Show google maps on mobile website - javascript

Is it possible to add google maps on a site designed specifically for the iPhone? I have never integrated maps in my websites before, so this question really goes more because of my inexperience.
Using basic html and javascript at the moment.

The Google Maps API V3 is specifically designed to work efficiently on mobile devices. There are some great tutorials here and here.

Any link to a Google Maps URL will automatically open in the Maps application, which may be more useful than simply embedding a map view in the website itself.
For example, a link to will automatically open the Maps application and run a search for "cupertino".

I think, if you only need a google map with some simple function. The simplest way is use the MapKit.Framework, it's a part of iphone OS. You can find the document here.
If you need to load your own web site, you need to use UIWebView. you can find the document here(
I think these two ways can help you solve your problem.
And sorry about the link, because I'm not allowed to post more than one hyperlink.


use of google script editor

Hey so currently working on my first personal project so bear with the questions!
Currently trying to create a Javascript program that will parse info from google forms to produce slides displaying the info. So far from my research the best way I've found to facilitate this process is googles app script editor. However, I was wondering if I can run this code by requesting it from a different javascript (or maybe even java) program that I will write code on webstorm. If I cant do this what is the best way to utilize the google apps script editor?
Google Apps Script is just javascript with extra built-in APIs (like SpreadsheetApp, FormApp, etc.).
It also has a UrlFetchApp API.
So you can run code like this:
// The code below logs the HTML code of the Google home page.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
As such, if you want to provide JavaScript from elsewhere, you could fetch it and then eval it on the Google Apps Script side. (but we all know how tricky eval can get)
One other option is to have your own server side written using Google App Engine (or any other framework) and use Google's OAuth and authorize your app to fetch data from the Forms form
Slides and Google Apps Script
You might like to take a look at the addon "Slides Merge" by Bruce McPherson. I've never used it but it sounds like it might work for you. Here's what it's looks like in the addon store:
Getting information from Google Forms is a snap with google apps script since your can link the form right up to a spreadsheet. The Google Apps Script documentation is really quite good these days. Here's the documentation link. Google Apps Script is loosely based on Javascript 1.6. If your already a programmer my guess is that you'll have few problems learning to use it. In my experience the most difficult thing was dealing with the arrays of arrays produced by the getValues() method of ranges in google apps script and I made a short video that might be of some help to you.
I also have a script that I wrote in Google Apps Script that produces a sheet show that is a slide show inside of a spreadsheet.
I've found that using the Script Editor is pretty easy. There's some documentation in the support section of the documentation. It can be a bit buggy at times but overall I think it's a pretty good tool.

How to get this google map design?

I using google map in my web application. But the problem is that my client wants exactly like in photo
What is the name of that design. I have to customize by myself or that is the design offered by Google API ?
I normally use a service like this when I need to customise a Google map,
There are other websites with similar tools, e.g. but I'd definitely recommend using one of these over coding it by hand.

Using Google Maps offline (Js Api)

I'm trying to make an NodeJs App in which, on web page I'm using Maps, For some reasons I've chosen Google Maps and I want to stick to it. My question is, Is there anyway where I can either store or cache map tiles offline and later on use it as needed [Note: Not looking for any hack or Illegal way for it, I already know there are many such ways].
I tried and saw many options like GEE (Google Earth Enterprise) portable but I guess they are shutting it down very soon i.e by 2017.
Basically what I'm trying here is to minimize the data usage on rendering map tiles, so alternatively, if there ain't a way to make google map work offline any suggestion or advice for minimizing data usage is appreciated.
The offline access via Maps JavaScript API is not available at the moment. There is a feature request in the public issue tracker:
Please star this feature request to express your interest and receive further updates from Google.
1.Use Localstorage instead it might help but will be used in google chrome.
2.Check this url it might help How to cache Google map tiles for offline usage?

Google Maps JavaScript API v3

Please can someone point me in the right direction.
I have spent a few days watching videos and reading up on google maps and am more confused now than when I started.
I run a worpress site and want to add a google map to show venues. I have done this by copying the the html from a previous google map that I created. I decided to start afresh and try to style the map that it looks more attractive and also see if I could create a database with my site locations that I could update.
In the process I came across a pluging that asked me for my API key. I struggled to find my API key and then started reading that google maps has done away with its previous version and is now using something called Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
Please can someone guide me how to go about using this and what its all about. I've read up on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 but am still confused. ?
If someone has some useful videos, like idiots guide to getting started....
The basic documentation can be found at google's developers site. If you are struggling with the basic maps functionality and skinning, you may find it helpful to use a wrapper that simplifies a lot of the process, like this gmaps project on github.
If you have a more specific problem, maybe you could edit your post and list exactly what hurdles you are facing.
If you are using Wordpress, why not try a plugin directly? It would probably take care of all the specifics, and leave you with just having to deal with managing the site. This one has rather good ratings:
Regarding your API key, it's something Google gives you when you register your site in order to use Maps. Try re registering.
Check this out: Kind of like a beginners guide...

Any suggestions for an interactive map application?

I need to do something similar to this:
Flash-based interactive map
I wonder if you could recommend a good library or something. JQuery or Javascript will be nice, but Flash/Action Script is not a good option.
You can use jQuery based solution for that - jVectorMap.
Give the Google maps API to make your own custom map from your own images
You can then use the same api to detect clicks that would trigger modal windows.
You can have a variety of 44 Maping APIs HERE
and of course Flash/Action Script is not a good option since it takes much resource and is always slower than JavaScript and AJAX based solutions.
HERE is your first tutorial to set up your map (from Google developers).
and finally, HERE is a collection of Free Mapping Tools for creating maps online.
Hope this helps :)

