Javascript Click/Drag and Select Table rows and columns - javascript

I am wondering if anyone knows a java script library that would add a "select" type of functionality as seen in excel/google docs where you can click and select several different parts of a row and/or column. I am looking at adding this functionality to my web application. Does anyone know where of library's preferably in java script that will be able to add this.
Thanks in advance

jQuery has a plugin called pfSelect which provides the kind of functionality that I think you are looking for. You could take a look at that. And if you're not using jQuery, I'm pretty sure that every major JS ui library has this kind of functionality (Dojo's Grid, ExtJS' ArrayGrid, YUI's DataTable, etc.).


table written in vanilla typescript. havent used any plugin or widget.want to add pagination to that table.I dont want to use any plugin

I have a data table hard coded in my ts and html file. i want to add pagination and search functionality without using any plugin or widgets. can someone please tell me the logic how to implement it? i have hardcoded the table and have not used in plugins.
you could use many plugins available on the web for angular . however you can get help from below url.
How to add pagination in Angular 4 for a table?

How to achieve suggestions in input field

Hi I had come across a question how to achieve suggestions in the input field while typing for example (in browser url bar while we typing first 3 to 4 letters it give suggestion if the url is correct we go with it else with single delete key press remove the suggested content). This need to be done with input field. Is this scenario is possible? Thanks.
There's a big range of possibilities here.
If the contents of the list are static or easily generated via code, you can use a native HTML <datalist> element.
If you are wanting autocomplete in the form using the user's previously-provided data, you can just enable via the <input autocomplete> attribute
If you're wanting far more customization, it's going to have to be some JavaScript that does the dirty work for you. Stack Overflow is not a good forum for getting library suggestions, but you should survey what's available in your current development stack.
This is absolutely achievable, have a look at - typehead.js
It's a javascript project for doing exactly what you're asking, I believe it's compatible with boostrap too.
Autocomplete suggestions are a very common Web Component. If you are using jQuery, you might want to try this component published by Materialize. If you are using, say, Polymer, you might want to try paper-autocomplete. If you are using vanilla javascript, you could try typeahead, or something like this autocomplete library. Most other modern web frameworks will have some alternative. I wouldn't really recommend making one from scratch.

MediaWiki / OOUI: SelectWidget for multiple selections?

is there a class similar to a SelectWidget which allows to select multiple items from a list in the OOUI library? I want to use that in a MediaWiki VisualEditor instance I'm extending.
I guess I can also rewrite SelectWidget myself, but yeah maybe there's a solution already.
OOUI appears to have only CapsuleMultiselectWidget (tag list / capsule control).
Also, you should note this is a JS-only widget (no PHP implementation, or "PHP pendant" in OOUI-speak).
After quite an extensive search, it appears there's no simpler multi-select dropdown - there are a few open tasks to implement one:
T91147: Create a generalised multi-select widget
T108489: Generalise CapsuleMultiselectWidget into a MultiselectWidget
T117782: Implement CheckboxMultiselectWidget (and CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget)

What toolkit does JIRA use for the basic search filters?

JIRA has a nice search tool built into the issue tracker -- date-pickers, multi-select label pickers, number filters (min/max), and the like. For the label filter specifically, I'm wondering if this is a feature that Atlassian home-rolled; or did they use a plug-and-play framework that I too can add to my site; or something in between? I realize there's some back-end stuff that needs to happen in order to populate the list, but the UI element itself looks really slick.
The image below, from, shows the label filter I'm interested in.
I tried pulling apart the source on the page, but I only found things that appear to be unrelated: AUI (Atlassian's UI standards?) and AJS (a low-level jQuery-esque library?).
I think that this plugin is the one you need. But you still will need to do the backend magic to ensure it works.

Is there a way to use Filtrify that has outdated jquery with bootstrap that needs higher versions of jquery?

I really like the Filtrify plugin with the multiple search categories like on this link by Luis. It is perfect for my project but I'm using bootstrap as a framework and this plugin uses version 1.7.1 of jquery and bootstrap needs 1.9.+. Is there a way so I can use both or is not possible? If not, do you guys know of similar plugin that I can use ? I need to be able to search multiple items and filter content by those items. My first try was to use the instafilta but then I can only search for one item at a time, unless I don't know how to configure it.
So to be exact, the Filtrify demo that I posted is exactly what I need.
This is the content of my project. I want to be able to search for for example Javascript and C++ and filter the users that have that in their list.
This is my first post so I hope this is specific enough.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe take a look at "". It has a filter function, too.
filtrify.js line 99: change the if statment with this
field = this._order[f];
This is an old problem, but I was able to fix the jQuery conflict of using newer jQuery with Filtrify by using method 1 on this page:

