Accessing DOM elements without id - javascript

i have a page around 500 div as below.
<div onclick='test()' class='test>
<ul class='innermenu'>
when the test function is called it need to hide the menu (innermenu) who calls that function.
my problems are
uniquely identify the div without using id
How to hide only the particular ul alone.

OK, first the quick fix, though it is not the best way to use JS on your page:
Change the call to this:
<div onclick="test(this);" class="test">
Then, in test, use this:
function test(el){
var uls = el.getElementsByTagName('ul');
for(var i = 0; i < uls.length; i++){
if(uls[i].className == 'innermenu'){
uls[i].style.display = "none";
This will hide just the child ul of the div that is clicked.
A better way
OK, for the longer answer. Either attach the events after the fact using attachEvent and addEventListener or use a library like jQuery to help you out. Here is the raw solution:
Set up your HTML this way (no onclick):
<div class="test">
And then at the very end of your HTML put this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
function test(){
var uls = this.getElementsByTagName('ul');
for(var i = 0; i < uls.length; i++){
if(uls[i].className == 'innermenu'){
uls[i].style.display = "none";
for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++){
var div = divs[i];
if(div.className !== "test") continue;
div.addEventListener( 'click', test, true ); //FF, Webkit, etc
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
div.attachEvent('onclick', test); // IE
} else {
div.onclick = test; // Fallback
Now, you don't have JavaScript code in your HTML, and you can get rid of the extra parameter on the test function.

There is a method
but it isn't supported in all browsers.
function test(elem)
var childElem = elem.children[0]; = 'none';
<div onclick='test(this)' class='test'>
<ul class='innermenu'>
If you can use jQuery then you can do something like this

If you don't want assign ids, you can try this to hide the div which gets clicked:
<div onclick="hideMe(this);" class='test>
function hideMe(elem)
{ = 'none';

Try passing "this" as parameter:
<div onclick='test(this)' class='test>
<ul class='innermenu'>
function test(sender) {
//sender is DOM element that is clicked

If getElementsByClassName is not supported by all browsers as mentioned by #rahul, you can iterate through the dom and find it yourself - provided there is only one <ul> with class name "innermenu"
var uls = document.body.getElementsByTagName("ul");
var len = uls.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var ul = uls.item(i);
if(ul.getAttribute("class") == "innermenu")
{ = "none";


Javascript onclick event on getElementsByClassName

I have a svg map and I am putting that into object and I am trying to create all path with id clickable.
For that I am doing this to get svg object :
let a = document.getElementById("biharsvg")
And I am putting that into svg doc like this:
var svgDoc = a.contentDocument;
And now I am getting all the values of certain class using this:
let de = svgDoc.getElementsByClassName("fil0");
I can also get the attribute id value using this:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < de.length; i++) {
var j = de[i].getAttribute("id");
I want to add a click event on each attribute id and get the value when I am doing this:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < de.length; i++) {
var j = de[i].getAttribute("id");
svgDoc.getElementById(j).onclick = function() { = "block";
This is working fine and I am getting all the values but in jquery I can use this:
Is there any way I can use something like this in javascript without loop. My question is what is the best possible way to make this work in javascript.
The javascript version for jQuery's
would be something like
Array.from(de).forEach( function(el){
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
// or "" should work too
To be noted, when doing $(de).click(function(){...} with jQuery, it also loops, internally.
And as commented, with arrow functions you could shorten the code even more
Array.from(de).forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', function () {...}))
var de = document.querySelectorAll('span');
Array.from(de).forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', function () {
span {
display: inline-block;
padding: 20px;
margin: 0 5px;
border: 1px dotted black;
span::after {
content: attr(id)
<span id="nr1">click </span>
<span id="nr2">click </span>
<span id="nr3">click </span>
Updated based on a comment.
The main difference between your existing loop and the above is, the above is more efficient, with a cleaner/shorter code.
In your original loop
var i;
for (i = 0; i < de.length; i++) {
var j = de[i].getAttribute("id");
svgDoc.getElementById(j).onclick = function() { = "block";
you iterate through the element array de, get its id and then make a new call using getElementById to get the element you already have.
With the kept syntax/logic, your existing code could been simplified to something like this
for (var i = 0; i < de.length; i++) {
de.onclick = function() { = "block";
I just want to show an alternative way, pointed out by CBroe, where a click on the document is checked for its event target:
let de = Array.from(mylist.getElementsByClassName("fil0"));
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
const el =;
if (de.indexOf(el) < 0) return false;
<ul id="mylist">
<li class="fil0">two*</li>
<li class="fil0">three*</li>
<p>* has click event assigned indirectly</p>
This has the additional benefit that it only uses a single handler function, and if the indexOf() condition is changed to something like classList.contains(), it will even work for elements that don't exist yet.
I find for..of to be the most convenient and readable syntax:
for (const element of svgDoc.getElementsByClassName("fil0")) {

