jQuery response is empty in browser, though curl works - javascript

I'm using jQuery's .ajax() to call a server (actually local Django runserver) and get a response.
On the server console, I can see that the JSON request comes in, he proper JSON response is made, and everything looks OK.
But in my browser (tested on Firefox 3.6 and Safari 4.0.4, and I'm using jQuery 1.4.2), it seems the response body is empty (the response code is 200, and the headers otherwise look OK).
Testing the response from the command line, I get the answer I expect.
$ curl --data "text=test&user_name=testy&user_location=testyville&site=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8888%2Fcs%2Fjavascript_answer_form.html&email_address="
{"answer_permalink": "", "answer_id": 16, "question_text": "What were the skies like when you were young?", "answer_text": "test", "question_id": "1"}
I am making the request from an HTML file on my local machine that is not being served by a web browser. It's just addressed using file://. The django server is also local, at, the default location.
Thanks for any suggestions!

Unless you specifically allow your browser alternate settings for local files, everything remains bound by the cross-domain security policy. Files not on a domain (like localhost) can not request files from that domain.
I'm not sure how cross-domain policy works with ports; you may be able to put this file in your port-80-accessible localhost folder (if you have one) and get the job done. Otherwise, you're stuck, unless you can change browser settings to make exceptions (and even then I'm not sure this is doable in any standard browsers).

Add an "error: function(data){alert(data);}" to see if your $.ajax is failing.

Change 'complete' to 'success' in your .ajax() call. 'complete' is used to signal when the ajax operation is done but does not provide the response data. 'success' is called with a successful request and receives the response. 'error' is the counterpart to 'success', used for error handling.
I think browsers (at least some, like Safari, for me) treat files served off the file system as trusted sources in terms of the same-origin policy. So that turned out to be a red herring here.


Azure Storage Javascript library "createBlobServiceWithSas" throws error: Refused to set unsafe header "user-agent"

Using the Azure Storage JS Client library to upload an image throws an error: "Refused to set unsafe header "user-agent""
All requests in the network tab are 200 or 201, it appears like the xhr requests are working. Is it possible to not set this header or filter it out before the post call? I would like to avoid this error in the console.
Have tested the sample azurestoragejs-2.9.100-preview in link you mentioned, it causes no error on my side(both Chrome and Firefox).
Open azure-storage.blob.js lib file, search variable var unsafeHeaders and check whether user-agent is in its list. I saw it on my side and reproduce your problem after deleting it. So it might be missing in your file.
If your lib is unbroken, you can ignore this "error" as nothing goes wrong and it's all implemented by storage lib and browser.
When http request executes, method in this lib will make sure headers in unsafeHeaders list won't be set by xhr. If not, browsers will throw warnings as you have seen, because it's a requirement of xhr standard.
See remarks in this lib.
This check is not necessary, but it prevents warnings from browsers about setting unsafe headers.To be honest I'm not entirely sure hiding these warnings is a good thing, but http-browserify did it, so I will too.
Everyting does work on your side may have proved the check is not necessary. Also in xhr standard, user-agent is no more an unsafe header, but browser doesn't catch up.

AJAX returns a different result than the browser

so I'm using JQuery's .getJSON to get a JSON from an api, the request are made on my localhost to a remote server.
When I access the remote server from the browser itself the data is ok, but when I use JQuery's getJSON the data is different, like there are no cookies even though there are.
I've thought that it's related to the cross origion policy stuff so I've tried using "Ajax Cross Origin" and it didn't help.
So what happens is that for example, when I access the server via the browser, it returns (this is ok)-
"id": "7"
And when I use a JQuery's getJSON (this is wrong)-
"id": null
What makes it even weirder is that when I use Postman rest client then I get the right data.
First thing to do would be open the developer tools in the browser, before the getJSON request is made. Then (e.g. in Chrome) click on the Network tab. Find the Http Get request made for the getJSON call, and click on it. Inspect any errors, check that the cookies were sent correctly, check the response data, right click the Url and open in new tab, what result do you get?

