Is there any way to prevent replacement of JavaScript object properties? - javascript

I would like to make an object's structure immutable, preventing its properties from being subsequently replaced. The properties need to be readable, however. Is this possible?
I'm sure there are no language features (along the lines of final in Java and readonly in C#) to support this but wondered whether there might be another mechanism for achieving the same result?
I'm looking for something along these lines:
var o = {
a: "a",
f: function () {
return "b";
var p = o.a; // OK
o.a = "b"; // Error
var q = o.f(); // OK
o.f = function () { // Error
return "c";

ECMAScript 5 will have seal() and freeze(), but there's no good way to do this with current JavaScript implementations.

the best thing you can do is hide your properties inside of a closure.
var getMap = function(){
var hidden = "1";
return {
getHidden : function() { return hidden; }
var f = getMap ();
I took a stab at it. In the above code you will need to not just return hidden but copy it into a new object perhaps. maybe you can use jquery's extend to do this for you, so you will be returning a new object, not the reference. This may be completely wrong though =)

Using var in an object constructor will create a private variable. This is essentially a closure. Then you can create a public function to access/modify it. More information and examples available on Private Members in Javascript by Douglas Crockford.

As mkoryak said, you can create a closure to hide properties
function Car(make, model, color) {
var _make = make, _model = model, _color = color;
this.getMake = function() {
return _make;
var mycar = new Car("ford", "mustang", "black");
mycar.getMake(); //returns "ford"
mycar._make; //error

Okay, so there's been already a couple of answers suggesting you return an object with several getters methods. But you can still replace those methods.
There's this, which is slightly better. You won't be able to replace the object's properties without replacing the function completely. But it's still not exactly what you want.
function Sealed(obj) {
function copy(o){
var n = {};
for(p in o){
n[p] = o[p]
return n;
var priv = copy(obj);
return function(p) {
return typeof p == 'undefined' ? copy(priv) : priv[p]; // or maybe copy(priv[p])
var mycar = new Sealed({make:"ford", model:"mustang", color:"black"});
alert( mycar('make') ); // "ford"
alert( mycar().make ); // "ford"
var newcopy = mycar();
newcopy.make = 'volkwagen';
alert( newcopy.make ); // "volkwagen" :(
alert( mycar().make ); // still "ford" :)
alert( mycar('make') ); // still "ford" :)

You can now force a single object property to be frozen instead of freezing the whole object. You can achieve this with Object.defineProperty and the parameter writable: false
var obj = {
"first": 1,
"second": 2,
"third": 3
Object.defineProperty(obj, "first", {
writable: false,
value: 99
In this example, obj.first now has its value locked to 99.


Extends ES5 like in ES6 [duplicate]

