Understanding try..catch in Javascript - javascript

I have this try and catch problem. I am trying to redirect to a different page. But sometimes it does and some times it doesnt. I think the problem is in try and catch . can someone help me understand this. Thanks
var pg = new Object();
var da = document.all;
var wo = window.opener;
pg.changeHideReasonID = function(){
if(pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 && pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex > 0){
pg.otherReason.style.backgroundColor = "ffffff";
pg.otherReason.disabled = 0;
} else {
pg.otherReason.style.backgroundColor = "f5f5f5";
pg.otherReason.disabled = 1;
pg.exit = function(pid){
try {
window.opener.hideRecordReload(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
} else {
window.opener.pg.hideRecord(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
} catch(e) {}
try {
} catch(e) {}
try {
window.opener.pg.hideRecordResponse(pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 ? pg.otherReason.value : pg.hideReasonID.options[pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex].text);
} catch(e) {}
try {
window.opener.pg.hideRecord_Response(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
} catch(e) {}
try {
window.opener.pg.hideRecord_Response(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
} catch(e) {}
try {
} catch(e) {}
try {
} catch(e) {}
pg.hideRecord = function(){
var pid = this.pid;
pg.otherReason.value = pg.otherReason.value.trim();
if(pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex == 0){
alert("You have not indicated your reason for hiding this record.");
} else if(pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 && pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex > 0 && pg.otherReason.value.length < 2){
alert("You have indicated that you wish to enter a reason\nnot on the list, but you have not entered a reason.");
} else {
var n = new Object();
n.noheaders = 1;
n.recordID = pg.recordID;
n.recordType = pg.recordType;
n.recordTypeID = pg.recordTypeID;
n.encounterID = request.encounterID;
n.hideReasonID = pg.hideReasonID.value;
n.hideReason = pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 ? pg.otherReason.value : pg.hideReasonID.options[pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex].text;
Connect.Ajax.Post("/emr/hideRecord/act_hideRecord.php", n, pg.exit(pid));
pg.init = function(){
pg.blocker = da.blocker;
pg.hourglass = da.hourglass;
pg.content = da.pageContent;
pg.recordType = da.recordType.value;
pg.recordID = parseInt(da.recordID.value);
pg.recordTypeID = parseInt(da.recordTypeID.value);
pg.information = da.information;
pg.hideReasonID = da.hideReasonID;
pg.hideReasonID.onchange = pg.changeHideReasonID;
pg.hideReasonID.tabIndex = 1;
pg.otherReason = da.otherReason;
pg.otherReason.tabIndex = 2;
pg.otherReason.onblur = function(){
this.value = this.value.trim();
pg.otherReason.onfocus = function(){
pg.btnCancel = da.btnCancel;
pg.btnCancel.tabIndex = 4;
pg.btnCancel.title = "Close this window";
pg.btnCancel.onclick = function(){
pg.btnHide = da.btnHide;
pg.btnHide.tabIndex = 3;
pg.btnHide.onclick = pg.hideRecord;
pg.btnHide.title = "Hide " + pg.recordType.toLowerCase() + " record";
document.body.onselectstart = function(){
return false;
pg.workin = function(){
var n = arguments.length ? arguments[0] : 1;
pg.content.disabled = pg.hideReasonID.disabled = n;
pg.blocker.style.display = pg.hourglass.style.display = n ? "block" : "none";
pg.otherReason.disabled = 1;
pg.otherReason.style.backgroundColor = "f5f5f5";
} else {
pg.otherReason.disabled = !(pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 && pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex > 0);
pg.otherReason.style.backgroundColor = pg.otherReason.disabled ? "f5f5f5" : "ffffff";

I think your main problem is that you're swallowing exceptions, which is very bad. This is why "it works sometimes". Something is throwing an exception, and you're catching it, but then you're not doing anything else after that. At the very least I would display some sort of error message in your catch block.
A few other problems:
Are you sure you need those multiple try..catch blocks? The current assumption in your code is that each line that is wrapped in a try..catch is independent of the others, and execution can still proceed if something goes wrong in any one (or more) of those statements. Are you sure this is what you want? If so, there is definitely a better way of handling this.
If the statements are not independent of each other, and if a failure at any point means that execution cannot proceed, then you can wrap all of those statements in a single try..catch block and display an error message in the catch
Like I said before, swallowing exceptions is very bad! You're hiding the problem and not achieving anything. It also makes debugging extremely hard, because things will stop working and you will have no idea why (no exception, no logging, no error messages). Exceptions are used when something unexpected happens that interrupts normal program flow. It is something you definitely want to handle.
I think what you want can be done this way:
try {
window.opener.hideRecordReload(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
} else {
window.opener.pg.hideRecord(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
window.opener.pg.hideRecordResponse(pg.hideReasonID.value == 0 ? pg.otherReason.value : pg.hideReasonID.options[pg.hideReasonID.selectedIndex].text);
window.opener.pg.hideRecord_Response(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
window.opener.pg.hideRecord_Response(pg.recordID, pg.recordTypeID);
catch(e) {
This way, if an exception occurs anywhere along those series of statements, the catch block will handle it.
Javascript also doesn't have true checked-exceptions. You can get around it by having a single try block, and inspecting the exception object that you receive*.
Expanding on what I talked about earlier, there are two ways of handling exceptions. The first way, like I showed earlier, assumes that when an exception happens, the code is in an invalid/undefined state and this therefore means that the code encountered an unrecoverable error. Another way of handling exceptions is if you know it is something you can recover from. You can do this with a flag. So:
try {
catch(e) {
error = true;
if(error) {
else {
In this case the flow of your logic depends on an exception being thrown. The important thing is that the exception is recoverable, and depending on whether it was thrown or not, you do different things.
*Here is a somewhat contrived example that demonstrates checked-exceptions. I have two exceptions called VeryBadException and ReallyBadException that can be thrown (randomly) from two functions. The catch block handles the exception and figures out what type of exception it is by using the instanceof operator):
function VeryBadException(message) {
this.message = message;
function ReallyBadException(message) {
this.message = message;
function foo() {
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if(r == 2) {
throw new VeryBadException("Something very bad happened!");
function bar() {
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if(r == 1) {
throw new ReallyBadException("Something REALLY bad happened!");
try {
catch(e) {
if(e instanceof VeryBadException) {
else if(e instanceof ReallyBadException) {

It's good practice do something with the caught exceptions.
What's happening here is that if there's an error (say loading a page fails) an exception is thrown inside one of your try blocks. The corresponding catch block grabs it and says "that exception has been dealt with" but in actuality you've not done anything with it.
Try putting a print(e.Message); inside your catch blocks to find out exactly what error is causing the page not to load and then add code to your catch block to deal with this error.


How can I use multiple pm.expect in one pm.test in postman tests

I want to check if request has a string then response has to contain this string in postman. I write a test like this but it doesn't work for me. I'm not sure I can use multiple pm.expect in one test with condition. My code is
var hasA = data.hasOwnProperty('A');
var hasB = data.hasOwnProperty('B');
if(hasA === true){
if(hasB === true){
Request can contain A and B both so I cannot use if..else statement. When I run this test if hasA flag true then code doesnt go into for second if even hasB option is true. How can I handle this problem.Can anyone help?
expect is hard assertion so if one fails then it won't goto next one so you can use any of the below approach:
try if conditions like:
pm.test("test", function () {
var hasA = data.hasOwnProperty('A');
var hasB = data.hasOwnProperty('B');
var hasBoth = hasA && hasB
if (hasBoth) {
pm.expect([response.A, response.B]).to.eql([data.A, data.B]);
} else if (hasA) {
} else if (hasB){
try catch like :
pm.test("test", function () {
var hasA = data.hasOwnProperty('A');
var hasB = data.hasOwnProperty('B');
let error = {};
try {
if (hasA) {
} catch (e) {
error.A = e
try {
if (hasB) {
} catch (e) {
error.B = e

