Timeline Charts like Github.com - javascript

Has anyone seen an open-source library that produces charts similar to Github.com's commit timeline charts? Check out this profile (picked one at random) and note the bar graphs below each project.
I've been trying to dominate Flot into behaving correctly but it just doesn't have the flexibility of formatting options to come up with a decent clone. Personally, I'd prefer a Javascript implementation but I'm open to looking at server-side stuff as well.
Definitely has to be a stand-alone implementation, the application is headed to a network separated from the Internet, so Google Charts API is out of the question.

I'd suggest using jQuery Sparklines. You'll need to create two separate graphs and position them on top of one another (one for the blue bars, another for the gray bars). You'll also need to make the dotted line/legend an image, but github also uses an image for that.
Here are some decent values to get you started:
EDIT: I originally overlapped two separate sparklines with relative positioning, but it would be better to use the "composite" option to draw two graphs on the same canvas.


Looking for JS chart library with interactive diagrams

In my project I work on a web app that shall provide interactive charts to the user. Interactive is meant in that way that the user can adjust single data points by dragging them around in chart.
More specifically, assume a line chart consisting of six data points. The user clicks one data point and drags it to different coordinates within the chart (drag and drop). Afterwards the line should be rendered again considering the adapted coordinates.
I had a look into Chart.js already but found that this feature is not provided out-of-the-box. I rather have to implement that myself.
Are you aware of any chart library for JS that provides such feature?
Meanwhile I found two potential solutions:
Plugin for Highcharts
Draggable charts of FusionCharts
You can take a look to D3.js, it's battery-included and drag&drop is supported too.
But you have to make the chart in HTML/CSS yourself.

How to create a drilleable bar graph in jsp page using open source charts API

We are developing a web application using Spring+Tiles. We have a requirement that we have to create a bar graph in a jsp page. We searched a lot on web regarding this issue. Means how we can create a bar graph using Open source Charts API. We found many suggested APIs like JFreeChart, charts4j and etc.
But we are not sure which one to use. Actually our requirement is we have to create a bar graph which can be drillable.
Please help us. If you could give any examples that will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance. Thanks a lot.
I would recommend you to use the rest services and send the json to highcharts OR D3.js OR DDChart, its the best thing to do in your case below link can do what you want :
Highchart (licence) : http://jsfiddle.net/yPVX9/2/
D3 (free) : http://jsfiddle.net/mcuepavh/1/
DDChart (free) : http://kiersimmons.com/DDChart/index.html
You can try FusionCharts for a drill down chart.
Have a look to this and you can use this in your application : Fusion Charts Linked Charts. Regarding licensing issues,you may get in touch Sales Team.
Apart from that, you can use Raphael.js . Start from the basics say try creating a small rectangle, fill some color, opacity, binding some events,etc. With a day effort you can make a simple bar chart. Once you make a bar chart, attach an event to clear your container and redraw another bar chart with the drill down data. Thats the concept you need for your drill-down.
Having said that, I would still recommend you to use Fusion Charts because they takes care of some smart things - like space management of the bars, the intervals, the colour codes of the bars(if not hard-coded), axis part... Its a finished product which abstracts you from the technical obstructions and give your application a beautiful add-on.

Javascripts for an Interactive network visualisation

I have been looking for some javascript code that I can use to create something similar to this.
I need something that can show the links between boxes when clicked on/hovered over. As of this point I have not yet been able to determine what the name of this particular type visualisation is.
I have already looked at:
Google Charts
You may want to focus in learning D3.JS because it seems to meet your requirements, and it does things very well.
The two vector graphic libraries you can focus are Raphael and D3.JS, but D3.JS is much more powerful with data binding. You can find a large amount of resources through the internet for D3JS.
Here are some of the tutorials that I think useful:
Examples gallery is here:
Besides, D3js is the successor of Protovis, you can find this information at the following Wiki:
Google Charts may have some good features, but it's not a very active and well up to date as some other vector graphic tools.
For other libraries, I think should not spend much time.
Not exactly boxes, but more fluid network layout.
Graphs are pure HTML5, no dependancies on other libs, thus easy to integrate with any JS framework (such as jQuery). Uses Canvas for rendering, has full multi-touch support for navigation, interaction and exploration of data.
An example of network chart:
Charts come with extensive API and Settings, so you can control every aspect of the charts.

