javascript trunc() function - javascript

I want to truncate a number in javascript, that means to cut away the decimal part:
trunc ( 2.6 ) == 2
trunc (-2.6 ) == -2
After heavy benchmarking my answer is:
function trunc (n) {
return ~~n;
// or 
function trunc1 (n) {
    return n | 0;

As an addition to the #Daniel's answer, if you want to truncate always towards zero, you can:
function truncate(n) {
return n | 0; // bitwise operators convert operands to 32-bit integers
function truncate(n) {
return Math[n > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](n);
Both will give you the right results for both, positive and negative numbers:
truncate(-3.25) == -3;
truncate(3.25) == 3;

For positive numbers:
Math.floor(2.6) == 2;
For negative numbers:
Math.ceil(-2.6) == -2;

You can use toFixed method that also allows to specify the number of decimal numbers you want to show:
var num1 = new Number(3.141592);
var num2 = num1.toFixed(); // 3
var num3 = num1.toFixed(2); // 3.14
var num4 = num1.toFixed(10); // 3.1415920000
Just note that toFixed rounds the number:
var num1 = new Number(3.641592);
var num2 = num1.toFixed(); // 4

I use
function trunc(n){
return n - n % 1;
because it works over the whole float range and should (not measured) be faster than
function trunc(n) {
return Math[n > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](n);

In case it wasn't available before and for anyone else who stumbles upon this thread, you can now simply use the trunc() function from the Math library, like so:
let x = -201;
x /= 10;
>>> -20.1
>>> -20


Getting a remainder without the modulo (%) operator in Javascript, accounting for -/+ sign

For a homework assignment, I need to return the remainder after dividing num1 by num2 WITHOUT using the built-in modulo (%) operator. I'm able to get most tests to pass with the following code, but I'm stuck on how to account for -/+ signs of the given numbers. I need to carry over whichever sign is on num1, and also return a positive number if the num2 is negative - it's blowing my mind how to do this... :) Any clarity would be greatly appreciated! I'm not exactly looking for the straight up answer here, more that I seem to be missing something obvious... Maybe I need a new approach?
function modulo(num1, num2) {
if (num1 === 0) {
return 0;
if (num2 === 0 || isNaN(num1) || isNaN(num2)) {
return NaN;
if (num1 < num2) {
return num1;
if (num1 > 0 && num2 > 0) {
var counter = num1;
while (counter >= Math.abs(num2)) {
counter = counter - num2;
return counter;
var output = modulo(25, 4);
console.log(output); // 1
If you think about the mathematical process to calculate modulus you might be able see how you can do this without having to resort to a bunch of case statements. Instead think of it this way, you're just calculating a remainder:
Given 2 numbers a and b, you can compute mod(a,b) by doing the following:
q = a / b; //finding quotient (integer part only)
p = q * b; //finding product
remainder = a - p; //finding modulus
Using this idea, you should be able to transfer it to JS. You said you're not looking for the straight up answer so that's all I'll say!
Edit: here is the code, like I said in the comments it's exactly the pseudocode I posted above:
function modulo(a,b){
q = parseInt(a / b); //finding quotient (integer part only)
p = q * b; //finding product
return a - p; //finding modulus
This will return the exact same values as using %
You might be overthinking this. You basically stated the solution in your question:
I need to carry over whichever sign is on num1, and also return a positive number if the num2 is negative
The second part isn't accurate, but I suspect you just misspoke. A positive number should be returned when num2 is negative unless num1 is negative.
At any rate, the important takeaway is that if num1 is negative the result will be negative, and otherwise the result will be positive. The sign of num2 is discarded.
Starting the code you've written (which others will be quick to point out isn't the simplest solution), the fix is to compute the remainder using both numbers' absolute values, and then apply num1's original sign to the result.
function modulo(num1, num2) {
var sign = num1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
var dividend = Math.abs(num1);
var divisor = Math.abs(num2);
if (dividend === 0) {
return 0;
if (dividend === 0 || isNaN(dividend) || isNaN(divisor)) {
return NaN;
if (dividend < divisor) {
return sign * dividend;
var counter = dividend;
while (counter >= divisor) {
counter = counter - divisor;
return sign * counter;
console.log( 25 % 4, modulo( 25, 4));
console.log(-25 % 4, modulo(-25, 4));
console.log( 25 % -4, modulo( 25, -4));
console.log(-25 % -4, modulo(-25, -4));
This is the basic formula:
dividend = divisor * quotient + remainder
From this equation you can calculate the remainder.

