AJAX, and running over an APACHE 2 web server. I finally have my web app working, I have an html file that calls a perl script that is in my htdocs directory. Here is a mock up of my .html file for reference, this one simply alerts the user of the output printed by the perl script:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function loadXMLDoc() {
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var str;
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
// Get output from perl script and print it
str = xmlhttp.responseText;
}"GET","http://localhost/" , false); //perl script
<button type="button" onclick="loadXMLDoc()">Display</button>
So this file test.html calls a perl script [] within the same directory. Also, the perl script just prints a number so this alerts the user of the number. This is just an example of my implementation. My actual perl script and java script [inside the ready state block] is much more complicated. Now I have to add functionality to my web app, so to my questions:
I am looking to run a second and separate perl script when a different event happens. For example, when a button is clicked this perl script is being ran. I am going to have another different event, say a double click on an icon or something, that will need to call this second perl script. Will I simply have the new event call a different function [the first is called Loadxmldoc()] that is almost identical to the one I have here except it will have different code in the ready state block and call a different perl script at the end of it? I am a little confused as to how to implement this.
Also, If I have a list of file names within my javascript code, I need to process EACH of the files using a perl script. Currently I am only processing one so calling the perl script as I have here is fine. I have looked all over the internet to try to find how I would do this but it seems every explanation just covers how to call "a" CGI script. So within my code, say where I am "alerting" the user, I am going to have an array that stores the file names. I need to iterate over this array and for each filename [array element] I need to call the same perl script to process that file. How should I go about implementing this? Currently, my html file is only calling the perl script once and I do not know how I could call it for EACH file since my GET command is outside of my ready state block...
Any help or direction would be appreciated. I am expected to deliver soon and have been spending way too much time sifting through repetitive examples that haven't helped me...:/
As far as generalizing your AJAX request, you can create a function (or rather, a set of functions) that would process different types of responses, as follows:
var requests = [];
requests['script1'] = "http://localhost/";
requests['script2'] = "http://localhost/";
var response_processing = [];
response_processing['script1'] = function (xmlhttp) {
var str = xmlhttp.responseText;
// Here, you can add more functions to do response processing for other AJAX calls,
under different map keys.
Now, in your AJAX code, you call an appropriate request AND appropriate response processor, based on your script name (passed to loadXMLDoc() call as follows): loadXMLDoc("script1");
function loadXMLDoc(script_name) {
// Your generic AJAX code as you already implemented
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {
// Careful so script_name doesn't get closured in onreadystatechange()
}"GET", requests[script_name], false); //perl script

How can I delay the execution of a script block until after an external script has loaded?

I'm trying to dynamically insert and execute a couple of scripts, and I think I'm hitting a race condition where the second is trying to execute before the first is loaded.
The project I'm working on has an unusual requirement: I am unable to modify the page's HTML source. It's compiled into an app for localization purposes.
Therefore, I'm unable to insert <script> tags like I normally would to link in JavaScript files.
It turns out that the client wants to use a hosted web font, so I decided to build and append the two required <script> tags dynamically in an already-linked JavaScript file.
The <script> blocks are appending correctly in the head of the document, but function in the second block seems to be firing before the external script linked in the first <script> tag is fully loaded, and it's throwing an undefined error.
Here's the relevant piece of code:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
I tried moving the try block to the window.onload event, but that fires before any of this code is called.
I guess I could dynamically load jQuery and then use it's ready event, but that seems pretty heavy-handed. I'm hesitant to pull in a library on this project, as the client has a lot of custom JavaScript that could potentially clash with it.
What else can I try?
You need to hook into the script element's onload event and execute your code there:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.onload = onTagLoaded;
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
function onTagLoaded() {
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
You can load it with yepnope ( ). I know it's a library, but it's very light (free if your client is already using modernizr). It's well worth it. Hopefully the client doesn't have another yepnope function, and you don't have to worry about the clash.
Are you using jQuery? If not, I highly recommend it. It'll make your life so much easier:
$.getScript('', function(data, textStatus){
try {
Typekit.load(); //executes properly now!
} catch(e) {
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
Combining the scripts into one big seems to be the easiest solution.

