window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer - javascript

As you are aware, in Internet Explorer, the window.resize event is fired when any element on the page is resized. It does not matter whether the page element is resized through assigning/changing its height or style attribute, by simply adding a child element to it, or whatever -- even though the element resizing does not affect the dimensions of the viewport itself.
In my application, this is causing a nasty recursion, since in my window.resize handler I am resizing some <li> elements, which in turn re-fires window.resize, etc. Again, this is only a problem in IE.
Is there any way to prevent window.resize from firing in IE in response to elements on the page being resized?
I should also mention that I'm using jQuery.

I just discovered another problem which might help you.
I am using jQuery and I have window.resize event to call a function which will re-position the div appended to the body.
Now when I set the LEFT css property of that appended div, the window.resize event get trigger for NO GOOD REASON.
It results in an infinite loop, triggering the window.resize again and again.
The code without fix:
var onResize = function(){
//The method which alter some css properties triggers
//window.resize again and it ends in an infinite loop
resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(onResize, 10);
var winWidth = $(window).width(),
winHeight = $(window).height();
var onResize = function(){
//The method which alter some css properties triggers
//window.resize again and it ends in an infinite loop
//New height and width
var winNewWidth = $(window).width(),
winNewHeight = $(window).height();
// compare the new height and width with old one
if(winWidth!=winNewWidth || winHeight!=winNewHeight){
resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(onResize, 10);
//Update the width and height
winWidth = winNewWidth;
winHeight = winNewHeight;
So basically it will check if the height or width is changed (which will happen ONLY when you actually resize with window).

this made sense to me and seems to work in IE7 and above:
//variables to confirm window height and width
var lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();
var lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
$(window).resize(function() {
//confirm window was actually resized
if($(window).height()!=lastWindowHeight || $(window).width()!=lastWindowWidth){
//set this windows size
lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();
lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
//call my function

Bind your resize listener with .one() so that it unbinds itself after firing. Then you can do anything you want, so long as at the end you rebind the resize listener. I found the easiest way to do this is by putting the resize listener in an anonymous function like so:
var resizeListener = function(){
$(window).one("resize",function(){ //unbinds itself every time it fires
//resize things
setTimeout(resizeListener,100); //rebinds itself after 100ms
You don't technically need the setTimeout wrapped around the resizeListener() but I'd threw it in there as a just-in-case and for some extra throttling.

I solved it by unbinding the resize function, rebuilding the page and then binding the resize function again:
function rebuild() {
/* do stuff here */
Bind and unbind don't go well with IE8. Though Microsoft even gave up on IE8 you might want to try this (untested!):
function rebuild(){
if(!window.resizing) return false;
/* do stuff here */
document.body.onresize=rebuild;'s answer solved my problem.
It's a good idea to write a common function to solve such stuff:
function onWindowResize(callback) {
var width = $(window).width(),
height = $(window).height();
$(window).resize(function() {
var newWidth = $(window).width(),
newHeight = $(window).height();
if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height) {
width = newWidth;
height = newHeight;
Use it like this, and you don't have to worry about the different behavior in IE any more:
onWindowResize(function() {
// do something

I ran into this problem today and decided to put the following at the top of my global included javascript file:
var savedHeight = 0;
var savedWidth = 0;
Event.observe(window, 'resize', function (e) {
if (window.innerHeight == savedHeight &&
window.innerWidth == savedWidth) { e.stop(); }
savedHeight = window.innerHeight;
savedWidth = window.innerWidth;
That requires Prototype, by the way.

A mix of the unbind / bind method with a delayed call.
It works in Internet Explorer 8 and below, preventing evil loop and hangs on versions 6 and 7.
function resizeViewport()
// Unbind and rebind only for IE < 9
var isOldIE = document.all && !document.getElementsByClassName;
if( isOldIE )
$(window).unbind( 'resize', resizeViewport );
// ...
if( isOldIE )
$(window).resize( resizeViewport );
}, 100);
$(window).resize( resizeViewport );

You can try this:
this.clientWidth = null;
this.clientHeight = null;
Some function:
var clientWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var clientHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (clientWidth != this.clientWidth || clientHeight != this.clientHeight ) {
this.clientWidth = clientWidth;
this.clientHeight = clientHeight;
... YOUR CODE ...
For Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari:
window.innerHeight - the inner height of the browser window
window.innerWidth - the inner width of the browser window
For Internet Explorer 8, 7, 6, 5:

(function ($){
//if ie8 -> return;
var lastHeight = 0;
var lastWidth = 0;
if (window.innerHeight == lastHeight && window.innerWidth == lastWidth)
{ event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }
lastHeight = window.innerHeight;
lastHeight = window.innerWidth;
does the trick for me...