Rounding of negative numbers in Javascript

We have come across a problem with Math.round() in JavaScript. The problem is that this function doesn't round correctly for negative numbers. For example :
1.5 ~= 2
0.5 ~= 1
-0.5 ~= 0 // Wrong
-1.5 ~= -1 // Wrong
And this is not correct according to arithmetic rounding. The correct numbers for -0.5 should be -1 and -1.5 should be -2.
Is there any standard way, to correctly round negative numbers in Javascript ?
Apply Math.round after converting to a positive number and finally roll back the sign. Where you can use Math.sign method to get the sign from the number and Math.abs to get the absolute of the number.
Math.sign(num) * Math.round(Math.sign(num) * num),
// or
Math.sign(num) * Math.round(Math.abs(num))
var nums = [-0.5, 1.5, 3, 3.6, -4.8, -1.3];
nums.forEach(function(num) {
Math.sign(num) * Math.round(Math.sign(num) * num),
Math.sign(num) * Math.round(Math.abs(num))
You could save the sign and apply later, in ES5;
function round(v) {
return (v >= 0 || -1) * Math.round(Math.abs(v));
console.log(round(1.5)); // 2
console.log(round(0.5)); // 1
console.log(round(-1.5)); // -2
console.log(round(-0.5)); // -1
You could try using Math.ceil(num) to round num and then - 1 if num was negative, e.g.
if (num < 0) {
num = Math.ceil(num) - 1;
} else {
num = Math.ceil(num);
ES6 has added a method called Math.trunc using which we can get the integer part of a decimal number
The Math.trunc() function returns the integer part of a number by
removing any fractional digits.
Math.trunc(42.84) -> Returns 42
Math.trunc(5.3) -> Returns 5
Math.trunc(-4.3) -> Returns -4
Math.trunc(-3.123) -> Returns -3
var r = (Math.random() * 200) - 100;
How about purely evaluating the result without using the math library? eg, by using a ternary operator, you can elegantly check for negative numbers and then floor after "rounding":
var n = r + (r < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5) | 0;
The | 0 is just a silly trick in js that "overloads" the binary operator (you could use any binary operator) in order to truncate the number.
Note that this is not flooring (like Math.floor), since Math.floor(-3.2), for example, will actually yield -4.
One could even do something similar to #Balan's answer (I like that one and the one below, but I feel like this or the ternary operator will just be a touch faster--I am probably wrong, though, because the Math libraries have been proven to be very fast):
var n = (r + Math.sign(r) / 2) | 0;
probably the fastest, most elegant way:
var n = Math.floor(r + 0.5);
var body = document.getElementById("myTable").children[1];
var i, iMax = 100, r, tr, td;
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
r = Math.random() * 200 - 100;
tr = document.createElement("tr");
td = document.createElement("td");
td.innerHTML = r;
td = document.createElement("td");
td.innerHTML = (r + Math.sign(r) / 2) | 0;
#myTable {
min-width: 250px;
<table id="myTable">
Rounding with precision.
Rounds to Int by default or, if second argument is provided, to n digits after decimal point.
+ '1' fixes incorrect rounding for .0X5 numbers.
function round(num, digits=0) {
if (!(num % 1)) return num
return +Number(num + '1').toFixed(digits)
First observe that Math.round(v) is defined as Math.floor(v + 0.5):
Math.round(-1.7) === -2
Math.round(-1.3) === -1
Math.floor(-1.7 + 0.5) === -2
Math.floor(-1.3 + 0.5) === -1
Then realize that parseInt(v) is similar to Math.floor(v), however, it handles negative numbers differently (exactly how you expected it to behave):
Math.floor(1.7) === 1
Math.floor(-1.7) === -2
parseInt(1.7) === 1
parseInt(-1.7) === -1
So the parseInt(v) behavior is what you want, but instead of flooring, you want rounding. In order to apply this to any number, we need to add +0.5 for positive numbers, and -0.5 for negative numbers. So the solution is this function:
var parseIntRound = function(v)
return parseInt(v + Math.sign(v)/2);
// or with modern syntactic sugar:
// const parseIntRound = v => parseInt(v + Math.sign(v)/2);
parseIntRound( 1.5) === 2
parseIntRound( 0.5) === 1
parseIntRound(-0.5) === -1
parseIntRound(-1.3) === -1
parseIntRound(-1.5) === -2
parseIntRound(-1.7) === -2
Where Math.sign(v) returns 1 for any positive number (>0), -1 for any negative number (<0), and 0 for positive zero (and -0 for negative zero).

