How to detect struckthrough text using JavaScript - javascript

I have a form which presents the user a list of checkboxes, some of which have the text label struckthrough some don't depending on initial conditions. This is functioning fine. During the form validation however, I would like to be able to detect which are struckthrough. I can figure out how to check if they're enabled, but whether the label is struckthrough is eluding me. Any ideas?

You'll have to use the DOM methods (or jQuery) to look at the parent element of the text to see if its a <del> tag.
Can you provide some sample source so I might be able to elaborate with an example.

Doing this with jQuery just makes so much more sense then trying to mess around with plain Javascript. Here is what you need, basically:
striked = $("strike"); // As mentioned, you should use `del` .. strike is depreciated
$.each(striked, function(i, el) {
alert($(el).html() + " is striked through. What do you want to do with it?");
Not sure what you want, but that would detect all elements with strike/del on your page. You can also change the search a bit, to restrict it to only within a certain form/div/whatever like so:
striked = $("strike", $("#myform_id"));
Hope that's what you were looking for.

If the strikeout (your struckthrough) is assigned via a CSS class, you can simple detect the class (since you can already detect enabled/disabled). Else like Darrell mentioned, jQuery will be a great method.

You basically have two categories of checkboxes which you are defining by their display qualities (struckthrough and not). This kind of "what does it look like" detection creates an artificial code-dependency which could cause a lot of trouble later:
The strikethrough effect can be accomplished in several ways (the del tag, the strike tag, CSS text-decoration: line-through, and possibly others in future versions of HTML/CSS). If you later change which way you do the effect, you'll have to update your js code to match
If you ever choose to reformat the list and stop using the strikethrough effect (e.g. you decide to make it invisible, or faded out, or have a red x over it), you will lose your ability to distinguish between the two types of checkboxes.
Instead, you should either assign a CSS class (like "nonUsableCheckboxes") to all strikethrough checkboxes, or generate a hidden field indicating if it is strikethrough or not. That way your javascript stays independent of your display code, and less prone to fail.


Remove JavaScript styles, allowing CSS to take control

Preamble: Possible duplicate to my question can be found found here, although for me, this question was not sufficiently answered. A work-around is given, but a definitive answer to the question of whether or not it is possible, is not provided.
The question:
On my website, when a user clicks a button (or area of screen), I want that area to "flash" a couple of times before returning to its original state. (I think this gives the user a reassuring feel of something having been activated, as in some circumstances, they may have short delay before the feedback is given.)
Anyway, I've managed to get this working using a bit of JavaScript and jQuery, and you can see the results here >>.
As you may notice, the problem is that after the flashing is done, the element doesn't return to its original state. Rather, it keeps its last "flash" state, and overrides the underlying CSS styling which originally styles the object when the page loads.
I style the element with the following jQuery:
And I 'attempt' to un-style it with:
I've also tried:;
Despite the documentation saying that this should remove styling, it doesn't.
Is there a solution, or do I have to revert to the work-around solution referred to in my preamble? The nice thing about the JavaScript option is that it becomes a lot more versatile when you want to play around with the animations a bit.
===EDIT 2014-06-28===
As a demonstration of why the class solution is untidy, please see this fiddle: (inspired by #BiffMaGriff 's proposed solutin here:
The problem is that the elements being flashed could already be CSS-ed up to the hilt with multiple classes.
I recognise that I can remove styling classes first, before applying the "flash" classes, complicate the JavaScript and/or the CSS rules, etc. etc.
But the whole point of looking for a non-class-solution is that this option becomes extremely verbose in a real world situation, and you tend to have to program each flashing object individually, rather than the tidy one-JavaScript-function-fits-all that I'm searching for.
You are going to want to do your styles as classes.
background-color: red; //or whatever else
and then with your jquery you can just toggle them a few times with the delays I assume you already have in your javascript.
Try this:
The direct answer to the question appears to be a simple "No".
You cannot tell JavaScript to style an object, and then at a later stage, ask JavaScript to give styling responsibility back to CSS.
However, another messy work-around is to re-draw the HTML inside the element which contains your flashing-object.
This has the slight overhead of having to wrap your flashing object inside a div or span element, to ensure that the parent element contains nothing but your flashing element.
<div class="multiple-children">
link 1
<span class="wrapper">Click me to watch me flash</span>
link 3
You then, of course, have to capture the outerHTML of your flashing-object before the flashing starts.
original_html_ = $jq_obj[0].outerHTML;
The resulting JavaScript is a little bit verbose, as you see here: . However, it does have the following benefits:
Reusable on all clickable elements regardles of CSS :hover and other messy styling
Can optionally define the flash-color of the element inside the JS
Independent of CSS, meaning that the code is in one file, and therefore more maintainable
There are down-sides too
Requires the use of JQuery on() function (as opposed to simple click event handler)
Anyhoo... it may not be a solution for everyone. In some cases (maybe even most cases) the class option might be simpler.
But this is one other possible method of tackling this inherent shortcoming in JavaScript/Browser technology.

Modeling overlapping HTML spans w/ different CSS

I'm looking for a good way to model something keeping track of different overlapping CSS groups, similar to the following:
This is just a test sentence for an example.
(This is) just a (test sentence) for an example.
(This is just) a test (sentence for an example.)
Depending on what radio buttons are selected, I'd like to to enable different CSS styles for each of the groups in parenthesis. So for #2 for example, (This is) will always have a different default style, and will highlight red when moused over, but only when option 2 is selected. There will be a lot of different options, so I'd like to avoid having multiple copies of the source text if necessary.
The problem is that you can't have spans overlap. The only way I could thing of doing this is giving each word multiple css classes, like:
group2_word1,group3_word1, etc..., and then do a lot of javascript coding to simulate the behavior I want. This sounds like a terrible idea to me.
Is there a better way?
I remember a javascript library that was able to do word/letter based inline text styling but I do not remember the name. All I could find out by now is a lib called rangy. Maybe you want to give it a try. I will try to find the other lib too and report back if I find it.
Take a look at the CSSClassApplierModule that could do just what you are looking for.

