What are the Alternatives to eval in JavaScript? - javascript

I have a little bit of code that looks just like this:
function StrippedExample(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8) {
this.i = [];
for (var i=1,j=0 ;i<9;i++) {
var k = eval("i"+i);
if (k > 0) {
this.i[j++] = k;
FireBug profiler claims that second longest function is eval(), taking up to nearly 6% of the run time.
Everyone says eval is EVIL (as in bad) and slow (as I have found), but I can't really do anything else - the server simply pulls the data out the database and pushes to the browser.
What alternatives do I have? I could do the same as I am doing here on the server but that just shifts the burden higher up the chain. I can't change the database layout since everything hooks into those 8 variables and is a massive undertaking.

function StrippedExample(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8) {
var args = [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8]; // put values in an array
this.i = [];
for (var i=0,j=0 ;i<8;i++) { // now i goes from 0-7 also
var k = args[i]; // get values out
if (k > 0) {
this.i[j++] = k;
The above code can be simplified further, I just made the minimal change to get rid of eval. You can get rid of j, for example:
function StrippedExample(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8) {
var args = [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8];
this.i = [];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var k = args[i];
if (k > 0) { this.i.push(k); }
is equivalent. Or, to use the built-in arguments object (to avoid having your parameter list in two places):
function StrippedExample(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8) {
this.i = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var k = arguments[i];
if (k > 0) { this.i.push(k); }
Even if you weren't filtering the list, you don't want to do something like this.i = arguments because arguments is not a real Array; it has a callee property that you don't need and is missing some array methods that you might need in i. As others have pointed out, if you want to quickly convert the arguments object into an array, you can do so with this expression:
You could use that instead of the var args = [i1, i2 ... lines above.

Eval alternative:
exp = '1 + 1'
x = Function('return ' + exp)()

You are simply making an array from your function 8 arguments, removing the ones that are less than or equal to zero.
The following code is equivalent, and it will work for any arbitrary number of arguments:
function StrippedExample() {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] > 0) {

Call the function with one argument — an Array
Use the arguments object

One alternative to to pass an array to your function, instead of individual arguments:
StrippedExample([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6])
Then your code would be:
function StrippedExample(inArray) {
this.i = [];
for (var i=0,j=0 ;i<inArray.length;i++) {
var k = inArray[i];
if (k > 0) {
this.i[j++] = k;
If you really need to pass in separate arguments, you can access them using your arguments array, which is an object that acts like an array (though it's not really; not all Array methods work on it) that exposes all arguments that have been passed in to your function; they do not even need to be declared in this case, but it's good form to include a comment indicating what sorts of arguments you are expecting for users of your code:
function StrippedExample(/*i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8*/) {
this.i = [];
for (var i=0,j=0 ;i<arguments.length;i++) {
var k = arguments[i];
if (k > 0) {
this.i[j++] = k;
If you're guaranteed to only have 8 elements, then you could use 8 in place of inArray.length or arguments.length; I decided to use the more general version in my examples in case that was helpful to you.

This code should be made to use the arguments array that every Javascript function has access to.
It's not that eval is evil (it's in Lisp, so it must be good) it's simply a sign of a hack - you need something to work and you forced it. It screams out to me "The author gave up on good programming design and just found something that worked".

function StrippedExample() {
this.i = [];
for (var i=1,j=0 ;i<arguments.length;i++) {
var k = arguments[i];
if (k > 0) {
this.i[j++] = k;

Short answer:
no need use eval for work with arguments at all.
Initial code and most proposed solutions doesn't return result by traditional way.

Given that there is a fixed amount of variables, you can build an array of them manually and loop through it. But if you have a variable amount of arguments, one way to get the variables passed to the function as an array is:
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments.callee.caller.arguments);
And your function would look like this:
function StrippedExample() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments.callee.caller.arguments);
for(var i in args) {
if (args[i] > 0) {
this.i[j++] = args[i];

You can also run string expressions with setTimeout. It works the same as the Function object.
let a=10;
setTimeout("let c=1000;console.log(a,b,c)");//10,1,1000

definitely try this as a drop in replacement.
I was looking for this answer and came to this post.
I read the developer doc and this worked as a direct replacement in my application
var func1 = "stringtxt" + object + "stringtxt";
instead of ---> eval(func1); --> use --> Function(func1)();


Number prototype

Hi everyone i need an help.
I try to modify Number.prototype to add the function sum.
I want to add some numbers to my initial number.
Number.prototype.sum = async (...nums) => {
var x = //What I have to write to have my inizial number here?
for (var i = 0;i<nums.length;i++) {
return x
console.log((10).sum(2)) // output: 12
console.log((10).sum(4,6)) // output: 20
(I use visual studio code and the hint after this. is only number)
I tried with:
You have to use function to access the correct this context (which is the number that the method is called on). Arrow functions inherit their this context from the parent scope (the global object in this case). Also async is not needed since you are not doing anything asynchronous here:
Number.prototype.sum = function (...nums) {
var x = this
for (var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
x = x + nums[i]
return x
console.log((1).sum(2, 3))
Aside from the fact that augmenting native prototypes is a bad idea, wouldn't you think that a function like this is better suited for the Array prototype?

