vb.net passing a value of text box in javascript function - javascript

MotherTongueTxtBox.Attributes.Add("onblur","val_Length(MotherTongueTxtBox.text,"hi friends",Length);")
in the above statement val_length s a javascript function in tat function the first parameter shd b the contents of the text box ,the second parameter s a string type,
is the statement correct i think it s wrong can u suggest a correct valid statement please

I had a little trouble understanding your question, but I think you're asking that the first parameter be the textbox text, and the second be the length of the textbox text. This I think should work:
Remember that the above will render the html like:
<input type="text" onblur="val_Length(this.value, this.value.length)" />
In your original statement, the resulting (incorrect) html would have been something like:
<input type="text" onblur="val_Length(,0)"/>
Since MotherTongueTxtBox.Text and .Length would have been string.empty and 0 respectively (unless it already had initial values...)
Thanks for marking as solution. Just as a side note, one thing you may want to consider, is you don't need to pass this.value.length in as a parameter, since you're already passing in this.value. You could determine the length within your function. Just an idea though like this:
MotherTongueTxtBox.Attributes.Add("onblur","val_Length(this.value, 'Hi')");
And then in your javascript function:
function val_Length(value, myString) {
var length = value.length;


How to copy the value of a yform to an other field

In our (hybris) shop some products have a yform to summarize the parts of the product. Is there an easy way to copy the value of the sum field into an other field (automaticly) like the productquantity (no yForm)?
I guess I need javascript, but the id of the sumfield is generatad, so I don't know how to get the sum. Also my Javascript abilities are quite limited...
To get the value I use this part of code:
copyYFormValueToProductQuantity : function() {
var copyText = document.querySelector('input[id*="sum"]').value
if (copyText > 0 && copyText != null)
//do stuff
console.log("Copied value: " + copyText)
But this line
returns null. If I use it in the browserconsole, it also returns null. But after I inspected the element it works and returns the value I want to. So I guess I am missing some JS-basics here and the object isn't ready before?
Btw.: I call this function with a keydown-eventlistener.
This can most likely be done from the jsp files. There you have all the data that is needed, so you most likely need to only copy that field where you need it.
We can also help you more if you add some code examples here (what exactly is that yform?). If you struggle to find where in code is that specific yform created/added, it's always worth giving a try to search for the applied classes of the html (search the entire project and see what you find).
As I understand your question, you are saying that you want to copy the value of a yForm field named sum into a non-yForm field named productquantity, and you are asking specifically about how to access the value of a yForm field from JavaScript. If I understand this correctly, you can do so by calling the following JavaScript API:
You can find more about this and other related API on Client-side JavaScript API.

Creating custom spell checking for html

Is it possible to use some custom functions for spell checking in html inputs? For example I have an input where values are divided by spaces (or commas, doesn't matter) and a function which receives tokens from it. That function decides if token is spelled correctly (in my case there would be some regular expression) and returns true/false value and based on that some words would be underlined. In my head it looks something like this:
<input type="text" onCheck="checkToken">
function checkToken(token) {
const oneCrazyRegex = /[a-b]/;
return oneCrazyRegex.test(token);
Or taking whole input:
function spellCheckInput(line) {
// line is an array of tokens
return line.map(tok => checkToken(tok));
Is it possible to do with js/css/html or not?
P.S. onCheck is example only, I know that this attribute is not valid
Yeah you can use regex for cleaning up text but you have to remember that people can fabricate any kind of input they want since the checks would be happening client-side, and anyone can just pop open a console and send anything they want.

