jquery validation - javascript

I have some problem to execute the following jquery validation program
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
remote: "emails.php"
in jquery validation
$.ajax($.extend(true, {
url: param,
mode: "abort",
port: "validate" + element.name,
dataType: "json",
data: "email="+data,
The above codeing executed. but my problem is how to create the emails.php. Because i dont know how to get value from js file to emails.php. Pls replay me...

iam not completely sure what you would like to accomplish using this code:
$.ajax($.extend(true, {
url: param,
mode: "abort",
port: "validate" + element.name,
dataType: "json",
data: "email="+data,
Why extend? extend merges parameter2, 3, ... into parameter 1. So, jQuery basically tries to put all you parameters into the little true.
i tried to construct an example for $.ajax which fits your needs:
url: "emails.php",
data: "name=John&location=Boston",
success: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
for examples on creating the server side part, have a look into the demo section of the distributed zip file:

Use jQuery validation plugins.
Now add email validation method
messages: {remote: "Email address already exist"}});
In check_email.php
if($count>0) {
echo "false";die;
echo "true";die;
For more you can also follow this http://php-tutorial-guide.blogspot.in/2014/03/jquery-validation.html


Using ajax to run a php file and output php on page

I'm trying to run a PHP file with ajax and have text output from the PHP file into my container. I've looked into multiple examples but still don't get anything out of my ListTranslations.php file.
A short explanation of what is supposed to happen:
On index.php file, I run a list of all languages found in the database and fill onClick function with a specific language. On click, the ajax function should run my ListTranslations.php file and output the list of all the translations found for the specific language.
Here is the index.php where the ajax function is called:
foreach($languages as $language){
echo '' . $language . '' . ': ' . count($language) . "<br>";
ajax function: ( I have a content div set )
function sendLanguage(tongue) {
url: "ListTranslations.php",
method: 'GET',
data: {language: tongue},
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json'
ListTranslations.php file:
if($_GET["tongue"]) {
$aPoem = $poems->find(array('language'=>($_GET["tongue"])));
foreach($aPoem as $poem) {
echo '' . $poem["title"] .'<br>';
I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and why it is not working so any help is much appreciated!
First of all, declare if your div is of a class or id content:
Also, your function argument isn't used in the whole structure and you use only 'tongue' string; to pass a variable, get rid of '' like:
data: { language: tongue }
Also, any particular reason to use deprecated jQuery methods? If not, you should use this structure:
function findDifferentNameThanAjax(tongue) {
url: "ListTranslations.php",
method: 'GET',
data: {language: tongue},
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json'
Alse, make sure if your ajax url is correct.

How to add text to the body of a CasperJS thenOpen() POST request

I need to write a script inside of datorama.com to access pardot.com. Pardot does have an API that requires a request that has a request inside the body as
POST: https://pi.pardot.com/api/login/version/3
message body: email=&password=&user_key=
Right now here is my code:
phantom.casperPath = casperPath;
phantom.injectJs(casperPath + "/bin/bootstrap.js");
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
method: 'post',
content: {
'text' : 'email=<myemail>&password=<password>&user_key=<userKey>'
}, function(response) {
I can tell that it is getting through to the server because it is responding this.echo(this.getHTML()); "Login Failed" . I am using the right email/password/user_Key because i am pulling that from the API Console for pardot and it is working there.... So I believe the issue is I am not setting the body of the request correctly.
So does anyone know a way to set the body on the request?
casper.open() or casper.thenOpen() don't understand the content setting. You probably wanted to use data:
.thenOpen('https://pi.pardot.com/api/login/version/3', {
method: 'post',
data: 'email=<myemail>&password=<password>&user_key=<userKey>'
}, function() { ... });
Don't forget to use encodeURIComponent() on the email, password and user key parameters if you build the string yourself.
You can also pass an object:
.thenOpen('https://pi.pardot.com/api/login/version/3', {
method: 'post',
data: {
email: '<myemail>',
password: '<password>',
user_key: '<userKey>'
}, function() { ... });
If you expect something else than HTML from the API, then you should use casper.getPageContent() instead of casper.getHTML().