Object.create to create an object with costructor

I am learning Javascript and I am a C++ programmer. I have tried creating an object with a constructor with object.create and here is the result:
var PlayGround ={
initGrid : function(N) {
this.grid = new Array(N);
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
this.grid[i] = new Array(N);
for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {
this.grid[i][j] = false;
return true;
var PlayGround_property = {
value: 100,
var board= Object.create(PlayGround, PlayGround_property);
It works as I want: the object board contains the object grid, and now I can use the set and get keyword to define the behaviour of the = and () operator.
Anyway I have read around the web that the
keyword in Javascript is not safe and I want to be sure that it is referring always to the board object and not to the global window object. Is there a way or I am overthinking?
Other question, are there other ways to write object with a constructor (and maybe other members) in Javascript?
I want to be sure that [this] is referring always to the board object
A function's this is set either by how you call the function, or bind. So just make sure you call methods the right way. If you always call functions as methods of board, then this within the methods will always reference board.
If you are only going to have one instance of board, there doesn't seem much point in using a constructor. If you have multiple instances of board, then you want this to reference the particular instance that called the method so you don't want to fix this using bind.
Crockford just doesn't like the use of new, so encouraged Object.create, it fits his idea of how inheritance should work.
Your pattern could be rewritten to use a constructor something like:
function PlayGround (N) {
this.N = N;
this.grid = []; // Use array literal, it's less to type
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
this.grid[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {
this.grid[i][j] = false; // Not sure why you bother with this
var board = new Playground(100);
I'm not exactly sure what you're doing, but that should be close. Note that javascipt is loosely typed, so only initialise variables and properties if you have something useful to assign. Variables are created with a value of undefined, Array properties are only created if you actually assign something to them, creating an array with length N does not create any indexes, e.g.
var arr = new Array(10);
console.log(arr.length); // 10
console.log(arr.hasOwnProperty(0)); // false

Passing Variable Number of arguments in javascript function argument-list

Can I pass a variable number of arguments into a Javascript function? I have little knowledge in JS. I want to implement something like the following:
function CalculateAB3(data, val1, val2, ...)
You can pass multiple parameters in your function and access them via arguments variable. Here is an example of function which returns the sum of all parameters you passed in it
var sum = function () {
var res = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
res += parseInt(arguments[i]);
return res;
You can call it as follows:
sum(1, 2, 3); // returns 6
Simple answer to your question, surely you can
But personally I would like to pass a object rather than n numbers of parameters
function CalculateAB3(obj)
var var1= obj.var1 || 0; //if obj.var1 is null, 0 will be set to var1
//rest of parameters
Here || is logical operator for more info visit http://codepb.com/null-coalescing-operator-in-javascript/
A Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript? is a good read
Yes, you can make it. Use variable arguments like there:
function test() {
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {

Make JavaScript array values auto-update when called

A lot of people where confused by my last question. I hope I can clear things up with this one. HERE is what I need to do:
var arr = ["Init Value", "Does Not", "Matter"];
arr.onGet = updater; // Register arr with updater function
alert(arr[0]); // should return 1;
alert(arr[0]); // should return 2;
alert(arr[0]); // should return 3;
alert(arr[0]); // should return 4;
alert(arr[0]); // should return 5;
var counter = 0;
function updater(){
counter = counter + 1;
return counter;
See what I did there? Init value does not matter, it's the updater function that is pulling the values.
Now this does not work of course, since arr does not automatically call the function updater and there is no event onGet. Some people might say, well that's just crazy talk, how can you run a function when it's not even called. That is true, but a VARIABLE is called (in our case arr[0], so can't you just bind(link) it up to another function when arr[0] is called? In essence, this is an auto-updater, hence my question.
Also, I have given up trying to work this in IE7, how about just Google Chrome?
Solution by Skyd:
function onGet(obj) {
var index = 0;
var counter = 0;
for (var prop in obj) {
(function(thisIndex, thisProp) {
obj.__defineGetter__(thisIndex, function() {
counter = counter + 1;
return counter ;
})(index, prop)
obj.__defineGetter__("length", function() {
return 1000;
return obj;
var myObj = [100,200,300];
alert(myObj[1]); // 1
alert(myObj[2]); // 2
alert(myObj[3]); // 3
alert(myObj.length); // 1000 <-- Arbitary value which you can change
You should look into javascript Setters and Getters, which lets you run functions when a certain property is being accessed or modified. It works great on objects. For arrays, its a little harder, since arrays can potentially have infinite properties (where properties are its indicies). If you have a fixed size array though, then something like this might work:
var arr = ["Fixed", "Array", "Size", "Will", "Not", "Ever", "Change"];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
arr.__defineGetter__(index, function(){return updater();});
alert(arr[0]) // will return results of updater() call;
It may be better to use a custom object with a getter/setter rather than using a fixed size array.
Also, look at these links: Getter/setter on javascript array? and http://javascriptweblog.wordpress.com/2010/11/15/extending-objects-with-javascript-getters/