I realize that, strictly speaking, this is not subclassing the array type, but will this work in the way one might expect, or am I still going to run into some issues with .length and the like? Are there any drawbacks that I would not have if normal subclassing were an option?
function Vector()
var vector = [];
vector.sum = function()
sum = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
sum += this[i];
return sum;
return vector;
v = Vector();
v.push(1); v.push(2);
I'd wrap an array inside a proper vector type like this:
window.Vector = function Vector() { = [];
Vector.prototype.push = function push() {
Array.prototype.push.apply(, arguments);
Vector.prototype.sum = function sum() {
for(var i = 0, s=0.0,; i < len; s +=[i++]);
return s;
var vector1 = new Vector();
vector1.push(1); vector1.push(2);
Alternatively you can build new prototype functions on arrays and then just use normal arrays.
If you are consistent with naming the arrays so they all start with a lowercase v for example or something similar that clearly mark them aw vector and not normal arrays, and you do the same on the vector specific prototype functions, then it should be fairly easy to keep track of.
Array.prototype.vSum = function vSum() {
for(var i = 0, s=0.0, len=this.length; i < len; s += this[i++]);
return s;
var vector1 = [];
vector1.push(1); vector1.push(2);
EDIT -- I originally wrote that you could subclass an Array just like any other object, which was wrong. Learn something new every day. Here is a good discussion
In this case, would composition work better? i.e. just create a Vector object, and have it backed by an array. This seems to be the path you are on, you just need to add the push and any other methods to the prototype.
Nowadays you could use subclassing with ES6 classes:
class Vector extends Array {
return this.reduce((total, value) => total + value)
let v2 = new Vector();
v2.length = 0;
Just another example of the wrapper. Having some fun with .bind.
var _Array = function _Array() {
if ( !( this instanceof _Array ) ) {
return new _Array();
_Array.prototype.push = function() {
var apContextBound = Array.prototype.push,
pushItAgainst = Function.prototype.apply.bind( apContextBound );
pushItAgainst( this, arguments );
_Array.prototype.pushPushItRealGood = function() {
var apContextBound = Array.prototype.push,
pushItAgainst = Function.prototype.apply.bind( apContextBound );
pushItAgainst( this, arguments );
_Array.prototype.typeof = (function() { return ( [] ) ); }());
#hvgotcodes answer has an awesome link. I just wanted to summerize the conclusion here.
Wrappers. Prototype chain injection
This seems to be the best method to extend array from the article.
wrappers can be used ... in which object’s prototype chain is augmented, rather than object itself.
function SubArray() {
var arr = [ ];
arr.push.apply(arr, arguments);
arr.__proto__ = SubArray.prototype;
return arr;
SubArray.prototype = new Array;
// Add custom functions here to SubArray.prototype.
SubArray.prototype.last = function() {
return this[this.length - 1];
var sub = new SubArray(1, 2, 3);
sub instanceof SubArray; // true
sub instanceof Array; // true
Unfortunally for me, this method uses arr.__proto__, unsupported in IE 8-, a browser I have to support.
Wrappers. Direct property injection.
This method is a little slower than the above, but works in IE 8-.
Wrapper approach avoids setting up inheritance or emulating length/indices relation. Instead, a factory-like function can create a plain Array object, and then augment it directly with any custom methods. Since returned object is an Array one, it maintains proper length/indices relation, as well as [[Class]] of “Array”. It also inherits from Array.prototype, naturally.
function makeSubArray() {
var arr = [ ];
arr.push.apply(arr, arguments);
// Add custom functions here to arr.
arr.last = function() {
