Highlighting whole street with some maps API - javascript

Is there any way to highlight/display on Google/Bing/(any other map provider) Maps whole street (from the beginning of the street to the end of)?
I know the existence of Polyline in Google Maps API, but it's just connecting two latitude points, and there is no way of making it automatic so I could display any street in some city.
Also I was thinking about Directions, but many street are 2 way, there is no guarante that you will mark whole street and it's just now user friendly. Example

You may want to check Mike Williams' article on how to snap points and polylines to streets with the Google Maps API:
Snap points (and polylines) to street
Especially this example:
Click on the map and a path will be drawn that follows the streets.

Take a look at OpenStreetMap. (Google and Bing won't let you access their underlying street data.)
You can show a map with OSM tiles, and use the API to query for the features you're interested in displaying on the map. OpenLayers is a javascript mapping library that could support this.
Here's a view of Chicago showing street vectors and other features overlaid on top of the map tiles:

In Azure Maps you could access the vector tile road layers and use a data driven style based on the name of the road. Here is a tool that inspects the underlying data in the map tiles and highlights things that you click on. This has a lot of the basic functionality that you would need to achieve what you are asking for: https://azuremapscodesamples.azurewebsites.net/?search=inspect&sample=Inspect%20features%20under%20the%20mouse


Map creation API for fictional interactive maps?

I want to make an interactive map web application for a game that I play. Basically I want it to be a kind of Google maps clone, where I have a vector-based graphic of the region area and I can zoom in and out to reveal certain level of detail.
My research into map APIs has returned little results. OpenStreetMaps and Google Maps only allow custom maps with real geolocation data. My project requires the creation of a map with nonexistent locations. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to approach this? Thanks.
I think you can use "real" GPS coordinates and then customise the base layer beneath. The GPS Lat Long coordinates (between -90 and +90 each) offer as good a scale as any to then locate your fictional positions.
Google Maps has an API that allows putting custom layers and base maps here:
OpenStreetMaps will also allow this. Some recommended guides available here:
Good luck!

Google Maps. Draw outline based on city

I have been trying to google this but with no luck.
Has anyone stumbled across some logics/functions to draw a nice area around a city automaticly?
Like the image below:
What you are looking for is Geo Boundary data. They hold the long/lat to create polygons around the desired city/state/area or whatever area you are looking for.
The U.S. Census Bureau Geography has downloadable files that provide this type of data for the U.S. World Countries - GIS Data has other areas world wide.
OSM has polygon data for level 2 administrative units (country -> prefecture -> county) as well, you can get them via either overpass (ttp://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter) or nominatim (https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search) interface. I've written a small tool to do so (https://github.com/tibetty/QueryGeoBoundary), you can find more how-to-do details from my source. After you have such data in hand, it will be easy to draw such polygons upon map 'coz most tools have api in place.

How do I find street segments using the Google Maps API?

In Google Map Maker you can right click on an area and select "Find near this point" which shows a list of every road segment and intersection nearby. Is there any way in the google maps API to retrieve similar information regarding road segments?
I'm working on a simple exercise app and need to know how many blocks I've traveled, not just distance.
No, the Maps API does not offer the ability to query for road features directly.

Display own places on custom Google Map

I'd like to create a map of a space system from a computer game.
I understand that you can use the Google Maps API to render your own map with custom tiles and placemarks etc (which I've done successfully), but I'd really like to be able to see hierarchical place names in the same way that you see New York, Brooklyn, Manhatten, Queens etc when viewing New York from this zoom level, and Chinatown, East Village, Hudson Square when viewing New York from this zoom level.
I've also had a look at Google Fusion tables, but they appear to be restricted to Earth locations only.
I suppose ideally I'd like a modified version of the google.map.Marker object that displays the name of the marker next to the marker itself and allows specification of the text-size and at what zoom level the marker text appears. But that feels like a hack.
Is this possible using the Google Maps API, or another browser-based mapping system?
D'oh, should have kept Googling. Someone's basically done what I was looking for here.
Self-answering the question so it doesn't keep coming up as unanswered.
I've used the code from Uncle Tomm's blog to solve the problem.
I just need a good algorithm for displaying nearby placenames without them overlapping... but that's another question!

How to display city limits using google maps API V3

If I do a search for a city or neighbourhood which google recognizes, like Fernwood, Victoria, I get a pretty map with a drawn boundary. Is there any way to access this kind of information with the google maps API?
I am not looking to draw my own lines on maps, I am looking to make a map showing multiple neighbourhoods with limits on the same map. Bonus points for the ability to style these limits (eg: fill them in like a regular polygon)?
I'm pretty sure that this kind of functionality is not supported by the api and works only for google maps.
I had implement this by finding the boundaries that i needed insert them in my postgis db and then send them with json whenever the polygon was within the map viewport.
Hope it helps

