automatic reload of div container - javascript

instead of a whole page refresh after a certain time, i'd just like a specific div container to reload/refresh. is there any way to do this?
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="quoteContainer"></div>

You can get the effect you desire with jQuery and Googles ajax api
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
function ()
}, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds
<div id="load_latest_scores"> </div>

If you had a page that served quotes, like quote.html for example, you could do this:
setInterval(refreshQuote, 10000); //every 10 seconds
function refreshQuote() {
In this case the expected return from quote.html (or whatever source you have) it a simple string that is the quote, it will take this and replace the content of <div id="quoteContainer"></div> with it.

i think that one aproach would be
function render (){
$('#mydiv').html("<b>new stuff</b>")
window.setInterval(render, 500);


.replaceWith messes up the script

For learning reasons, I build my own link shortener and yeah...
After 5 Seconds this code
<div class="skip-container">
<p class="five">SKIP IN 5 SECONDS</p>
should be replaced with
<div class="skip-button">
<div class="skip-arrow"></div>
to do that I tried
$( document ).ready(function test() {
setTimeout(function test() {
$("p.five").replaceWith('<div class="skip-button">
<div class="skip-arrow"></div> </div> ');
}, 5000);
It changed the script, but it looks broken and not like how it should... I read something about it keeps it in DOM and such stuff, but I am new in all that and yeah... is the problem page!
You either need to concatenate the string down, or escape the new lines:
$(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$("p.five").replaceWith('<div class="skip-button">\
<div class="skip-arrow"></div>\
</div> ');
}, 5000);

jQuery reset star-rating.js

I am using this plugin
I want to reset my form. But how can I reset these stars??
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
//some other inputs reset
Please help on how to reset these stars to zero or null.
Here is the full code.
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
jQuery(function($) {
click: function(clicked_rating, event) {
I don't know if this is the best approach, since I'm not familiar with this library...
But I achieved a reset like this:
$('.star-rating').replaceWith("<span class='rating'>0/10 stars</span>");
<script src=""></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<h1>This is a good script!</h1>
<span class="rating">9.5/10 stars</span><br>
<button id="resetStars">Reset stars</button>
I'm not familiar with the plugin, but looking at the link you provided, can't you just update the text inside of the element to reflect an empty or zero rating? Something like:
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
It looks like all you need to do is set the content to 0. Then re initialize the method.
You could try something like this; an attempt to set default blank stars on initial page load, or Click.
$(document).ready(function() {
Then refresh page to rest:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
If you don't want to refresh page, you could try:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
You may have to re-initiate your click feature on the star with similar jQuery to re add the appropriate Class when needed.
If this doesn't help or work; could you create a to fully replicate your issue; and then we could solve it. If it were me; I'd find a better plugin to use or just write it from scratch at that point.
A bit another approach by re-rendering your rating stars from scratch using custom renderRating function.
<div class="rating-stars"></div>
<button class="reset-rating">Reset rating</button>
var defaultRating = "0/5";
function renderRating(rating) {
var ratingEl = $('<span />').addClass('rating');
var ratingStr = rating || defaultRating;
$('.reset-rating').on('click', function() {
Preview on JSFiddle
This should reset it to 0:
$('#starrating').star_rating('rating', 0);
Here's the format to call the public methods:
Should your click event be inside the document ready? If it is outside document ready, that can sometimes cause issue. I hope this helps :)

Why jQuery blocks page rendering?

I have some questions about page rendering. Here is my html code:
<img src="a.jpeg" alt="images1">
<img src="b.jpeg" alt="images2">
<script src="public/js/doSomething.js"></script>
<script src="lib/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
And my doSomething.js takes 5 seconds to execute:
function doSomething(n){
var start = new Date().getTime() ;
while((new Date().getTime() - start) < 1000 * n){}
doSomething(5) ;
I put <script> tag in the end of <body> so that the other elements will show before doSomething.js loads. But my page turns out yielding nothing until doSomething.js finishes executing.
And if I removes jQuery script, the other DOM elements(h1 and images) will be shown successfully before doSomething.js loaded.
Here are my questions:
Why jQuery blocks DOM rendering in my example?
If I remove jQuery, and everything works as my expectation, then I get another question. In my understanding, <script> is part of DOM tree, and if it is not loaded, the DOM tree will not be finished constructing, then the whole render tree will not construct. Why the elements like <h1> can be painted to the page if render tree is not constructed? In short words, why moving <script> to the end of <body> will make previous elements render on page?
Why jQuery blocks DOM rendering in my example?
doSomething appear to be blocking UI
Why the elements like <h1> can be painted to the page if render tree
is not constructed?
Try using $.holdReady() , $.Deferred()
body * {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 1s;
<script src="">
function doSomething(n) {
return new $.Deferred(function(d) {
setTimeout(d.resolve, n * 1000)
doSomething(5).then(function() {
$(function() {
$("body *").css("opacity", 1)
<img src="" />
<img src="" />