JQuery validation "remote" method response waiting message

I am using JQuery validation plugin "remote" method for Ajax based validation.
But I have to make some third party calls to verify data and it takes approx. 30 seconds.
So need to show some message to end user while data is getting processed by Ajax request. Can anyone help to achieve this?
You can see an example from below that i done:
jQuery Validate (Remote Method):
rules: {
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
remote: {
url: 'your-url-or-path-here.php',
cache: false,
dataType: 'POST', // Post, Get, Json, etc
data: {
field: $('.element').val()
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {

how to call web service rest based using ajax + jquery

I am calling web service on this url .
here is my code .
$(document).ready(function () {
//event handler for submit button
$("#btnSubmit").click(function () {
//collect userName and password entered by users
var userName = $("#username").val();
var password = $("#password").val();
//call the authenticate function
authenticate(userName, password);
//authenticate function to make ajax call
function authenticate(userName, password) {
//the url where you want to sent the userName and password to
url: "",
type: "POST",
// dataType: 'jsonp',
async: false,
crossDomain: true,
contentType: 'application/json',
//json object to sent to the authentication url
data: JSON.stringify({
Ticket: 'Some ticket',
Data: {
Password: "1",
success: function (t) {
It mean that I first call this method then call login method ?
Perhaps the message means that during development, while you are writing and testing the code, use the URL:
rather than:
Because you don't need the application id for the development method. You can see from the error message that you are missing the application (gu)id
The guid '61136208-742B-44E4-B00D-C32ED26775A3' is no valid application guid
Your javascript needs to be updated to use new url http://isuite.c-entron.de/CentronServiceAppleDemoIndia/GetNewAuthentifikationTicket as per the backend sode team.
Also, even if you do this, your will not be able to get reply correctly since service requires cross domain configuration entries in web.config. You have to use this reference:http://encosia.com/using-cors-to-access-asp-net-services-across-domains/ and configure server's web.config in a way so that you can call it from cross domain.

cakephp 2.2 retrieve json data in controller

I'm trying to send JSON data from a web page using JQuery, like this:
type: "post", // Request method: post, get
url: "http://localhost/ajax/login",
data: '{username: "wiiNinja", password: "isAnub"}',
dataType: "json", // Expected response type
contentType: "application/json",
cache: false,
success: function(response, status) {
alert ("Success");
error: function(response, status) {
alert('Error! response=' + response + " status=" + status);
In cake2.2, I have a controller named Ajax that has a method named "login", like this:
public function login($id = null)
if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
$this->layout = 'ajax'; // Or $this->RequestHandler->ajaxLayout, Only use for HTML
$this->autoLayout = false;
$this->autoRender = false;
$response = array('success' => false);
$data = $this->request->input(); // MY QUESTION IS WITH THIS LINE
debug($data, $showHTML = false, $showFrom = true);
I just want to see if I'm passing in the correct data to the controller. If I use this line:
$data = $this->request->input();
I can see the debug printout:
{username: "wiiNinja", password: "isCool"}
I read in the CakePHP manual 2.x, under "Accessing XML or JSON data", it suggests this call to decode the data:
$data = $this->request->input('json_decode');
When I debug print $data, I get "null". What am I doing wrong? Is my data passed in from the Javascript incorrect? Or am I not calling the decode correctly?
Thanks for any suggestion.
============= My own Edit ========
Found my own mistake through experiments:
When posting through Javascript, instead of this line:
data: '{username: "wiiNinja", password: "isAnub"}',
Change it to:
data: '{"username": "wiiNinja", "password": "isAnub"}',
In the controller code, change this line:
$data = $this->request->input('json_decode');
$data = $this->request->input('json_decode', 'true');
It works.
When I followed your suggestions, and examine the "$this->request->params" array in my controller code, it contains the following:
'plugin' => null,
'controller' => 'ajax',
'action' => 'login',
'named' => array(),
'pass' => array(),
'isAjax' => true
As you can see, the data that I'm looking for is not there. I've already got the the proper routes code. This is consistent with what the documentation for 2.x says here:
So far, the only way that I found to make it work, is as stated above in "My own Edit". But if sending a JSon string to the server is not the right thing to do, I would like to fix this, because eventually, I will have to handle third party code that will send JSon objects.
The reason you are struggling wit the data is because you are sending a string with jQuery, not a proper javascript object (JSON).
type: "post", // Request method: post, get
url: "http://localhost/ajax/login",
data: {username: "wiiNinja", password: "isAnub"}, // outer quotes removed
dataType: "json", // Expected response type
contentType: "application/json",
cache: false,
success: function(response, status) {
alert ("Success");
error: function(response, status) {
alert('Error! response=' + response + " status=" + status);
Now the data will be available as a PHP array in $this->request->params.
Also for sending a JSON response, please see this manual page. Most of your code there can be reduced to just 2 lines...
//Controller that sends JSON
$this->set('_serialize', array('data'));

