Using 'return' instead of 'else' in JavaScript - javascript

I am working on a project which requires some pretty intricate JavaScript processing. This includes a lot of nested if-elses in quite a few places. I have generally taken care to optimise JavaScript code as much as possible by reading the other tips on Stack Overflow, but I am wondering if the following two constructs would make any difference in terms of speed alone:
if(some_condition) {
// process
return ;
// Continue the else condition here
if(some_condition) {
// Process
else {
// The 'else' condition...

I always go with the first method. Easier to read, and less indentation. As far as execution speed, this will depend on the implementation, but I would expect them both to be identical.

In many languages, is a common practice to invert if statements to reduce nesting or use preconditions.
And having less nesting in your code improves code readability and maintainability.

"Profile, don't speculate!"
you're putting the cart before the horse (maintainability by humans trumps machine speed)
you should drive your optimization efforts by measurements, which means
you should time the execution yourself; it'll obviously differ in different browsers and versions
you should only optimize for speed the hotspots of your application (see point 1)

I will use the first approach when ruling out the invalid situations.
Eg. use first approach when doing some validations, and return if any of the validation fails. There's no point in going further if any of the preconditions fail. The same thing is mentioned by Martin fowler in his Refactoring book. He calls it "Replacing the conditions with Guard clauses". And it can really make the code easy to understand.
Here's a java example.
public void debitAccount(Account account, BigDecimal amount) {
if(account.user == getCurrentUser()) {
if(account.balance > amount) {
account.balance = account.balance - amount
} else {
//return or throw exception
} else {
//return or throw exception
public void debitAccount(Account account, BigDecimal amount) {
if(account.user != getCurrentUser()) return //or error
if(account.balance < amount) return //or error
account.balance = account.balance - amount

There won't be any difference in performance I would recommend the second example for maintainability. In general it's good practice to have one and only one possible exit point for a routine. It aids debugging and comprehension.

When there is only a single if..else the performance is almost the same and it doesn't matter. Use whatever is best readable in your case. But coming to nested statements using return is the most performant compared to if...else and case switch

Maybe slightly, but I don't think it will be measurable unless the rest of the function involves "heavy" (and otherwise redundant since I assume that a return would give same result) js calls.
As a side note, I think this is unnecessary micro optimization, and you should probably look elsewhere for performance improvements, ie profile the script through Chrome's developer tools or Firebug for Firefox (or similar tools) and look for slow/long running calls/functions.

While it depends on the JavaScript implementation of the running browser, there should not be any notable difference between them (in terms of speed).
The second form is preferable since breaking the flow is not a good programming habit. Also think about that in assembly, the jump instruction (micro operation) is always evaluated regardless of the evaluation.

Talking from my experiences it depends on the condition you are checking.
if .. return is fine and easy to read if you check some boolean condition (maybe setting) that would make the whole following code unnecessary to be executed at all.
if .. else is much easier to read if you expect some value to be either of two (or more) possible values and you want to execute different code for both cases. Meaning the two possible values represent conditions of equal interpretable value and should therefore be written on the same logical level.

Test it yourself. If this JavaScript is being run in the browser, it will almost certainly depend on the browser's JavaScript parsing engine.

My understanding is that would not make a difference because you branch with the if condition. So, if some_condition is true, the else portion will not be touched, even without the return.

Suppose the return takes 1ms versus the nested if taking 0.1ms (or vice-versa).
It's hard to imagine either one being nearly that slow.
Now, are you doing it more than 100 times per second?
If so, maybe you should care.

In my opinion, return and else is same for the above case but in general if-else and if()return; are very different. You can use return statement when you want to move from the present scope to parent scope while in case of if-else you can check for further if-else in the same scope.


'throw' of exception caught locally. Why is this bad? [duplicate]

