Loading text file from web, and parsing it with a script? - javascript

My .html has some associated data in a .txt file that I need to load when the page is loaded. I then need a script to be able to parse that data and do stuff with it in the page. Is there a quick-n-dirty way to do this? I was thinking I could just have a hidden and then run through its innerHTML, but DIVs don't seem to support that.
Thanks in advance...new to web stuff!
EDIT: here's another catch: I want this to work, ideally, if the .html is loaded either from an actual website or from a local machine. To my knowledge, AJAX and XMLHttpRequest won't work in this situation(?)

Do you have flexibility in the format of the text file? If so I would store the data in the text file in JSON format and just include it in the HTML head of the page using script tags. Then you can use some JavaScript when the page is ready to parse the information stored in the text/JSON file and manipulate the HTML page as needed.
The nice thing about this approach is that it is simple and does not require server side code. You didn't mention whether or not the text file was dynamically generated but it doesn't matter with this approach.

You should use AJAX to load the text and a callback function to parse it according to your requirements and perform whatever actions are necessary. If you're using a framework like jQuery, look into the jQuery AJAX functions: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax
If you're not using a framework and are instead coding straight JavaScript, look at using the XMLHttpRequest object: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XmlHttpRequest

That should be done server side using a programming language like PHP or Perl or such. If you have to do it with JavaScript for some odd reason, the only way is to do AJAX call to the file and insert it into the DOM. There's plenty of tutorials for that.
And yes, innerHTML works on div elements, as well as with everything else.


How to include an external PHP file into a Joomla article?

So basically, I have a single article that I would like to load a PHP file into. This PHP file has a bunch of PHP and Javascript, along with HTML.
I need to include this full PHP file into my article since it contains an application form that I need on my website.
I have tried the following:
Using an extension to allow PHP and Javascript code within an article. Although, this is extremely time consuming since all PHP and Javascript must be wrapped in some special tags for the extension to recognise it, therefore this would take me days.
I tried using the extension and then trying <?php include "form.php"; ?> within the special tags, although this returned a major error since I believe it is because the PHP code is not within the tags itself.
Does anyone have any suggestions to how I can accomplish this?
Try this ,
Create a module that have your forms. For module development tutorial
And create an article and set the module inside that like.
{loadposition contact_form_pos}
Inside your article just mention the module position like above
for more
Using extensions is the only way to do that.
If you don't want to use a plugin that allows PHP into articles, you would have to write your own custom component to show that php page in your own menu item, out of an article.
It's a little hard to answer when you haven't said if you want to just do this one time in one specific article or you want to be able to put it into any article.

JavaScript: Write to current HTML document using input from a separate HTML document?

Preface: Hi, all! Here goes. First and foremost, I am not familiar with jquery, so any jquery code posted will be irrelevant to me until i research it. I'm newly teaching myself JS. I have decent XHTML experience, decent CSS3 familiarity/understanding, and some (very little) application programming experience (C++, Java).
The Situation: I'm designing a website's home page whereon, with JavaScript enabled, links are overwritten and instead of loading a new HTML document/page for each main link, I alter sections of the home page using JS.
The challenge: I want to load new page content without loading an entirely separate page. A similar old HTML solution to such a challenge was to load page frames, right? I want to overwrite an entire container element using content from another separate HTML file on the server. (The external file could be tailored to fit into the main page, but it would be even better if I could pull a SECTION of an external HTML document, perhaps one element).
Can I do this using only JavaScript?
If not, what other scripting could be used in conjunction with JS?
Would I need to implement "AJAX"?
Must I use "HTML DOM"? - Edit: I see that DOM is just integral to the function of HTML etc.
Thank you all for your patience and your expert advice. I <3 StackExchange.
Yes you can do that using Javascript and jQuery, take a look at the load() method that's exactly what you need
Yes it is using AJAX, but it's really easy to use don't worry.
Can I do this using only JavaScript?
No, because the server will need to serve you the content / data that you wish to place in the HTML page. You'll need to combine client-side scripting (JavaScript) with functionality on the web server (see your next question below).
If not, what other scripting could be used in conjunction with JS?
That would be your server-side language, such as PHP, Ruby, or Python.
Would I need to implement "AJAX"?
Yes, what you described is implemented using Ajax. You've mentioned the jQuery library and it indeed has functionality to perform an Ajax call to the server (see $.ajax). The basic idea is: your JavaScript code performs an Ajax call, your web server returns the HTML and then your JavaScript code receives it and places it in the HTML page.
Must I use "HTML DOM"?
Web pages always make use of "HTML DOM". You could read the article about Document Object Model on Wikipedia for more information: you have to use DOM but not by choice - it's part of how web pages work.

How can I load an html file without issuing an http request using jquery?

I will try to summarize the best I can what I need and what is blocking me to do it.
What I need
I need to append script tags to the head of an html file, BUT during my "build" process. I'm using ant as a automation build tool, and I would like to avoid placing tokens in my HTML file to then replace it with ant, or also I will like to avoid any midway solution using regular expression matching. Waht I would really like to use is plain javascript running through rhino javascript interpreter and exceute it easily from an ant task, and finally add the script tag dinamically.
What is blocking me?
I really don't know anyway that I can load an html file without issuing a GET or a POST HTTP methods. Cause I'm building my code from source I don't have it under an HTTP server, so I wish I could find someway to load the HTML DOM into a javascript variable and then write it with the new script tag that I need.
I need all the DOM manipulation features without having a browser that renders the HTML file.
From what I understand you would like to have a valid DOM object from an HTML file, as if you were running in a browser, but do it "offline"? e.g. be able to do a jQuery selector on the DOM and edit it?
You can always start by looking into an embeded open source browser (http://www.chromium.org/)?
But I would look into node.js, see this question Can I use jQuery with Node.js?
This will allow you to do DOM traversing and modifications without a browser as far as I understand

How to parse JSON/XML file into javascript?

I made a program in Java which takes an XML document, which user chooses, and present its content on screen (on JLabel using Gui). That works fine. Now, I need to create it as a web based. I want to parse a JSON file, instead of xml file, into JavaScipt. I tried to use JSP and JavaScipt in combination with HTML5 but I didn't really find the correct way to do it.
So I am wondering if there is a possible way to do it this way or if it is better to use servlets (send the data in server side).
Also, I am wondering if it is better to use the existing Java code I have, using Javabeans, instead of JavaScipt. And then combine servlets with JSP in order to print the result on screen. I know JavaScipt is quicker than Java in web applications but I think I can't see a way to make a connection between JavaScript and HTML5 to accomplish this parsing.

Consume data from XML file in an HTML5 application?

I have some XML files which are currently used to load data into Adobe Flex applications. I am trying to make an HTML5 version of the application, and I need to load this same data into the html "app" so I can use and manipulate like I would in Flex. I have searched and can't find any information or examples on how to do this, or even if it can be done.
For example, if my application is a quiz, I have the questions, choices, and correct answers in an XML file. I would like the HTML file to load this data so it can display my quiz and I can use JS and jQuery to show one question at a time. I just don't know how to "get" the xml file. I suppose I could also convert the xml to json if need be, but it would be easier to use the xml as is.
You can do that by using Ajax and a Javascript XML parser. The best way to do that is with a JS library, like jQuery.
Check out jQuery ajax to grab your XML: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/
jParse is a pretty decent xml parser: http://jparse.kylerush.net/
Ajax is for accessing pages in the same domain. If you need to grab a file on a different domain you'll have to find a different solution.