var cont = 0;
var tmRsize = 100;
var lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
var lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();
if($(window).width() != lastWindowWidth || $(window).height() != lastWindowHeight)
this.tiempo = tmRsize; = setTimeout(doResize, this.tiempo);
function doResize()
lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();

Here's how i deal with finding out if the resize event was fired by an element or by really resizing the window:
If the event's target.nodeType doesn't exist, it is most likely the window, as any other element on the page would have a nodeType.
So here's the pseudo-code (using jQuery) with the added check:
if ( $( == 0 ){
// Anything here is run when the window was resized
// not executed when an element triggered the resize

I couldn't get the resize event to fire when an element resized (only tried in IE8 though).
However what is the target on the event object when you're experiencing this issue, could you do:
$(window).resize(function(e) {
if( != window ) return;
// your stuff here

My patch:
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onresize = null; // patch to prevent infinite loop in IE6 and IE7

It is up to the how contents are on the resize event.
I figured out the above solves only when a page consists of static contents, not dynamically rendered ones.
In the dynamic case where the existing contents will be re-rendered by some trigger event like a contents reload function, we need to use $(document).width() or $(document).height() instead.
This is because of scroll bar of the window.
If a page has the scroll bar and the main contents will be re-rendered by clicking a button “Reload”, the scroll bar disappears on the event.
In that case, $(window).width() or $(window).height() is changed by the contents rendering, not by the actual window resizing.

if (typeof == 'undefined')
// ...


Change height of element on resize

Hello guys I'm trying to change height of my element dynamically.
These are my variables.
var windowWidth = 1440;
var currentWidth = $(window).width();
var elementHeight = $('#line4').height();
Now what I want is when difference between window width and current width is lower then 6 I want to change height of my element. I want to do this every time when (windowWidth - currentWidth)<6. So every time when window resizes and it's lower then 6 I want to change height of element by minus 14px. This is what I've tried.
$( window ).bind("resize", function(){
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
It does not work and I don't know what I'm missing. Also follow up question can I change other CSS properties this way. For this particular problem I will also need to change css top property in the same way, because I have some div with absolute position.
You need to measure the current width of the window on every resize event, since it's changing too.
var windowWidth = 1440;
var currentWidth = $(window).width();
var elementHeight = $('#line4').height();
$( window ).bind("resize", function(){
currentWidth = $(window).width()
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
You need to get windowWidth each time resize event called
And you should add debounce into resize event for better performance.
I often do like this, maybe you can search any better way:
var resizeTimer;
$(window).on('resize', function(e) {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
// Run code here, resizing has "stopped"
currentWidth = $(window).width()
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
}, 250);
and I created this to test, you can try it. Btw i increase from 6 to 600 to check easier :D

jQuery resizing code causing perpetual resize event in IE7

This is a bit of JavaScript (jQuery) I wrote that shrinks an element to be as high as possible while still keeping the entire page above the fold. The way it works is essentially "calculate the height difference between the document and the window, and make the element smaller by that much". (see below.)
This works fine as far as I can tell — except that unfortunately I still need IE7 support, and the behavior in that browser is kind of wonky. Specifically, calling my function seems to fire another resize event, causing a kind of feedback loop.
IE7 is apparently the only browser this happens in, and I haven't yet figured out why it happens. I've already tried making the target height smaller to make sure nothing goes out of bounds, but the result is the same.
What's the best way to make my code not fire the resize event in IE7?
function stretchToBottom($element) {
(window.onresize = function () {
// temporarily reset the element's height so $(document).height() yields the right value
$element.css({maxHeight: ''});
var heightDiff = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
if (heightDiff <= 0) {
var initialHeight = $element[0].scrollHeight;
var minHeight = 200;
var targetHeight = initialHeight - heightDiff;
var height = Math.max(targetHeight, minHeight);
$element.css({maxHeight: height + 'px'});
wrap your code with:
<!--[if !IE7]>-->
//NONE IE code comes here
<!--[if IE7]>
//ONLY IE7 code comes here
more info here
I just discovered this question which describes the exact same problem I have. The top two answers offered a working solution: store the current window dimensions and process the event listener only when they have actually changed.
For the record, here's the working code I currently have. I changed the function name to be more accurate and moved the "add event listener" part to outside the function.
function shrinkToFit($element) {
$element.css({maxHeight: ''});
var heightDiff = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
if (heightDiff <= 0) {
var initialHeight = $element[0].scrollHeight;
var minHeight = 200;
var targetHeight = initialHeight - heightDiff;
var height = Math.max(targetHeight, minHeight);
$element.css({maxHeight: height + 'px'});
var lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
var lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();
$(window).on('resize', function () {
if (lastWindowWidth !== $(window).width() || lastWindowHeight !== $(window).height()) {
lastWindowWidth = $(window).width();
lastWindowHeight = $(window).height();

jQuery function on window events (load and resize)

