jQuery, trigger, bind, strange parameter - javascript

I have the following code:
<input type="text"/>
$( function () {
$(document).bind("EVENT", function (event, element) {
console.log("BIND", element, event);
$("form").each( function iterate(index, element) {
console.log("BEFORE BIND", element);
$(document).trigger("EVENT", element)
I expect that the element that I pass to the TRIGGER is the same as I get at the BIND;
but no!
BEFORE BIND: this's the FORM, as it's expected.
BIND: this is the INPUT box, no idea why.
Is it a bug or am I missing something?

If I understand your question correctly this should be what you are looking for:
$(function () {
$(document).bind("EVENT", function (e) {
e.target // this is the DOM element that triggered the event
// the form in this case
// Triggering can be simplified a lot

The jQuery trigger documentation says that extra parameters should be passed in an array. So:
$(document).trigger("EVENT", [ element ])


I have two input elements with class "inputWithLimit". Why would both be firing simultaneously and logging '0' as val().length?

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".inputWithLimit").each(() => {
var inp = this;
function (event){
I've also tried "keyup" and "change" as event handlers, and in both other cases, jquery is doing a strange thing with assigning these listeners. Thanks.
If you are using jQuery then there is no need to loop through each element and add an event listener. An example which logs the value of each input when you input something.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".inputWithLimit").on('input',function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input class="inputWithLimit">
<input class="inputWithLimit">
The problem is your arrow function. When using arrow function, then you can't use `this'
$(".inputWithLimit").on("input", function() {
I've also made your code shorter.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".inputWithLimit").on("input", function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input class="inputWithLimit" />

Trigger button click event programmatically using JavaScript or jQuery on page load in Internet Explorer

I have this piece of code
window.onload = function () {
$('#btnFilter').click(function (e) {
The function works on button click but I need that the button is clicked when the page opens. I've tried things like $('#btnFilter').trigger( "click" ); but the button still not clicked on page opening. How can I achieve this thing? I can't just call the function because I get the error "Cannot read property 'currentTarget' of undefined" beacuse I don't give any event as parameter.
function btnFilter(e) {
element = e.currentTarget.parentElement;
//other code
You can try like this:
function btnFilter(e)
element = e.currentTarget.parentElement;
You can change your 'btnFilter' to accept the button instead of the event:
function btnFilter(element) {
element = element.parentElement;
$(function() {
$("#btnFilter").click(function(e) { btnFilter(this); return false; });
// Pass the button to the filter operation on load
alternatively, accept the parent element directly
$(function() {
$("#btnFilter").click(function(e) { btnFilter(this.parentElement); return false; });
// Pass the button parent to the filter operation on load
If you use jquery i would keep it coherent and not mix it with vanilla javascript. A Jquery solution is:
$(document).on("click", "#btnFilter", btnFilter);
$(document).on("click", "#btnFilter", btnFilter);
In you solution the error is the event binding: when you bind the event to #btnFilter on page load, the element is not existing yet, so the function cannot be triggered.
jQuery Solution:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button onclick="alert('clicked')">Click</button>

Adding an on event to an e.currentTarget?

A variety of elements on my page have the content editable tag.
When they are clicked I do this:
$('[contenteditable]').on('click', this.edit);
p.edit = function(e) {
e.currentTarget.on('keydown', function() {
I get the current target ok, but when I try to add keydown to it, I get the err:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
It's a native DOM element, you'll have to wrap it in jQuery
$(e.currentTarget).on('keydown', function() {
e.currentTarget should equal this inside the event handler, which is more commonly used ?
It's a little hard to tell how this works, but I think I would do something like
click : function() {
$(this).data('clicked', true);
keydown: function() {
if ($(this).data('clicked'))
First issue is you are trying to use jQuery methods on a DOM element. Second issue is I do not think you want to bind what is clicked on, but the content editable element itself.
It also seems weird to be adding the event on click instead of a global listener. But this is the basic idea
$(this) //current content editable element
.off("keydown.cust") //remove any events that may have been added before
.on('keydown.cust', function(e) { //add new event listener [namespaced]
console.log("keydown"); //log it was pressed
Edited: I had a fail in code. It works fine now.
Getting your code, I improved to this one:
$('[contenteditable]').on('click', function(){
var p = {
edit: function($e) {
$e.on('keydown', function() {
You can check it at jsFiddle
You need to wrap the e.currentTarget(which is a native DOM element) in jQuery since "on" event is a jQuery event:
$(e.currentTarget).on('keydown', function() {
$('[contenteditable]').on('click', p.edit);
p.edit = function(e) {
$(e.currentTarget).on('keydown', function() {
You're defining p.edit AFTER $('[contenteditable]').on('click', p.edit); resulting in an error since p.edit doesn't exist when declaring the on.
In case you don't know, you are defining p.edit as a function expression, meaning that you have to define it BEFORE calling it.

