where is the 'googleBar' in google maps api v3 - javascript

I write this in api v2:
I want to using v3, but I can't find enableGoogleBar function,
Where is it?

Check out http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-v3-googlebar It approximates the search functionality of the GoogleBar in v2, but works in v3.
This project offers a couple of advantages over the previous suggestion:
It includes a custom wrapper for the LocalSearch API's RESTful side, allowing tighter integration with a v3 map than is possible with the regular AJAX APIs LocalSearch object
It also includes a custom SearchForm so that you don't have to load the Search API at all.
It should be noted, though, that it does NOT (yet?) support AdWords, like the original GoogleBar did.

The Google Bar does not currently exist in the Maps API v3. You can implement the functionality manually by performing a Local Search using the Google AJAX Search API's.


check if point lies within a route path between two places

I'm developing an android app and I have a route path generated from Google Directions API like this example here
I want to check whether a location X falls on the route or not.
How i can possibly do this ?
NOTE: After searching on Stackoverflow i found this question and it's similar to what i want to do but it is in JavaScript and from the answers i found a method in Google maps JavaScript APIs here that do what i want but it's not available for the Android API Library ,How can i use it on Android ?
I found my answer here it an API for android from Google Maps utility API contain method containLocation()
from Google Maps Android API utility library.
You can use isLocationOnPath() from android-maps-utils library.

How to find Google Map API usage programmatically?

I'm working on an Application, where I make use of the free version of the Distance Matrix API provided by Google Maps. I'm familiar with the usage limits of the same as well. Is there any method available to check the Google Map API usage programatically from the Application?

How can I display Google maps inside flash using javascript api v3?

I know thereĀ“s an api for flash but it has been deprecated, how can i display google maps inside flash using javascript api v3
you can look to use an iFrame and run your map in there.
You can use another Map API like MapQuets or Umap. Those api's have
syntax similar to google API - it will be easy to migrate. Also I think there are no any tools to use "javascript api v3" in Flash, even with IFrame, but you can create some libs by yourself

Google Maps WebService API - show directions result on map

How is it possible to get a DirectionsResult json object from Google maps Web Service APIv3 without breaking the "laws" of xss?
if so, how is it possible to parse that result and show it on a map (in the js API I use DirectionsRenderer) ?
I can do the above with the js API, but am failing miserably with the Web Service. also, use of JQuery / JQM is available.
Any ideas?
Sounds like you don't actually want to execute Javascript, you just want to parse JSON. There are many libraries available to do this.
I recommend you to use Javascript OpenLayers Library displaying map data including Google Maps in most modern web browsers, with no server-side dependencies and Vaadin's OpenLayers Wrapper which contains server side wrapper component for OpenLayers Maps.
Check out some of the applications that were built using these tools:

Which Google Maps Option Should I Choose?

I'm currently working on a location-based app and I'm not sure whether I should use the Google Maps API for Javascript or the Google Places Web Service. For argument's sake, assume that both are technically feasible within the context of my app. Given that, what are the pros/cons of each? Is there a reason to use one over the other?
Assuming that this is what your talking about (for the web service portion) http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/places/.
It appears that the Google Places API is meant to be used in addition to, but not exclusive of, the Google Maps API.
Usage Limits
Note: the Places API may only be used in conjunction with displaying results on a Google map; using Place data without displaying a map for which Place data was requested is prohibited. Additionally, calculation of Place information may generate copyrights, warnings and/or advertising which must be displayed to the user in some fashion.
So I'm not sure you can use one without the other.