To avoid all standard-answers I could have Googled on, I will provide an example you all can attack at will.
C# and Java (and too many others) have with plenty of types some of ‘overflow’ behaviour I don’t like at all (e.g type.MaxValue + type.SmallestValue == type.MinValue for example : int.MaxValue + 1 == int.MinValue).
But, seen my vicious nature, I’ll add some insult to this injury by expanding this behaviour to, let’s say an Overridden DateTime type. (I know DateTime is sealed in .NET, but for the sake of this example, I’m using a pseudo language that is exactly like C#, except for the fact that DateTime isn’t sealed).
The overridden Add method:
/// <summary>
/// Increments this date with a timespan, but loops when
/// the maximum value for datetime is exceeded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ts">The timespan to (try to) add</param>
/// <returns>The Date, incremented with the given timespan.
/// If DateTime.MaxValue is exceeded, the sum wil 'overflow' and
/// continue from DateTime.MinValue.
/// </returns>
public DateTime override Add(TimeSpan ts)
return base.Add(ts);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException nb)
// calculate how much the MaxValue is exceeded
// regular program flow
TimeSpan saldo = ts - (base.MaxValue - this);
return DateTime.MinValue.Add(saldo)
catch(Exception anyOther)
// 'real' exception handling.
Of course an if could solve this just as easy, but the fact remains that I just fail to see why you couldn’t use exceptions (logically that is, I can see that when performance is an issue that in certain cases exceptions should be avoided).
I think in many cases they are more clear than if-structures and don’t break any contract the method is making.
IMHO the “Never use them for regular program flow” reaction everybody seems to have is not that well underbuild as the strength of that reaction can justify.
Or am I mistaken?
I've read other posts, dealing with all kind of special cases, but my point is there's nothing wrong with it if you are both:
Honour the contract of your method
Shoot me.
Have you ever tried to debug a program raising five exceptions per second in the normal course of operation ?
I have.
The program was quite complex (it was a distributed calculation server), and a slight modification at one side of the program could easily break something in a totally different place.
I wish I could just have launched the program and wait for exceptions to occur, but there were around 200 exceptions during the start-up in the normal course of operations
My point : if you use exceptions for normal situations, how do you locate unusual (ie exceptional) situations ?
Of course, there are other strong reasons not to use exceptions too much, especially performance-wise
Exceptions are basically non-local goto statements with all the consequences of the latter. Using exceptions for flow control violates a principle of least astonishment, make programs hard to read (remember that programs are written for programmers first).
Moreover, this is not what compiler vendors expect. They expect exceptions to be thrown rarely, and they usually let the throw code be quite inefficient. Throwing exceptions is one of the most expensive operations in .NET.
However, some languages (notably Python) use exceptions as flow-control constructs. For example, iterators raise a StopIteration exception if there are no further items. Even standard language constructs (such as for) rely on this.
My rule of thumb is:
If you can do anything to recover from an error, catch exceptions
If the error is a very common one (eg. user tried to log in with the wrong password), use returnvalues
If you can't do anything to recover from an error, leave it uncaught (Or catch it in your main-catcher to do some semi-graceful shutdown of the application)
The problem I see with exceptions is from a purely syntax point of view (I'm pretty sure the perfomance overhead is minimal). I don't like try-blocks all over the place.
Take this example:
DoSomeMethod(); //Can throw Exception1
DoSomeOtherMethod(); //Can throw Exception1 and Exception2
//Okay something messed up, but is it SomeMethod or SomeOtherMethod?
.. Another example could be when you need to assign something to a handle using a factory, and that factory could throw an exception:
Class1 myInstance;
myInstance = Class1Factory.Build();
// Couldn't instantiate class, do something else..
myInstance.BestMethodEver(); // Will throw a compile-time error, saying that myInstance is uninitalized, which it potentially is.. :(
Soo, personally, I think you should keep exceptions for rare error-conditions (out of memory etc.) and use returnvalues (valueclasses, structs or enums) to do your error checking instead.
Hope I understood your question correct :)
A first reaction to a lot of answers :
you're writing for the programmers and the principle of least astonishment
Of course! But an if just isnot more clear all the time.
It shouldn't be astonishing eg : divide (1/x) catch (divisionByZero) is more clear than any if to me (at Conrad and others) . The fact this kind of programming isn't expected is purely conventional, and indeed, still relevant. Maybe in my example an if would be clearer.
But DivisionByZero and FileNotFound for that matter are clearer than ifs.
Of course if it's less performant and needed a zillion time per sec, you should of course avoid it, but still i haven't read any good reason to avoid the overal design.
As far as the principle of least astonishment goes : there's a danger of circular reasoning here : suppose a whole community uses a bad design, this design will become expected! Therefore the principle cannot be a grail and should be concidered carefully.
exceptions for normal situations, how do you locate unusual (ie exceptional) situations ?
In many reactions sth. like this shines trough. Just catch them, no? Your method should be clear, well documented, and hounouring it's contract. I don't get that question I must admit.
Debugging on all exceptions : the same, that's just done sometimes because the design not to use exceptions is common. My question was : why is it common in the first place?
Before exceptions, in C, there were setjmp and longjmp that could be used to accomplish a similar unrolling of the stack frame.
Then the same construct was given a name: "Exception". And most of the answers rely on the meaning of this name to argue about its usage, claiming that exceptions are intended to be used in exceptional conditions. That was never the intent in the original longjmp. There were just situations where you needed to break control flow across many stack frames.
Exceptions are slightly more general in that you can use them within the same stack frame too. This raises analogies with goto that I believe are wrong. Gotos are a tightly coupled pair (and so are setjmp and longjmp). Exceptions follow a loosely coupled publish/subscribe that is much cleaner! Therefore using them within the same stack frame is hardly the same thing as using gotos.
The third source of confusion relates to whether they are checked or unchecked exceptions. Of course, unchecked exceptions seem particularly awful to use for control flow and perhaps a lot of other things.
Checked exceptions however are great for control flow, once you get over all the Victorian hangups and live a little.
My favorite usage is a sequence of throw new Success() in a long fragment of code that tries one thing after the other until it finds what it is looking for. Each thing -- each piece of logic -- may have arbritrary nesting so break's are out as also any kind of condition tests. The if-else pattern is brittle. If I edit out an else or mess up the syntax in some other way, then there is a hairy bug.
Using throw new Success() linearizes the code flow. I use locally defined Success classes -- checked of course -- so that if I forget to catch it the code won't compile. And I don't catch another method's Successes.
Sometimes my code checks for one thing after the other and only succeeds if everything is OK. In this case I have a similar linearization using throw new Failure().
Using a separate function messes with the natural level of compartmentalization. So the return solution is not optimal. I prefer to have a page or two of code in one place for cognitive reasons. I don't believe in ultra-finely divided code.
What JVMs or compilers do is less relevant to me unless there is a hotspot. I cannot believe there is any fundamental reason for compilers to not detect locally thrown and caught Exceptions and simply treat them as very efficient gotos at the machine code level.
As far as using them across functions for control flow -- i. e. for common cases rather than exceptional ones -- I cannot see how they would be less efficient than multiple break, condition tests, returns to wade through three stack frames as opposed to just restore the stack pointer.