Mentioning system that mimics Facebook's

I've had a horrible problem that I've been wracking my brain for the past two days for, and have yet to come up with a solution. As such, I think this needs someone smarter than I to accomplish.
What I'm trying to build is a textbox that simulates that of Facebook's; essentially, the tagging function.
Now if you've used Facebook, you'll have noticed that Facebook allows you to tag people in a comment/post, simply by typing in their name and selecting from a dropdown list. The name of the person you've selected then appears in highlighted text in that very textarea. I've successfully managed to create and populate the dropdown list a combination of JQuery and AJAX, but the tagging process itself is the stumper.
Once a dropdown item has been selected (by Enter or clicking), the query text will be replaced with the tagged name. Now, it's difficult to see how one can give text in a textarea any kind of a highlight, so I've discovered (by inspecting elements in Google Chrome and deleting the textarea node) that the textarea itself is transparent, and there is a white div below "simulating" the text. Highlighted words are placed in a tag with custom CSS, which gives it that blue background. All of this I've found out myself, and I have successfully simulated this - but I can only do one tag.
Now I've investigated further and found an input type="hidden" element, of class "mentionsHidden". This input element has a value attribute, which dynamically populates itself based on the content of the textarea. So if I typed "ABC", the value of the element becomes "ABC". If I included a tag, say "hi [Rei]!" (where the name in [] is the tag), the value of the element becomes "hi #[member_id:Rei]!".
So I HAVE done my homework. But here comes the part I can't figure out.
I can't figure out how exactly to dynamically populate the hidden input element with the value of the textbox. It's obvious that the underlying div giving the blue tag background is populated from the input element. But the input element is giving me a headache.
You see, I can't do the following:
-I can't simply "copy" the entire value of the current textarea and "paste" it into the input element's value, because that would override any previously tagged people in the input element (after all, the textarea can only possess plaintext).
-Even though I CAN locate the current index of the caret (the flashing black line in the textarea that tells you where you're going to be typing into), that's only for the textarea. Index position 10 in the textarea and in the input element's value might be different things, because this way of "tagging" people will result in adding additional characters to the value String.
-I can't simply do a "replace" of the text I am intending to replace, because there might be other instances of that same text in other parts of the value String.
I know it's a very long and confusing post, but I do hope you get what I mean. I really need a solution and I don't want to use contenteditable, because it's only for HTML5 and some older browsers might not support it.
I hope you were able to come up with, or find, a solution to your problem. Since there doesn't seem to be one here, i'd like to offer one for and anyone who might stumble upon this (as well as you if my assumption was incorrect).
You are going to need to maintain explicit locational data of each existing mention in the textarea in the order in which they appear. If, after a modification of the content in textarea, the position of a mention in it is changed, you will need to determine which appearance of its value, if any, will be used to represent it, and appropriately update the locational data of the mention.
With such a collection of data, it becomes trivial to construct the value of mentionsHidden, though the existence of such data makes the element unnecessary.
Mentionator is an existing, robust solution which takes this approach in providing the functionality you are trying to recreate. Considering it is well-structured, easy to follow, and copiously commented, it should be of use to you as either out-of-the box solution or reference material to cite as you roll out your own. It is maintained by yours truly :) .

Ebook in iOS using CSS multi-column (calculate range of text in different column)

My first question here. Correct me if I've done anything wrong.
I've found a source here demonstrate how to paginate html using CSS multi-column.
My question is:
How to calculate the range / location of text in different column (page)?
For example, when changing the font size,
the text in current page will jump to another page.
To solve this, the program should save the current text location,
and move to the correct page (column) after reformatting the web page.
It is also useful for implementing bookmark function.
I think it should be done by javascript, but I'm new to javascript.
Any suggestions and tips are welcomed.
This is a bit of a general question, and very hard to answer, so I'll just try to point you in a direction I might try.
I have no idea how the layout of your page might look or function, but one way you could theoretically do this is by checking the text node of your 'column' whenever you change the font-size (presuming this font size change is implimented by a button click). So, for instance, say you have a div w/ the id #column_1, whenever someone clicks the button ui element you could evaluate the first several characters of #column_1, then search your string to find that text, and load whatever no. of characters you have defined as a 'page' around that text and call your render method to 'turn' to that page. So the flow of your function might look something like this: event){ //do something when you click the zoom control
var text = findTextofCurrentPage() //get the first bit of text of your current 'page'
renderLargerTextSize() //re-render your 'page' w/ larger text (for user feedback purposes)
renderPageWith(text) //render/navigate to the 'new' page wherein your the text in the variable 'text' can be found
Obviously this is a super generic 'idea' of what functions/methods you might use to make this happen, but I think if you dug into JS and say something like JQuery this sort of thing could be done relatively easily.

HTML Select, embed object with text?

Is it possible to have a HTML Select containing elements, not just text values but say an object (specifically i'd like to add a JQuery slider with the text) but if someone could advice me generally how to do this, i could investigate.
No, definitely not. The default select element is rendered by the browser and can not be extended beyond its standard behaviour.
You would need to look into entirely JavaScript-powered SELECT alternatives.
Here's a small list of jQuery based SELECT alternatives; there are many, many more.
If you want to do this, don't use an HTML select element. Use a div or whatever, and implement the whole thing in javascript. Then you can add whatever functionality you like.