changing image src onClick without using attr

Is there something wrong with this code? I am trying to do the simple action of changing the src of an img named "midimg" upon mouse-click. It's not working and i don't know why
<script type="javascript">
function buttonInCompany()
<div onClick="buttonInCompany()">Everything is cage's cage.<br><br></div>
<img name="midimg" src="">
Do you need the jQuery line? I just dropped it, than it works as expected.
function buttonInCompany()
Seeing as how you are apparently already using a js framework (I assume jQuery), why not do it a more proper way to begin with?
<script type="text/javascript">
function buttonInCompany()
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#someID").click(function() {
<div id='someID'>Everything is cage's cage.<br><br></div>
<img id="midimg" src="">

call a javascript function inside a div

I would like to create a webpage which contains several divs each containing the same draw function with different implementation (like a generic interface). After loading the page I want to iterate through all the divs and call each draw function one after the other.
My page so far looks like this:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$( document ).ready( function() {
// Draw all slots
$('div.slot').each(function(i, d) {
console.log('slot found: ' +;
// d.draw() does not work
<div class="slot" id="slot1">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function draw() {
console.log('Here we draw a circle');
<div class="slot" id="slot2">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function draw() {
console.log('Here we do something totally different and draw a rectangle');
Unfortunately I don't know how to call the draw function of the selected div "d".
Right now it only calls the last defined draw function.
Mind you that I can not combine the different draw methods into one which would get a parameter like shape handed in. The draw methods will be totally independent from each other.
Why are you defining scripts in the divs?
Do your logic all in one script block:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$( document ).ready( function() {
// Draw all slots
$('div.slot').each(function(i, d) {
console.log('slot found: ' +;
// d.draw() does not work
function draw(behavior) {
<div class="slot" id="slot1" data-behavior="drew 1">
<div class="slot" id="slot2" data-behavior="drew 2">
If you're looking to do something more complicated, you should consider building an object oriented javascript application, with each block's functionality derived from a class "slot".
You can call it like
<div class="slot" id="slot1">Draw1</div>
<div class="slot" id="slot2">Draw2</div>
function draw()
console.log('Drawed! '+$(this).attr('id'));
$(document).ready( function() {
$('div.slot').each(function(i, d) {
console.log('slot found: ' +;$(this));
An Example.
The reason that is happening is because you keep overwriting the draw function. Why don't you have a script page where you hold an array of function pointers to the right function like so:
var array = (draw1, draw2, draw3, ...);
function draw1()
//do your thing on div1
function drawn()
//do your n thing on divn
Now for your first div you need to call draw1 which is located at index 1 of the array.
<div id="draw1">
<div id="drawn">
What do ya think. Note sytax has not been tested.
function() {
<div id="show" align="center">
function callfun(){
var data = "hi";
I think it may work.
You keep overwriting window.draw() every time you redefine it. You either need to namespace each one (that is, attach it to an (otherwise empty) object), or to give each and every function a distinct name. There is no "div-scope" in Javascript ;)
You can name each function according to the div's id and call it dynamically using the object["methodName"]() syntax to call it.
<script src=""></script>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$( document ).ready( function() {
// Draw all slots
$('div.slot').each(function(i, d) {
console.log('slot found: ' +;
// d.draw() does not work
<div class="slot" id="slot1">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function slot1() {
console.log('Here we draw a circle');
<div class="slot" id="slot2">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function slot2() {
console.log('Here we do something totally different and draw a rectangle');
The easiest way I've found to go 'real OOP' in this case is to dispatch all on events on document level :
create a simple object and load this object in the main and the views like :
var events = {someCustomEventFromMain:'someCustomEventFromMain', someCustomEventFromView:'someCustomEventFromView'}
Now you can trigger events on document with jQuery like
$(document).trigger(events.someCustomEventFromMain, somedata);
And you can listen from any view or div or else
$(document).on(events.someCustomEventFromMain, function(__e, __data){
//___e is the event emitted from
//__data is the data object you wish to pass with the event
//do something when event occurs
So if every subscript listens to some event at document level, in your case 'drawEvent',that should do the trick. You can even pass a parameters in the data of the event, like 'circle'.
Hope this helps.

