jquery stop image rotation on mouseover, start on mouseout / hover - javascript

I have built a jQuery rotator to rotate through 3 divs and loop them. I would like to add the functionality on mouse over to "freeze" the current div and then start again on mouse out.
I've thought about setting a variable to false at the start of the function and setting it true when it's on it's current frame but I've got my self a bit confused.
I've also tried to use the hover function but when using the in and out handlers, I'm confused as to how to stop, restart the animation.
function ImageRotate() {
var CurrentFeature = "#container" + featureNumber;
$(CurrentFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).animate({'top' : '330px'}, 3000);
var featureNumber2 = featureNumber+1;
if ( featureNumber == numberOfFeatures) {featureNumber2 = 1}
var NewFeature = "#container" + featureNumber2;
$(NewFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).animate({'top' : '0px'}, 3000);
var featureNumber3 = featureNumber-1;
if ( featureNumber == 1) {featureNumber3 = numberOfFeatures};
var OldFeature = "#container" + featureNumber3;
$(OldFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).css('top' , '-330px');
setTimeout('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; ImageRotate2()', 7500)};
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks, Matt

If you were to add this code:
var timerId = null;
function startRotation() {
if (timerId) {
timerId = setInterval('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; ImageRotate2()', 7500);
function stopRotation() {
if (!timerId) {
timerId = null;
and replace the last line of your code block with a simple call to startRotation();, then you could call stopRotation and startRotation when the mouse hovers over/leaves your element:
$('your-element-selector').hover(stopRotation, startRotation);

It's not clear what you are trying to do with the three divs without seeing the HTML and more code, so I think a basic example might help you better (demo).
<div class="test">image: <span></span></div>
var indx = 0, loop, numberOfFeatures = 5;
function imageRotate(){
if (indx > numberOfFeatures) { indx = 1; }
$('.test span').text(indx);
loop = setTimeout( imageRotate , 1000 );
}, function(){

changed things up a little bit, here is how I ended up doing it. `
var animRun = false;
var rotateHover = false;
function startRotation() {
rotateHover = false;
function stopRotation() {
rotateHover = true;
function ImageRotate() {
if (rotateHover == false){
animRun = true;
var CurrentFeature = "#container" + featureNumber;
$(CurrentFeature).stop(false, true).animate({'top' : '330px'}, featureDuration, function(){animRun = false;});
var featureNumber2 = featureNumber+1;
if ( featureNumber == numberOfFeatures) {featureNumber2 = 1}
var NewFeature = "#container" + featureNumber2;
$(NewFeature).stop(false, true).animate({'top' : '0px'}, featureDuration); /* rotate slide 2 into main frame */
var featureNumber3 = featureNumber-1;
if ( featureNumber == 1) {featureNumber3 = numberOfFeatures};
var OldFeature = "#container" + featureNumber3;
$(OldFeature).stop(false, true).css('top' , '-330px'); /*bring slide 3 to the top*/
setTimeout('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; if (rotateHover == false){ImageRotate2()};', featureDelay);


On mouseout stop setInterval

I'm trying to create a simple image rotator on hover effect. It working properly on mouse hover, but doesn't work when mouse out method.
var imgFlip = $("img").data( "flip" );
var imgOriginal = $("img").data( "original" );
var images = imgFlip.split(/,|, |;|; /);
var index = 0;
function rotateImage()
$('.img-rotator').fadeOut('fast', function()
$(this).attr('src', images[index]);
$(this).fadeIn('fast', function()
if (index == images.length-1)
index = 0;
.mouseover(function () {
var refreshIntervalId = setInterval (rotateImage, 1000);
.mouseout(function () {
$(this).attr('src', imgOriginal);
Jsfiddle example here - https://jsfiddle.net/wbz35L68/15/
Thank you for any advice
You need to clear the setInterval on mouseout. I also reworked some of your code to clean things up and cache refs. You should also use mouseenter and mouseleave for this.
// cache selector
var rotator = $('.img-rotator'),
// grab all data
data = rotator.data(),
// ref flip
imgFlip = data.flip,
// ref original
imgOriginal = data.original,
// get image urls
images = imgFlip.split(/,|, |;|; /),
// start index
index = 0,
// ref interval
refreshIntervalId = null;
function rotateImage(){
rotator.fadeOut('fast', function(){
.attr('src', images[index])
.fadeIn('fast', function(){
var last = index === images.length - 1;
index = last ? 0 : index + 1;
refreshIntervalId = setInterval(rotateImage, 1000);
// clear interval and set null
clearInterval(refreshIntervalId) && (refreshIntervalId = null);
$(this).attr('src', imgOriginal);
.container {
margin-top: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<img class="img-rotator" data-flip="http://www.snorkl.tv/dev/loaderMax/images/bird.png, http://www.snorkl.tv/dev/loaderMax/images/whale.png" data-original="http://www.snorkl.tv/dev/loaderMax/images/crab.png" src="http://www.snorkl.tv/dev/loaderMax/images/crab.png" width="320" height="200"/>

how to make hide/show text javascript smoother?

