How can I control the action of onbeforeunload in IE? - javascript

I've got a problem about onbeforeunload recently that I need to pop up a voting page when users try to close their IE browsers.I did it by using:
<body onbeforeunload="makevote()">
And the main structure of makevote() in javascript is as follows:
function makevote()
if(csid != null && isvote == null)
window.event.returnValue = false
window.event.returnValue='press “cancel” to vote please!'
showComDiv(popvote,"popiframe",400,120,'your vote here','dovote()');
In last three months this voting function performed so ugly that I got only less than 8,000 votes from more than 4,50,000 vistors.I think the problem is, when the users try to close their browsers,the onbeforeunload property pops up a comfirm box which covered my voting box while most users click the OK button,which means close comfirming is done,as a habit.So my question is how can I control the comfirming box made by onbeforeunload myself? For example if I click the "OK" ,I'll go to the voting box instead of closing my IE.So far what I can do is only defining the message it shows.And is there any other better way to do this?Help would be greatly appreciated!

Quite simply, you can't.
This is built-in behaviour, designed to only allow very minimal changes for security purposes. It's the same in every browser; FF, Chrome, etc, all will behave the same way.
The primary purpose for the beforeunload is for things like allowing the users the option to save changes before their changes are lost.
Besides, if your users are leaving, it's already too late - they won't want to answer a survey anymore, they're done!


How to show dialog box if user wants to close the browser and then check what they selected?

I'm wondering if there is any solution in JavaScript or JQuery to show the message to the user if they want to close their browser/window? I know there is an option to use beforeunload but the only problem is that I couldn't find what user selects Leave Page or Stay on Page. Reason why I'm asking if this is possible is because if user selects Leave Page I want to process AJAX call and then close the browser. All solutions so far would run AJAX call before user selects the option. Here is example of my current function that I use:
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
var confirmationMessage = "Your browser is now offline.",
recID = $.trim($("#recordID").val());
recID ? removeLock(recID) : ""; // Call function to remove record from the Lock table.
(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //I'm not sure what is the purpose of this line ???
return confirmationMessage;
As you can see above in the code my removeLock() function will execute as soon as user clicks on the X to close the browser/window. That will remove record from the lock table. This can be the problem if user decides to stay on the page. I'm wondering if there is any alternative solution or the way to check what user selects? Thank you.
I read your post as this may come in handy for tracking user behaviour one day.
I think your question is answered in an older post:
Capturing result of window.onbeforeunload confirmation dialog

How to disable browser back button in AngularJS?

i want disable browser back button and refresh button. in angular
example my source
page source :
"use strict";
.controller("wizardSecondController", function($scope, $state, $stateParams, wizardManager) {
$scope.$on("$viewContentLoaded", function(event, data) {
i want prevent browser back and refresh .
please answer .
If you want to disable browser back button in angular, please try out the following code. It may help.
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current){
It's not a very straight forward thing in Angular.js but you can use JavaScript function - window.onhashchange to disable to back button.
Take a look at this link, you might get better ideas.
Use javascript event
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
var dialogText = 'Dialog text here';
e.returnValue = dialogText;
return dialogText;
I shall give you advice as to disabling the back button:
Strictly speaking it isn't "possible" if using standards, but there are workarounds.
There is the window.history object which includes a small API.
But it doesn't allow you to double check for states/pages before the user surfed to your site. Obviously for security reasons and not by accident or missing implementation.
There's various checks for the usage of navigating back in the history and several posts about that topic, but none is helpful as to when it comes to the point the user leaves your page and goes beyond your accessible history.
As to that, check on the events
onpopstate (be aware IEs implementation thereof is half-baked, even in IE11 --> in my case it didn't respond to mouse interaction, only to js history.*()
If you want to catch the user on your site for some hopefully incredibly good purpose:
Create a duplicate entry of your home page on the first homepage-hit via window.history.pushState and instantly window.history.forward() --- (this works especially well and unnoticable on SPAs)
Reiterate that procedure every time the user navigates to your homepage/lowest_level_parent_state ...
Et voila ...
In my case I can't even escape our page if I hold down the backspace button ...
Another convenient option would be to put the page into fullscreen mode if feasible :)
Cheers, J