Changing header style not working in Chrome

I'm trying to change the appearance of my h1. I've done a part of the code but I noticed that it doesn't work in Chrome. Anyone know why? And if you have a suggestion how to better write the code below:
window.onload = function() {
var ownHeading = document.getElementById("heading");
var newHeading = document.getElementById("newheading");
ownHeading.addEventListener("input", buildLayout);
function buildLayout() {
newHeading.innerHTML = ownHeading.value;
var changeStyleBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("changestyle-btn");
var changeStyleUl = document.getElementById('change-h-font');
for (var i = 0; i < changeStyleBtn.length; i++) {
changeStyleBtn[i].addEventListener('click', changeStyle, false);
function changeStyle() { = "block";
var changeStyleLi = changeStyleUl.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i = 0; i < changeStyleLi.length; i++) {
changeStyleLi[i].addEventListener('click', changeFont, false);
function changeFont() {
// here it stops working in chrome (can't click on lis)
Issue appears to be with the ul element being embedded #changestyle-btn div
<div class="changestyle-btn">+
<ul class="changestyle" id="change-h-font">
Once I move the element out of the div it works fine in Chrome.
<div class="changestyle-btn">+</div>
<ul class="changestyle" id="change-h-font">
This is most likely because you have already bound a click event to the #changestyle-btn div so when you attempt to click the li element it is only firing the first event.