JavaScript Try Catch

I'm looking at some code on a website that hides / shows content on a click.
function expando() {
try {
if (document.getElementsByClassName) {
var e = document.getElementsByClassName("expandlink");
t = 0;
} else {
var e = document.querySelectorAll(".expandlink"),
t = 1;
if (null != e) {
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) e[a].onclick = function() {
return OpenClose(this), !1
if (1 == t)
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
var n = e[a].href,
r = n.indexOf("#"),
i = n.substr(r + 1),
l = document.getElementById(i);
l.className = l.className + " expandtargetIE8"
} catch (o) {}
function OpenClose(e) {
try {
var t = e.href,
a = t.indexOf("#"),
n = t.substr(a + 1),
r = document.getElementById(n);
r.className = "expandtarget" === r.className ||
"expandtarget expandtargetIE8" === r.className ?
"expandtargeted" : "expandtarget expandtargetIE8",
e.className = "expandlink" === e.className ?
"expandlink expandlinked" : "expandlink"
} catch (i) {}
window.onload = function() {
Here is the JS Fiddle.
I've never seen the JavaScript try...catch statement. I looked at some tutorials, and they all say that they are for error testing. Why would it be used here?
It doesn't look like the catch actually does anything.
Note: this code had been minified. I used an online tool to unminify it.
The try..catch block here is used for error handling. It's used here to allow the code to continue normal execution if an error does arise.
Not all browsers will support both document.getElementsByClassName and document.querySelectorAll. On a browser which doesn't support either, we'd get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelectorAll is not a function
...and further code execution would stop.
However with a try..catch block here, the code instead wouldn't alert us about the error at all (at least, not without inspecting o within the catch block). Execution would continue as normal. It's no longer an uncaught error, it's a caught error which simply has nothing done with it.
If in the same browser we're to adjust the above code to log o within the catch block:
... } catch (o) { console.log(o) }
The same message shown above would be displayed on the console, without the "uncaught" part:
TypeError: document.querySelectorAll is not a function(…)
Actually there are few real use case of try-catch.
Error handling : Your JS function/statements may throw error, like TypeError (Accessing undefined,null) , JsonParseError etc. Sometimes you need that to be handled, so that next set of statements has to be executed. If it is not handled, the JS engine will throw it and halts the function execution.
Getting meaningfull information from multiple function call stack: You may get into situation, in legacy codes, that function f1 is calling f2 and f2 calling f3 and so on. You may want to do some validation check and if validation fails you may like to stop the flow and show meaningfull error message. (like saying, invalid state). To handle this kind of scenario, we can handle with Custom Exception.
function ValidationError(message) {
this.name = "IocError";
this.message = (message || "Validation/System Error");
ValidationError.prototype = Error.prototype;
we can throw the custom error, if we see any validation error, like throw new ValidationError('Rule is missing...') in the function f3.
try {
} catch(e) {
if(e instanceof ValidationError) {
return false;
} else {
//This is not validation error, some other unknown issue has occurred
throw e;
We will use the above block to catch the exception in function f1 and if it is of type ValidationError, we'll display proper error message. If it as any other type we'll throw back for future debug purpose.

How to handle multiple errors thrown by an utility function?

I have a function examples(a,b,c,…). Each argument can throw an error. All of them are handled the same way. I guess examples([array]) would fall in the same category.
In my code I have something like that currently:
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
try { this.example(arg[i]) }
catch (e) { log(e) }
From an user perspective Id like to be able to see the errors of all arguments at once instead of fixing one and then discovering the next one etc. But I end up catching myself which seems, to me, not desirable for an utility function.
Is there a way to rethrow all errors at once?
What are the best practices?
If there's a standard, why is it being recommended?
Well you can throw pretty much anything, but rather than just a simple Array, you may find you have more maneuverability using a custom error type
function ErrorCollection(msg) {
this.name = 'ErrorCollection';
this.message = msg || '';
this.errors = [];
ErrorCollection.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
ErrorCollection.prototype.constructor = ErrorCollection;
ErrorCollection.prototype.push = function (e) {
return this.errors.push(e);
// ...
var i, ec = new ErrorCollection();
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
try {
throw new Error('Error ' + i);
} catch (e) {
// do something with ec, e.g.
if (ec.errors.length) {
console.log(ec, ec.errors);
throw ec;
An example of stopping on the first error then validity checking the remainder
var i, a = [];
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
try { // assume everything will work
} catch (e) { // our assumption was wrong
a.push({arg: i, val: arguments[i]});
for (++i; i < arguments.length; ++i) { // loop from where we left off
if (!this.valid_arg(arguments[i])) { // some costly test
a.push({arg: i, val: arguments[i]});
throw a; // throw the list of bad args up a level
If the validity test will be fast/isn't costly then you may consider doing it in advance of your main loop instead of waiting for the first error, as you should then be able to avoid try..catch at this level entirely.