return this[this.length - 1];
return arr;
var sub = makeSubArray(1, 2, 3);
sub instanceof Array; // true
sub.length; // 3
sub.last(); // 3
There is a way that looks and feels like prototypical inheritance, but it's different in only one way.
First lets take a look at one of the standard ways of implementing prototypical inheritance in javascript:
var MyClass = function(bar){ = bar;
MyClass.prototype.awesomeMethod = function(){
alert("I'm awesome")
// extends MyClass
var MySubClass = function(bar){, bar); // <- call super constructor
// which happens here
MySubClass.prototype = Object.create(MyClass.prototype); // prototype object with MyClass as its prototype
// allows us to still walk up the prototype chain as expected
Object.defineProperty(MySubClass.prototype, "constructor", {
enumerable: false, // this is merely a preference, but worth considering, it won't affect the inheritance aspect
value: MySubClass
// place extended/overridden methods here
MySubClass.prototype.superAwesomeMethod = function(){
alert("I'm super awesome!");
var testInstance = new MySubClass("hello");
alert(testInstance instanceof MyClass); // true
alert(testInstance instanceof MySubClass); // true
The next example just wraps up the above structure to keep everything clean. And there is a slight tweak that seems at first glance to perform a miracle. However, all that is really happening is each instance of the subclass is using not the Array prototype as a template for construction, but rather an instance of an Array - so the prototype of the subclass comes hooked onto the end of a fully loaded object which passes the ducktype of an array - which it then copies. If you still see something strange here and it bothers you, I'm not sure that I can explain it better - so maybe how it works is a good topic for another question. :)
var extend = function(child, parent, optionalArgs){ //...
if(parent.toString() === "function ""() { [native code] }"){
optionalArgs = [parent].concat(, 2));
child.prototype = Object.create(new parent.bind.apply(null, optionalArgs));
child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
Object.defineProperties(child.prototype, {
constructor: {enumerable: false, value: child},
_super_: {enumerable: false, value: parent} // merely for convenience (for future use), its not used here because our prototype is already constructed!
var Vector = (function(){
// we can extend Vector prototype here because functions are hoisted
// so it keeps the extend declaration close to the class declaration
// where we would expect to see it
extend(Vector, Array);
function Vector(){
// from here on out we are an instance of Array as well as an instance of Vector
// not needed here
//, arguments); // applies parent constructor (in this case Array, but we already did it during prototyping, so use this when extending your own classes)
// construct a Vector as needed from arguments
this.push.apply(this, arguments);
// just in case the prototype description warrants a closure
var _Vector = this;
_Vector.sum = function sum(){
var i=0, s=0.0, l=this.length;
s = s + this[i++];
return s;
return Vector;
var a = new Vector(1,2,3); // 1,2,3
var b = new Vector(4,5,6,7); // 4,5,6,7
alert(a instanceof Array && a instanceof Vector); // true
alert(a === b); // false
alert(a.length); // 3
alert(b.length); // 4
alert(a.sum()); // 6
alert(b.sum()); // 22
Soon we'll have class and the ability to extend native classes in ES6 but that may be a another year yet. In the mean time I hope this helps someone.
function SubArray(arrayToInitWith){;
var subArrayInstance = this;
subArrayInstance.length = arrayToInitWith.length;
arrayToInitWith.forEach(function(e, i){
subArrayInstance[i] = e;
SubArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype);
SubArray.prototype.specialMethod = function(){alert("baz");};
var subclassedArray = new SubArray(["Some", "old", "values"]);