I personally do not use the pattern across stack frames and I can see how it would require design sophistication to do so elegantly. But used sparingly it should be fine.
Lastly, regarding surprising virgin programmers, it is not a compelling reason. If you gently introduce them to the practice, they will learn to love it. I remember C++ used to surprise and scare the heck out of C programmers.
The standard anwser is that exceptions are not regular and should be used in exceptional cases.
One reason, which is important to me, is that when I read a try-catch control structure in a software I maintain or debug, I try to find out why the original coder used an exception handling instead of an if-else structure. And I expect to find a good answer.
Remember that you write code not only for the computer but also for other coders. There is a semantic associated to an exception handler that you cannot throw away just because the machine doesn't mind.
Josh Bloch deals with this topic extensively in Effective Java. His suggestions are illuminating and should apply to .NET as well (except for the details).
In particular, exceptions should be used for exceptional circumstances. The reasons for this are usability-related, mainly. For a given method to be maximally usable, its input and output conditions should be maximally constrained.
For example, the second method is easier to use than the first:
* Adds two positive numbers.
* #param addend1 greater than zero
* #param addend2 greater than zero
* #throws AdditionException if addend1 or addend2 is less than or equal to zero
int addPositiveNumbers(int addend1, int addend2) throws AdditionException{
if( addend1 <= 0 ){
throw new AdditionException("addend1 is <= 0");
else if( addend2 <= 0 ){
throw new AdditionException("addend2 is <= 0");
return addend1 + addend2;
* Adds two positive numbers.
* #param addend1 greater than zero
* #param addend2 greater than zero
public int addPositiveNumbers(int addend1, int addend2) {
if( addend1 <= 0 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addend1 is <= 0");
else if( addend2 <= 0 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addend2 is <= 0");
return addend1 + addend2;
In either case, you need to check to make sure that the caller is using your API appropriately. But in the second case, you require it (implicitly). The soft Exceptions will still be thrown if the user didn't read the javadoc, but:
You don't need to document it.
You don't need to test for it (depending upon how aggresive your
unit testing strategy is).
You don't require the caller to handle three use cases.
The ground-level point is that Exceptions should not be used as return codes, largely because you've complicated not only YOUR API, but the caller's API as well.
Doing the right thing comes at a cost, of course. The cost is that everyone needs to understand that they need to read and follow the documentation. Hopefully that is the case anyway.
How about performance? While load testing a .NET web app we topped out at 100 simulated users per web server until we fixed a commonly-occuring exception and that number increased to 500 users.
I think that you can use Exceptions for flow control. There is, however, a flipside of this technique. Creating Exceptions is a costly thing, because they have to create a stack trace. So if you want to use Exceptions more often than for just signalling an exceptional situation you have to make sure that building the stack traces doesn't negatively influence your performance.
The best way to cut down the cost of creating exceptions is to override the fillInStackTrace() method like this:
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; }
Such an exception will have no stacktraces filled in.
Here are best practices I described in my blog post:
Throw an exception to state an unexpected situation in your software.
Use return values for input validation.
If you know how to deal with exceptions a library throws, catch them at the lowest level possible.
If you have an unexpected exception, discard current operation completely. Don’t pretend you know how to deal with them.
I don't really see how you're controlling program flow in the code you cited. You'll never see another exception besides the ArgumentOutOfRange exception. (So your second catch clause will never be hit). All you're doing is using an extremely costly throw to mimic an if statement.
Also you aren't performing the more sinister of operations where you just throw an exception purely for it to be caught somewhere else to perform flow control. You're actually handling an exceptional case.
Apart from the reasons stated, one reason not to use exceptions for flow control is that it can greatly complicate the debugging process.
For example, when I'm trying to track down a bug in VS I'll typically turn on "break on all exceptions". If you're using exceptions for flow control then I'm going to be breaking in the debugger on a regular basis and will have to keep ignoring these non-exceptional exceptions until I get to the real problem. This is likely to drive someone mad!!
Lets assume you have a method that does some calculations. There are many input parameters it has to validate, then to return a number greater then 0.
Using return values to signal validation error, it's simple: if method returned a number lesser then 0, an error occured. How to tell then which parameter didn't validate?
I remember from my C days a lot of functions returned error codes like this:
-1 - x lesser then MinX
-2 - x greater then MaxX
-3 - y lesser then MinY
Is it really less readable then throwing and catching an exception?
Because the code is hard to read, you may have troubles debugging it, you will introduce new bugs when fixing bugs after a long time, it is more expensive in terms of resources and time, and it annoys you if you are debugging your code and the debugger halts on the occurence of every exception ;)
If you are using exception handlers for control flow, you are being too general and lazy. As someone else mentioned, you know something happened if you are handling processing in the handler, but what exactly? Essentially you are using the exception for an else statement, if you are using it for control flow.
If you don't know what possible state could occur, then you can use an exception handler for unexpected states, for example when you have to use a third-party library, or you have to catch everything in the UI to show a nice error message and log the exception.
However, if you do know what might go wrong, and you don't put an if statement or something to check for it, then you are just being lazy. Allowing the exception handler to be the catch-all for stuff you know could happen is lazy, and it will come back to haunt you later, because you will be trying to fix a situation in your exception handler based on a possibly false assumption.
If you put logic in your exception handler to determine what exactly happened, then you would be quite stupid for not putting that logic inside the try block.
Exception handlers are the last resort, for when you run out of ideas/ways to stop something from going wrong, or things are beyond your ability to control. Like, the server is down and times out and you can't prevent that exception from being thrown.
Finally, having all the checks done up front shows what you know or expect will occur and makes it explicit. Code should be clear in intent. What would you rather read?
You can use a hammer's claw to turn a screw, just like you can use exceptions for control flow. That doesn't mean it is the intended usage of the feature. The if statement expresses conditions, whose intended usage is controlling flow.
If you are using a feature in an unintended way while choosing to not use the feature designed for that purpose, there will be an associated cost. In this case, clarity and performance suffer for no real added value. What does using exceptions buy you over the widely-accepted if statement?
Said another way: just because you can doesn't mean you should.
As others have mentioned numerously, the principle of least astonishment will forbid that you use exceptions excessively for control flow only purposes. On the other hand, no rule is 100% correct, and there are always those cases where an exception is "just the right tool" - much like goto itself, by the way, which ships in the form of break and continue in languages like Java, which are often the perfect way to jump out of heavily nested loops, which aren't always avoidable.
The following blog post explains a rather complex but also rather interesting use-case for a non-local ControlFlowException:
It explains how inside of jOOQ (a SQL abstraction library for Java), such exceptions are occasionally used to abort the SQL rendering process early when some "rare" condition is met.
Examples of such conditions are:
Too many bind values are encountered. Some databases do not support arbitrary numbers of bind values in their SQL statements (SQLite: 999, Ingres 10.1.0: 1024, Sybase ASE 15.5: 2000, SQL Server 2008: 2100). In those cases, jOOQ aborts the SQL rendering phase and re-renders the SQL statement with inlined bind values. Example:
// Pseudo-code attaching a "handler" that will
// abort query rendering once the maximum number
// of bind values was exceeded:
String sql;
try {
// In most cases, this will succeed:
sql = query.render();
catch (ReRenderWithInlinedVariables e) {
sql = query.renderWithInlinedBindValues();
If we explicitly extracted the bind values from the query AST to count them every time, we'd waste valuable CPU cycles for those 99.9% of the queries that don't suffer from this problem.
Some logic is available only indirectly via an API that we want to execute only "partially". The method generates an INSERT or UPDATE statement, depending on the Record's internal flags. From the "outside", we don't know what kind of logic is contained in store() (e.g. optimistic locking, event listener handling, etc.) so we don't want to repeat that logic when we store several records in a batch statement, where we'd like to have store() only generate the SQL statement, not actually execute it. Example:
// Pseudo-code attaching a "handler" that will
// prevent query execution and throw exceptions
// instead:
// Collect the SQL for every store operation
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
try {
// The attached handler will result in this
// exception being thrown rather than actually
// storing records to the database
catch (QueryCollectorException e) {
// The exception is thrown after the rendered
// SQL statement is available
If we had externalised the store() logic into "re-usable" API that can be customised to optionally not execute the SQL, we'd be looking into creating a rather hard to maintain, hardly re-usable API.
In essence, our usage of these non-local gotos is just along the lines of what [Mason Wheeler][5] said in his answer:
"I just encountered a situation that I cannot deal with properly at this point, because I don't have enough context to handle it, but the routine that called me (or something further up the call stack) ought to know how to handle it."
Both usages of ControlFlowExceptions were rather easy to implement compared to their alternatives, allowing us to reuse a wide range of logic without refactoring it out of the relevant internals.
But the feeling of this being a bit of a surprise to future maintainers remains. The code feels rather delicate and while it was the right choice in this case, we'd always prefer not to use exceptions for local control flow, where it is easy to avoid using ordinary branching through if - else.
Typically there is nothing wrong, per se, with handling an exception at a low level. An exception IS a valid message that provides a lot of detail for why an operation cannot be performed. And if you can handle it, you ought to.
In general if you know there is a high probability of failure that you can check for... you should do the check... i.e. if(obj != null) obj.method()
In your case, i'm not familiar enough with the C# library to know if date time has an easy way to check whether a timestamp is out of bounds. If it does, just call if(.isvalid(ts))
otherwise your code is basically fine.
So, basically it comes down to whichever way creates cleaner code... if the operation to guard against an expected exception is more complex than just handling the exception; than you have my permission to handle the exception instead of creating complex guards everywhere.
You might be interested in having a look at Common Lisp's condition system which is a sort of generalization of exceptions done right. Because you can unwind the stack or not in a controlled way, you get "restarts" as well, which are extremely handy.
This doesn't have anything much to do with best practices in other languages, but it shows you what can be done with some design thought in (roughly) the direction you are thinking of.
Of course there are still performance considerations if you're bouncing up and down the stack like a yo-yo, but it's a much more general idea than "oh crap, lets bail" kind of approach that most catch/throw exception systems embody.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using Exceptions for flow-control. Exceptions are somewhat similar to continuations and in statically typed languages, Exceptions are more powerful than continuations, so, if you need continuations but your language doesn't have them, you can use Exceptions to implement them.
Well, actually, if you need continuations and your language doesn't have them, you chose the wrong language and you should rather be using a different one. But sometimes you don't have a choice: client-side web programming is the prime example – there's just no way to get around JavaScript.
An example: Microsoft Volta is a project to allow writing web applications in straight-forward .NET, and let the framework take care of figuring out which bits need to run where. One consequence of this is that Volta needs to be able to compile CIL to JavaScript, so that you can run code on the client. However, there is a problem: .NET has multithreading, JavaScript doesn't. So, Volta implements continuations in JavaScript using JavaScript Exceptions, then implements .NET Threads using those continuations. That way, Volta applications that use threads can be compiled to run in an unmodified browser – no Silverlight needed.
But you won't always know what happens in the Method/s that you call. You won't know exactly where the exception was thrown. Without examining the exception object in greater detail....
I feel that there is nothing wrong with your example. On the contrary, it would be a sin to ignore the exception thrown by the called function.
In the JVM, throwing an exception is not that expensive, only creating the exception with new xyzException(...), because the latter involves a stack walk. So if you have some exceptions created in advance, you may throw them many times without costs. Of course, this way you can't pass data along with the exception, but I think that is a bad thing to do anyway.
There are a few general mechanisms via which a language could allow for a method to exit without returning a value and unwind to the next "catch" block:
Have the method examine the stack frame to determine the call site, and use the metadata for the call site to find either information about a try block within the calling method, or the location where the calling method stored the address of its caller; in the latter situation, examine metadata for the caller's caller to determine in the same fashion as the immediate caller, repeating until one finds a try block or the stack is empty. This approach adds very little overhead to the no-exception case (it does preclude some optimizations) but is expensive when an exception occurs.
Have the method return a "hidden" flag which distinguishes a normal return from an exception, and have the caller check that flag and branch to an "exception" routine if it's set. This routine adds 1-2 instructions to the no-exception case, but relatively little overhead when an exception occurs.
Have the caller place exception-handling information or code at a fixed address relative to the stacked return address. For example, with the ARM, instead of using the instruction "BL subroutine", one could use the sequence:
adr lr,next_instr
b subroutine
b handle_exception
To exit normally, the subroutine would simply do bx lr or pop {pc}; in case of an abnormal exit, the subroutine would either subtract 4 from LR before performing the return or use sub lr,#4,pc (depending upon the ARM variation, execution mode, etc.) This approach will malfunction very badly if the caller is not designed to accommodate it.
A language or framework which uses checked exceptions might benefit from having those handled with a mechanism like #2 or #3 above, while unchecked exceptions are handled using #1. Although the implementation of checked exceptions in Java is rather nuisancesome, they would not be a bad concept if there were a means by which a call site could say, essentially, "This method is declared as throwing XX, but I don't expect it ever to do so; if it does, rethrow as an "unchecked" exception. In a framework where checked exceptions were handled in such fashion, they could be an effective means of flow control for things like parsing methods which in some contexts may have a high likelihood of failure, but where failure should return fundamentally different information than success. I'm unaware of any frameworks that use such a pattern, however. Instead, the more common pattern is to use the first approach above (minimal cost for the no-exception case, but high cost when exceptions are thrown) for all exceptions.
One aesthetic reason:
A try always comes with a catch, whereas an if doesn't have to come with an else.
if (PerformCheckSucceeded())
With try/catch, it becomes much more verbose.
That's 6 lines of code too many.