Hidden input field not being updated properly

I am trying to get the referrer and update the referrer so that my users can go back to the page they came back from. I have a hidden input field which holds the value of the redirect. I have a static value in there just in case the referrer is empty. If the referrer is not empty, I want to update the value of it. Here is the code I have written, I even tested it and it said it was updated, however, I am not being redirected properly, so it is not working.
JavaScript and HTML I have written (keep in mind, I have correctly linked the file and such):
if (document.referrer != "") {
document.getElementsByName("redirect").value = document.referrer;
var test = "false";
if (document.getElementsByName("redirect").value == document.referrer){
test = "true";
<script src="js/referrer.js"></script>
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="https://www.google.com" />
I feel like this is a minor error or there might be some sort of standard I am not following.
Thanks for the help! I appreciate any insight!
I can't see what the problem is off hand by what you've given me. But what I can say is that if you are going to use JQuery in one place (document ready function) then you should also use it to grab the value of your input field.
It would also help if you put an Id on the input field instead of doing it by name. Ids are the best way to get a specific element. That could be your problem too.
Then call it using:
so your code would become:
if($("#ID").val() === document.referrer)
I would also suggest using triple equals as well. But that is completely up to you.
I've never done anything with document.referrer, but there might be a better way of doing that as well.
One odd thing is that you are setting these 2 things equal to each other
document.getElementsByName("redirect").value = document.referrer;
and then immediately testing if they're equal to each other.
if (document.getElementsByName("redirect").value == document.referrer)
I can't say that this is your issue, but it's bad coding and should be fixed.
I think a single letter is tripping you up here.
if (document.getElement**s**ByName("redirect").value == document.referrer){
There's no singular equivalent for 'byName', so you do end up with an array (or at least, an array-like object). Unlike IDs, it is allowable for multiple inputs to have the same name. The easiest solution is this:
if (document.getElementsByName("redirect")[0].value == document.referrer){
Doing document.getElementsByName will return an object array that DOES NOT include the value. There is no way to change the value (That I know of and have tried) when using the getElementsByName. I have solved this issue by using getElementById, it actually works properly for me.

JavaScript JQuery String Var to show in a field

I'm working with JavaScript JQuery, and when i try to show the content of the vars in a field, it doesn't work.
There is my code:
function editEvolution(pos, nature, desc, di) {
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').attr('value', "Update");
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').attr('onclick', "doEditEvolution("+pos+")");
Thank's in advance for help.
the value of fields $('#diE'), $('#natureE') and $('#descE') doesn't change if the vars nature, desc, are strings but it works if it is a number
The problem is that you are mixing the worst from both the native JS, inline JS and jQuery worlds. You NEVER EVER put code inside a string, period. If you do it, you are doing it wrong.
So.. how to do it properly?
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').val('Update').on('click', function() {
In case you call editEvolution multiple times on the same object, add .off('click') before the .on(...) call to unbind previous handlers.
First do not use attr to set onclick...
I will explain what is wrong
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').attr('onclick', "doEditEvolution("+pos+")");
if pos="foo", it will render as
<div onclick="doEditEvolution(foo);"></div>
See the problem? It is looking for a variable foo. You would need to add quotes.
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').attr('onclick', "doEditEvolution('"+pos+"')");
^ ^
Why does a number work? Because numbers do not need quotes. It makes a valid call. It renders as:
<div onclick="doEditEvolution(3);"></div>
What you need to do is use jQuery the right way and use events.
$('#BtnAddEditEvo').on('click', function() { doEditEvolution(pos); });
and you should set value with .val()

parseInt always returns NaN?

long story short, i was trying to validate a phone field. ive added
the isNaN and parseInt for checking the " " in the field but that said
This below never validates to true..what am i missing?
error.text("Sorry but this phone field requires numbers only");
return false;
} else {
return true;
it always fails...it never reads true even when i enter a number in the field and submit.
i always get the error mssg.
EDIT: I am testing input values from a form, phone is the name of the field.
Various ways to coerse JS strings to numbers, and their consequences:
(source: phrogz.net)
I personally use *1 as it is short to type, but still stands out (unlike the unary +), and either gives me what the user typed or fails completely. I only use parseInt() when I know that there will be non-numeric content at the end to ignore, or when I need to parse a non-base-10 string.
Edit: Based on your comment, if using phone.val() fixed it then
You were using jQuery (which you never mentioned, and should have), and
You actually had/have a jQuery object, wrapping one or more DOM elements (probably just one).
Whenever you do var foo = $('…'); then the foo variable references a jQuery object of one or more elements. You can get the first actual DOM element from this via var fooEl = foo[0]; or var fooEl = foo.get(0);…but even then you still have a DOM element and not a particular property of that.
For form inputs, you need to get the .value from the DOM element, which is what the jQuery .val() method does.
parseInt is a bit odd at times:
> parseInt("123-456-789")
Fortunately you can probably solve your case with:
> Number("123-456-789")
parseInt only returns NaN if the first character cannot be converted to a number.
I've seen Number() suggested, but that will still allow things like -21 or 123.456. The best way to check for the absence of non-digits in a string is like this:
function hasNonDigit(str){
return /\D/g.test(str.toString());