What is difference between two functions in class returning the same value [duplicate]

I've been trying to get my head around getters and setters and its not sinking in. I've read JavaScript Getters and Setters and Defining Getters and Setters and just not getting it.
Can someone clearly state:
What a getter and setter are meant to do, and
Give some VERY simple examples?
In addition to #millimoose's answer, setters can also be used to update other values.
function Name(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
Name.prototype = {
get fullName() {
return this.first + " " + this.last;
set fullName(name) {
var names = name.split(" ");
this.first = names[0];
this.last = names[1];
Now, you can set fullName, and first and last will be updated and vice versa.
n = new Name('Claude', 'Monet')
n.first # "Claude"
n.last # "Monet"
n.fullName # "Claude Monet"
n.fullName = "Gustav Klimt"
n.first # "Gustav"
n.last # "Klimt"
Getters and Setters in JavaScript
Getters and setters in JavaScript are used for defining computed properties, or accessors. A computed property is one that uses a function to get or set an object value. The basic theory is doing something like this:
var user = { /* ... object with getters and setters ... */ }; = '+1 (123) 456-7890'; // updates a database
console.log( user.areaCode ); // displays '123'
console.log( user.area ); // displays 'Anytown, USA'
This is useful for automatically doing things behind-the-scenes when a property is accessed, like keeping numbers in range, reformatting strings, triggering value-has-changed events, updating relational data, providing access to private properties, and more.
The examples below show the basic syntax, though they simply get and set the internal object value without doing anything special. In real-world cases you would modify the input and/or output value to suit your needs, as noted above.
get/set Keywords
ECMAScript 5 supports get and set keywords for defining computed properties. They work with all modern browsers except IE 8 and below.
var foo = {
bar : 123,
get bar(){ return bar; },
set bar( value ){ = value; }
}; = 456;
var gaz =;
Custom Getters and Setters
get and set aren't reserved words, so they can be overloaded to create your own custom, cross-browser computed property functions. This will work in any browser.
var foo = {
_bar : 123,
get : function( name ){ return this[ '_' + name ]; },
set : function( name, value ){ this[ '_' + name ] = value; }
foo.set( 'bar', 456 );
var gaz = foo.get( 'bar' );
Or for a more compact approach, a single function may be used.
var foo = {
_bar : 123,
value : function( name /*, value */ ){
if( arguments.length < 2 ){ return this[ '_' + name ]; }
this[ '_' + name ] = value;
foo.value( 'bar', 456 );
var gaz = foo.value( 'bar' );
Avoid doing something like this, which can lead to code bloat.
var foo = {
_a : 123, _b : 456, _c : 789,
getA : function(){ return this._a; },
getB : ..., getC : ..., setA : ..., setB : ..., setC : ...
For the above examples, the internal property names are abstracted with an underscore in order to discourage users from simply doing vs. foo.get( 'bar' ) and getting an "uncooked" value. You can use conditional code to do different things depending on the name of the property being accessed (via the name parameter).
Using Object.defineProperty() is another way to add getters and setters, and can be used on objects after they're defined. It can also be used to set configurable and enumerable behaviors. This syntax also works with IE 8, but unfortunately only on DOM objects.
var foo = { _bar : 123 };
Object.defineProperty( foo, 'bar', {
get : function(){ return this._bar; },
set : function( value ){ this._bar = value; }
} ); = 456;
var gaz =;
Finally, __defineGetter__() is another option. It's deprecated, but still widely used around the web and thus unlikely to disappear anytime soon. It works on all browsers except IE 10 and below. Though the other options also work well on non-IE, so this one isn't that useful.
var foo = { _bar : 123; }
foo.__defineGetter__( 'bar', function(){ return this._bar; } );
foo.__defineSetter__( 'bar', function( value ){ this._bar = value; } );
Also worth noting is that in the latter examples, the internal names must be different than the accessor names to avoid recursion (ie, calling foo.get(bar) calling calling foo.get(bar)...).
See Also
MDN get, set,
Object.defineProperty(), __defineGetter__(), __defineSetter__()
IE8 Getter Support
You'd use them for instance to implement computed properties.
For example:
function Circle(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
Object.defineProperty(Circle.prototype, 'circumference', {
get: function() { return 2*Math.PI*this.radius; }
Object.defineProperty(Circle.prototype, 'area', {
get: function() { return Math.PI*this.radius*this.radius; }
c = new Circle(10);
console.log(c.area); // Should output 314.159
console.log(c.circumference); // Should output 62.832
Sorry to resurrect an old question, but I thought I might contribute a couple of very basic examples and for-dummies explanations. None of the other answers posted thusfar illustrate syntax like the MDN guide's first example, which is about as basic as one can get.
var settings = {
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Smith',
get fullname() { return this.firstname + ' ' + this.lastname; }
... will log John Smith, of course. A getter behaves like a variable object property, but offers the flexibility of a function to calculate its returned value on the fly. It's basically a fancy way to create a function that doesn't require () when calling.
var address = {
set raw(what) {
var loc = what.split(/\s*;\s*/),
area = loc[1].split(/,?\s+(\w{2})\s+(?=\d{5})/);
this.street = loc[0]; = area[0];
this.state = area[1]; = area[2];
address.raw = '123 Lexington Ave; New York NY 10001';
... will log New York to the console. Like getters, setters are called with the same syntax as setting an object property's value, but are yet another fancy way to call a function without ().
See this jsfiddle for a more thorough, perhaps more practical example. Passing values into the object's setter triggers the creation or population of other object items. Specifically, in the jsfiddle example, passing an array of numbers prompts the setter to calculate mean, median, mode, and range; then sets object properties for each result.
Getters and setters really only make sense when you have private properties of classes. Since Javascript doesn't really have private class properties as you would normally think of from Object Oriented Languages, it can be hard to understand. Here is one example of a private counter object. The nice thing about this object is that the internal variable "count" cannot be accessed from outside the object.