Three map implementations in javascript. Which one is better?

I wrote a simple map implementation for some task. Then, out of curiosity, I wrote two more. I like map1 but the code is kinda hard to read. If somebody is interested, I'd appreciate a simple code review.
Which one is better? Do you know some other way to implement this in javascript?
var map = function(arr, func) {
var newarr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
newarr[i] = func(arr[i]);
return newarr;
var map1 = function(arr, func) {
if (arr.length === 0) return [];
return [func(arr[0])].concat(funcmap(arr.slice(1), func));
var map2 = function(arr, func) {
var iter = function(result, i) {
if (i === arr.length) return result;
return iter(result, i+1);
return iter([], 0);
I am thinking about such function in general.
For example, right now I am going to use it to iterate like this:
map(['class1', 'class2', 'class3'], function(cls) {
ids = map(elements, extract_id);
/* elements is a collection of html elements,
extract_id is a func that extracts id from innerHTML */
What about the map implementation used natively on Firefox and SpiderMonkey, I think it's very straight forward:
if (!Array.prototype.map) {
Array.prototype.map = function(fun /*, thisp*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0; // make sure length is a positive number
if (typeof fun != "function") // make sure the first argument is a function
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array(len); // initialize the resulting array
var thisp = arguments[1]; // an optional 'context' argument
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this)
res[i] = fun.call(thisp, this[i], i, this); // fill the resulting array
return res;
If you don't want to extend the Array.prototype, declare it as a normal function expression.
As a reference, map is implemented as following in jQuery
map: function( elems, callback ) {
var ret = [];
// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
// new value (or values).
for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
var value = callback( elems[ i ], i );
if ( value != null )
ret[ ret.length ] = value;
return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
which seems most similar to your first implementation. I'd say the first one is preferred as it is the simplest to read and understand. But if performance is your concern, profile them.
I think that depends on what you want map to do when func might change the array. I would tend to err on the side of simplicity and sample length once.
You can always specify the output size as in
var map = function(arr, func) {
var n = arr.length & 0x7fffffff; // Make sure n is a non-neg integer
var newarr = new Array(n); // Preallocate array size
var USELESS = {};
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
newarr[i] = func.call(USELESS, arr[i]);
return newarr;
I used the func.call() form instead of just func(...) instead since I dislike calling user supplied code without specifying what 'this' is, but YMMV.
This first one is most appropriate. Recursing one level for every array item may make sense in a functional language, but in a procedural language without tail-call optimisation it's insane.
However, there is already a map function on Array: it is defined by ECMA-262 Fifth Edition and, as a built-in function, is going to be the optimal choice. Use that:
alert([1,2,3].map(function(n) { return n+3; })); // 4,5,6
The only problem is that Fifth Edition isn't supported by all current browsers: in particular, the Array extensions are not present in IE. But you can fix that with a little remedial work on the Array prototype:
if (!Array.prototype.map) {
Array.prototype.map= function(fn, that) {
var result= new Array(this.length);
for (var i= 0; i<this.length; i++)
if (i in this)
result[i]= fn.call(that, this[i], i, this);
return result;
This version, as per the ECMA standard, allows an optional object to be passed in to bind to this in the function call, and skips over any missing values (it's legal in JavaScript to have a list of length 3 where there is no second item).
There's something wrong in second method. 'funcmap' shouldn't be changed to 'map1'?
If so - this method loses, as concat() method is expensive - creates new array from given ones, so has to allocate extra memory and execute in O(array1.length + array2.length).
I like your first implementation best - it's definitely easiest to understand and seems quick in execution to me. No extra declaration (like in third way), extra function calls - just one for loop and array.length assignments.
I'd say the first one wins on simplicity (and immediate understandability); performance will be highly dependent on what the engine at hand optimizes, so you'd have to profile in the engines you want to support.

