Firefox 3.6 - location.href not working in JSP - javascript

I have JSP page with method = POST and action='/mydir/mypage/nextpage'
I have a button:
<button title='Continue' onclick="this.form.perform.value='cancelButton'; javascript:doCloseWindow();">Continue</button>
and JavaScript method like:
function doCloseWindow(){
location.href = "";
It does not work in Firefox 3.6. On click of button; it redirects to the path I mentioned in form action.
With Tamper data I find that the request goes to URL (as in method) with GET and then it redirects to form's action URL.
I added return false in the method call also -- javascript:doCloseWindow();return false
I tired various combinations like
window.location.href = "";
window.document.location.href = "";
document.location.href = "";
But no success.

Remove the "javascript:" before the call to doCloseWindow.
At this point, you've already executed some JavaScript code in this event handler — it doesn't make sense to try to tell the browser again that the following code is JavaScript.

Try changing your Javascript call to:
function doCloseWindow(){
location.href = "";
return false;
I'm wondering if the function is actually running.


javascript window.location issue with IE and Firefox

I have some strange behavior on my window.location redirects in IE and Firefox as part of my angular application. When calling window.location = xyz the first time it works fine in IE/FF/Chrome. On the second call which is supposed to go to, Chrome does what it's supposed to, but IE and FF don't do anything. In the IE web console I can see that the navigation was triggered but the page and URL hasn't changed in my window. Now if I press F5 on this page it goes to the page it's supposed to even though the URL at the top is not pointing there (both in IE and FF).
Has anyone ever encountered this problem and knows how to solve it? I've tried all versions of redirecting (window.location, window.location.href, windows.location.assign(), window.location.replace() and also the angular service $window) with no luck.
First call triggered from a button press (working fine in all browsers):
$scope.pressButton = function() {
var url = 'xyz/index.html';
$window.location = url;
Second call triggered by a keypress (only works in Chrome):
function exitModule() {
$window.location = '';
console.log('window.location'); // still pointing to the old page
Update with code calling the exitModule() function:
Note: The application is built with angularjs.
The exitModule() function gets called in all browsers, it's just the redirect which doesn't happen in IE/FF.
<body ng-app="myModule" ng-controller="MainCtrl" ng-keydown="keyPress($event);">
// Handle global key press
$scope.keyPress = function(event){
if(event.which === 27) { // EscapeKey
} else {
$scope.$broadcast('keyPress', event);
Alright I found the issue and I'm aware that it was almost impossible to figure this out without having the full code available. The above code was a bit simplified therefore it was missing the problem. The function exitModule gets called as soon as a promise is resolved. The call looks like this:
My code was as shown below with the brackets after exitModule which is wrong. I don't quite understand the behavior of FF/IE compared to Chrome though ...but that's for another day.

Window.Location Refreshes instead of Redirects

I have a JQUERY function as follows
this.getURL = function()
var name = getName();
//window.location = "Menu.aspx?name"+name;
When I alert the URL I am attempting to go to, it is correct. However, when I call window.location on that string, the page just refreshes without going anywhere.
I have similar code where I have used window.location and it works. I typed in the url into my browser and it works as well.
At worst (even if the URL was wrong), I was hoping that it would just redirect me to some URL. However, I can't get it to do anything other than refresh the current page.
Also to clarify, the page which calls this function is not Menu.aspx
Thanks in advance.
If you're using a relative path try setting window.location.pathname, otherwise set window.location.href for a full path.
You may also want to try self.location.href
In my experience, it's been difficult to get redirects like this to work right. I've had to use window.location.replace(<url>). If you're just changing an anchor tag, it's even more difficult. You have to do the following to get it to work in all browsers:

window.onbeforeunload in Chrome: what is the most recent fix?

Obviously, window.onbeforeunload has encountered its fair share of problems with Chrome as I've seen from all the problems I've encountered. What's the most recent work around?
The only thing I've got even close to working is this:
window.onbeforeunload = function () { return "alert" };
However, if I substitute return "alert" with something like alert("blah"), I get nothing from Chrome.
I saw in this question that Google purposefully blocks this. Good for them... but what if I want to make an AJAX call when someone closes the window? In my case, I want to know when someone has left the chatroom on my website, signalled by the window closing.
I want to know if there's a way to either
(a): fix the window.onbeforeunload call so that I can put AJAX in there
(b): get some other way of determining that a window has closed in Chrome
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
var x =logout();
return x;
function logout(){
return 1+3;
A little mix and match, but it worked for me. The 1+3 makes sure that the logout function is being called (you'll see 4 if it's successful on the popup when you try to leave).
As of Chrome 98.0.4758.109 and Edge 100.0.1185.29, Chromium has not met the standard. There is a bug report filed, but the review is abandoned.
Test with StackBlitz!
Chrome requires returnValue to be a non-null value whether set as the return value from the handler or by reference on the event object.
The standard states that prompting can be controlled by canceling the event or setting the return value to a non-null value.
The standard states that authors should use Event.preventDefault() instead of returnValue.
The standard states that the message shown to the user is not customizable.
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (e) {
// Cancel the event as stated by the standard.
// Chrome requires returnValue to be set.
e.returnValue = '';
window.location = 'about:blank';
Here's a more straightforward approach.
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
return "You should keep this page open.";
The returned message can be anything you want, including the empty string if you have nothing to add to the message that Chrome already shows. The result looks like this:
According to MDN,
The function should assign a string value to the returnValue property
of the Event object and return the same string.
This is the following
window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', function(ev) {
return ev.returnValue = 'My reason';
This solved my problem why it wasn't working in my app:
Note that the user must interact with the page somehow (clicking somewhere) before closing its window, otherwise beforeunload is ignored in order not prevent abuse.

Chrome fails to redirect URL when told to via javascript

function test(){
alert("This message should show");
window.location.href = "";
alert("This message should NOT show");
<href="#" onClick=test()>Click Me</a>
Step through using Firefox(v8): The second message does NOT show.
Step through using chrome (v15, v16): BOTH alerts show.
Chrome blows past the redirect and continues through the rest of the call stack (in this case, it finishes the onClick) before redirecting.
No JavaScript Errors.
All extensions disabled.
I'm using a blank html file with no external files loaded.
Does anyone know of a way to get chrome to execute the window.location change immediately?
Pretty sure the specs give you no guarantees for this one, so I'm not too surprised. The obvious solution would be to throw an exception right after. Assuming you don't have catch blocks littered around your code, that ought to work:
throw "Aborting, redirecting you.";
(Yes, it's ugly. Sorry!)
Edit: fiddles: without throw, with throw
You could add a return
function test(){
alert("This message should show");
window.location.href = "";
alert("This message should NOT show");
There is a better way to do this.
function test(){
alert("This message should show");
return true;
alert("This message should NOT show");
<href="" onClick="return test()">Click Me</a>
Optionally, you can use a confirm to control whether or not this action can be performed on click. Blame Google for trying to mess with functional standards, no other browser forces you to do this.
I was just trying the same thing: redirect using JS. In the PHP script I have, if a certain condition is true, I just end the script with a die function, echoing a script tag with the redirect code:
die("<script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'>\n".
This was not working and I tried to execute the code from the console and it works from there. I assumed it was something about timing, so I added a setTimeout to the redirect:
die("<script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'>\n".
"var configURL = 'http://'+window.location.hostname+'/newdir/newfile.html';\n".
"setTimeout('window.location.href = configURL', 500);\n".
This patch works for now but I think there should be a better way to do it.

Response.Redirect AFTER call to JS Alert or Confirm

I am working on a VB.NET web application. When someone successfully changes their password I want to show a popup message that lets them know it was changed successfully. After they click OK I want to redirect them to the main page. Code looks like this:
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "confirmScript", "ConfirmNewUser();", True)
Why does the redirect happen and the alert popup never displays?
Try this:
1) Remove Response.Redirect from the code behind.
2) Change the ConfirmNewUser function as given below:
function ConfirmNewUser(){
//Existing Code of ConfirmNewUser
//New Code.
var msg = "Password changed successfully. Press OK to go to Home page Cancel to stay on current page.";
window.location.href = "MainPage.aspx";
You are calling the redirect server side, your script never get a chance to run. use window.location to do the redirect client side, something like this:
function ConfirmNewUser() {
if(confirm("Your password has been changed, click OK to continue")) {
window.location = "MainPage.aspx"; //go to home page
The reason is because all server-side processing will take place prior to client-side.
One solution would be to pass "MainPage.aspx" to your client script as follows:
Your client script would then have to take a URL parameter:
function ConfirmNewUser(url) { ... }
and follow up with a window.location:
window.location = url;
and remove the following from your server code:
Response.Redirect sets the Location http header and a 302-Moved response, the browser will act upon this as soon as it sees it. As headers come before content, your script is never seen or parsed.