var counter = function() {
var count = 0; = function() {
this.getCount = function() {
return count;
var i = new Counter();;;
// writes "2" to the document
document.write( i.getCount());
If you are still confused, take a look at Crockford's article on Private Members in Javascript.
I think the first article you link to states it pretty clearly:
The obvious advantage to writing JavaScript in this manner is that you can use it obscure values that you don't want the user to directly access.
The goal here is to encapsulate and abstract away the fields by only allowing access to them thru a get() or set() method. This way, you can store the field/data internally in whichever way you want, but outside components are only away of your published interface. This allows you to make internal changes without changing external interfaces, to do some validation or error-checking within the set() method, etc.
Although often we are used to seeing objects with public properties without any access
control, JavaScript allows us to accurately describe properties. In fact, we can use
descriptors in order to control how a property can be accessed and which logic we can
apply to it. Consider the following example:
var employee = {
first: "Boris",
last: "Sergeev",
get fullName() {
return this.first + " " + this.last;
set fullName(value) {
var parts = value.toString().split(" ");
this.first = parts[0] || "";
this.last = parts[1] || "";
email: ""
The final result:
console.log(employee.fullName); //Boris Sergeev
employee.fullName = "Alex Makarenko";
console.log(employee.fullName);//Alex Makarenko
You can define instance method for js class, via prototype of the constructor.
Following is the sample code:
// BaseClass
var BaseClass = function(name) {
// instance property = name;
// instance method
BaseClass.prototype.getName = function() {
BaseClass.prototype.setName = function(name) {
return = name;
// test - start
function test() {
var b1 = new BaseClass("b1");
var b2 = new BaseClass("b2");
// test - end
And, this should work for any browser, you can also simply use nodejs to run this code.
If you're referring to the concept of accessors, then the simple goal is to hide the underlying storage from arbitrary manipulation. The most extreme mechanism for this is
function Foo(someValue) {
this.getValue = function() { return someValue; }
return this;
var myFoo = new Foo(5);
/* We can read someValue through getValue(), but there is no mechanism
* to modify it -- hurrah, we have achieved encapsulation!
If you're referring to the actual JS getter/setter feature, eg. defineGetter/defineSetter, or { get Foo() { /* code */ } }, then it's worth noting that in most modern engines subsequent usage of those properties will be much much slower than it would otherwise be. eg. compare performance of
var a = { getValue: function(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
var a = { get value(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
What's so confusing about it... getters are functions that are called when you get a property, setters, when you set it.
example, if you do
obj.prop = "abc";
You're setting the property prop, if you're using getters/setters, then the setter function will be called, with "abc" as an argument.
The setter function definition inside the object would ideally look something like this:
set prop(var) {
// do stuff with var...
I'm not sure how well that is implemented across browsers. It seems Firefox also has an alternative syntax, with double-underscored special ("magic") methods. As usual Internet Explorer does not support any of this.
I was also somewhat confused by the explanation I read, because I was trying to add a property to an existing prototype that I did not write, so replacing the prototype seemed like the wrong approach. So, for posterity, here's how I added a last property to Array:
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "last", {
get: function() { return this[this.length - 1] }
Ever so slightly nicer than adding a function IMHO.
You can also use __defineGetter__:
function Vector2(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vector2.prototype.__defineGetter__("magnitude", function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y);
console.log(new Vector2(1,1).magnitude)
Or, if you prefer:
function Vector2(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.__defineGetter__("magnitude", function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y);
console.log(new Vector2(1,1).magnitude)
But this function has been flagged as "legacy" recently, being dropped in favor of Object.defineProperty().
There's no example here with ES6 class (which is not even 'new' now, it's the norm):
class Student {
contructor(firstName, lastName){
this.firstName = firstName
this.lastName = lastName
this.secretId = Math.random()
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; // this is backtick in js, u can check it out here:
set firstName(newFirstName) {
// validate that newFirstName is a string (and maybe limit length)
this.firstName = newFirstName
get studentId() { return this.secretId }
and no setter for secretId because we don't want anyone to change it.
** if secretId shouldn't be changed at all, a nice approach is to declare it as 'private' to this class by adding a '#' to it
(e.g: this.#secretId = Math.random(), and return this.#secretId
Update: about backing fields
You might need to rename your field - or your setter function but it makes more sense to me to change your field name. One option is like I mentioned above (using a # for declaring the field as 'private'). Another way is to just rename it (_firstName, firstName_...)
I've got one for you guys that might be a little ugly, but it does get'er done across platforms
function myFunc () {
var _myAttribute = "default";
this.myAttribute = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) _myAttribute = arguments[0];
return _myAttribute;
this way, when you call
var test = new myFunc();
test.myAttribute(); //-> "default"
test.myAttribute("ok"); //-> "ok"
test.myAttribute(); //-> "ok"
If you really want to spice things up.. you can insert a typeof check:
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "boolean") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "number") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "string") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
or go even crazier with the advanced typeof check: type.of() code at