I am using this script to hide and show text however, I want to make the transition smoother but I am not sure how to. Here's a demo of it: http://jsfiddle.net/LnE5U/.
Please help me change it to make it smoother.
hide/show text
<div id="showOrHideDiv" style="display: none">hidden text</div>
<script language="javascript">
function showOrHide()
var div = document.getElementById("showOrHideDiv");
if (div.style.display == "block")
div.style.display = "none";
div.style.display = "block";
Here is an example using jQuery's fadeToggle (a shortcut for a more complicated animate)
// assuming jQuery
$(function () { // on document ready
var div = $('#showOrHideDiv'); // cache <div>
$('#action').click(function () { // on click on the `<a>`
div.fadeToggle(1000); // toggle div visibility over 1 second
<a id="action" href="#">hide/show text</a>
<div id="showOrHideDiv" style="display: none;">hidden text</div>
An example of a pure JavaScript fader. It looks complicated because I wrote it to support changing direction and duration mid-fade. I'm sure there are still improvements that could be made to it, though.
function generateFader(elem) {
var t = null, goal, current = 0, inProgress = 0;
if (!elem || elem.nodeType !== 1) throw new TypeError('Expecting input of Element');
function visible(e) {
var s = window.getComputedStyle(e);
return +!(s.display === 'none' || s.opacity === '0');
function fader(duration) {
var step, aStep, fn, thisID = ++current, vis = visible(elem);
if (inProgress) goal = 1 - goal; // reverse direction if there is one running
else goal = 1 - vis; // else decide direction
if (goal) { // make sure visibility settings correct if hidden
if (!vis) elem.style.opacity = '0';
elem.style.display = 'block';
step = goal - +window.getComputedStyle(elem).opacity;
step = 20 * step / duration; // calculate how much to change by every 20ms
if (step >= 0) { // prevent rounding issues
if (step < 0.0001) step = 0.0001;
} else if (step > -0.0001) step = -0.0001;
aStep = Math.abs(step); // cache
fn = function () {
// console.log(step, goal, thisID, current); // debug here
var o = +window.getComputedStyle(elem).opacity;
if (thisID !== current) return;
if (Math.abs(goal - o) < aStep) { // finished
elem.style.opacity = goal;
if (!goal) elem.style.display = 'none';
inProgress = 0;
elem.style.opacity = (o + step).toFixed(5);
t = window.setTimeout(fn, 20);
inProgress = 1; // mark started
fn(); // start
return fader;
And using it
window.addEventListener( // this section matches the code above
function () {
var fader = generateFader(document.getElementById('showOrHideDiv'));
function () {
DEMO of this
This is quite simple. I have just made a demo and i used setInterval
Here's how it works
var fadeout = function( element ) { // 1
element.style.opacity = 1; // 2
window.setInterval(function() { // 3
if(element.style.opacity > 0) { // 4
element.style.opacity = parseFloat(element.style.opacity - 0.01).toFixed(2); // 5
} else {
element.style.display = 'none'; // 6
}, 50);
JSFiddle Demo Link
Create a function that accepts a DOM element
Set the opacity of the element to 1
Create a function that loops every 50ms
If the opacity is greater than 0 -> continue
Take away 0.01 from the opacity
if it's less than 0 the animation is complete and hide it completely
Note this is a really simple example and will need a bit of work
You can use somthing like this
$('.showOrHideDiv').toggle(function() {
$('showOrHideDiv').fadeIn('slow', function() {
//fadeIn or fadeOut, slow or fast, all the stuffs you want to trigger, "a function to execute every odd time the element is clicked," says the [jquery doc][1]
}, function() {
//here comes "additional handlers to cycle through after clicks," says the [jquery doc][1]
I used OPACITY to make it show/hide. See this Example, Full code (without jQuery):
Click here
<div id="MyMesage" style="display:none; background-color:pink; margin:0 0 0 100px;width:200px;">
function ShowDiv(name){
//duration of transition (1000 miliseconds equals 1 second)
var duration = 1000;
// how many times should it should be changed in delay duration
var AmountOfActions=100;
var diiv= document.getElementById(name);
diiv.style.opacity = '0'; diiv.style.display = 'block'; var counte=0;
setInterval(function(){counte ++;
if ( counte<AmountOfActions) { diiv.style.opacity = counte/AmountOfActions;}
duration / AmountOfActions);
I followed iConnor solution and works fine but it had a small issue setInterval will not stop after the element be hidden I added stop interval to make it better performance
var fadeout = function( element ) { // 1
element.style.opacity = 1; // 2
let hidden_process = window.setInterval(function() { // 3
if(element.style.opacity > 0) { // 4
element.style.opacity = parseFloat(element.style.opacity - 0.01).toFixed(2); // 5
} else {
element.style.display = 'none'; // 6
}, 50);