Employing dynamic data for graphs

I am aiming to build a site that will contain a lot of user generated data, hopefully.
I'm in my first year of self learning programming: Python, Django, MySQL, HTML and Javascript.
I can chart dummy data on a table just fine, but I'm now looking at turning that data into nice colorful looking graphs.
I am in my first day of investigation into finding out how to do this. But before I continue, I would like to ask a few questions.
There seems to be many JavaScript frameworks for building charts, such as Google charts and jquery charts, and some object orientated programs for building charts, such as Cairo Plot and matplotlib.
The Javascript frameworks seem initially like a nice easy way to do it. However, whereas with tables, where you can enter variable data tags in the body of an HTML page, and have Javascript make it look pretty, the data of a graph goes in the scripting area, where the variable data tags don't quite seem to work the same way. I'm using Django, so a variable tag looks like:
{{ uniquenum }}
Q1. Should this work and am I just doing it wrong, or am I right in thinking variable tags can't go in the scripting area?
Q2. Can you have Javascript frameworks produce graphs from data outside the <script> area?
Q3. I've read that Javascript frameworks are getting more powerful, but because I'll be potentially using large amounts of dynamic data, should I be concentrating on using OO style graph programs like Cairo Plot and matplotlib, which to me don't seem to have the same levels of support?
Just looking for a nudge in the right direction.
How are the plots (typically) placed on the web page?
Here's the usual API schema for javascript-based data visualization libraries:
i. pre-allocate a div as the chart container in your markup (or template); typically using an id selector using an id selector, like so:
<div id="chart1"> </div>
Often these libraries also require that this container be pre-sized--styled with height and width properties e.g.,
<div id="chart1" style="height:300px;width:500px; "></div>
HTML5 libraries are particular about the container--i.e., they require the chart to be placed inside the canvas tag, e.g.,
ii. call the plot constructor from your included javascript file and pass in (i) a data source; (ii) aesthetic options (e.g., axis labels), and (iii) the location in your markup of the container that will hold the plot; this location is usually expected to be in the form of an id selector. So in jqplot for instance inside the jQuery ready event,
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [dataSet1, dataSet2], chartOptions)
javascript-based data visualization libraries i recommend (based on having used each for multiple projects).
I. conventional plotting formats: bar, line, point, pie
Among javascript plotting libraries, i recommend the jQuery-based options because you need less code to create yoru plots and because it's easier to use jQuery's AJAX methods to load your data, for instance, jqplot, flot, and HighCharts (the three libraries that i recommend below) all include in their basic distribution, complete (html, css, js) example plots that demonstate loading data via AJAX.
HighCharts (open source but requires paid license for commercial use, but the most polished and longest feature list; active and fairly high signal-noise ratio forums on the HighCharts Site)
flot (perhaps the most widely used)
jqplot (large selection of plot types, highly modular, e.g,. most functinality beyond the basics is added one plugin at a time)
II. graphs, trees, network diagrams, etc.
d3 (the successor to protovis; stunning graphic quality, rich interactive elements, animation; not strictly jQuery-based, but the author clearly borrowed the basic syntax patterns from jQuery; excellent tutorials on d3 by an accomplished data visualization specialist, Jan Willem Tulp Unlike the others mentioned here, this is a low-level library; indeed there are (at least) several plotting libraries based on d3, e.g., rickshaw by shutterstock, and cube by Square. If you want conventional x-y line/bar plots then for instance, you can build your plots in e.g., HighCharts much faster. D3 becomes more interesting as use cases become more specific--in particular animation and unorthodox visualization (sunburst diagrams, chord diagrams, parallel line plots, geographic maps, etc.)
RafaelJS, renders in SVG, along with d3 and processing.js, you can make just about anything (e.g., two-player games in the browser) with this library; gRafael is a separate library for creating the usual plot types (bar, line, pie)
III. time-series plots
dygraphs (a javascript library dedidated soley to time-series plotting, and its feature set reflects this mission, e.g., capacity
to process and render plots with high volumes of data (>10,000
points), wide range of opdtions for tick labels of time axis with
many formatting options
HighStock (a time-series library from the HighChart guys)
IV. real-time/streaming data
Smoothie Charts (sparse feature set, only intended to do one thing well which is smoothly render streaming data; HighCharts, jqplot, and flot will also do this, but depending on the character of your data (variance, rate) these three general-purpose libraries might not show the data as "spiky", which is precisely what Smoothie was designed to eliminate)
If you're going to deal with very large datasets (>10000 elements), you will probably run into performance problems, no matter what Javascript library you end up picking.
Having said that, there's a growing number of Javascript toolkits which dynamycally load the data set with an HTTP request as a JSON, XML, etc... flot is pretty fast and open source. Highcharts is very feature rich and free for non-commercial projects. And if you need more esoteric visualizations, you must take a look at d3.js.
I have found another javascript charting library to be useful for streaming data = https://github.com/INRIA/VisualSedimentation. The code is baed on d3.js, but has some good extensibility.

Javascript library or framework for drawing charts on client side

I'm looking for an library, to generate charts on client side.
I found a lot, by searching on web and stackoverflow, like here
or this very good collection:
There are so much alternatives, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Which one can use JSON data, which one is up to date, which one is easy to use (because I'm absolutely new on this topic), which one is robust, works on mobile phone (or not), which project is still alive, etc.
I need different chards, an line chart is mandatory. Also zoom in and zoom out is mandatory.
So I took a closer look on jqplot an flot.
Both providing zoom, but it looks like zooming is more an scaling. Which means: the granularity will not change by zoom in.
Because the graph will have a lot of data/points, i need to consolidate informations before sending them to the client. By zooming in, I need to rise the granularity, so the chart should be able to process new data for the zoomed area. (I hope I've made ​​myself clear.)
Thanks for any kind of attention.
Raphael.js http://raphaeljs.com/
HTML5 Graph http://chrisvalleskey.com/html5-graph/
Google Visualization API: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery.html
Flot: http://code.google.com/p/flot/
Unfortunately there is no helpful answer, so I like to write down, what i learned the last days for this question.
jqPlot and frot are supporting zooming at an basic level. That means, it's more an scaling.
By looking at the google groups for qjPlot and flot, the support for jqPlot is better (lot's of unanswered questions at the flot group).
jqPlot has an better axis-label-handling by zooming.
jqPlot also provides hooks. By using those hooks, it's seems to be possible to combine zooming and loading new JSON data in order to get an better granularity of the zoomed view.