Unfamiliar syntax for JavaScript object key [duplicate]

I've been trying to get my head around getters and setters and its not sinking in. I've read JavaScript Getters and Setters and Defining Getters and Setters and just not getting it.
Can someone clearly state:
What a getter and setter are meant to do, and
Give some VERY simple examples?
In addition to #millimoose's answer, setters can also be used to update other values.
function Name(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
Name.prototype = {
get fullName() {
return this.first + " " + this.last;
set fullName(name) {
var names = name.split(" ");
this.first = names[0];
this.last = names[1];
Now, you can set fullName, and first and last will be updated and vice versa.
n = new Name('Claude', 'Monet')
n.first # "Claude"
n.last # "Monet"
n.fullName # "Claude Monet"
n.fullName = "Gustav Klimt"
n.first # "Gustav"
n.last # "Klimt"
Getters and Setters in JavaScript
Getters and setters in JavaScript are used for defining computed properties, or accessors. A computed property is one that uses a function to get or set an object value. The basic theory is doing something like this:
var user = { /* ... object with getters and setters ... */ }; = '+1 (123) 456-7890'; // updates a database
console.log( user.areaCode ); // displays '123'
console.log( user.area ); // displays 'Anytown, USA'
This is useful for automatically doing things behind-the-scenes when a property is accessed, like keeping numbers in range, reformatting strings, triggering value-has-changed events, updating relational data, providing access to private properties, and more.
The examples below show the basic syntax, though they simply get and set the internal object value without doing anything special. In real-world cases you would modify the input and/or output value to suit your needs, as noted above.
get/set Keywords
ECMAScript 5 supports get and set keywords for defining computed properties. They work with all modern browsers except IE 8 and below.
var foo = {
bar : 123,
get bar(){ return bar; },
set bar( value ){ = value; }
}; = 456;
var gaz =;
Custom Getters and Setters
get and set aren't reserved words, so they can be overloaded to create your own custom, cross-browser computed property functions. This will work in any browser.
var foo = {
_bar : 123,
get : function( name ){ return this[ '_' + name ]; },
set : function( name, value ){ this[ '_' + name ] = value; }
foo.set( 'bar', 456 );
var gaz = foo.get( 'bar' );
Or for a more compact approach, a single function may be used.
var foo = {
_bar : 123,
value : function( name /*, value */ ){
if( arguments.length < 2 ){ return this[ '_' + name ]; }
this[ '_' + name ] = value;
foo.value( 'bar', 456 );
var gaz = foo.value( 'bar' );
Avoid doing something like this, which can lead to code bloat.
var foo = {
_a : 123, _b : 456, _c : 789,
getA : function(){ return this._a; },
getB : ..., getC : ..., setA : ..., setB : ..., setC : ...
For the above examples, the internal property names are abstracted with an underscore in order to discourage users from simply doing vs. foo.get( 'bar' ) and getting an "uncooked" value. You can use conditional code to do different things depending on the name of the property being accessed (via the name parameter).
Using Object.defineProperty() is another way to add getters and setters, and can be used on objects after they're defined. It can also be used to set configurable and enumerable behaviors. This syntax also works with IE 8, but unfortunately only on DOM objects.
var foo = { _bar : 123 };
Object.defineProperty( foo, 'bar', {
get : function(){ return this._bar; },
set : function( value ){ this._bar = value; }
} ); = 456;
var gaz =;
Finally, __defineGetter__() is another option. It's deprecated, but still widely used around the web and thus unlikely to disappear anytime soon. It works on all browsers except IE 10 and below. Though the other options also work well on non-IE, so this one isn't that useful.
var foo = { _bar : 123; }
foo.__defineGetter__( 'bar', function(){ return this._bar; } );
foo.__defineSetter__( 'bar', function( value ){ this._bar = value; } );
Also worth noting is that in the latter examples, the internal names must be different than the accessor names to avoid recursion (ie, calling foo.get(bar) calling calling foo.get(bar)...).
See Also
MDN get, set,
Object.defineProperty(), __defineGetter__(), __defineSetter__()
IE8 Getter Support
You'd use them for instance to implement computed properties.
For example:
function Circle(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
Object.defineProperty(Circle.prototype, 'circumference', {
get: function() { return 2*Math.PI*this.radius; }
Object.defineProperty(Circle.prototype, 'area', {
get: function() { return Math.PI*this.radius*this.radius; }
c = new Circle(10);
console.log(c.area); // Should output 314.159
console.log(c.circumference); // Should output 62.832
Sorry to resurrect an old question, but I thought I might contribute a couple of very basic examples and for-dummies explanations. None of the other answers posted thusfar illustrate syntax like the MDN guide's first example, which is about as basic as one can get.
var settings = {
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Smith',
get fullname() { return this.firstname + ' ' + this.lastname; }
... will log John Smith, of course. A getter behaves like a variable object property, but offers the flexibility of a function to calculate its returned value on the fly. It's basically a fancy way to create a function that doesn't require () when calling.
var address = {
set raw(what) {
var loc = what.split(/\s*;\s*/),
area = loc[1].split(/,?\s+(\w{2})\s+(?=\d{5})/);
this.street = loc[0]; = area[0];
this.state = area[1]; = area[2];
address.raw = '123 Lexington Ave; New York NY 10001';
... will log New York to the console. Like getters, setters are called with the same syntax as setting an object property's value, but are yet another fancy way to call a function without ().
See this jsfiddle for a more thorough, perhaps more practical example. Passing values into the object's setter triggers the creation or population of other object items. Specifically, in the jsfiddle example, passing an array of numbers prompts the setter to calculate mean, median, mode, and range; then sets object properties for each result.
Getters and setters really only make sense when you have private properties of classes. Since Javascript doesn't really have private class properties as you would normally think of from Object Oriented Languages, it can be hard to understand. Here is one example of a private counter object. The nice thing about this object is that the internal variable "count" cannot be accessed from outside the object.
