Keeping websites within an iframe - javascript

Certain websites like Twitter, Flickr, etc avoid being stuck within an iframe. Is there any way to stop this from happening? I just need to see the public data so I am open to disabling Javascript, etc. How do I disable Javascript running on the iframe? Is this possible?

You can't disable JavaScript on iFrames or any other resources AFAIK.
The only way to reliably do this is to load the sites through a proxy PHP or other server-side script, filter out any JavaScript (which will break many sites), and fix all relative references to images and other media - a task that would take an insane amount of time to complete if you want the sites to actually work.
If you just need some data from the sites, proxying might work. Seeing as the Same Origin Policy would prevent you getting anything from an IFRAME from a different domain anyway, it is also the only way to access content on those sites using JavaScript.

In IE only, there is the <iframe security="restricted"> attribute. This disables JavaScript in the targeted document, which would break a JS frame-escape script — along with all other interaction that's script-dependent.
However, apart from the browser compatibility issue, it's very rude to frame a site that doesn't want to be framed, and it will work less and less anyway as more sites deploy X-Frame-Options.
I'm not sure what you mean by “need to see the public data”... as Pekka said, you won't be able to ‘see’ into an iframe's DOM from outside it, as that would be a security problem.


Google Chrome blocked redirect with in iframe

I want to redirect my website from iframe to main url, here is my code:
window.setTimeout(function() { = jQuery("link[rel=canonical]").attr("href") + "#ref=shahrekhabar";
return false;
}, 100);
It works on Firefox but Google Chrome blocked this type of redirecttion.
I try with and and but no luck.
The reason:
Some spam sites shows my site in iframe and I want to escape from them and I think redirection is good solution.
Edit to answer the TRUE question:
A common issue with stack overflow is that users will often ask how to do something they think solves the problem they are encountering, rather than just asking us how to solve the problem. We always appreciate hearing how you've gone about trying to solve your problem, but it's always best if we know that and what the root problem is. So in your case, given your comment on my answer, the question should have been:
Currently my website is being shown in iframes on sites that I have no control over? I'd like to prevent them from doing this, how can I do so? I'm currently trying to redirect my website from iframe to main url, but it won't work on Chrome. ... Rest of question ...
Given this question, my original answer is useless as:
You still can't and shouldn't be able to alter the URL of the parent window.
You don't own the sites showing your page in the iframe, which means you can't register a listener to handle the postMessage or CustomEvent.
Funny enough, what you're trying to do is the exact reason why chrome doesn't let you do it hahaha. But don't worry there is still a solution.
Introducing CORS!
CORS or Cross Origin Resource Sharing is the name for when a site on one domain accesses resources that aren't on the same domain. Doesn't matter who owns either site, if the two domains are different it's CORS. Now this is good for you because there are such things as CORS policies where you can prevent anyone from even accessing a resource on your domain if they make a CORS request. Keep in mind this will mean you can't display your site within an iframe on another one of your sites unless they're on the same domain, but it sounds like it may be worth it for you.
In case you're curious, unlike what you're trying to do, using CORS policy is very much standard procedure for developers that don't wish for their sites to appear in iframes and is in fact used by famous sites such as facebook, google, and even good ole stackoverflow (I would know, I tried to make a way to view multiple questions at the same time via iframes a while back). I've included an example below that shows this all to be true, alongside an example of a site that doesn't care ( In order to implement this on your site check out this link.
<iframe src=""> </iframe>
<iframe src=""> </iframe>
<iframe src=""> </iframe>
<iframe src=""> </iframe>
The old answer:
So you're trying to change the location of the parent window from an iframe? This sounds extremely dangerous and the fact that Firefox doesn't block it worries me. Good job Chrome!
Why wouldn't you want this?
I can think of a few reasons you wouldn't want this, but the biggest is that it's just poor programming. A page should work completely independent of whether or not it is inside an iframe, and even if the page should only be viewed in an iframe it still shouldn't be interacting with the parent window in such a direct way.
Possible issues that could arise if this were allowed on all platforms:
Include an iframe in your ads and as soon as your ad is displayed, redirect the user to your site or worse, redirect them to a mirror of the current site that you're hosting to collect passwords / personal information.
If you can mess with the windows location (arguably the most important and static thing about a web page being viewed) why can't you mess with anything? Can you go into the parent window and adjust the DOM or do a query selection for inputs of type password in order to copy the values? Or what about attaching event listeners to the parent window silently such that you can log any and all key presses.
How can you work around it?
Don't worry too much about the issues I brought up above, as they can all be avoided by following proper standards. In fact, the JavaScript devs envisioned this exact problem which is why you can post messages across windows. Look into this link and go from there, feel free to comment if you have any questions but it should be as simple as posting a message, detecting it on the parent window, and then changing the location as you wish.
If you need to send data from the iframe to the parent window, or your iframe isn't hosted on the same domain, you can instead use CustomEvents (which I prefer even when my iframe is on the same domain) which allow you to attach a data object.
As for why either of these two solutions is better than directly manipulating the parent window, it's all due to the parent window needing to register a listener for the message / custom event. If your page is not inside an iframe it'll simply post a message to itself which it won't be listening for. If your page is inside an iframe on the page it should be on, your parent page should already have registered the proper listeners. And there is no chance for malicious use of these features because again, I have to register a listener and I choose what is done with the event once it's caught.

