YUI TreeView Selection destroyed on recreate - javascript

I have a YUI Treeview that allows selection with checkboxes. After some operations, I destroy the tree (with tree.destroy()), and then create a new tree using the same containerID. This new tree should allow selection using checkboxes, but does not. What could be causing this?

If you've got some code, that'd be helpful, but in general the destroy method cleans up the JavaScript side of things (listeners, etc.), but doesn't necessarily clean up all of the markup. If you want to use the same ID, it'd consider removing that ID from the DOM to clean out all of it's children and then recreating it and then building the tree. I'm guessing that's not super helpful, but maybe if you can explain your use case a little more, I can offer some better suggestions.


do I understand react virtual DOM sense correctly?

My way of thinking:
If we want to perform something on dom element we can do it by:
In that situation browser needs to search entire DOM for #someId object. Then it forgets element and searches again to perform DoSomethingElse().
To solve "forgetting and searching again" problem we can save our element as JavaScript object.
var someElement = document.getElementById("#someId");
someElement .DoSomething();
someElement .DoSomethingElse();
Going further we can save entire group of elements or entire nodes to achieve better performance. One more step and we have whole DOM saved as an JavaScript object named virtual dom.
Is that correct way to understand purpose of virtual DOM?
Sorry for noob questions, I'm not front end developer, I'm just curious :)
The main point of the VirtualDOM is that, effectively, you're working on a copy of the real DOM. But the working with that copy is ways faster that working with the actual DOM, because it only has the thing that React actually needs, leaving specific browser issues aside.
The main problem with working with the actual DOM is that it's slow. At least, it's faster to work with that kind of copy, make your work there, and the changes have been done, then you update the actual DOM.
Yes, it sounds a bit crazy, but is faster to compute the differences between state changes and the change everything in "just one step", than making that changes with the actual DOM.
Additionally, you've used for your example just a single DOM node, but you're working on changes on DOM subtrees the thing is not that easy.
For an explanation with more detail you can take a look to this article: http://reactkungfu.com/2015/10/the-difference-between-virtual-dom-and-dom/

How to modify a large number of elements in DOM without sacrificing usability?

I have a list with quite a few elements (each of them is a nested div). Each element has a custom onclick handler.
JS updates the list several times per second, this may result in:
adding or removing some elements
changing text in some elements
changing styles in some elements
changing height of some elements
Most of the time the update makes small changes to the majority of the elements.
To minimize reflows I should remove the list from DOM, make the changes and append it back. The problem I have with this approach is that when user selects some text, the next update will reset the selection. (And the next update comes within a second) If user clicks a button his click may fail to register if there was an update between mose_down and mouse_up.
I understand when the selection resets on text that have been changed. It makes sense. But with such approach any selection in this list will reset.
Is there any better way to do this? How would you implement such list?
This list is fully generated by JS. If I'm removing it from DOM anyway, is there any benefit to modifying it instead of recreating it from scratch? Creating it anew each time would require less code.
This sounds like 2 way data binding, there are a couple of good custom solutions to data-binding answers on here: Handy stack link. Alternatively backbone.js and knockout.js have good techniques amongst quite a few other frameworks (angular ect).
Additionally, if you want to have a pop at it yourself (which I highly recommend to get a better understanding) you could use the proposed 'Object Observe' function. There's some handy documentation with some examples on how this works over at Mozilla. as well as The trusty HTML5 Rocks, which is a nice simple tutorial on using the new Object.Observe functionality, well worth a read.
Hope this helps!

Is loose coupling possible for a web app?

