JavaScript: True form reset for hidden fields - javascript

Unfortunately form.reset() function doesn't reset hidden inputs of the form.
Checked in FF3 and Chromium.
Does any one have an idea how to do the reset for hidden fields as well?

Seems the easiest way of doing that is having <input style="display: none" type="text"/> field instead of <input type="hidden"/> field.
At this case default reset process regularly.

This is correct as per the standard, unfortunately. A bad spec wart IMO. IE provides hidden fields with a resettable defaultValue nonetheless. See this discussion: it's not (alas) going to change in HTML5.
(Luckily, there is rarely any need to reset a form. As a UI feature it's generally frowned upon.)
Since you can't get the original value of the value attribute at all, you would have to duplicate it in another attribute and fetch that. eg.:
<form id="f">
<input type="hidden" name="foo" value="bar" class="value=bar"/>
function resetForm() {
var f= document.getElementById('f');
f.reset(); Element_getClassValue(, 'value');
function Element_getClassValue(el, classname) {
var prefix= classname+'=';
var classes= el.className.split(/\s+/);
for (var i= classes.length; i-->0;)
if (classes[i].substring(0, prefix.length)===prefix)
return classes[i].substring(prefix.length);
return '';
Alternative ways of smuggling that value in might include HTML5 data, another spare attribute like title, an immediately-following <!-- comment --> to read the value from, explicit additional JS information, or extra hidden fields just to hold the default values.
Whatever approach, it would have to clutter up the HTML; it can't be created by script at document ready time because some browsers will have already overridden the field's value with a remembered value (from a reload or back button press) by that time that code executes.

Another answer, in case anyone comes here looking for one.
Serialize the form after the page loads and use those values to reset the hidden fields later:
var serializedForm = $('#myForm').serialize();
Then, to reset the form:
function fullReset(){
$('#myForm').reset(); // resets everything except hidden fields
var formFields = decodeURIComponent(serializedForm).split('&'); //split up the serialized form into variable pairs
//put it into an associative array
var splitFields = new Array();
for(i in formFields){
vals= formFields[i].split('=');
splitFields[vals[0]] = vals[1];
this.value = splitFields[];

You can use jQuery - this will empty hidden fields:
$('form').on('reset', function() {
$("input[type='hidden']", $(this)).val('');
Tip: just make sure you're not resetting csrf token field or anything else that shouldn't be emptied. You can narrow down element's specification if needed.
If you want to reset the field to a default value you can use(not tested):
$('form').on('reset', function() {
$("input[type='hidden']", $(this)).each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
and save the default value in the data-defaultvalue="Something" property.

I found it easier to just set a default value when the document is loaded then trap the reset and reset the hidden puppies back to their original value. For example,
//fix form reset (hidden fields don't get reset - this will fix that pain in the arse issue)
$( document ).ready(function() {
$("#myForm").find("input:hidden").each(function() {
$(this).data("myDefaultValue", $(this).val());
$("#myForm").on("reset.myarse", function() {
var myDefaultValue = $(this).data("myDefaultValue");
if (myDefaultValue != null) {
Hope this helps someone out :)

$('#form :reset').on('click',function(e)({
$("#form input:hidden,#form :text,#form textarea").val('');
For select, checkbox, radio, it's better you know (hold) the default values and in that event handler, you set them to their default values.

Create a button and add JavaScript to the onClick event which clears the fields.
That said, I'm curious why you want to reset these fields. Usually, they contain internal data. If I would clear them in my code, the post of the form would fail (for example after the user has entered the new data and tries to submit the form).
[EDIT] I misunderstood your question. If you're worried that someone might tamper with the values in the hidden fields, then there is no way to reset them. For example, you can call reset() on the form but not on a field in the form.
You could think that you could save the values in a JavaScript file and use that to reset the values but when a user can tamper with the hidden fields, he can tamper with the JavaScript as well.
So from a security point of view, if you need to reset hidden fields, then avoid them in the first place and save the information in the session on the server.

How I would do it is put an event listener on the change event of the hidden field. In that listener function you could save the initial value to the DOM element storage (mootools, jquery) and then listen to the reset event of the form to restore the initial values stored in the hidden form field storage.