Recursively find the sum of a number's digits w/ RegEx and w/o Eval()

Can anyone suggest an implementation that avoids eval, hopefully uses regex, and executes in 6 lines or less? Its a fun problem.
Input: 12 => 3
Input: 235 => 10 => 1
function baseNumber(n){
var x = eval(n.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=\d)/g, '$1+'))
return baseNumber(x)
} else {
return x
If you need to use regex (you could also do the same thing without regex and using split)
function baseNumber(n){
if (n > 9)
return baseNumber(n.toString().match(/(\d)/g).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + Number(b) }, 0))
return n;
The reduce does the summing up. The match returns the array of matches (i.e. digits)
If you want to handle decimals and negative numbers change the if (n > 9) check to if (n.toString().length > 1)
What about this one:
var input = 235;
while(input > 9) input = String(input).match(/[\d]/g).reduce(function(sum, currentValue) {
return sum + parseInt(currentValue);
}, 0);
Try casting n to String , utilizing String.prototype.split() , String.prototype.replace() , Array.prototype.splice() , Number() , do.. while loop
function baseNumber(n) {
var x = String(n).replace(/[^\d]/g, "").split(""), y = 0;
do { y += Number(x.splice(0, 1)) } while (!!x.length);
return y > 9 ? baseNumber(y) : y
console.log(baseNumber("abc12"), baseNumber("def235"))

How to convert the last 3 digits of the number?

