How can I parse a URL called between pages in a frameset? - javascript

I have a 2-frame HTML page:
FrameA contains a list of links to various pages, or anchors within pages
FrameB displays the individual pages.
Some of the pages contain slideDown sections, with trigger text - i.e. clicking this text shows/hides the slideDown section below it.
The parent element of the trigger element also contains an anchor, for example:
<li class="expandable">
<p><a name="myanchor3"></a>Trigger text</p>
<div class="slideDownSection">
I want to detect whenever an anchor is requested in the URL used to load the page into FrameB. If there is an anchor ref, I want to check whether the anchor falls within an "expandable" element and, if it is, I do a slideDown on the element below to display it.
I can do this easily enough by putting some Javascript inside a $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); in the page that gets loaded. This checks the location.hash value and processes it if one's found. However, this only works when the page gets loaded into FrameB.
If a page is already loaded into FrameB and I click a link in FrameA that points to another anchor within the same page, I can't capture that event. The page position changes to display the anchor at, or near, the top of the page - without reloading the page.
My question is:
What event handler can I use in the page displayed in FrameB to detect that an anchor on that page has been requested via a link clicked in FrameA?
Note: The content of FrameA is auto-generated, so I can't use an onClick event for the page in FrameA, I can only work within the pages that get displayed in FrameB.

IE8 supports the hashchange event that you can listen for. For all other browsers, you have to poll the value of location.hash using setInterval():
var lastHash = null;
function checkHash() {
if (window.location.hash != lastHash) {
lastHash = window.location.hash;
// Do your hash stuff
setInterval(checkHash, 100);
On - window.location.hash - Change? is a very similar question.


Navigate using Javascript, but change the URL

I want to navigate inside the page with an animation using Javascript, but also change the URL so the user can click "back" to go back to the previous "page".
I have no idea how to approach this. Do I put the content I'm navigating to on a new html page, or on the same page?
What I've tried so far:
Some Other Page
This will completely reload to someOtherPage, and won't allow animations.
Some Other Page
function animateToOtherSection() {
//things like fade in/out or scroll
This works if the content I'm navigating to exists in this page, which is okay, but the URL won't be changed (except for the additional #).
If i try to change window.href in Javascript, the entire page reloads, which is not desired.
This question was inspired by some websites like this. When the See our projects button is clicked, although it as an anchor element, the page doesn't reload, but a fade out/in executes and the navigation bar above stays throughout. If I click the 'back' button in my browser, another animation takes me back to the splash screen.
Note: This is not an option:
Some Other Page
I don't want to just scroll to an element, but manipulate and show/hide a lot of elements on the screen.
Thanks in advance for the answers!
The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack.
Load data from the server and place the returned HTML into the matched element.
You can make it easy here is example:
<button id="changeUrl">See our projects</button>
$('#changeUrl').click(function () {
history.pushState({}, 'Title', '/Url/Test');
$(document).load('/url html');
Also you can add animation for example :
$('#changeUrl').click(function () {
history.pushState({}, 'Title', '/Url/Test');
$(document).load('/url html', function () {
You may also add a JavaScript "fadeout" animation when "unloading" the current page, and a "fadein" animation executing at the begining of the next page load.
If you prefetch most of your content, the transition will be smooth.
To avoid a page load when you click on a link, attach an onclick event to your link, and finish your JavaScript callback by a e.preventDefault(); as explained in this question : How to stop default link click behavior with jQuery from Mozilla Dev Network :
Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
About link prefetching :
<link rel="prefetch" href="/images/big.jpeg">
Or even really loading <img with a style=display:none; to hide them…

Issue with ID's in browser when same content is loaded a second time in a div

I am creating a website where all my content is loaded into a div name content. my menubar is also loaded in to a div name menu.
The problem arises when i click the same link for a second time. So for instance i would click on members.php for a second time, the content is loaded into the div but some of my functions dont work as expected as they rely on and id which has been set. An ID can only be used once so when i load the page for the second time the ID doenst work. I would have to remove it before loading the content another time (which isnt an option) - as there are many ids.
i would be using jquery to load the content into the div. for instance $('#content').load('members.php');
but upon doing this the second time my id's would not work (content of the first page load stays intact) is there a way to reload that div.
Also is this normal behavior?
You can use a flag to define if this content loaded before or not, check it every time you call the loading function if it is not loaded before then load it, else no need to reload it again.
//initialize members_loaded variable when your page start.
var members_loaded = false;
//then when you want to load data check for it, change it to true in your complete function (when ajax done)
$( "#content" ).load( "members.php", function() {
members_loaded = true;