This will do:
$("#form input:hidden").val('').trigger('change');

You can reset hidden input field value using below line, you just need to change your form id instead of frmForm.
$("#frmForm input:hidden").val(' ');


trouble resetting form through javascript or jquery

I have the below jQuery function which is called when ever I click a button on my page. This button is supposed to reset the form and reload a fresh page.
function Create(txt) {
if (txt="createUser") {
$('#myform').each(function() {
But for some reason, it does not go to this.reset() at all and I see all the form values in my action class. How should I solve this?
Below is how the button is defined.
<input type="button" value="Create" class="btn" onclick="Create('createUser');">
edit: Ok guys.. i know how input type="reset" works and i have another button in my page doing the same.. I have a create user form where i can search and see an existing user details or fill the form and create a new user. if i search for a user and then click on create to create another user, it sends a new request to the server and reloads the page.. but in the action class.. the bean has not been reset.. and i get all the values back on the page. hence ..i want to reset the form...without using the reset button...
I selected John's answer .. made a slight modification and below is the final function i used.
function Create(txt){
if (txt="createUser"){
var $form = $('#myform');
$form.find(':input').not(':button,:submit, :reset, :hidden').val('').removeAttr('checked').removeAttr('selected'); // Clear all inputs
Instead of java script, you can have html code,
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
As others have pointed out, you have = where you should have ==, but that means the if-statement is always true. It is not, however, the reason you "see all the form values in my action class".
I think the problem may be that you are misinterpreting what the reset() method does. It does not clear all the input values; instead, it resets them to their original values (i.e., the values in the "value" attributes).
You may want to clear them yourself, rather than use the reset() method.
function Create(txt) {
if (txt == 'createUser') {
var $form = $('#myform');
// Clear form values
$form.find('input:checkbox,input:radio)').prop('checked', false);
Note: The :input selector matches all input, textarea, select and button elements.
Note: It appears the OP does not want hidden inputs to be cleared, but does want checkboxes and radio buttons cleared.
You seem to be setting a variable here -
if (txt="createUser"){...
Change it to -
if (txt == "createUser") {..
That way you're doing a comparison, instead of setting a variable.
the button does not have type="reset" so either change it to reset or use
document.getElementById("myform").reset(); instead of
I would do like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#createUserButton").on("click", function() {
var form = $("#myForm")[0];
And your button becomes:
<input type="button" value="Create" class="btn" id="createUserButton">
I'd suggest you to place an id attribute as well in your input text, something like:
<input type="text" name="method" id="methodName" />
And then you could reference it by id which is faster than by name, like this:
Your code was wrong, in your if you should've used == or === instead of just = and your form should've just have called reset method. No need to iterate over an id using each, even because an ID have to be unique in an HTML page.
Here's a workin fiddle, just type something in the first input to see it happening.

How to get websites actual HTML code by JS?

I have a website with a form. The form is filled by user with data for example i show to user:
<input type='text' value="" name="dsa" />
And he fills it with value of "3";
And he clicks button "save". Now i want to have the whole HTML of the website including values of fields. So i use:
But i get:
<input type='text' value="" name="dsa" />
But i want to get this:
<input type='text' value="3" name="dsa" />
NOTICE I want to take the whole HTML of the website, not only one field. I dont know what fields will be on the website so i need a general solution.
AFAIK you can't get this from the HTML code, as the HTML code does not change when the user inputs something in a Input text field.
What you could do is get all input fields on the page and get their values with something like this:
var inputs, index;
inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (index = 0; index < inputs.length; ++index) {
// deal with inputs[index] element.
The code is from this post:
I was too lazy to write it down my self :P
In jQuery I do
$(function() {
$('input').keyup(function() {
$(this).attr('value', $(this).val());
Because the value attribute isn't set after key up
You could try to set a live event on a whole document that will set attribustes to html with values user set in or set them on your submit.
First way for example
$("body").on("change", "select,input,textarea", function(){
$(this).attr("value", $(this).val());
But this should not be done so blindly, and you'll get problems with reset. And you should solve problem with selected radio, checkbox and other attributes, not only values.
Second way is to serialize whole page when it really needed.
var serialize = function(el){
$("select, input, textarea").each(function(){
$(this).attr("value", $(this).val()); //the same way as upper
var inner = $("body"),
html = inner.html(); //here you will get whole html with setted attributes
This way seems to be better because there wont be delegation of unnecessary event. - test example.
But in both ways it's not good idea to set permanent values to DOM itself.