javascript - one button three functionsn

First i want to say that i am a newbie in the javascript world.
I want to write a function for a button:
when button is pushed -> x=0 ; post(x); display x;
when button is released -> x=1; post(x); display x;
when button is hold down -> while hold:
if(x=0){post(x); display x; x++}
if(x=1){post(x); display x; x--}
This is what i have come up with so far:
Help would be appreciated very much.
Try this fiddle:
<button id="button">Click here</button><br/>
Status: <span id="status"></span>
observeTriState("#button", function(state) {
var states = { '0':'Push', '1':'Release', '2':'Hold Down' };
}, 500);
function observeTriState(selector, callback, holdDelay) {
var mouseDown = false;
var mouseIn = false;
var interval;
function checkStatus() {
if (mouseDown && mouseIn) {
$(selector).mousedown(function() {
mouseDown = true;
interval = setInterval(checkStatus, holdDelay);
}).mouseup(function() {
mouseDown = false;
}).mouseenter(function() {
mouseIn = true;
}).mouseleave(function() {
mouseIn = false;
mouseDown = false;
Check the following jsFiddle. It does what you're looking for (at least, I hope it does). Let me know if it's not clear and I'll see if I can clear it up a bit.
Here's the code from the fiddle, if you're not interested in seeing it in action. Please note the use of jQuery.
var x= 0;
var interval;
var push = function(val) {
var hold = function() {
if ( x === 0 ) {
console.log('x is 0');
if ( x === 1 ) {
console.log('x is 1');
$('#myButton').on('mousedown', function() {
x= 0;
interval = setInterval(hold, 500);
$('#myButton').on('mouseup', function() {
x = 1;
maybe creating one function with 2 arguments: value and action.
so when button is pushed -> myfunction(x,"pushed") ... and so on.

javascript 'over-clicking' bug

I have a bug in Javascript where I am animating the margin left property of a parent container to show its child divs in a sort of next/previous fashion. Problem is if clicking 'next' at a high frequency the if statement seems to be ignored (i.e. only works if click, wait for animation, then click again) :
if (marLeft === (-combinedWidth + (regWidth) + "px")) {
//roll margin back to 0
An example can be seen on jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/ZQg5V/
Any help would be appreciated.
Try the below code which will basically check if the container is being animated just return from the function.
Working demo
$next.click(function (e) {
var marLeft = $contain.css('margin-left'),
$this = $(this);
if (marLeft === (-combinedWidth + (regWidth) + "px")) {
marginLeft: 0
}, function () {
} else {
$back.fadeIn(function () {
marginLeft: "-=" + regWidth + "px"
if (marLeft > -combinedWidth) {
marginLeft: 0
Sometimes is better if you create a function to take care of the animation, instead of writting animation code on every event handler (next, back). Also, users won't have to wait for the animation to finish in order to go the nth page/box.
Maybe this will help you:
if (jQuery) {
var $next = $(".next"),
$back = $(".back"),
$box = $(".box"),
regWidth = $box.width(),
$contain = $(".wrap")
len = $box.length;
var combinedWidth = regWidth*len;
var currentBox = 0; // Keeps track of current box
var goTo = function(n) {
marginLeft: -n*regWidth
}, {
queue: false, // We don't want animations to queue
duration: 600
if (n == 0) $back.fadeOut('fast');
else $back.fadeIn('fast');
currentBox = n;
$next.click(function(e) {
var go = currentBox + 1;
if (go >= len) go = 0; // Index based, instead of margin based...
$back.click(function(e) {
var go = currentBox - 1;
if (go <= 0) go = 0; //In case back is pressed while fading...
Here's an updated version of your jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/victmo/ZQg5V/5/
Use a variable to track if the animation is taking place. Pseudocode:
var animating = false;
function myAnimation() {
if (animating) return;
animating = true;
$(this).animate({what:'ever'}, function() {
animating = false;
Crude, but it should give you the idea.
Edit: Your current code works fine for me as well, even if I jam out on the button. On firefox.

javascript slideshow overlay

i would like to make image slideshow.
First, i would have just thumbnails and when clicked on the one, it would pop up overlay(some sort of div, or something) and there would be option to move through the images. I don't want to use anykind of libraries
i have this, so far:
NewImg = new Array (
var ImgNum = 0;
var ImgLength = NewImg.length - 1;
var delay = 3000;
var lock = false;
var run;
function chgImg(direction) {
if (document.images) {
ImgNum = ImgNum + direction;
if (ImgNum > ImgLength) {
ImgNum = 0;
if (ImgNum < 0) {
ImgNum = ImgLength;
document.slideshow.src = NewImg[ImgNum];
function auto() {
if (lock == true) {
lock = false;
else if (lock == false) {
lock = true;
run = setInterval("chgImg(1)", delay);
html part
this is the regular image gallery. With regular sized images.
I don't know how to implement those thumbnails
thank for helping me around here
i forgot, i have
used following code for overlays(but don't know how to implement it here)
function toggleLayer( whichLayer )
var elem, vis;
if( document.getElementById )
elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer );
vis = elem.style;
vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none';
vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block';
http://jsfiddle.net/sevdah/z7Ggx/1/ on jsfiddle, but it is not working, don't know why