var counter = function() {
var count = 0; = function() {
this.getCount = function() {
return count;
var i = new Counter();;;
// writes "2" to the document
document.write( i.getCount());
If you are still confused, take a look at Crockford's article on Private Members in Javascript.
I think the first article you link to states it pretty clearly:
The obvious advantage to writing JavaScript in this manner is that you can use it obscure values that you don't want the user to directly access.
The goal here is to encapsulate and abstract away the fields by only allowing access to them thru a get() or set() method. This way, you can store the field/data internally in whichever way you want, but outside components are only away of your published interface. This allows you to make internal changes without changing external interfaces, to do some validation or error-checking within the set() method, etc.
Although often we are used to seeing objects with public properties without any access
control, JavaScript allows us to accurately describe properties. In fact, we can use
descriptors in order to control how a property can be accessed and which logic we can
apply to it. Consider the following example:
var employee = {
first: "Boris",
last: "Sergeev",
get fullName() {
return this.first + " " + this.last;
set fullName(value) {
var parts = value.toString().split(" ");
this.first = parts[0] || "";
this.last = parts[1] || "";
email: ""
The final result:
console.log(employee.fullName); //Boris Sergeev
employee.fullName = "Alex Makarenko";
console.log(employee.fullName);//Alex Makarenko
You can define instance method for js class, via prototype of the constructor.
Following is the sample code:
// BaseClass
var BaseClass = function(name) {
// instance property = name;
// instance method
BaseClass.prototype.getName = function() {
BaseClass.prototype.setName = function(name) {
return = name;
// test - start
function test() {
var b1 = new BaseClass("b1");
var b2 = new BaseClass("b2");
// test - end
And, this should work for any browser, you can also simply use nodejs to run this code.
If you're referring to the concept of accessors, then the simple goal is to hide the underlying storage from arbitrary manipulation. The most extreme mechanism for this is
function Foo(someValue) {
this.getValue = function() { return someValue; }
return this;
var myFoo = new Foo(5);
/* We can read someValue through getValue(), but there is no mechanism
* to modify it -- hurrah, we have achieved encapsulation!
If you're referring to the actual JS getter/setter feature, eg. defineGetter/defineSetter, or { get Foo() { /* code */ } }, then it's worth noting that in most modern engines subsequent usage of those properties will be much much slower than it would otherwise be. eg. compare performance of
var a = { getValue: function(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
var a = { get value(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
What's so confusing about it... getters are functions that are called when you get a property, setters, when you set it.
example, if you do
obj.prop = "abc";
You're setting the property prop, if you're using getters/setters, then the setter function will be called, with "abc" as an argument.
The setter function definition inside the object would ideally look something like this:
set prop(var) {
// do stuff with var...
I'm not sure how well that is implemented across browsers. It seems Firefox also has an alternative syntax, with double-underscored special ("magic") methods. As usual Internet Explorer does not support any of this.
I was also somewhat confused by the explanation I read, because I was trying to add a property to an existing prototype that I did not write, so replacing the prototype seemed like the wrong approach. So, for posterity, here's how I added a last property to Array:
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "last", {
get: function() { return this[this.length - 1] }
Ever so slightly nicer than adding a function IMHO.
You can also use __defineGetter__:
function Vector2(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vector2.prototype.__defineGetter__("magnitude", function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y);
console.log(new Vector2(1,1).magnitude)
Or, if you prefer:
function Vector2(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.__defineGetter__("magnitude", function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y);
console.log(new Vector2(1,1).magnitude)
But this function has been flagged as "legacy" recently, being dropped in favor of Object.defineProperty().
There's no example here with ES6 class (which is not even 'new' now, it's the norm):
class Student {
contructor(firstName, lastName){
this.firstName = firstName
this.lastName = lastName
this.secretId = Math.random()
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; // this is backtick in js, u can check it out here:
set firstName(newFirstName) {
// validate that newFirstName is a string (and maybe limit length)
this.firstName = newFirstName
get studentId() { return this.secretId }
and no setter for secretId because we don't want anyone to change it.
** if secretId shouldn't be changed at all, a nice approach is to declare it as 'private' to this class by adding a '#' to it
(e.g: this.#secretId = Math.random(), and return this.#secretId
Update: about backing fields
You might need to rename your field - or your setter function but it makes more sense to me to change your field name. One option is like I mentioned above (using a # for declaring the field as 'private'). Another way is to just rename it (_firstName, firstName_...)
I've got one for you guys that might be a little ugly, but it does get'er done across platforms
function myFunc () {
var _myAttribute = "default";
this.myAttribute = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) _myAttribute = arguments[0];
return _myAttribute;
this way, when you call
var test = new myFunc();
test.myAttribute(); //-> "default"
test.myAttribute("ok"); //-> "ok"
test.myAttribute(); //-> "ok"
If you really want to spice things up.. you can insert a typeof check:
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "boolean") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "number") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "string") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
or go even crazier with the advanced typeof check: type.of() code at