Dynamically adding new fields resets values in previous fields

I using an HTML / Javascript combination to add fields dynamically.
Here is the jsfiddle for it:
My problem is, if I input values in a field, and then click on the Add More button, a new field gets added but the previous fields' values get reset.
The button to add more is of type <input type="button"/> and not <input type="reset" />
Any way to prevent this?
Use DOM methods, not innerHTML. DOM methods are standardised, innerHTML is not. Some browsers will reflect the current value as the default value, others will not.
You can do:
var el, oEl = document.getElementById('divToClone');
if (oEl) {
el = oEl.cloneNode(true);
// code here to fix duplicate ids and
// set style.display = '' so it's visible

Delete empty values from form's params before submitting it

I have some javascript which catches changes to a form then calls the form's regular submit function. The form is a GET form (for a search) and i have lots of empty attributes come through in the params. What i'd like to do is to delete any empty attributes before submitting, to get a cleaner url: for example, if someone changes the 'subject' select to 'english' i want their search url to be
rather than
as it is at the moment. This is just purely for the purpose of having a cleaner and more meaningful url to link to and for people's bookmarks etc. So, what i need is something along these lines, but this isn't right as i'm not editing the actual form but a js object made from the form's params:
quizSearchForm = jQuery("#searchForm");
formParams = quizSearchForm.serializeArray();
//remove any empty fields from the form params before submitting, for a cleaner url
//this won't work as we're not changing the form, just an object made from it.
for (i in formParams) {
if (formParams[i] === null || formParams[i] === "") {
delete formParams[i];
//submit the form
I think i'm close with this, but i'm missing the step of how to edit the actual form's attributes rather than make another object and edit that.
grateful for any advice - max
EDIT - SOLVED - thanks to the many people who posted about this. Here's what i have, which seems to work perfectly.
function submitSearchForm(){
quizSearchForm = jQuery("#searchForm");
//disable empty fields so they don't clutter up the url
quizSearchForm.find(':input[value=""]').attr('disabled', true);
The inputs with attribute disabled set to true won't be submitted with the form. So in one jQuery line:
$(':input[value=""]').attr('disabled', true);
$('form#searchForm').submit(function() {
$(':input', this).each(function() {
this.disabled = !($(this).val());
You can't do it that way if you call the form's submit method; that will submit the entire form, not the array you've had jQuery create for you.
What you can do is disable the form fields that are empty prior to submitting the form; disabled fields are omitted from form submission. So walk through the form's elements and for each one that's empty, disable it, and then call the submit method on the form. (If its target is another window, you'll then want to go back and re-enable the fields. If its target is the current window, it doesn't matter, the page will be replaced anyway.)
Well one thing you could do would be to disable the empty inputs before calling "serializeArray"
$('#searchForm').find('input, textarea, select').each(function(_, inp) {
if ($(inp).val() === '' || $(inp).val() === null)
inp.disabled = true;
The "serializeArray()" routine will not include those in its results. Now, you may need to go back and re-enable those if the form post is not going to result in a completely refreshed page.
Maybe some of the proposed solutions worked at the moment the question was made (March 2010) but today, August 2014, the solution of disabling empty inputs is just not working. The disabled fields are sended too in my Google Chrome. However, I tried removing the "name" attribute and it worked fine!
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if (!$(this).val()){
Ok, probably the reason because disabling fields doesn't worked to me is not that something changed since 2010. But still not working in my Google Chrome. I don't know, maybe is just in the linux version. Anyway, I think that removing the name attr is better since, despite what policy takes the browser about disabled fields, there is no way to send the parameters if the name attr is missing. Another advantage is that usually disabling fields implies some style changes, and is not nice to see a style change in the form a second before the form is finally submited.
There is also a drawback, as Max Williams mentioned in the comments, since the remove name attr solution is not toggleable. Here is a way to avoid this problem:
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if (!$(this).val()){
$(this).data('name', $(this).attr('name'));
function recoverNames(){
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if ($(this).data('name')){
$(this).attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
However, I think this is not a very common case since we are submitting the form so it is assumed that there is no need to recover the missing name attrs.
Your problem helped me figure out my situation, which is a bit different - so maybe someone else can benefit from it. Instead of directly submitting a form, I needed to prevent empty form elements from being collected into a serialized array which is then posted via AJAX.
In my case, I simply needed to loop through the form elements and disable all that were empty, and then collect the leftovers into an array like so:
// Loop through empty fields and disable them to prevent inclusion in array
$('#OptionB input, select').each(function(){
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
// Collect active fields into array to submit
var updateData = $('#OptionB input, select').serializeArray();
Or serialize, clear empty key=value pairs with regex and call window.location:
$("#form").submit( function(e){
//convert form to query string, i.e. a=1&b=&c=, then cleanup with regex
var q = $(this).serialize().replace(/&?[\w\-\d_]+=&|&?[\w\-\d_]+=$/gi,""),
url = this.getAttribute('action')+ (q.length > 0 ? "?"+q : "");
window.location.href = url;
Another approach I always recommend is to do that on server side, so you are able to:
Validate the input data correctly
Set default values
Change input values if needed
Have a clean URL or a friendly URL such as "/quizzes/english/level-1/"
Otherwise you will have to deal with text input, select, radio etc...