Javascript getJSON not working (Possibly Cross Domain)

Im getting a JSON from a server, and when I type the url into the browser, I can see the JSON data. And when I use curl to get the JSON I can also see the data. But when I try to use a html page locally to access the data i get an error. I've tried using
$.support.cors = true;
but I still get an error, is there anyway I can solve this possible cross domain problem?
Use JSONP (JSON with padding) for crossdomain requests instead. Also see the jquery plugin for easier jsonp handling (even basic error handling). Here is a nice example page.
If the server supports JSONP, then you could get the data by getJSON by appending ?callback=? to the url.
But if the response is just json format like:
{a: 1, b:2}
then you can't use ajax to get the data directly. One solution is to make a proxy, in your server side, get the remote json data and then output it again to avoid cross domain problem.
Other answers have suggested suitable alternatives (JSONP), but to explain why it's not working;
The support of cors is not something you can just turn on. It's something the browser, and the server, has to support.
For more info see here, but to summarise:
The server needs to emit a Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header (or tailor * to be the domain you wish to allow).
You need to be using Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3, IE 8 or Opera 12.
You can also see the documentation for jQuery.support.cors on the API docs.

Why does this jQuery.ajax not raise an error?

We had an interesting issue this morning - the details of the issue itself aren't relevant here, and I already fixed it, but I did run into something strange, to me, about jQuery.
The site I am building internally runs on https, only, so Apache is set to redirect any inbound http request to its https equivalent. This redirect is working fine. But, I had a bug in my software where I was trying to send the following ajax request:
jQuery.ajax({ type: "PUT",
url: "http://somewhere.com/cmdt/todo_lists/8457/toggle",
data: { deployment_id: 827},
dataType: "script"});
I understand that this would fail - I'm alright with jQuery not wanting to follow a redirect. But the actual behaviour is even weirder: I never see an xhr request go out at all! And there's no javascript error! It just fails, silently. If I change the url to https, or to a relative path, it works fine, no problem. My question is, why wasn't it TRYING to send out the request before? And why didn't it raise an error?
The reason you're not getting a failure is because it's a cross-site request, and so instead of using XMLHttpRequest, it's actually generating an HTML <script> tag and dropping it into the DOM, and using that mechanism to load the file.
This works reasonably well (considering it's a complete hack around wrong-headed browser "security" notions) but there's no way for jQuery to trap errors at that point, sadly. You will likely get a browser error if you have developer mode turned on, but that's it.
If you run that from an url that's https and try to open the equivalent http page you run into cross domain problems due to the different protocols they use. Have a look at same origin policy.

How to post a file and parse an xml reply in Internet Explorer 7

I have written a web application that posts a file via http to a restful web service. The web service can reply with a 400 or 403 response if the service finds any problems with the request. The response also contains xml describing the reason(s) for replying with a http error code.
My web application posts the file to a hidden iFrame and uses the iFrame's onload event handler to execute a function that parses the server response presented in the iFrame and let's the user know how the file upload went.
My solution works great with firefox and chrome but not in internet explorer 7.
My problem is that if the server responds with an error code e.g. 400 or 403 internet explorer 7 loads its own static error page. This means that my script can't parse the error message sent in the response since the static error page is not from the same domain as the script itself and violates the same origin policy (and since it's a static error page the web service's detailed error message won't be there anyway).
I see only two workarounds to this problem and I would prefer to avoid them both if possible:
A) Have the web service return 200, when the user-agent indicates internet explorer, even though an error has occured but include a xml response that indicates an error.
B) Have the web application post to an "intermediary" that forwards the request to the web service, reads the response and then translates it to a 200 or anything else that works (so it's basically option A but more flexible and at least this keeps the restful web service "clean").
Is there another way to solve my problem?
Assuming you have control of the server, you may find the best solution is to use the iframe only for sending the file (i.e. one way....client to server). Then use an ajax polling solution to determine whether or not the post was successful. It can be a bit messy, but should be much more reliable, and you can also get information back before the post is complete.
I managed to solve this since a colleague remembered that if the response body is not of a certain length when sending a 4xx response, Internet Explorer will load its static error page.
The workaround is to send back a longer response body with your 4xx response, e.g. a xml-comment containing white space.