In Javascript, is it expensive to use try-catch blocks even if an exception is never thrown?

Is it "slow" to use several try-catch blocks when no exceptions are thrown in any of them? My question is the same as this one, but for JavaScript.
Suppose I have 20 functions which have try-catch blocks in them and another function that calls every one of those 20 functions where none of them throw an exception. Will my code execute slower or perform much worse because of this try-catch blocks?
Are you doing typical CRUD UI code? Use try catches, use loops that go to 10000 for no reason sprinkled in your code, hell, use angular/ember - you will not notice any performance issue.
If you are doing low level library, physics simulations, games, server-side etc then the never throwing try-catch block wouldn't normally matter at all but the problem is that V8 didn't support it in their optimizing compiler until version 6 of the engine, so the entire containing function that syntactically contains a try catch will not be optimized. You can easily work around this though, by creating a helper function like tryCatch:
function tryCatch(fun) {
try {
return fun();
catch(e) {
tryCatch.errorObj.e = e;
return tryCatch.errorObj;
tryCatch.errorObj = {e: null};
var result = tryCatch(someFunctionThatCouldThrow);
if(result === tryCatch.errorObj) {
//The function threw
var e = result.e;
else {
//result is the returned value
After V8 version 6 (shipped with Node 8.3 and latest Chrome), the performance of code inside try-catch is the same as that of normal code.
The original question asked about the cost of try/catch when an error was not thrown. There is definitely an impact when protecting a block of code with try/catch, but the impact of try/catch will vanish quickly as the code being protected becomes even slightly complex.
Consider this test:
A simple increment runs at 356,800,000 iterations per second
The same increment within a try/catch is 93,500,000 iterations per second. That's on overhead of 75% due to try/catch.
BUT, a trivial function call runs at 112,200,000 iterations per second.
2 trivial function calls run at 61,300,000 iterations per second.
An un-exercised try in this test takes slightly more time than one trivial function call. That's hardly a speed penalty that matters except in the inner-most loop of something really intense like an FFT.
The case you want to avoid is the case where an exception is actually thrown. That is immensely slower, as shown in the above link.
Edit: Those numbers are for Chrome on my machine. In Firefox there is no significant difference between an unexercised try and no protection at all. There's essentially zero penalty to using try/catch if no exception is thrown.
The try-catch block is said to be expensive. However if critical performance is not an issue, using it is not necessarily a concern.
The penalty IMO is:
inappropriate in many cases
ineffective when it comes to async programming
Readability: plumbing your code with plenty of try-catch is ugly and distracting
inappropriate: it's a bad idea to insert such block if your code is not subject to exception-crash. Insert it only if you expect a failure in your code. Take a look at the following topic: When to use try/catch blocks?
Async: the try-catch block is synchronous and is not effective when it comes to async programming. During an ajax request you handle both the error and success events in dedicated callbacks. No need for try-catch.
Hope this helps,
I attempt to provide an answer based on concrete benchmark results. For that I wrote a simple benchmark that compares try-catch to various if-else conditions from simple to more complex. I understand that benchmarks might change a lot depending on the platform. Please comment if you get different results. See the try-catch benchmark here.
First, I try to represent the test suite here in a compact manner. See the link above for full details. There are four test cases, referred later by (index):
(1) try-catch block that calls a function with a bit of trigonometric math. No error is ever thrown.
(2) if-else block that checks the existence of the function by 'foo' in lib and then calls the function.
(3) if-else block that checks the existence of the function by typeof lib['foo'] === 'function' and then calls the function.
(4) if-else block that checks the existence of the function by, 'foo') and then calls the function.
I ran the benchmark a few times on Chrome 87. Although the actual numbers changed from time to time, the results were consistent and can be roughly summarised as follows:
The try-catch (1) and if-else (2) were almost equivalent in run time. The try-catch (2) was sometimes slower by 1% to 2%.
The if-else (3) was 75% slower than try-catch (1) or if-else (2).
The if-else (4) was 90% slower than try-catch (1) or if-else (2).
To clarify, 75% slower means that if the fastest case took 1.0 secs then the 75% slower execution took 1.75 seconds.
As a conclusion, using try-catch in the case where error is never thrown seems to be as efficient as checking any simple condition. If the condition has anything more complex, try-catch is significantly faster.
As a personal note, the conclusion is in line with what I was taught at university. Although it was in the context of C++ the same lesson seems to apply here. If I remember correctly, my lecturer said that try-block was designed to be very efficient, almost invisible efficiency-wise. However, it was the catch-block that was slow and I mean really slow. If an error was thrown then the handling with catch-block took hundreds or even thousands times longer than what could be achieved with if-else block. Therefore, keep your exceptions exceptional.