JavaScript\JQuery - identifying if radio button value changed by click

I have a page that displays a list of records. The user can select the record status using radio buttons, e.g.:
<div id="record_653">
<label><input type="radio" name="status_653" value="new" checked/>new</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="status_653" value="skipped" />skipped</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="status_653" value="downloaded" />downloaded</label>
I am using JQuery to send the changes made by the user back to the server, where I use them to update the database. This is a simplified version of what I do:
function(event) {
var url = ...,
params = ...;
The problem is that this code will create requests even if the user clicks the same button that was previously checked. What I actually want is the "on change" event, except its behavior in Internet Explorer is not very useful (e.g. here).
So I figure I somehow have to identify if the click event changed the value.
Is the old value stored somewhere (in the DOM? in the event?) so I could compare against it?
If not, how should I store the old value?
The old value is not stored someplace where you can query it, no. You will need to store the value yourself. You could use a javascript variable, a hidden input element, or jQuery's data() function.
The jQuery data function provides access to a key-value-pair data structure as a way to store arbitrary data for a given element. The api looks like:
// store original value for an element
$(selector).data('key', value);
// retrieve original value for an element
var value = $(selector).data('key');
A more developed thought:
$(document).ready(function() {
// store original values on document ready
$(selector).each(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
$(this).data('original-value', value);
// later on, you might attach a click handler to the the option
// and want to determine if the value has actually changed or not.
$(selector).click(function() {
var currentValue = $(this).val();
var originalValue = $(this).data('original-value');
if (currentValue != originalValue) {
// do stuff.
// you might want to update the original value so future changes
// can be detected:
$(this).data('original-value', currentValue);
$('#record_653 input:radio').each(function() {
$(this).data('isChecked', $(this).is(':checked'));
$(this).click(function() {
if ( $(this).is(':checked') !== $(this).data('isChecked') ) {
// do changed action
} else {
$(this).data('isChecked', !$(this).data('isChecked') );
This was complicated to do in my head but I think you want something like this.
As was suggested by meder and Ken Browning, I ended up using JQuery's data() to store the previous value and check against it on every click.
Storing an "is checked" boolean for each input radio is one solution. However you need to maintain this value. So in the click event handler, in addition to changing the "is checked" of the current input, you need to find the input that was previously checked and change its "is checked" data to false.
What I chose to do instead was to store, in the parent element, the currently checked object. So my code looks something like:
function() {
// find the checked input and store it as "currChecked" for the record
// add the click event
$("#record_653").click( function(event) {
if ($("input:radio") && !== $(this).data("currChecked"))
I had the same problem, but with FF I managed to deal with it using the onchange event rather than the onclick.
This is exactly what I was looking for to deal with IE7. Works like a charm!
Thanks for the detailed solution!