include variable with addEventListener

I´ve just started to learn JavaScript and made a click function to change value of i depending on which li element is being clicked. Instead of having 3x of basically same function is it possible to send variable with addEventLisener to check with a if statement. Because if I add 1 or 2 more li it would add a lot of unnecessary code.
<div><img src="image1" />
<li id="list1">1</li>
<li id="list2">2</li>
<li id="list3">3</li>
var list1 = getElementById('list1');
var list2 = getElementById('list2');
var list3 = getElementById('list3');
list1.addEventListener("click", clicked1);
list2.addEventListener("click", clicked2);
list3.addEventListener("click", clicked3);
var i = 0;
function clicked1(){
i= 0;
function clicked2(){
i = 1;
function clicked3(){
i = 2;
function loop(){
if (i > 2){
var imageloop = getElementById('slideshow').getElementsByTagName('img');
imageloop[0].src = 'image' + i;
So when one of the li element is being clicked it will change the img currently displaying.
Bind to the list, not the list item - <ul id="ul1">... :
document.getElementById('ul1').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var li =;
alert(; // list1, list2, respectively, etc.
As Teemu said, bind to the list and use Then, change i according to (because for your purposes, that's easier since the innerHTML is similar to the id, but simpler).
Assuming the <ul> element now has an id of "list":
var list = document.getElementById("list");
var i = null;
list.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
window.i = parseInt(, 10);
You don't need Separate code for each <li>,
Here is How to do it in single function:
<ul id="All_List">
<li id="list1">1</li>
<li id="list2">2</li>
<li id="list3">3</li>
var clicked_li=0; /* It'll store the number of <li> being clicked */
var ul=document.getElementById("All_List"); /* <ul> Element with all <li> */
var lis=ul.getElementsByTagName("li"); /* All <li>'s from <ul> */
for(var i=0;i<lis.length;i++){
var li=lis[i]; /* Specific <li> from <ul> ie, lis[0] means first <li> of <ul> */
li.addEventListener("click", function(){ /* Listen and bind click event to that <li> */
clicked_li=getIndex(this); /* Store Which <li> Was clicked in clicked_li */
alert("'list"+clicked_li+"' was clicked!");
/* if you just want to get the id you can use; instead of getIndex(); */
}, false);
function getIndex(node) {
var childs = node.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("li"); /* Get parent <ul> and all child <li> of that parent */
for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (node == childs[i]) break; /* Find which <li> from current <ul> was clicked */
return (i+1); /* Return No.(index) of that <li> starting with 1 */
and here is the:
fiddle for the same.
Hope it'll help you. Cheers!
This is an "improve/clearer" of Vedant Terkar answer. Which may give a more clear aspect on
the answer he gave.
if we give ul id group. We dont need id for each of the list-item inside the ul.
<ul id="group">
var i=0;
we set i to be a global variable and equal to 0 assuming it will display image(0) if nothing else is called.
var lis=document.getElementById("group").getElementsByTagName('li');
We are now creating a Nodelist which is called lis. Then we loop through the NodeList to se which list-element is being clicked at.
var li=lis[i];
li.addEventListener("click",index, false);
function index(){
var lis = document.getElementById("group").getElementsByTagName('li');
i = getIndex(this);
for(var a=0; a < lis.length; a++){
if(a ==i){
lis[i].innerHTML = 'Choosen';
lis[a].innerHTML = 'list'+a;
function getIndex(node) {
var childs = node.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (node == childs[i]) break;
return (i);

How to display items of a particular div on mouseover

I have the div structure
<div id="navigate">
<div class="menu">
<div class="group">Mail</div>
<div class="item">Folders</div>
<div class="item">Messages</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="group">Contacts</div>
<div class="item">Friends</div>
<div class="item">Work</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="group">Setting</div>
<div class="item">General</div>
<div class="item">Account</div>
Right now all items are hidden, and only divs with class 'group' is shown. What I would like to do is if I mouse over a specific menu div, only items of that menu would appear.
Right now I have this code:
function initialise()
function hideAllItems()
var nav = document.getElementById("navigate");
var items = nav.getElementsByClassName("item");
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
items[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
items[i].style.display = "none";
function setMouseOvers()
var nav = document.getElementById("navigate");
var menuArr = nav.getElementsByClassName("menu");
for(var x = 0; x < menuArr.length; x++)
var itemArrs = menuArr[x].getElementsByClassName("item");
/*var show = function(){ show(itemArrs); };
var hide = function(){ hide(itemArrs); };*/
menuArr[x].onmouseover=function(){ show(itemArrs); };
menuArr[x].onmouseout=function(){ hide(itemArrs); };
function show(itemArr)
for(var i = 0; i < itemArr.length; i++)
itemArr[i].style.visibility = "visible";
itemArr[i].style.display = "block";
function hide(itemArr)
for(var i = 0; i < itemArr.length; i++)
itemArr[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
itemArr[i].style.display = "none";
And this works, thought it only displays General and Account no matter which menu I hover over. I vaguely understand whats going wrong, but I can't see anyway to fix it. Any ideas? I do not want to change the html structure (e.g. add ids, or create specific classes) if i can help it!
I know that you most probably are looking for a javascript solution, but you could use a simple CSS solution:
.group:hover ~ .item {
display: block;
Working Fiddle
But be aware that it is not supported by older IE (< 8) browsers SUPPORT. It depends on your target group if you want to use it.
Why not simply using CSS: DEMO
.menu .item{
.menu:hover .item{
As you ask for an JavaScript Only solution (no change in HTML/css) i suggest the following:
The problem is using "itemArrs" in an anonymous function, as only the latest written "itemArrs" is used for all of them, use "this" instead.
for example:
groups[x].onmouseover=function(){ show(this); };
function show(item) {
var items = item.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("item");
A complete JS-only solution that works can be found here:

Pure javascript way to update CSS class attribute from all list items?