JS switch statements: Does most-likely-case optimisation matter?

Assuming this construct
switch(foo) {
case "foo":
// ...
case "bar":
// ...
// ...
or a similar conditional block (generic logical operators only), would it make sense, performance-wise, to actually put the most likely condition first?
And if so, what's the threshold where it begins to make sense vs. the "trouble" to figure out what the most likely condition will be?
This sort of micro-optimization will cause more problems than it will solve. With Javascript, it's relatively hard to assess such constructs due to the many implementation details that JS engines abstract. Profiling won't probably be very insightful either.
JS is a scripting language, not C. Make your code readable and concise — incidentally, this should always be your mantra, no matter what language you write in.
The answer is yes, it would make sense. If you knew something had a much higher percentage of being true why not put it in the first condition? I believe it's sound programming even in a scripting language.
Just because it makes sense, though, doesn't make it necessary. If it's code that isn't run frequently, it's negligible how important the order matters. However, code within a large loop with several condition statements could slow down an algorithm slightly.
The time to worry about it would be when you notice a lag. Even then, refactoring the order of conditions would probably be on the bottom of my list of things to do.
The threshold where it would buy you anything is if, when you randomly pause it several times, you see it in the process of executing that switch statement, as opposed to something else entirely.

Is it better to wrap code into an 'IF' statement, or is it better to 'short circuit' the function and return? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm doing some coding in JavaScript, and I am having a lot of instances where I have to check some stuff before I proceed. I got into the habit of returning early in the function, but I'm not sure if I am doing this right. I am not sure if it have an impact on the complexity of my code as it grows.
I want to know from more experienced JavaScript coders, what is a better general practice out of the following two examples. Or is it irrelevant, and they are both OK ways of writing this particular IF block?
1) Returning Early or "Short Circuit" as I call it (Guard Clause).
ServeAlcohol = function(age)
if(age < 19)
//...Code here for serving alcohol.....
2) Wrap code into an IF statement.
ServeAlcohol = function(age)
if(age >= 19)
//...Code here for serving alcohol.....
Usually I have input-validation return right away. Imagine if you had a bunch of conditionals, you'd get a mess of nested ifs right away.
Generally once I get past input validation I avoid multiple returns, but for validation I return right away. Keeps it cleaner IMHO.
I prefer the first one, because it's a guard condition and you exit directly. But I don't think there is performance issues with either, just that it's your preference... Both will return execution directly...
Personal choice. For me, if there are some "stop" conditions I can check at the beginning of the method, I prefer using the "return" pattern. But only if I can do them all in the beginning of the method.
FWIW, I'll offer a contrary opinion. Structured Programming suggests that a function should have one point of exit. I think there are some compiler optimizations that are not available if you use early returns, break statements, goto statements and the like. Also more branches in your code means its harder to fill the CPU pipeline resulting in a possible performance reduction... There are also reasons for not returning early that deal with rigorous (i.e. algebreic) reasoning about correctness.
Structured Programming wiki article
It really depends. I do like one point of return for simple functions, but anything longer than 10-20 lines and I'll start breaking things up for the sake of code clarity.
I prefer the first one, because it's the process of elimination, where you return out of the function before the program even has to step through the next round of logic.
I call it my prereq check - where the function won't execute if it doesn't meet the prereq check
In fact, I do this all the time, for example, the classic one is where i have a function that's expecting an integer and i get a string, i check at the top of the function if it's an integer, NOT if it's not a string or not another object/type, that's just stupid in my book.
It's like a college application to Harvard, a prerequisite:
'I don't want to even want you to come for an interview if you don't have a 3.5GPA or higher!'
The first one is usually preferred simply because it reduces the needed indentation (which could get way out of hand). There is no real performance difference.
There are some people who think that each function should have a single exit point. However, I find it clearer when quick conditional checks like the one you mentioned are done at the beginning. It also avoid some code from being unnecessarily run.
A general rule I've heard is basically fail early and fail often. You never know when a single line of code is pointing to some super-overloaded setter that's working way harder than you might think. If you can prevent that line of code from being executed - say, by returning early - then your code is going to be exponentially more efficient.
In other words, if you can return early and keep code from executing, do it at every turn - especially if you are concerned at all about performance. This might not be as important in something like JS, I suppose - I'm more of an AS3 guy - but the same logic applies.
If you have a lot of cases, it might be best also to trace out the point of failure in each one - in your example, trace out that this returned early because the age was too low. That'll help other developers who go in and attempt to debug your code, they'll know where things fail and why.
Hope that helps! :)
Alternatively, since JavaScript is scheme in disguise
HandleRequestForAlcohol = function(age) {
( IsUnderAge(age) ? RespondUnderAge : ServeAlcohol )();
The idiom for selecting the function isn't that important, rather that if you are doing complex validation and then have multiple processes, factor these to separate functions rather than making one big one, unless it's in a very performance critical bit of code.
In my opinion, as a best practice, I think it is more important to consistently use braces with your control blocks, even if their body is only one line.
if ( condition ) {
if ( condition ) {
Not consistent
if ( condition ) {
if ( condition )
But even still, this is completely subjective.
As for when to break out of a function, and levels of indentation, that's subjective too. Research and experience have shown that exiting a function at only one point (the end) is easier to debug, optimize, etc. On the other hand, multiple levels of indentation can make a function difficult to read.
If there are multiple / complex guards, I would use the return. Otherwise in the case of one simple condition (in a smallish function) then I prefer using an if.

Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea?

The eval function is a powerful and easy way to dynamically generate code, so what are the caveats?
Improper use of eval opens up your
code for injection attacks
Debugging can be more challenging
(no line numbers, etc.)
eval'd code executes slower (no opportunity to compile/cache eval'd code)
Edit: As #Jeff Walden points out in comments, #3 is less true today than it was in 2008. However, while some caching of compiled scripts may happen this will only be limited to scripts that are eval'd repeated with no modification. A more likely scenario is that you are eval'ing scripts that have undergone slight modification each time and as such could not be cached. Let's just say that SOME eval'd code executes more slowly.
eval isn't always evil. There are times where it's perfectly appropriate.
However, eval is currently and historically massively over-used by people who don't know what they're doing. That includes people writing JavaScript tutorials, unfortunately, and in some cases this can indeed have security consequences - or, more often, simple bugs. So the more we can do to throw a question mark over eval, the better. Any time you use eval you need to sanity-check what you're doing, because chances are you could be doing it a better, safer, cleaner way.
To give an all-too-typical example, to set the colour of an element with an id stored in the variable 'potato':
eval('document.' + potato + '.style.color = "red"');
If the authors of the kind of code above had a clue about the basics of how JavaScript objects work, they'd have realised that square brackets can be used instead of literal dot-names, obviating the need for eval:
document[potato].style.color = 'red';
...which is much easier to read as well as less potentially buggy.
(But then, someone who /really/ knew what they were doing would say:
document.getElementById(potato).style.color = 'red';
which is more reliable than the dodgy old trick of accessing DOM elements straight out of the document object.)
I believe it's because it can execute any JavaScript function from a string. Using it makes it easier for people to inject rogue code into the application.
It's generally only an issue if you're passing eval user input.
Two points come to mind:
Security (but as long as you generate the string to be evaluated yourself, this might be a non-issue)
Performance: until the code to be executed is unknown, it cannot be optimized. (about javascript and performance, certainly Steve Yegge's presentation)
Passing user input to eval() is a security risk, but also each invocation of eval() creates a new instance of the JavaScript interpreter. This can be a resource hog.
Mainly, it's a lot harder to maintain and debug. It's like a goto. You can use it, but it makes it harder to find problems and harder on the people who may need to make changes later.
One thing to keep in mind is that you can often use eval() to execute code in an otherwise restricted environment - social networking sites that block specific JavaScript functions can sometimes be fooled by breaking them up in an eval block -
eval('al' + 'er' + 't(\'' + 'hi there!' + '\')');
So if you're looking to run some JavaScript code where it might not otherwise be allowed (Myspace, I'm looking at you...) then eval() can be a useful trick.
However, for all the reasons mentioned above, you shouldn't use it for your own code, where you have complete control - it's just not necessary, and better-off relegated to the 'tricky JavaScript hacks' shelf.
Unless you let eval() a dynamic content (through cgi or input), it is as safe and solid as all other JavaScript in your page.
Along with the rest of the answers, I don't think eval statements can have advanced minimization.
It is a possible security risk, it has a different scope of execution, and is quite inefficient, as it creates an entirely new scripting environment for the execution of the code. See here for some more info: eval.
It is quite useful, though, and used with moderation can add a lot of good functionality.
Unless you are 100% sure that the code being evaluated is from a trusted source (usually your own application) then it's a surefire way of exposing your system to a cross-site scripting attack.
It's not necessarily that bad provided you know what context you're using it in.
If your application is using eval() to create an object from some JSON which has come back from an XMLHttpRequest to your own site, created by your trusted server-side code, it's probably not a problem.
Untrusted client-side JavaScript code can't do that much anyway. Provided the thing you're executing eval() on has come from a reasonable source, you're fine.
It greatly reduces your level of confidence about security.
If you want the user to input some logical functions and evaluate for AND the OR then the JavaScript eval function is perfect. I can accept two strings and eval(uate) string1 === string2, etc.
If you spot the use of eval() in your code, remember the mantra “eval() is evil.”
function takes an arbitrary string and executes it as JavaScript code. When the code in
question is known beforehand (not determined at runtime), there’s no reason to use
If the code is dynamically generated at runtime, there’s often a better way to
achieve the goal without eval().
For example, just using square bracket notation to
access dynamic properties is better and simpler:
// antipattern
var property = "name";
alert(eval("obj." + property));
// preferred
var property = "name";
Using eval() also has security implications, because you might be executing code (for
example coming from the network) that has been tampered with.
This is a common antipattern when dealing with a JSON response from an Ajax request.
In those cases
it’s better to use the browsers’ built-in methods to parse the JSON response to make
sure it’s safe and valid. For browsers that don’t support JSON.parse() natively, you can
use a library from
It’s also important to remember that passing strings to setInterval(), setTimeout(),
and the Function() constructor is, for the most part, similar to using eval() and therefore
should be avoided.
Behind the scenes, JavaScript still has to evaluate and execute
the string you pass as programming code:
// antipatterns
setTimeout("myFunc()", 1000);
setTimeout("myFunc(1, 2, 3)", 1000);
// preferred
setTimeout(myFunc, 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
myFunc(1, 2, 3);
}, 1000);
Using the new Function() constructor is similar to eval() and should be approached
with care. It could be a powerful construct but is often misused.
If you absolutely must
use eval(), you can consider using new Function() instead.
There is a small potential
benefit because the code evaluated in new Function() will be running in a local function