Flash Microphone Event Resize

I have been recently studying and learning Flash AC3 and my intention was to make a small voice recorder for my website. I have been using google and the search engines and get different answers here and there but still it is not exactly working properly.
The problem I am having is, the flash plugin is 215x50 pixels. I know that unless it is 215x138 pixels, the flash player security panel will automatically NOT open.
I devised a work around which is that if and when the security is being called to open, I would resize the DIV the flash object is in using a javascript function called ResizeFlash to a size of 215x138 and then back again to 215x50 after the user makes a choice whether or not they allow the microphone.
Now I have been scratching my head for a few days because I DO get the following code to work and it does resize the DIV, but it does not resize the DIV back. I think I might have the call to ResizeFlash in the wrong place (???). I am not familiar enough to know where it might be wrong.
I keep rearranging the code to see if that would work and I would get times where it does resize to 215x138, open the Security Panel, then resize back to 215x50 but then the recording would not begin, as if I were stuck somewhere in a loop.
I hope that someone can please take some time and just take a glance at this code and show me the right way to handle this. Thank you very much!
Here is the code:
public function Main():void
submitButton.enabled = false; // These reset everything, maybe in wrong place??
mic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
if (mic == null)
// no camera is installed
else if (mic.muted)
// user has disabled the access in security settings
mic.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onMicStatus, false, 0, true); // listen out for their new decision
Security.showSettings('2'); // show security settings window to allow them to change security settings
// you have access
mic.setUseEchoSuppression(true); //... also this might be in wrong place?
// .. I would like this to always be on
private function addListeners():void
recButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startRecording);
submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onSend);
recorder.addEventListener(RecordingEvent.RECORDING, recording);
recorder.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, recordComplete);
activity.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateMeter);
function onMicStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
if (event.code == "Microphone.Unmuted")
mic.removeEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onMicStatus);'ResizeFlash', '215', '50'); // When the user presses allow, resize the div back to 215x50
private function startRecording(e:MouseEvent):void
recButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startRecording);
recButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopRecording);
private function stopRecording(e:MouseEvent):void
recButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopRecording);
recButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startRecording);
I know that I have something in there in the wrong order..! I appreciate any comments.
Resizing the app back to 215x50 in the Microphone's status event handler may be too soon, as you have suggested.
Just a hunch, but that status event is dispatched immediately when the user clicks the "Allow" radio button in the Flash security panel. The panel is still open. In fact, if you leave it open and click between allow/deny it will get dispatched each time...
When the security panel is up, there are some things you cannot do. I wonder if using ExternalInterface (to resize the app) is falling into this bucket.
I would suggest the following:
Test your resize functionality without the security panel in the mix. Make sure this code successfully resizes the app in both directions.
Then have a look at this question about how to detect when the user actually closes the security panel. There are two approaches there, one is very hacky (the BitmapData.draw() hack) but I know it works. I suggest trying the second one, and commenting/upvoting there if it does work (I will too). It's a more elegant way to detect when the user closes the dialog, but I haven't had a chance to try it.
When you detect the dialog is closed, resize the app.

Silverlight 4: OnBeforeUnload

I have a silverlight application and I want to capture the close event of the browser. So what I did, in my .aspx page i have this code
function closeIt() {
return "Any string value here forces a dialog box to \n" +
"appear before closing the window.";
window.onbeforeunload = closeIt;
If this functions triggered, a popupwindow will appear, you have 2 buttons OK and CANCEL.
Is there a way in silverlight or in server side to get the value of what the user clicks?
Thank you
I am not sure I totally understand your question, it looks like you are writing javascript. But your subject is silverlight. Anyway....
The simplest way is to leverage Html Confirm either in silverlight:
bool result = System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Confirm("Really..?");
or in straight JavaScript:
var result = window.Confirm("Really...?");
To get the value to the server you can store the value in a hidden text field and post it to the server.
Why don't you use MessageBox ? here's code example:
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Text","Title",MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (MessageBoxResult.OK==result)
else if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
this will get you a popup window with OK and CANCEL window with pretty easy way to determine whether user clicked Ok or no.
The answer is pretty much the same as my other answer to your prior question re window.close.
When the user selects Cancel absolutely nothing happens. If they select OK then your Application_Exit will run.

Prevent user from accidentally navigating away

My problem is a bit more complex than using the following simple JavaScript code:
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
return 'Are You Sure?';
On an e-commerce web page I would like to remind the user that he has items in the shopping cart so that he can change his mind before
closing the browser tab/window
navigating to another domain
The JavaScript method above does not solve my problem because it is evoked even when the user navigates within the domain.
User tries to close window -> Show dialog
User changes url to in the browser's address bar -> Show dialog
User navigates to with the checkout button or presses the back button in the browser -> Do NOT show the dialog
It's not possible to tell if a user is pressing the back-button or closing the tab and you don't have access to their intended location.
It is possible to stop the dialog from showing if an internal link is clicked though:
function isExternal( href ) {
return RegExp('https?:\\/\\/(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')').test(href);
var returnValue = 'Are you sure?';
document.documentElement.onclick = function(e){
var target = e ? : window.event.srcElement;
if (target.href && !isExternal(target.href)) {
returnValue = undefined;
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
return returnValue;
Sorry there's no technical solution to your "problem."
It's not an accident when a user decides to leave your site, i.e. by typing a new URL, so stopping them to say "Hey, you haven't checked out yet" is kind of pointless.
I would suggest letting the visitor leave your website freely and simply remembering their information (DB, Sessions vars, etc). In terms of eCommerce that is the polite way of keeping customers.
If someone wants to leave your website, they will. Double-checking beforehand will likely only irritate the customer and lessen your chance of their return.
Since the beforeUnload-event object does NOT contain the location the user is trying to go to, one "hack" to do this would be to add click listeners to all links on your site, and disable the unload-listener in that handler. It's not very pretty, and it will probably not work if the user navigates with the keyboard, but it's my best guess at the moment.
It sounds like you'd need to use an onbeforeunload and then modify all your internal links to disable it. Probably the thing to do for the latter would be a jQuery event; making the actual hrefs run through JS would be terrible, not least because it'd defeat search engine crawling.
I was looking into this too, reason being we have some really stupid end users who fill out a whole web form then don't press the save button.
I found this is u r interested, seems like a good solution:

