Anonymous class with MooTools - javascript

Can I create the anonymous class(java term) using the MooTools js framework?
Suppose it should look like:
A = new Class({
invoke: function() {
a = new A({
invoke: function() {
But I don't want to modify constructor interface around to accept additional properties.
Is there more comfortable way to define classes that are used not more than once?

You could define the class only within the scope it is going to be used in, which means the class won't be available outside that scope. For example, using a self-executing function:
(function() {
var MyClass = new Class({
invoke: function() {
var myObject = new MyClass({
invoke: function() {
(I've fixed up several errors in your code, including omitting the var keyword when declaring MyClass and myObject, and an extra , when initialising myObject.)


Put function in another scope?

I have a class that (very) simplified looks like this:
var myClass = (function( window ) {
function myClass(configObject) {
var instanceVar = 'something that is different for every instance of myClass';
configObject.action && configObject.action();
return myClass;
Now when I pass the option config object (which may contain a theoretically unlimited number of functions that in turn reference variables from the class that are different for every instance of that class) ...
var config = {
"action": function() {
concole.log(instanceVar); // is undefined when called from myClass, because it's in another scope
var instance = new myClass(config);
... of course those vars are not accessible in the function scope. How can I put the functions from the config into the class scope?
bindcame to my mind, but it only changes the thiscontext, not the scope. I could pass the variable as argument to the function, but then every function would have to check for that argument inside, and with regard to the number of functions coming from the external configuration object that may be out of my control, I would like to prevent making this a prequisite.
Is there a way to "clone" the functions into class scope or anything like that? Could closures be helpful in any way (and if so, please exemplify, as I haven't wrapped my mind around closures completely yet).
Here is my version
var myClass = (function( global ) {
function myClass(configObject) {
var instanceVar = 'something that is different for every instance of myClass';
configObject.action && configObject.action(instanceVar);
return myClass;
var instance = myClass({
"action": function(instanceVar) {
js fiddle:
instanceVar is defined inside a closure, so you can't access it from outside unless explicitly passed.
To prevent the need for passing it to each method, you can create a new configInstance from configObject, and add instanceVar as property to the new instance:
var myClass = (function(window) {
function myClass(configObject) {
var instanceVar = 'something that is different for every instance of myClass';
var configInstance = Object.create(configObject, { // create a new configInstance that inherits from the origin configObject, which means that the original won't be changed
instanceVar: {
writable: false,
configurable: false,
value: instanceVar
} // add instanceVar as a member to configInstance
configInstance.action && configInstance.action();
return myClass;
var config = {
"action": function() {
var instance = new myClass(config);

Javascript: Referencing object keys in nested prototype [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

Reference instance of parent class in prototype extension [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

override backbone's view function

Suppose a backbone view such as
var Row = Backgrid.Row = Backbone.View.extend({
foo: function() {}
I want to redefine the foo function from outside of this source code.
Because the code above is itself a library as well.
How can I do it?
Inheritance in JavaScript is based on prototypes. Each class constructor has prototype property, where you can define methods of objects it will create. = function () {
// new code
It will replace existing implementation of foo for all Backgrid.Row instances, unless they have their own foo property.
var row = new Backgrid.Row(); = function () { ... }; // row now has it's personal `foo` implementation
I should tell that it is advised to create new class instead
var MyRow = Backgrid.Row.extend({ foo: function () {} });

When to put self and when this in Ext-JS 4?

Consider the example:!/api/
Ext.define('', {
constructor: function() {
alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts ''
});; // ''
What is the self referring to in this example?
How can I, in this documentation, know when to use this and when self and when this.self?
Why this is not working:
My thoughts about this are that self refers to the class of the object so the only reason I need to do this is because the getName() method is static so I'm (kinda) not calling it from object, but from class. Am I right? Am I? Ha? Ha? Am I? :D
this.self refers to the class object. It means that this.self === So you can instantiate new object by invoking new this.self().
The reason why this.getName() doesn't work is because in JS static properties/methods are not available in instance.
var Class = function(){};
Class.prototype = {};
Class.staticMethod = function(){ alert('static method'); };
Class.prototype.instanceMethod = function(){ alert('instance method'); };
var instance = new Class();
Class.staticMethod(); // works
Class.instanceMethod(); // doesn't work
instance.staticMethod(); // doesn't work
instance.instanceMethod(); // works
Also static properties/methods are not available in sub class even in static context.
Ext.define('One', {
instanceMethod: function() { alert('Instance One'); }
Ext.apply(One, {
staticMethod: function() { alert('Static One'); }
Ext.define('Two', {
extend: 'One'
One.staticMethod(); // works
Two.staticMethod(); // doesn't work
The reason why getName method is available in is because there are copied from Ext.Base class in ExtClass.create method (this class is private, it's not visible in API).
this.self does not work for recursive static methods, to call recursively to a static method you just have to use this (i.e. this.myCurrentRecursiveMethod(params))