Trying to make an anchor open with javascript and python

First of all, sorry for any mistakes, I'm an extreme novice coder.
What I'm trying to do is open a link on a page (which is html generated by python), have it open in another window to an anchor. This anchor is a reversedisplay javascript, which means that I want to open the contents of where the anchor is.
The initial python/html link is as follows:
print "/>TEXT HERE<a value=\"mg-auto\" onClick=\"Open('mg-auto')\" href=\"http://LINKHERE/#mg-auto\" target=\"_blank\"><font title=\"mg-auto\" >(<span class=\"tooltip\">?</span>)</font></a>"
which you would click to lead to this:
<div id="mg-auto" style="display:none;">
<hr />
The javascript function to open the reverse display is this:
function Open(d) {
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block";
I have implemented this function in both the html and the python.
However, for some reason the anchor won't work at all. I fiddled around and discovered that a header + id like so:
<h3 id="IDNAME"></h3>
will make a valid anchor, but the div + id like I have will not.However, I can't combine a header and the javascript function without breaking the html.
Does anyone know of a way to make an anchor work? I guess my biggest problem is no matter how I try to implement the id, when I try to link to the anchor it will not recognize the '#IDNAME'
From what I can understand, you want someone clicking on the '(?)' to get a new window where the div that is display="none" to start with gets display="block".
Putting '#mg-auto' after the link (a fragment or hash) will take you to the element with that id attribute when the page loads (it will jump-scroll to it if it is off screen). But the problem is that the onClick="Open('mg-auto')" will get run before you follow the link, not after the new page loads in a new window. So in the new window the div still has display="none".
To run something when a page loads you can use the window.onload event, so all you then need is the hash. Check the code below.
window.onload = function() {
// Check if hash exists
if(window.location.hash) {
// Remove the "#" from the hash
hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
// Display element with id == hash
document.getElementById(hash).style.display = "block";
That code will run when everything on the page has been loaded.
PS: You can essentially put an id on any element (including div and headings) and have the hash of you url take you to it.

Creating and structuring the index page

I have a test website is has the two menu items "Home" and "About".
When we click on the "About" menu, the About page is loaded dynamical, which is great, but when I type the About page's url directly into the address bar, my whole plan goes for six.
I need some guidance in how shall I structure and load the pages so that the whole header and navigation are included even when we use the direct URL in the address bar.
My skills are HTML and Javascript.
Please see the following screen shots.
When you're clicking the menu item you are updating the page with the data, but when you are going to the link directly you are just getting the data. one way around this is to have common elements for the page, ie. navigation menus, In a javascript file and then use a script tag with a link where you want it on the page.
so, since i thought it would be nice for my project, to have a usable browser history and bookmarkable subpages, i yesterday tried the approach from my comments of the OP.
step 1: change the anchors in your navigation bar to something like that:
needles to say, that they don't need to be inside the same parent element. those links could be anywhere.
step 2: remove the on click handler from your script, that reacts on the navigation bar clicks!
step 3: create a function, to listen to the onhashchange event. (this has to be done once, on the main html page)
//create a function for the onhashchange event
window.onhashchange = function()
//check if a location hash is used
if(window.location.hash != null)
//store current location hash in a variable
requestedPage = location.hash;
//remove the '#' from the location hash value
requestedPage = requestedPage.replace('#','');
//load content from subpage into your content frame
$('#contentFrame').load('./' + requestedPage + '.html', function( response, status, xhr )
//catch 'file not found' errors and load start page
if ( status == "error" ) {
for your page, you have of course to adapt, use the correct selectors and the correct file names.
you then would call your page via, and every subdomain via

How to create conditional hyperlink in HTML

I want to link my page with another page on condition.
Suppose I have 3 HTML pages, namely 1.html, 2.html and 3.html. What I want is that if 1.html is loaded then load page 2.html; If 1.html is not loaded then load 3.html.
please help.
I can't follow your explanation about pages 1, 2 and 3, but in a general sense you can have a hyperlink go to different URLs depending on some condition(s) by handling its "onclick" event to cancel the default navigation and do it from JavaScript instead:
My link
function doClick() {
if (someCondition || someOtherCondition)
window.location.href = "firstURLhere";
window.location.href = "alternativeURLhere";
The URL specified in the anchor's href attribute will be used if JavaScript is disabled. Otherwise, the doClick() function is called to decide which URL to navigate to. Of course the function can be as simple or complicated as you need.
The onclick needs to return false; to cancel the default behaviour of a click on the anchor because (obviously) the default is to navigate to the URL in the href attribute.
I am not fully sure what you want to achieve.
I think you want to show hyperlink on a page only if some other pages are opened earlier.
If this is the case, you can create cookies on window.load of page 1, and check if that cookie is set on windolow.onload event of page 2.
If cookie is set, create a dynamic hyperlink on page 2 to redirect to page 3. If cookie is not set, do not create a link.
You may also show / hide hyperlink (instead of dynamically creating) depeding on whether cookie is set or not. This is an easy and crossbrowser way if you are not using jQuery.
It should be something along the lines of:
If you add the script at the bottom of the page, the javascript will search for all the <a> tags and compare them to the current url. If theres a match it will set its style to invisible.
linkNodes = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(i = 0; i < linkNodes.length; i++){
if(linkNodes[i].getAttribute("href") == document.url){
linkNodes[i].style.visibility= "hidden";
This way if you are in 1.html, 2.html and 3.html are displayed but not 1.html itself. the same happens for 2.html which would show only 1.html and 3.html... etc.

