a simple problem about chrome extension. : ) - javascript

I am a beginner with chrome extension.
In my content_script.js, how can a get an array in Javascript from background.html?

I did it like this: (assuming you have an array foo in background.html)
But apparently, that only works for things like popup.html, etc. To get data from your background page in a content_script.js file, you need to use:
The API docs are here.

you have to use message passing which I am finding a pain to use, but anyway details here


Send Javascript code to browser

Is there a way to send javascript commands to an open web running in a browser from the shell?
Let's say I have stackoverflow.com open with Chrome. Well, I'd like to send something like
from the shell, with something similar to the following:
$ send -t Chrome -w "stackoverflow.com" -c "alert('hi!')"
I was wondering this, because if I can write alert('hi!') on the javascript console of Chrome, I should be able to do the same with a call somewhere, right?
I've seen node.js but I think is not possible with that, please, let me know if I'm wrong.
I know the question could seem weird but I'm curious, thanks in advance :)
You can send JavaScript to Firefox through the jssh extension.
This is what the Watir testing framework uses to automate Firefox.
I don't know of an equivalent for Chrome.
For IE seems like you can use good old VBScript: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic7642.html
Worked for me just fine now with IE8. :)
Edit: to open this very question and alert JS value have this code as .vbs file and run it:
Dim oIE
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIE.Visible = 1
oIE.Navigate "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4992552/send-javascript-code-to-browser/4992812"
Do While (oIE.Busy)
Wscript.Sleep 10
oIE.Navigate "javascript:alert(fkey);"
I think it is possible if you write and install some browser addon that would receive your signal, and do the job. Interesting question, ill be tracking it.
It is entirely up to the browser to provide this sort of functionality. In fact, the form of your problem isn't specific even to browsers:
I was wondering this, because if I can [provide some sort of input] to [a program] to make it [do something], I should be able to do the same with a call somewhere, right?
Some programs do indeed provide hooks for scripting, but if they don't, you're out of luck. There is certainly no guarantee that if you can do something via the GUI, then you can trigger the same action from a command line call.
Now the fact that most browsers provide some sort of plugin architecture, makes it much more likely that such a plugin exists that will listen for external input in this way, if this functionality is missing in the base product.
However, this is still going to be very specific to the particular model and even version of the browser you want to control - so if it's something you wanted to release into the wild, you'll need to be very specific with your requirements.
You can send arbitrary code to browser through the address bar! For example in AutoHotKey style,
send F6 //focus the address bar
send ctrl+v //given that your code is in clipboard
send enter
Now there is another question. Can we get the return value of the inject code? The answer is YES!
Assign your return value to document.title, and retrieve the window title from your application.
If the return value is too long (eg. a JSON format string), do the trick that
Hope it works.

JavaScript: get and set variables in window.location.hash?

Does anyone have a good solution for getting and setting variables in window.location.hash?
Take a URL that looks like this:
What I'd like is an unstressful way - JavaScript or jQuery - to check the values of q and s when the page loads, and change them following events on the page.
I have found some code for getting hash variables, but nothing sensible for setting them.
Am I missing something really obvious, or do I need to roll my own solution (and release it!)?
Haven't used it but there is jHash
jHash allows you to work with the
'location.hash' value in a similar
fashion to a server-side query string.
This library utilizes the HTML5
"onhashchange" event, but also
includes a fall back to still allow
the change notifications to work
properly in older web browsers.
jQuery BBQ can do this.
See also:
Get URL parameter with jQuery
Get QueryString values with jQuery
Edit as #gonchuki points out, jQuery.query can also do this.
JHash didn't work for me in that I wanted it to trigger the routes right away. I personally used routie instead.
It lets you do advanced routing just like jHash but will trigger on page load correctly.
Below will match example.com/#users/john
routie('users/:name', function(name) {
//name == 'bob';

view contents of large array?

I have a very large array I need to check for debugging purposes, problem is it crashes firebug and the like if I try to view the data.
Is there a way I can dump the array to a text file or something?
Why not just dump it on the document itself? If you are using Firefox, try the following:
Then copy paste like your usually do on normal website.
p/s: toSource() requires browser that supports Javascript 1.3 and above
Opera has scrollable alerts, it's very useful for developing.
EDIT: Tested with success for messages with 500000 lines. You can also copy from it.
Post the array to the server (json/hidden field normal form post), and use your server-side language to save that array dump to a file.
If you are using IE you could try copying a string representation of the array to the clipboard.
There are some libraries that can help in writing to files. You can use ActiveX, but that binds you to internet explorer for your debugging and that's kind of outside the javascript world.