scope, so any variables defined with var in the code being evaluated will not become
globals automatically.
Another way to prevent automatic globals is to wrap the
eval() call into an immediate function.
EDIT: As Benjie's comment suggests, this no longer seems to be the case in chrome v108, it would seem that chrome can now handle garbage collection of evaled scripts.
Garbage collection
The browsers garbage collection has no idea if the code that's eval'ed can be removed from memory so it just keeps it stored until the page is reloaded.
Not too bad if your users are only on your page shortly, but it can be a problem for webapp's.
Here's a script to demo the problem
document.getElementById("evalLeak").onclick = (e) => {
for(let x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
Something as simple as the above code causes a small amount of memory to be store until the app dies.
This is worse when the evaled script is a giant function, and called on interval.
Besides the possible security issues if you are executing user-submitted code, most of the time there's a better way that doesn't involve re-parsing the code every time it's executed. Anonymous functions or object properties can replace most uses of eval and are much safer and faster.
This may become more of an issue as the next generation of browsers come out with some flavor of a JavaScript compiler. Code executed via Eval may not perform as well as the rest of your JavaScript against these newer browsers. Someone should do some profiling.
This is one of good articles talking about eval and how it is not an evil:
I’m not saying you should go run out and start using eval()
everywhere. In fact, there are very few good use cases for running
eval() at all. There are definitely concerns with code clarity,
debugability, and certainly performance that should not be overlooked.
But you shouldn’t be afraid to use it when you have a case where
eval() makes sense. Try not using it first, but don’t let anyone scare
you into thinking your code is more fragile or less secure when eval()
is used appropriately.
eval() is very powerful and can be used to execute a JS statement or evaluate an expression. But the question isn't about the uses of eval() but lets just say some how the string you running with eval() is affected by a malicious party. At the end you will be running malicious code. With power comes great responsibility. So use it wisely is you are using it.
This isn't related much to eval() function but this article has pretty good information:
If you are looking for the basics of eval() look here:
The JavaScript Engine has a number of performance optimizations that it performs during the compilation phase. Some of these boil down to being able to essentially statically analyze the code as it lexes, and pre-determine where all the variable and function declarations are, so that it takes less effort to resolve identifiers during execution.
But if the Engine finds an eval(..) in the code, it essentially has to assume that all its awareness of identifier location may be invalid, because it cannot know at lexing time exactly what code you may pass to eval(..) to modify the lexical scope, or the contents of the object you may pass to with to create a new lexical scope to be consulted.
In other words, in the pessimistic sense, most of those optimizations it would make are pointless if eval(..) is present, so it simply doesn't perform the optimizations at all.
This explains it all.
Reference :
It's not always a bad idea. Take for example, code generation. I recently wrote a library called Hyperbars which bridges the gap between virtual-dom and handlebars. It does this by parsing a handlebars template and converting it to hyperscript which is subsequently used by virtual-dom. The hyperscript is generated as a string first and before returning it, eval() it to turn it into executable code. I have found eval() in this particular situation the exact opposite of evil.
Basically from
{{#each names}}
To this
(function (state) {
var Runtime = Hyperbars.Runtime;
var context = state;
return h('div', {}, [Runtime.each(context['names'], context, function (context, parent, options) {
return [h('span', {}, [options['#index'], context])]
The performance of eval() isn't an issue in a situation like this because you only need to interpret the generated string once and then reuse the executable output many times over.
You can see how the code generation was achieved if you're curious here.
I would go as far as to say that it doesn't really matter if you use eval() in javascript which is run in browsers.*(caveat)
All modern browsers have a developer console where you can execute arbitrary javascript anyway and any semi-smart developer can look at your JS source and put whatever bits of it they need to into the dev console to do what they wish.
*As long as your server endpoints have the correct validation & sanitisation of user supplied values, it should not matter what gets parsed and eval'd in your client side javascript.
If you were to ask if it's suitable to use eval() in PHP however, the answer is NO, unless you whitelist any values which may be passed to your eval statement.
I won't attempt to refute anything said heretofore, but i will offer this use of eval() that (as far as I know) can't be done any other way. There's probably other ways to code this, and probably ways to optimize it, but this is done longhand and without any bells and whistles for clarity sake to illustrate a use of eval that really doesn't have any other alternatives. That is: dynamical (or more accurately) programmically-created object names (as opposed to values).
//Place this in a common/global JS lib:
var NS = function(namespace){
var namespaceParts = String(namespace).split(".");
var namespaceToTest = "";
for(var i = 0; i < namespaceParts.length; i++){
if(i === 0){
namespaceToTest = namespaceParts[i];
namespaceToTest = namespaceToTest + "." + namespaceParts[i];
if(eval('typeof ' + namespaceToTest) === "undefined"){
eval(namespaceToTest + ' = {}');
return eval(namespace);
//Then, use this in your class definition libs:
NS('Root.Namespace').Class = function(settings){
//Class constructor code here
//some generic method:
Root.Namespace.Class.prototype.Method = function(args){
//Code goes here
//this.MyOtherMethod("foo")); // => "foo"
return true;
//Then, in your applications, use this to instantiate an instance of your class:
var anInstanceOfClass = new Root.Namespace.Class(settings);
EDIT: by the way, I wouldn't suggest (for all the security reasons pointed out heretofore) that you base you object names on user input. I can't imagine any good reason you'd want to do that though. Still, thought I'd point it out that it wouldn't be a good idea :)

