Can the browser selectively request resources from a website? - javascript

I'm trying to dissect some well designed sites, in order to learn more about unobtrusive JS. One problem I am experiencing is that one technique for unobtrusive/graceful degradation seems to be loading a base HTML page and heavily modifying/appending elements with JS.
It would be good if there was a tool where I could just selectively load scripts and html resources, so I can more easily see what is modifying what. A great tool would be something like Chrome's resource window and I could right click on a resource and select "don't load" or something...
PS. if anybody has sites they recommend me take a look at, MUCH appreciated. I'm just checking right now

You could use a Fiddler filter to prevent a URL from loading.
You can also use Firefox's Web Developer Toolbar or IE8's Developer Tools to disable CSS, images, and/or Javascript.

Or you may want to check out googles
which will show you exactly what js calls and where.


Tips for embedding html into another site

Currently, I use Buffer ( as a browser extension and noticed that it stopped working on Twitter recently. If you do not know, this extension adds a 'Buffer' button to many social media websites. Twitter made another UI change, and the Buffer extension no longer add its button to the bottom of tweets.
Thinking that I might do something along these lines in the future (i.e., adding content to other websites via a browser extension), I wanted to know if there are any standard practices when doing so. Are there good tips to avoid this breakage over time? I know its simply impossible to guarantee that the origin site won't break your code, but I hope there are some thoughts on how I can mitigate against it.
Thanks for any thoughts or insights!
copy paste this addon and edit in the "addDiv" and removeDiv functions.
this addon inects javascript into github. you can change it to twitter
if you need more help let me know i can change this to specifically insert on twitter in 10min

How to optimize javascript/jquery code to speed up it's performance?

On one of my web projects, I use a lot of javascript/jQuery code, which is pretty slow on browsers (Windows 7 x64), especially on IE.
I use 3 Ajax requests at the same time only on Home page.
On Search page, I also use ajax requests, which are fired on scroll event, on any 'search tag' (simple anchor tag) click event and etc. which in general is making data loading very slow.
I use jQuery plugins such as, Anythingslider, jquery coockies plugin, Raty (rating plugin), Tipsuy, jQuery coreUISelect, jScrollPane, mouse wheel and etc. All those 3rd party plugins I have minified and combined in jquery.plugins.js file, which is almost 80KB.
I select a lot of DOM elements with jQuery. For example I use the following code:
instead of:
I also have one big CSS file, which is more than 5 000 lines, because I have combined all 3rd party jQuery plugins's css files into one file, for caching and less HTTP requests.
Well, I wonder, what can I do to optimize my code for better performance and speeding up web page load?
What kind of tools can I use to debug and my JS code? I forgot to mention that, when I refresh page in Google Chrome or Firefox with firebug or Chrome native developer tools opened, the page in that case loads also very slow. Sometimes the Firefox is even crushed.
Will selecting of DOM elements with raw js give me a better and faster way to parse the document? Or should I leave, the jQuery selecting? Talk about is about 50 elements.
Should I separate and after that minify external plugins, such as Anythingslider? Or is it better when I have 'all in one' js file?
Is it better to also separate jQuery plugins's css code from main style.css? Because even hovering on element and affecting the :hover state from css file, is pretty slow.
Well guys, I'm really counting on you.
I've been googling all night to find answers on my questions and really hope to find it here.
1) minify it
2) all the browsers come with built in debugging tools
3) reduce access to the dom by storing references in variables, don't look up the same element twice
4) separate and use a well known cdn
5) separate just cos its easier to manage
More jQuery tips here : jquery-performance-rules and here : improve-your-jquery-25-excellent-tips.
Make sure all your static resources are cached with no disk lookup
This library is pretty cool
You can compare selector performance here:
Just setup your HTML code, include jQuery lib and place each selector you want to compare as various test case.
Many of the jquery-performance-rules still apply,
Also have look at here jquery-proven-performance-tips-tricks
Since there are a lot of ways to improve code, especially with such big websites like yours, I think it will be more useful to just post the external links, since these are very nicely written and concise tutorials and tools. Here are some of them:
Yahoo's tutorial, one of the most complete tutorials I know
W3Schools' tutorial on using image sprites, especially useful when there are a lot of small images on the page
Tips on efficient jQuery usage
Firebug, Firefox plugin for debugging javascript, html, css
HTML validator, can be very useful to quickly find errors in markup
HTML compressor for minifying your HTML code (there are a lot of tools on the web for this purpose, it's just a matter of finding the best one)
CSS compressor, same as for HTML
I would also recommend IDE for building web applications/websites called JetBrains' PHPStorm. It is commercial software, but definitely worth every cent, since it gives hints and tips for improvement while typing.
Raw performance may not be your issue. If you notice poor performance on page load, see this article I wrote specifically about minimizing javascript execution on page initialization.

Add enhancements to a website (whether it be by C#, Chrome Extensions, etc.) -- Not sure what would work?