Getting URL of executing JavaScript file (IE6-7 problem mostly)

Hey all, I've been trying to throw together a generic function that retrieves the absolute URL of an executing JavaScript file on a web page:
Basically you get to call something like this:
getScriptName(function(url) {
// http://www.example.com/myExternalJsFile.js
inside an external JavaScript file on a page and can then do something with it (like find the <script> tag that loaded it for example).
It works great in almost all the browsers I've tested (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera v10 at least, and IE 8).
It seems to fail, however, in IE 6 and 7. The callback function gets executed, but the retrieved name is the URL to the main HTML page, not the JavaScript file. Continuing with the example, getScriptName invokes the callback with the parameter: http://www.example.com/index.html
So all I'm really asking is if there's some other way of getting the URL of the current JavaScript file (which could be IE 6 and 7 specific hackery)? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Also, this won't work in every case, so please don't recommend it:
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
return scripts[scripts.length-1].src;
I'd like it to work in the case of dynamically created script tags (possibly not placed last in the page), aka lazy-loading.
A lot of this depends on what you have access to. If, as it appears, you are trying to do this entirely within the JS code, I do not believe that you are able to do it, for some of the reasons shown above. You could get 90% of the way maybe, but not be definitive.
If you are working in a dotnet environment ( which is the only one I know ), I would suggest the use of a module that would intercept all JS requests and add into them the request location, or something of that nature.
I think you need to address this from the server side, not the client side. I do not think you will have a definitive answer form the client side. I think you will also struggle to get an answer from the server side, but you might be more successfull.
Sorry, I suspect you might struggle with this. IE earlier than version 8 typically gives error messages from javascript errors of the form:
line: 342
char: 3
error: expected identifier, string or number
code: 0
url: http://example.com/path/to/resource
where the url is the window.location.href, rather than the URL of the external Javascript resource that contains the problem. I suggest that IE gives the unhelpful URL value since the script URL isn't available to IE at that point, and neither is it available to any Javascript you might write to try to display it.
I would love to be able to link to IE8 release notes which say this bug / feature has been fixed, hence the reason I created this as community wiki. My MSDN foo is pretty weak!

How can I execute javascript in Bash?

I try to get to a page straight from Bash at http://www.ocwconsortium.org/. The page appears when you write mathematics to the field at the top right corner. I tested
open http://www.ocwconsortium.org/#mathematics
but it leads to the main page. It is clearly some javascript thing. How can I get the results straight from Bash on the first page?
Let's take an example. I have the following lines for a Math search engine in .bashrc:
alias mathundergradsearch='/Users/user/bin/mathundergraduate'
Things in a separate file:
open "http://www.google.com/cse?cx=007883453237583604479%3A1qd7hky6khe&ie=UTF-8&q=$q+$w+$e+$r+$t&hl=en"
Now, I want something similar to the example. The difference is that the other site contains javascript or something that does not allow me to see the parameters. How could I know where to put the search parameters as I cannot see the details?
open "http://www.ocwconsortium.org/index.php?q=mathematics&option=com_coursefinder&uss=1&l=&s=&Itemid=166&b.x=0&b.y=0&b=search"
You need quotes because the URL contains characters the shell considers to be special.
The Links web browser more or less runs from the commandline (like lynx) and supports basic javascript.
Even though the title of the post sounds general, your question is very specific. It's unclear to me what you're trying to achieve in the end. Clearly you can access sites that rely heavily on javascript (else you wouldn't be able to post your question here), so I'm sure that you can open the mentioned site in a normal browser.
If you just want to execute javascript from the commandline (as the title suggests), it's easy if you're running bash via cygwin. You just call cscript.exe and provide a .js scriptname of what you wish to execute.
I didn't get anything handled by JavaScript - it just took me to
Replacing mathematics (right after q=) should work. You may be able to strip out some of that query string, but I tried a couple of things and and it didn't play nice.
Don't forget to encode your query for URLs.
You will need to parse the response, find the URL that is being opened via JavaScript and then open that URL.
Check this out: http://www.phantomjs.org/.
PhantomJS it's a CLI tool that runs a real, fully-fledged Browser without the Chrome.