How to convert the last 3 digits of the number? Numbers will be bigger then 8000.
For example:
From 249439 to 249000?
You can get the last three digits using the modulus operator %, which (for positive numbers) computes the remainder after integer division; for example, 249439 % 1000 is 439.
So to round down to the nearest thousand, you can just subtract those three digits:
var rounded = original - original % 1000;
(for example, if original is 249439, then rounded will be 249000).
I'd suggest the following:
function roundLastNDigits (num, digits) {
// making sure the variables exist, and are numbers; if *not* we quit at this point:
if (!num || !parseInt(num,10) || !digits || !parseInt(digits,10)) {
return false;
else {
/* otherwise we:
- divide the number by 10 raised to the number of digits
(to shift divide the number so that those digits follow
the decimal point), then
- we round that number, then
- multiply by ten raised to the number of digits (to
recreate the same 'size' number/restoring the decimal fraction
to an integer 'portion' */
return Math.round(num / Math.pow(10, parseInt(digits,10))) * Math.pow(10,digits);
console.log(roundLastNDigits(249439, 3))
JS Fiddle demo.
If you'd prefer to always round down, I'd amend the above to give:
function roundLastNDigits (num, digits) {
if (!num || !parseInt(num,10) || !digits || !parseInt(digits,10)) {
return false;
else {
return Math.floor(num / Math.pow(10, parseInt(digits,10))) * Math.pow(10,digits);
console.log(roundLastNDigits(8501, 3))
JS Fiddle demo.
Simplifying the above by incorporating ruakh's genius approach:
function roundLastNDigits (num, digits) {
if (!num || !parseInt(num,10) || !digits || !parseInt(digits,10)) {
return false;
else {
return num - (num % Math.pow(10,parseInt(digits,10)));
console.log(roundLastNDigits(8501, 3))
JS Fiddle demo.
Or, finally, given that you only need to replace the last three digit characters with 0:
function roundLastNDigits (num, digits) {
if (!num || !digits || !parseInt(digits,10)) {
return false;
else {
var reg = new RegExp('\\d{' + digits + '}$');
return num.toString().replace(reg, function (a) {
return new Array(parseInt(digits,10) + 1).join(0);
console.log(roundLastNDigits(8501, 3))
JS Fiddle demo.
For always rounding down I'd suggest dividing out 1000, casting to Int then multipling back in 1000
var x = 249439,
y = ((x / 1000) | 0) * 1000; // 249000
This doesn't account for the values before the 3rd value to round.
This is sort of a bad solution but it works.
num = 50343 // whatever your input is.
m = 10^n.
n being the amount you want to move over.

How do I know if a number is odd or even in JS? [duplicate]