Disable javascript in a site that you are framing

Would it be possible to disable javascript in a website that you are trying to frame? If that website is trying to bust your framing attempts, could you essentially disarm all of their javascript completely, even if this means that the user will have to interact with the site without javascript?
Nope. If you are loading it in a frame or iframe there is no way to specify "load this website but don't enable javascript in its frame".
You might be able to proxy it and strip the js out: bad choice but probably your best option.
That should not be possible, for several reasons. You can't enable/disable JavaScript at all from inside a page, other than to simply not use it, and you can't affect what's going on in pages loaded from different domains.
"Frame busting" is something sites do to protect themselves from sites like the one you're describing :-)
You could do this server side by fetching the site and removing all of their script tags, then sending that to the user instead of a direct connection. But that could get very complicated if you needed to use cookies or something like that.
There is no way to do it client side because browsers prevent xss.

Java script in IFRAME security issues

On the website the typewriter is inside of an IFAME . Everything works correctly on all browsers when you go to the site directly but when viewing the version embeded in an IFRAME it does not work on IE and throws errors in Chrome.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This is the source code for the embedded IFRAME
I understand that this is a security problem but I don`t know how to fix it and can not find any material that would help me solve the issue.
The easiest method is to set a PHP (or any server language) proxy that just gets the content of the page from the other domain and outputs it. The only real drawback is that the cookies of the client for the remote domain aren't sent.
Take a look at This is a jquery plugin that sends message between the two frames. The two frames do not need to be on the same domain. But you do need to access both pages to be able modify them. I also wrote a post here that answers communication between iframes. How to capture clicks from iframe on another domain?
Your only chance is something like easyXDM. (or do it manually using the hash, but would prefer easyXDM)
See the SO answer: Cross-domain hash change communication
eg. if you wanna call a method:
If I try your demo in firefox I don't get the "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access" error at all. But in Chrome it's thrown many times.
You have so much other code in your example that I'm not even sure that your code causes the problem. You should do a very limited/basic test to see if your flash-communication works, without all those other javascripts.
I have had similar issues with this before. Basically if you have an iframe that contains a page from a domain that differs from the main page's domain, javascript will not be able to cross the boundaries between them. Javascript within the iframe will be able to talk within the iframe, javascript in the main page will be able to talk within the main page, but they will not be able to talk to each other.
This is a security issue that aims to stop cross-site scripting attacks. There are a number of hacks that you can put in place to get around this problem but they are all (or at least the ones I know of) rather hairy.
Here are some questions that you should answer before trying to go further:
1) What exactly are you trying to do between the pages using javascript?
2) Do you have access to the source of both pages?
It may be waaay simpler than the above answers. It looks like this function:
function playSound(){
Is written in the DOM timeline before swf is actually assigned to the swfObject in the function below it.
I would recommend moving that function down further and then retest.

Alternatives to iframe for loading cross-site HTML when using iPhone?

I apologize if this has been asked before. I searched but did not find anything. It is a well-known limitation of AJAX requests (such as jQuery $.get) that they have to be within the same domain for security reasons. And it is a well-known workaround for this problem to use iframes to pull down some arbitrary HTML from another website and then you can inspect the contents of this HTML using javascript which communicates between the iframe and the parent page.
However, this doesn't work on the iPhone. In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site. Otherwise, they show a blank content area.
Is there any way around this? Are there other alternatives to using iframes that would allow me to pull the HTML from a different domain's page into javascript on my page?
One answer mentioned JSONP. This doesn't help me because from what I understand JSONP requires support on the server I'm requesting data from, which isn't the case.
That same answer mentioned creating a proxy script on my server and loading data through there. Unfortunately this also doesn't work in my case. The site I'm trying to request data from requires user login. And I don't want my server to have to know the user's credentials. I was hoping to use something client-side so that my app wouldn't have to know the user's credentials at the other site.
I'm prepared to accept that there is no way to accomplish what I want to do on the iPhone. I just wanted to confirm it.
You generally can NOT inspect the contents of an iframe from another domain via JavaScript. The most common answers are to use JSONP or have your original server host a proxy script to retrieve the inner contents for you.
Given your revisions, without modification or support from the secondary site, you are definitely not going to be able to do what you want via the iPhone's browser.
"In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site"
I found the same thing. Is this documented somewhere? Is there a workaround? This sounds like broken web standards to me, and I am wondering if there is a solution.

Block URL using IFrame

I'm loading an external page into an IFRAME, which contains an advertisment that I don't want to let load.
Is there a way I can set a URL/domain blacklist for any content inside an IFRAME?
I'm assuming you're developing on the server-side, some kind of Web app.
What I'd reach for in this situation is something like Perl::HTTP::Proxy.
Instead of pointing your IFRAME directly at the external site, point it to a proxy process (page, servlet, PHP script, doesn't matter) on your own site. This code fetches the content of the URL given to it and filters out the offending ad code before serving the modified response.
I can't comment on the legality or ethics of doing this; depending on the situation, someone might not be happy that you're serving their content but not showing the ads they're getting money for.
No, if you could alter an external page then it could lead to XSS attacks. You'll have to rely on things like AdBlock Plus, etc.
No. But there is one way you can interfere with an iframe's scripts externally:
<iframe security="restricted">
This is an IE6+-only extension, see
This mechanism is poorly-designed and pretty much a dead loss for any kind of actual security, but if the ad in the child page relies on JavaScript to write its iframe (many ad networks do this), then you might be able to break it like this. Of course you would also be breaking any other scripts on the page, and you may well still get a bunch of non-script-based ads.
Not really satisfactory.
Proxy the request internally and manipulate the raw HTML before returning it?