There is a website that I visit often... let's call it And, I am able to interact with parts of this website. The interactions send XMLHttpRequest and get a response back through Javascript, jQuery I believe.
I'm not sure what technology will let me achieve what I want to do, and where to start. Basically, I want to add additional options/shortcuts that the site does not provide. I thought about maybe using a macro, but trying to use macro recording software is just a pain in the butt.
I inspected (using Google Chrome's Developer Tools) the XMLHttpRequest being sent back and forth and I noticed that it is simple JSON messages. I figured the best way to add enhancements to the site without waiting for the actual owners of the site to do so would be to simulate the website sending/recieving these XMLHttpRequest/Response and making additional adjustments to the DOM to provide extra shortcuts.
I don't want to interfere with the original site's functionality though... ie if I send a request and receive a response I want both the original script and my script to process the response. So, here is where I'm stuck... I'm not sure whether to go along the paths of creating a C# application or a Google Chrome extension (I use Google Chrome) or something else alltogether. Any pointers on what dev tools/languages will give me the ability to do what I want would be great. Thanks!
Chrome has built in support for user scripts. You can use these to modify the page as you see fit and also to make requests. Without more details regarding what exactly you want to do with these AJAX request it's hard to advise further.
I'm not 100% sure what your question is, but as I understand it, you want to be able to make changes to a certain website. If these changes can be done with js, i would recommend Greasemonkey for Firefox. It basically lets you run a custom script when you are visiting a certain webpage/domain. You can be as specific as you want about which pages use the script. Once your script loads jQuery, it is really easy to add any functionality.
You can find pre-written scripts for tons of sites here:

Hiding external JavaScript

I have an external JavaScript in my HTML page. Is there a way to disable linking to or viewing this js file?
No, there is not a way to do this. It's a client-side scripted cannot in any way hide the a script that's running...not from the people you are probably wanting to hide it from (people who would go after your script are smarter than the average user most likely).
There are a number of tools available to inspect javascript, Chrome's tools, Firebug, any traffic sniffer, javascript unpackers (though debate-ably packing/minifying makes the code less "out of the box" usable).
You can deter people with the packing/minification, but you cannot prevent them from seeing/figuring out the code.
No, you cannot. If the browser is executing it, users can find a way to view it.
You might consider a Javascript minifier/obfuscator, like YUI Compressor, to make the reverse-engineer's job harder.
Nick Craver is correct (vote it), never the less, usually when having such problems with protected code, I use php to do some of it, this way the JavaScript file will be available, but not "human-readable" since it doesn't do all the necessary work...
Just a tip, despite I'm much more a share share king of guy!

JSONP vs IFrame?

Soon I'll be needing to build a widget that some of our clients can embed in their own websites.
To future proof my widget the embed code would be something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/remote/file.js"></script>
<div id="my_widget"></div>
What are the strengths and weaknesses of iframes vs JSONP?
Are there any common SEO based issues with iframes?
First of all, iframes and jsonp are not mutually exclusive: one is a rendering mean, the other is a communication mean.
Your choice is rather between in-document inclusion (that is creating the widget within the host DOM) or in-iframe inclusion (that is having a new, separate DOM for the widget).
The advantage of an iframe is sandboxing: no collision between your widget and the host's javascript and css. That means you can safely:
use/define any javascript library you want
use simple html code together with simple css rules (which is a clear bonus for maintenance)
As for the drawbacks:
an iframe is heavy-weight and may seriously slow down host page rendering
the iframe will also consume much more memory and resources, which may be a problem if the host page is targetted at mobiles
So, if it is reasonable to assume people using your widget will be willing to "adapt" their pages for it, go the in-document way. If not, use an iframe but understand the limits.
As for SEO issues, as long as you dynamically create the widget (whether it's in-document or with an iframe), search engines won't see it. I dunno if that's what you want, but that's what you'll get ;)
Heres some slides from a presentation on cross domain scripting by Alex Sexton
Unfortunately its just the slides so is missing the accompanying explanations but could be helpful
If you're making API calls and only fetching data, JSONP will result in better performance. If you're rendering things, then you must use iframes. If you want to prevent the host site from access to your widget data, iframes are the way to go. But if your data is public, then JSONP will result in a simpler implementation (since iframes will mean you need to deal with resizing). On the flip side, iframes provide for good CSS sandboxing, so you won't collide with the host page's CSS.
I chose to go with JSONP. You can see the details of how I implemented it here:
if I allow partner sites to republish my RSS feed, will that boost my SEO ranking?
Some people gave their opinions on SEO. I'm still not sure, however, if it helps SEO. I just got an idea to test it though, and I'm going to carry it out right now! I'm going to make a page with just the JavaScript that renders the widget (feed in this case). Then, I'll use Google's Webmaster Tools to see if Google picks up any of the keywords in the feed content. I'll post the answer to the link above after I get the results.
Wish us the best!