Can anyone point me to some code to determine if a number in JavaScript is even or odd?
Use the below code:
function isOdd(num) { return num % 2;}
console.log("1 is " + isOdd(1));
console.log("2 is " + isOdd(2));
console.log("3 is " + isOdd(3));
console.log("4 is " + isOdd(4));
1 represents an odd number, while 0 represents an even number.
Use the bitwise AND operator.
function oddOrEven(x) {
return ( x & 1 ) ? "odd" : "even";
function checkNumber(argNumber) {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Number " + argNumber + " is " + oddOrEven(argNumber);
<div id="result" style="font-size:150%;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CE5937;" ></div>
If you don't want a string return value, but rather a boolean one, use this:
var isOdd = function(x) { return x & 1; };
var isEven = function(x) { return !( x & 1 ); };
You could do something like this:
function isEven(value){
if (value%2 == 0)
return true;
return false;
function isEven(x) { return (x%2)==0; }
function isOdd(x) { return !isEven(x); }
Do I have to make an array really large that has a lot of even numbers
No. Use modulus (%). It gives you the remainder of the two numbers you are dividing.
Ex. 2 % 2 = 0 because 2/2 = 1 with 0 remainder.
Ex2. 3 % 2 = 1 because 3/2 = 1 with 1 remainder.
Ex3. -7 % 2 = -1 because -7/2 = -3 with -1 remainder.
This means if you mod any number x by 2, you get either 0 or 1 or -1. 0 would mean it's even. Anything else would mean it's odd.
This can be solved with a small snippet of code:
function isEven(value) {
return !(value % 2)
Hope this helps :)
In ES6:
const isOdd = num => num % 2 == 1;
Like many languages, Javascript has a modulus operator %, that finds the remainder of division. If there is no remainder after division by 2, a number is even:
// this expression is true if "number" is even, false otherwise
(number % 2 == 0)
Similarly, if there is a remainder of 1 after division by 2, a number is odd:
// this expression is true if "number" is odd, false otherwise
(number % 2 == 1)
This is a very common idiom for testing for even integers.
With bitwise, codegolfing:
var isEven=n=>(n&1)?"odd":"even";
Use my extensions :
return this % 2===0;
return !this.isEven();
var a=5;
if you are not sure if it is a Number , test it by the following branching :
if you would not use variable :
Performance :
It turns out that Procedural paradigm is better than OOP paradigm .
By the way , i performed profiling in this FIDDLE . However , OOP way is still prettiest .
A simple function you can pass around. Uses the modulo operator %:
var is_even = function(x) {
return !(x % 2);
if (X % 2 === 0){
} else {
Replace X with your number (can come from a variable). The If statement runs when the number is even, the Else when it is odd.
If you just want to know if any given number is odd:
if (X % 2 !== 0){
Again, replace X with a number or variable.
function even_odd(){
var num = document.getElementById('number').value;
if ( num % 2){
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "Entered Number is Odd";
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "Entered Number is Even";
<div id="error"></div>
<h2> Find Given Number is Even or Odd </h2>
<p>Enter a value</p>
<input type="text" id="number" />
<button onclick="even_odd();">Check</button><br />
<div id="result"><b></b></div>
Many people misunderstand the meaning of odd
isOdd("str") should be false.
Only an integer can be odd.
isOdd(1.223) and isOdd(-1.223) should be false.
A float is not an integer.
isOdd(0) should be false.
Zero is an even integer (
isOdd(-1) should be true.
It's an odd integer.
function isOdd(n) {
// Must be a number
if (isNaN(n)) {
return false;
// Number must not be a float
if ((n % 1) !== 0) {
return false;
// Integer must not be equal to zero
if (n === 0) {
return false;
// Integer must be odd
if ((n % 2) !== 0) {
return true;
return false;
JS Fiddle (if needed):
Javascript 1-liner solution. For those who don't care about readability.
const isOdd = n => !(isNaN(n) && ((n % 1) !== 0) && (n === 0)) && ((n % 2) !== 0) ? true : false;
You can use a for statement and a conditional to determine if a number or series of numbers is odd:
for (var i=1; i<=5; i++)
if (i%2 !== 0) {
This will print every odd number between 1 and 5.
Just executed this one in Adobe works perfectly.
i used if (isNaN(mynmb))
to check if the given Value is a number or not,
and i also used Math.abs(mynmb%2) to convert negative number to positive and calculate
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<body bgcolor = "#FFFFCC">
<h3 align ="center"> ODD OR EVEN </h3><table cellspacing = "2" cellpadding = "5" bgcolor="palegreen">
<form name = formtwo>
<td align = "center">
<center><BR />Enter a number:
<input type=text id="enter" name=enter maxlength="10" />
<input type=button name = b3 value = "Click Here" onClick = compute() />
<input type=text id="outtxt" name=output size="5" value="" disabled /> </b></b></center><b><b>
<BR /><BR />
<script type='text/javascript'>
function compute()
var enter = document.getElementById("enter");
var outtxt = document.getElementById("outtxt");