I understand that content, presentation, and behavior are supposed to be separated by using HTML, CSS, and JS to implement them independently. Is there a best practice for binding these elements concretely while maintaining loose coupling in a dynamic web app? Is it even possible? Optimally without depending on jQuery?
To clarify what I'm talking about: HTML has no mechanism for the definition of new tags, so when your JavaScript model needs to generate content, the tags and structure for its presentation are necessarily defined in JS or somehow made accessible to it, tightly coupling behavior to content.
Before someone calls over-OOP, the reason I want to keep tags and CSS classes out of JS is that I don't even want to commit to HTML as a front end. There are at least five different representations of my underlying model that I'll eventually want, and tightly coupling the model to HTML rules out at least two of them.
Is there some way to late bind the model to the target representation without sacrificing dynamics or loose coupling? Like an XML document corresponding model elements to template HTML snippets?
Though it seems backward to provide concrete details of a question about factoring and OO best practice, I want to provide a much fresher example of the entanglement of form & function inherent to HTML. The entanglement of content & behavior between HTML and JS is the problem, though, not the example, and I want an answer that doesn't break when I change the details. It's from a very different project than the one I was working when I first asked this question, but the gist is the same:
I have some HTML for a UI widget. It is a view that represents a model object - a selection of palettes - to the user. Palettes themselves are part of the app's task, so they're not view, they're model.
I want to use this widget in at least 2 different dialogs (and any I might want in the future). In one, I need a changed selection to cause immediate action, the recoloring of a set of images in canvas elements that are part of the same dialog. In another, I just need to have two different sets to select from - one selection in each set.
I do not want to copy and paste this widget's HTML form or JS behavior because I want maintenance and revision to propagate from one base thing to all of its instances. Thus, only one instance of the widget, whatever its form may be, may exist in my source.
I do not want to have my JS rendering HTML tags directly because doing so will forfeit my IDE's error checking and content assistance on the HTML. Further, if there are problems with the HTML output, their source in my JS will be less clear because the process of generating the HTML doesn't look like HTML or necessarily reflect its structure. Finally, I want to test the effects of changes to the widget's CSS and HTML independently of my JS.
I do not want to involve additional dependencies e.g. separate templating & parameterization languages in my source because changes to various standards or evolving needs may break their compatibility, or they may themselves become unmaintained, in the future, leaving me with a massive quantity of useless source. Depending on jQuery is okay because it does more for normalizing between browsers (not to mention for convenience) than it is likely to ever break given its ubiquity, but other libraries will be regarded with extreme suspicion.
I want to specify the details of altering and retrieving the widget's state (what colors compose the palettes, how the user chooses among them) in JS that references only the widget and its component parts, since it's going to be a part of multiple dialogs that use its information in different ways.
Simultaneously, other JS code (the dialog's behavior) needs to be able to observe and initialize the widget's state - but without including any specific references to the widget's internal structure, which may some day change to accommodate new features, fix bugs, etc.
For simply making multiple copies of the widget's HTML, I can settle on calling jquery.clone on a template node that exists in an HTML file, and inserting the contents where I need them, from the function that sets up the dialog. HTML makes things difficult when any of the cloned elements have id or name attributes, but careful handling during cloning can make unique identifiers, point their corresponding label elements and href attributes at the new identifiers, and keep the old ones accessible in data attributes. So all is well and good for structure & content, and obviously the CSS presentation propagates to the clone just fine.
The rub comes when I try to implement the widget's interface with its dialog's controller. What is the most future-proof way to expose the widget's state's abstraction? I.e. I don't want to use widgetJquery.find('input:checked').val() to get the selected color from code that doesn't absolutely have to commit to a selection being based on a checked input element whose value attribute is a set of serialized colors.
I hope that makes it more clear what I'm looking for without muddling the question with details.
You can always have different XSLTs parse an XML.
But, it seems you try to abstract tooo much.
use the MVC, use different views to parse.
The methodology you write about is common in old systems, I worked with more than 10 years ago, there is probably a good reason evolution killed it.
Loose coupling is best achieved archtecturally using design patterns. A great example of how to achieve loose coupling is found in the Mediator Pattern. However, there are several patterns to use.
I suggest reading Addy Osmani's 'Essential JavaScript design Patterns' for comprehensive coverage of a range of patterns.

Ext.Layer with a panel in it

I'm trying to figure out how layers in Ext work. The documentation is very concise and I can't find a lot about them anywhere else, other than a forum thread where Jack Slocum says they're very simple.
I have a working tree panel, and what I'm now trying to do is put that in a layer so it floats over the page (it's meant as a helper dialog that pops up next to a form element). I've only gotten as far as creating a simple layer with a <div> element in it, but can't get it to contain more advanced stuff. Looking at the Combo source, which uses a Layer for the option list, also didn't make me much wiser.
So, can someone with a little more experience on this subject please tell me: how are you really supposed to use Ext.Layer? Or am I "doing it wrong"? :)
An Ext.Layer is an extension of Ext.element, rather than being an extension of Ext.Component.
Ext.Element doesn't benefit from all the component config options and methods that say an Ext.Panel does, and so you're going to have a much harder time adding a tree panel to an Ext.Layer than if you added the tree panel to an Ext.Window which already benefits from shim and shadow (the two main reasons you would want to use an Ext.Layer).
But before I would resort to using Ext.Window to wrap the tree panel, I would take a look at the shadow config option in tree panel which should provide the 'floating' effect you want...
true (or a valid Ext.Shadow Ext.Shadow.mode value) to display a shadow behind the panel, false to display no shadow (defaults to 'sides'). Note that this option only applies when floating = true.

Javascript DOM tree duplicate for manipulation

Since the DOM tree of a page is active and always reflected in the browser, what is the best way to modify this DOM tree for some purpose without affecting the actual rendered tree ? Let's say my purpose is to swap certain children nodes and see how similar the DOM tree still remains.
Is creating a duplicate tree the only solution ? If it is, is there a function to do this ? Or do I need to write my own function to create a duplicate copy of the tree. I won't need all the attributes of the element object, so I can create a simpler object with a few attributes that point to the siblings and children.
You can use document.cloneNode(true), or the same method on another node. cloneNode clones any node, and the true means it should be recursive (deep). Obviously, this could have a significant performance cost on a large page.
If you are willing to use jQuery:
var clone = $("selectorForSomeElement(s)").clone();
clone now is a copy of the element structure.
You can then work off of clone to do whatever experimenting you like.
Maybe consider one the many great JavaScript librarys out there, e.g. jQuery. These allow you to easily copy parts of or even the whole DOM of an document and have that stored appart from the DOM.
If you need to roll your own solution, a good point to start is Resig's post on document fragments: http://ejohn.org/blog/dom-documentfragments/.
Good luck.