Don't work my jQuery code after append

Don't work my jQuery code after append. how can just change js code and worked it?
I don't use from ides "#aaa or #sss", How do without use them?
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/sq4kx/
Click Me
<div id="aaa">
<div id="sss">
$('.qqq').on('click', function (e) {
$('#sss').empty().append('After typed must result alert: "This is ok" !??<div class="auto_box"><input name="we" class="de1"></div>');
$('.auto_box').on('keyup change', '.de1', function () {
alert('This is ok');
Try this like,
$('#sss').on('keyup change', '.auto_box .de1', function () {
alert('This is ok');
Demo 1
$('.qqq').on('click', function (e) {
$('#sss').empty().append('After typed must result alert: "This is ok" !??<div class="auto_box"><input name="we" class="de1"></div>');
// bind event here
$('.auto_box').on('keyup change', '.de1', function () {
alert('This is ok');
Demo 2
$(document).on('keyup change', '.de1', function () {
alert('This is ok');
Updated fiddle here.
replace '.auto_box' with document.
$(document).on('keyup change', '.de1', function () {
alert('This is ok');
Reason:Why the above code works and yours does not?
1.You are dynamically adding elements.In simpler words,the element you appended did not exist when DOM was loaded.
2.You need to assign Event Delegation for any future addition of elements.The method that we usually use like .click(...) , .on(..) etc only applies to the elements that are currently in the DOM.
3.This is how you provide Event Delegation.
$(document).on('keyup change', '.de1', function(){.........})

How do I add a click handler to a class and find out which element was clicked?

I have been using the following method for adding a click event to an id, I was wondering if I could do the same with a class.... I have a number of items (which are created in a for each loop) and I need to be able to click them and then pickup which was clicked... here is my existing code
$('submit-button').bind('click', submit_click);
function submit_click() {
alert('I am clicked');
I was wondering if there is some way to pass in a variable into my function for the click so i can check the ID?? or similar
hence this
function submit_click(element) { // notice element
alert(element + ' clicked');
Any help really appreciated
Thank you
I have tried the following and in debug "elem" is undefined...
$('.clear').bind('click', clear_click($(this)));
function clear_click(elem)
I have the working solution but I don't fully understand why, I would love to know why it works..
First of all I tried
$('.clear').bind('click', clear_click($(this)) );
This seemed to work "BUT" when I loaded the page it enter the "clear_click" method without being clicked - strange...
Then I tried this..
$('.clear').bind('click', function() { clear_click($(this)) } );
This works great! But I don't understand why I must pass a function and then within this function call my clear_click.
Can anyone explain why 1 works and the other doesn't?
Whenever I need to call a callback function or similar I should first open a function() and then call the method inside the function?
$(".yourclass").click ( function() {
$(this).attr ( "id" ); //S(this) returns the current element
and you can code like this
$('.yourclass').bind('click', function() { submit_click($(this)) });
function submit_click(elem)
alert ( elem.attr ("id" ) );
$('.clear').bind('click', function() { clear_click($(this)) });
function clear_click(elem)
This will work fine for you.
To answer your second question:
You can bind a function as a second argument when using the click event, but you cant bind a function and apply arguments. On the other hand, there is no need to send this as an argument to the clear_click function since the this keyword inside the function refers to the element itself:
So this works in your case:
$('.clear').bind('click', clear_click);
function clear_click() {
Sending this as an argument is not needed and bad coding:
$('.clear').bind('click', clear_click(this));
In the event handler, the first argument is the event object. You can extract the clicked element from that object using currentTarget or target. In jQuery, this always refers to the currentTarget in the event handler context:
var handler = function(e) {
var id = this.id; // this == e.currentTarget
$('submit').click(handler); // .click(fn) is shorthand for .bind('click', fn)
More examples:
$('submit').bind('click', function(e) {
console.log(e.target) // the target that was clicked on
console.log(e.currentTarget) // the element that triggered the click
console.log(this) // the same as above
Just add $(this) to your function, You don't need to send any parameters because you are still in the context of the clicked element.
function submit_click() { // notice element
alert($(this).attr('id') + ' clicked');
When you bind a handler to a function, the clicked element will be the first argument
function submit_click(element){
//element is the .submit-buttom element
alert(element+' was clicked');
alert($(element)+' was clicked');
This should work:
$('.submit-button').bind('click', submit_click($(this)));
function submit_click(element) { // notice element
alert($(element).attr("id") + ' clicked');