Crockford-style prototypal pattern gotcha; looking for an elegant solution

I often use Crockford's prototypal pattern when writing JavaScript programs. I thought I understood all the "gotchas" involved, but I discovered one I didn't think about before. I'd like to know if anyone has a best practice for handling it.
Here's a simple example:
// Here's the parent object
var MyObject = {
registry: {},
flatAttribute: null,
create: function () {
var o, F = function () {};
F.prototype = this;
o = new F();
return o;
// instance is an empty object that inherits
// from MyObject
var instance = MyObject.create();
// Attributes can be set on instance without modifying MyObject
instance.flatAttribute = "This is going to be applied to the instance";
// registry doesn't exist on instance, but it exists on
// instance.prototype. MyObject's registry attribute gets
// dug up the prototype chain and altered. It's not possible
// to tell that's happening just by examining this line.
instance.registry.newAttribute = "This is going to be applied to the prototype";
// Inspecting the parent object
// prints "null"
// prints "This is going to be applied to the prototype"
I want to feel safe that any changes that appear to be made to the instance don't propagate up the inheritance change. This is not the case when the attribute is an object and I'm setting a nested property.
A solution is to re-initialize all object attributes on the instance. However, one of the stated advantages of using this pattern is removing re-initialization code from the constructor. I'm thinking about cloning all the object attributes of the parent and setting them on the instance within the create() function:
{ create: function () {
var o, a, F = function () {};
F.prototype = this;
o = new F();
for (a in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(a) && typeof this[a] === 'object') {
// obviously deepclone would need to be implemented
o[a] = deepclone(this[a]);
return o;
} };
Is there a better way?
There is a very simple solution to ensuring that they are instance variables only, which is to use the this keyword in the constructor.
var MyObject = {
flatAttribute: null,
create: function () {
var o, F = function () {
this.registry = {}
F.prototype = this;
o = new F();
return o;
this ensures that all properties of "instance.registry.*" are local to the instance because the lookup order for javascript opjects is as follows.
object -> prototype -> parent prototype ...
so by adding a variable to the instance in the constructor function named "registry" that will always be found first.
another solution, which I think is more elegant is to not use crockford's (java style) constructors and use a layout that reflects javascripts object system more naturally. most of those gotchas are from the misfit between practice and language.
// instance stuff
var F = function () {
this.registry = {}
F.prototype = {
// static attributes here
flatAttribute: null,
methodA: function(){
// code here 'this' is instance object
this.att = 'blah';
var instanceA = new F();
instanceA.registry['A'] = 'hi';
var instanceB = new F();
instanceB.registry['B'] = 'hello';
instanceA.registry.A == 'hi'; // true
instanceB.registry.B == 'hello'; // true
F.prototype.registry == undefined; // true
Will this give you the expected result? Here I am not using an Object literal, but an instantly instantiated constructor function for the parent object (Base):
var Base = ( function(){
function MyObject(){
this.registry = {},
this.flatAttribute = null;
if (!MyObject.prototype.create)
MyObject.prototype.create = function(){
return new this.constructor();
return new MyObject;
} )(),
// create 2 instances from Base
instance1 = Base.create(),
instance2 = Base.create();
// assign a property to instance1.registry
instance1.registry.something = 'blabla';
// do the instance properties really belong to the instance?
console.log(instance1.registry.something); //=> 'blabla'
console.log(instance2.registry.something === undefined); //=> true
But it's all a bit virtual. If you don't want to use the new operator (I think that was te whole idea of it), the following offers you a way to do that without the need for a create method :
function Base2(){
if (!(this instanceof Base2)){
return new Base2;
this.registry = {},
this.flatAttribute = null;
if (!Base2.prototype.someMethod){
var proto = Base2.prototype;
proto.someMethod = function(){};
//now the following does the same as before:
var instance1 = Base2(),
instance2 = Base2();
// assign a property to instance1.registry
instance1.registry.something = 'blabla';
// do the instance properties really belong to the instance?
console.log(instance1.registry.something); //=> 'blabla'
console.log(instance2.registry.something === undefined); //=> true
Example in a jsfiddle
I always like to keep in mind that object.Create is one option, and not the only way of achieving non-classical inheritance in javascript.
For myself, I always find that Object.create works best when I want to inherit elements from the parent objects prototype chain (i.e. methods that I'd like to be able to apply to the inheriting object).
For simple "Own Property" inheritance, Object.create is largely unnecessary. When I want to inherit own properties, i prefer to use the popular Mixin & Extend patterns (which simply copy one object's own properties to another, without worrying about prototype or "new").
In the Stoyan Stefanov book "Javascript Patterns" he gives an example of a deep extend function that does what you're looking for recursively, and includes support for properties that are arrays as well as standard key/value objects:
function extendDeep(parent, child){
var i,
toStr = Object.prototype.toString,
astr = "[object Array]";
child = child || {};
for (i in parent) {
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof parent[i] === "object") {
child[i] = ([i]) === astr) ? [] : {};
extendDeep(parent[i], child[i]);
} else {
child[i] = parent[i];
return child;
If you're using jQuery, jQuery.extend() has an optional "deep" argument that lets you extend an object in near-identical fashion.
i think you're using prototypal inheritance to simulate a classic, Object Oriented inheritance.
What are you trying to do is to stop the prototype method lookup which limits its expressiveness, so why using it? You can achieve the same effect by using this functional pattern:
var MyObject = function() {
// Declare here shared vars
var global = "All instances shares me!";
return {
'create': function() {
var flatAttribute;
var register = {};
return {
// Declare here public getters/setters
'register': (function() {
return register;
'flatAttribute': (function() {
return flatAttribute;
'global': (function() {
return global;
var instance1 = MyObject.create();
var instance2 = MyObject.create();
instance1.register.newAttr = "This is local to instance1";
instance2.register.newAttr = "This is local to instance2";
// Print local (instance) var
// Print global var
Code on jsFiddle

How do i make a copy of an object? Javascript

I have a class in json format. I would like to make two instance. Right now (its pretty obvious why) when i 'make' two objects i really have 2 vars pointing to one. (b.blah = 'z' will make a.blah=='z')
How do i make a copy of an object?
var template = {
blah: 0,
init: function (storageObj) {
blah = storageObj;
return this; //problem here
func2: function (tagElement) {
a = template.init($('form [name=data]').eq(0));
b = template.init($('form [name=data2]').eq(0));
If you want multiple instances, sounds like a constructor might do you some good.
function Template(element) {
this.blah = element;
Template.prototype.func2 = function(tagElement) {
var a = new Template($('form [name=data]').eq(0));
var b = new Template($('form [name=data2]').eq(0));
All methods on the function prototype (Template.prototype) will be accessible from each instance, and with each instance scoped accordingly. The new keyword will run the function and then return to you a brand new object, inheritting from the prototype.
You'll no longer have the exact same object point to a and b.
From the comments What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?
var b = {}, key;
for (key in a){
b[key] = a[key];