var mynmb = enter.value;
if (isNaN(mynmb))
outtxt.value = "error !!!";
alert( 'please enter a valid number');
if ( mynmb%2 == 0 ) { outtxt.value = "Even"; }
if ( Math.abs(mynmb%2) == 1 ) { outtxt.value = "Odd"; }
When you need to test if some variable is odd, you should first test if it is integer. Also, notice that when you calculate remainder on negative number, the result will be negative (-3 % 2 === -1).
function isOdd(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && // value should be a number
isFinite(value) && // value should be finite
Math.floor(value) === value && // value should be integer
value % 2 !== 0; // value should not be even
If Number.isInteger is available, you may also simplify this code to:
function isOdd(value) {
return Number.isInteger(value) // value should be integer
value % 2 !== 0; // value should not be even
Note: here, we test value % 2 !== 0 instead of value % 2 === 1 is because of -3 % 2 === -1. If you don't want -1 pass this test, you may need to change this line.
Here are some test cases:
isOdd(); // false
isOdd("string"); // false
isOdd(Infinity); // false
isOdd(NaN); // false
isOdd(0); // false
isOdd(1.1); // false
isOdd("1"); // false
isOdd(1); // true
isOdd(-1); // true
Using % will help you to do this...
You can create couple of functions to do it for you... I prefer separte functions which are not attached to Number in Javascript like this which also checking if you passing number or not:
odd function:
var isOdd = function(num) {
return 'number'!==typeof num ? 'NaN' : !!(num % 2);
even function:
var isEven = function(num) {
return isOdd(num)==='NaN' ? isOdd(num) : !isOdd(num);
and call it like this:
isOdd(5); // true
isOdd(6); // false
isOdd(12); // false
isOdd(18); // false
isEven(18); // true
isEven('18'); // 'NaN'
isEven('17'); // 'NaN'
isOdd(null); // 'NaN'
isEven('100'); // true
A more functional approach in modern javascript:
const NUMBERS = "nul one two three four five six seven ocho nueve".split(" ")
const negate = f=> (...args)=> !f(...args)
const isOdd = n=> NUMBERS[n % 10].indexOf("e")!=-1
const isEven = negate(isOdd)
One liner in ES6 just because it's clean.
const isEven = (num) => num % 2 == 0;
Subtract 2 to it recursively until you reach either -1 or 0 (only works for positive integers obviously) :)
Every odd number when divided by two leaves remainder as 1 and every even number when divided by zero leaves a zero as remainder. Hence we can use this code
function checker(number) {
return number%2==0?even:odd;
How about this...
var num = 3 //instead get your value here
var aa = ["Even", "Odd"];
alert(aa[num % 2]);
This is what I did
//Array of numbers
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,32,23,643,67,5876,6345,34,3453];
//Array of even numbers
var evenNumbers = [];
//Array of odd numbers
var oddNumbers = [];
function classifyNumbers(arr){
//go through the numbers one by one
for(var i=0; i<=arr.length-1; i++){
if (arr[i] % 2 == 0 ){
//Push the number to the evenNumbers array
} else {
//Push the number to the oddNumbers array
console.log('Even numbers: ' + evenNumbers);
console.log('Odd numbers: ' + oddNumbers);
For some reason I had to make sure the length of the array is less by one. When I don't do that, I get "undefined" in the last element of the oddNumbers array.
I'd implement this to return a boolean:
function isOdd (n) {
return !!(n % 2);
// or ((n % 2) !== 0).
It'll work on both unsigned and signed numbers. When the modulus return -1 or 1 it'll get translated to true.
Non-modulus solution:
var is_finite = isFinite;
var is_nan = isNaN;
function isOdd (discriminant) {
if (is_nan(discriminant) && !is_finite(discriminant)) {
return false;
// Unsigned numbers
if (discriminant >= 0) {
while (discriminant >= 1) discriminant -= 2;
// Signed numbers
} else {
if (discriminant === -1) return true;
while (discriminant <= -1) discriminant += 2;
return !!discriminant;
By using ternary operator, you we can find the odd even numbers:
var num = 2;
result = (num % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd'
Another example using the filter() method:
let even = arr.filter(val => {
return val % 2 === 0;
// even = [2,4,6]
So many answers here but i just have to mention one point.
Normally it's best to use the modulo operator like % 2 but you can also use the bitwise operator like & 1. They both would yield the same outcome. However their precedences are different. Say if you need a piece of code like
i%2 === p ? n : -n
it's just fine but with the bitwise operator you have to do it like
(i&1) === p ? n : -n
So there is that.
this works for arrays:
function evenOrOdd(numbers) {
const evenNumbers = [];
const oddNumbers = [];
numbers.forEach(number => {
if (number % 2 === 0) {
} else {
console.log("Even: " + evenNumbers + "\nOdd: " + oddNumbers);
evenOrOdd([1, 4, 9, 21, 41, 92]);
this should log out:
for just a number:
function evenOrOdd(number) {
if (number % 2 === 0) {
return "even";
return "odd";
this should output even to the console
A Method to know if the number is odd
let numbers = [11, 20, 2, 5, 17, 10];
let n = numbers.filter((ele) => ele % 2 != 0);