Function has inconsistent return points

When running Intellij's inspections on some javascript I wrote, it reports
function 'createPages' has inconsistent return points at line 35
But I'm not sure what it means, or how to solve this issue.
The function looks like this:
function createPages(noOfCounts) {
var default_page = 1, default_count = 15;
if (noOfCounts != "" && noOfCounts != null) {
if (noOfCounts > default_count) {
try {
var tempVal = parseInt(noOfCounts / default_count);
return true;
catch (e) {
alert('Error . ' + e);
} else {
alert("It should not be less than the 15 and should be a number");
return false;
else {
return true;
And is being called like so:
var valid = createPages(noOfCounts);
Your function will (in effect) return undefined implicitly after it reaches alert('Error . ' + e);, because execution will reach the end of the function without an explicit return.
So probably making sure that all code paths through the function return a value explicitly will get rid of the IntelliJ error.

How to respond to SyntaxError in javascript

I get data back from a php server and sometimes it tosses in warnings. These warnings cause the parsing of the response to throw a syntax error which defies all try/catch code I have in place and just stops processing, leaving complex objects in partial states that can't be recovered.
How can I catch these errors? I want to have a chance to get the object back into some steady state.
Ideally, I would not receive answers stating that I should rethink architecture or change php settings. I would like to know how to respond to SyntaxErrors being thrown by JSON.parse().
Thank you,
It has come to my attention that the problem is more complex than I originally thought. This is the code that doesn't catch the SyntaxError:
generateSubmissionSuccessCallback: function (reloadOnSave) {
var self = this;
var submissionCallback = function(response) {
var processingError = false;
var responseObject = {};
if (self.isAspMode())
if (typeof response !== 'object') // Chrome auto-parses application/json responses, IE & FF don't
response = JSON.parse(response);
responseObject = {
entity: response.Payload,
success: response.Success,
message: response.Exception
if (jQuery.isArray(response.ValidationErrors))
responseObject.message += ' \r\n\r\nValidation Errors\r\n';
for (var i = 0, maxi = response.ValidationErrors.length; i < maxi; i++)
var error = response.ValidationErrors[i];
responseObject.message += error.Error + '\r\n';
responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
if (!responseObject || (responseObject.success !== undefined && responseObject.success !== true))
processingError = true;
var message = responseObject ? responseObject.message : response;
'An attempt to save failed with following message: \r\n' + message,
jQuery.proxy(self.validatingAndSubmittingFinallyFunction, self));
// If this is a parent metaform, reload the entity, otherwise, close the metaform
if (self.metaformType === 'details')
if (self.substituteWhatToDoAfterSavingCallback)
else if (reloadOnSave)
self.reloadCurrentEntity(true, responseObject.entity);
if (self.doesViewOutlineDefinePostSaveHook())
else if (self.metaformType === 'childDetails')
// Reload the Grid by which this form was made
if (self.associatedGridId)
if (self.parentMetaform.associatedGridId && self.childPropertyName)
var annotation = self.parentMetaform.getAnnotationByPropertyName(self.childPropertyName);
if (annotation && annotation.hasPropertyOptions('updateParentMetaformAssociatedGrid'))
Metagrid.refresh(self.parentMetaform.associatedGridId, self.parentMetaform.entityId);
if (self.substituteWhatToDoAfterSavingCallback)
if (self.doesViewOutlineDefinePostSaveHook())
if (self.doesViewOutlineDefinePostSaveHook())
catch (ex)
processingError = true;
"Please immediately inform the authorities that: \r\n\r\n" + typeof response === 'string' ? response : JSON.parse(response) + "\r\n\r\nand:\r\n\r\n " + ex.message,
jQuery.proxy(self.validatingAndSubmittingFinallyFunction, self));
// If we are reporting an error to the user then we can't reset these state variables
// because in the case where this is a child form, the parent will close the form
// before the user has read the error.
if (!processingError)
return jQuery.proxy(submissionCallback, self);
There's really a lot going on in there, and a lot of structure that it fits into. I don't know if including it will really help.
Assuming you are talking about JSON and it raising an error (and not actual JavaScript being served to the page):
var data;
data = JSON.parse(jsonString);
// handle the error here, if you like
if (typeof data !== "undefined"){
// Yay, we got some!
Read more about try...catch at MDN.
For example (from Chrome's console):
> try{ JSON.parse('3/') }catch(e){ console.log('oh no!') }; console.log('OK!')
"oh no!"