I'd like to use Javascript (not jquery) to access all items in a <ul> list and remove the active class from everything except my chosen menu item.
Here is the list:
<ul id='flash-menu'>
<li id="menu1" class='something active'>item 1</li>
<li id="menu2" class='somethingelse'>item 2</li>
<li id="menu3" class='somethingelse'>item 3</li>
This is my javascript:
function updateMenu(view_name) {
var list_items = document.getElementById('flash-menu').childNodes;
for (var i=0 ; i<list_items.length ; i++){
list_items[i].className = list_items[i].className.replace('/\bactive\b/','');
document.getElementById(view_name).className += " active";
The last line of the Javascript (adding the active class) works, but I don't think I'm accessing the list items right to remove the classes from the other items. Any suggestions? - thanks!
First off, your regex is wrong:
list_items[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/, '');
Note: No quotes on regex'es in JavaScript. A slighty altered, working version is available on JsFiddle.
Furthermore, I get a few instances of HTMLTextElements in list_items. They're breaking the loop (Fx3.6/Win7) when trying to access the non-existing className attribute. You can avoid this by either using:
var list_items = document.getElementById('flash-menu').getElementsByTagName('li');
// Selecting _all_ descendant <li> elements
or by checking for the existence of .className before read/write within the loop body (example). The latter is probably the cleanest choice since it still only affects direct children (you may have several levels of <ul>s in each <li>).
function updateMenu(view_name) {
var list_items = document.getElementById('flash-menu').childNodes;
for (var i=0, j=list_items.length; i<j; i++){
var elm = list_items[i];
if (elm.className) {
elm.className = elm.className.replace(/\bactive\b/, '');
document.getElementById(view_name).className += ' active';
You can use javascript function getElementsByTagName:
var listitems = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
this would return an array of all the lists and can be iterated for each list element and processed as required.
You can try:
In the case that you can have more than ul, first you have to get all references to them and then process each ul:
var uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (uli=0;uli<uls.length;uli++) {
ul = uls[uli];
if (ul.nodeName == "UL" && ul.className == "classname") {
An illustration of proccessUL can be:
function processUL(ul) {
if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length == 0) return;
// Iterate LIs
for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
// Iterate things in this LI
in the case that you need it put your code here
Of course you can also use: item.className = "classname"; if you dont need to iterate between childs of LI
document.getElementById('flash-menu').childNodes will also include white space nodes.
function updateMenu(view_name) {
var list_items = document.getElementById('flash-menu').getElementsByTagName('li'), i;
for (i=0 ; i<list_items.length ; i++){
if (list_items[i].className.indexOf('active') > -1) {
list_items[i].className = list_items[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/,'');
document.getElementById(view_name).className += " active";
i agree with jensgram,and you'd better code like this:
list_items[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/g, '');
add the regex string a 'g'
g is for Global ,using ‘/g’ can replace all the same Which Match the regex ,but if you don't use '/g',you just replace the first string .
like this :
var test= "testeetest" ;
alert(test.replace(/e/,"")) ;//result
: tsteetest but using 'g' var
test= "testeetest" ;
alert(test.replace(/e/g,"")) ;//result
: tsttst
Have a look at this here:
It helped me a lot with finding class elements!
This is my solution, maybe not the best, but for my works fine.
window.addEventListener('load', iniciaEventos, false);
function iniciaEventos(e)
var menu = document.querySelectorAll('nav li');
for(var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++ )
menu[i].addEventListener('mousedown', clickMenu);
function clickMenu()
var menu = document.querySelectorAll('nav li');
for(var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++)