I'm not sure how to use the order of the window events load and resize on jQuery to make it work when resizing. The first function is used to get the total width except the scrollbar width, because the CSS is using the device width, but the JS is using the document width.
The second function adds a style when the total screen width is between 768px and 1024px, and it should work when I load the page at any screen, after resizing, etc. I'm doing a lot of tests and I think the problem is about the window events order.
For being more specific about the problems, it doesn't remove the style when I load the page at 900px and I expand it to > 1024px! Or by the contrary, it doesn't add the style when I load the page at 1300px and I shorten the width to 900px.
I think it's 'cause of the load and resize events order, but I'm not totally sure. Or maybe I'm not doing the correct declaration of the variable into the resize.
The code:
function viewport() {
var e = window, a = 'inner';
if (!('innerWidth' in window )) {
a = 'client';
e = document.documentElement || document.body;
return { width : e[ a+'Width' ] , height : e[ a+'Height' ] };
var vpwidth=$(window).width();
$(window).on('resize', function(){
var changeWidth = (($('.main-content .wrap').width() * 96.3)/100) - 312;
if(vpwidth >= 768 && vpwidth <= 1024) {
$('.contentleft, .contentright').css('width', changeWidth + 'px');
} else {
$('.contentleft, .contentright').removeAttr('style');
I believe the issue is that you're not re-calculating the vpwidth on resize, So the value you got when the page was loaded will be used every time window is resized.
$(window).on('resize', function(){
var vpwidth=$(window).width(); // get the new value after resize
var changeWidth = (($('.main-content .wrap').width() * 96.3)/100) - 312;
if(vpwidth >= 768 && vpwidth <= 1024) {
$('.contentleft, .contentright').css('width', changeWidth + 'px');
} else {
$('.contentleft, .contentright').removeAttr('style');
The issue is because you are not recalculating the width (vpwidth) on resize function.
It is initialized and set on page load itself and hence doesn't change when the window is resized causing the style to not be added or removed.
You need to re-assign the value to the variable from within the resize function.
$(window).on('resize', function(){
var vpwidth=$(window).width();
Demo Fiddle

jQuery width change detection

Now Solved, thanks
I have see a lot of near answers to my problem with resize(), here is my code:
'larger()' is a layout function that I want to call when screen width regardless of device orientation is >= 501, 'smaller()' is a function that i want to call when the screen width is < 501.
My problem I have is that I don't want these functions to be called when the window.height changes. Note that in my page I am using an accordion in mobile view and if I expand an accordion panel, it adds height to the page, even though the browser window hasn't been re-sized. jQuery sees this as a window.resize.
$(window).resize(function(e) {
var winWidth = $(window).width();
if (winWidth >= 501){
if (winWidth < 501){
any answers appreciated, and let me know if I need to clarify anything.
I am using jquery-1.11.0.min.js with jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js
How about storing a reference to the previous width and if the width has changed on resize then call your functions - otherwise skip it. Like So:
// If you don't want it to change the first time
// then set this value on document load to get initial window width
var prevWinWidth = 0;
$(window).resize(function(e) {
var winWidth = $(window).width();
if(winWidth != prevWinWidth) {
if (winWidth >= 501){
if (winWidth < 501){
prevWinWidth = winWidth;
Create a global variable that keeps track of the last known width of the window. Only if the width is changing, evaluate the width to call the appropriate function.
var lastWidth = 0;
$(window).resize(function (e) {
var winWidth = $(window).width();
if (lastWidth !== winWidth) {
winWidth >= 501 ? larger() : smaller();
lastWidth = winWidth;

Resize iframe to content with Jquery

I'm trying to resize an iframe dynamicly to fit its content. To do so I have a piece of code:
It doesnt work. Is it because of cross-domain issue? How do I get it to fit? Please take a look at Fiddle: JsFiddle
ps I have set the html and body of the link height:100%;
You just need to apply your code on the iframe load event, so the height is already known at that time, code follows:
$("#IframeId").load(function() {
$(this).height( $(this).contents().find("body").height() );
See working demo . This demo works on jsfiddle as I've set the iframe url to a url in the same domain as the jsfiddle result iframe, that is, the domain.
It seems your page for a strange reason don't get the body height right, so try using the height of the main elements instead, like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#IframeId").load(function() {
var h = $(this).contents().find("ul.jq-text").height();
h += $(this).contents().find("#form1").height();
$(this).height( h );
Not sure why #Nelson's solution wasn't working in Firefox 26 (Ubuntu), but the following Javascript-jQuery solution seems to work in Chromium and Firefox.
* Called to resize a given iframe.
* #param frame The iframe to resize.
function resize( frame ) {
var b = frame.contentWindow.document.body || frame.contentDocument.body,
cHeight = $(b).height();
if( frame.oHeight !== cHeight ) {
$(frame).height( 0 ); = 0;
$(frame).height( cHeight ); = cHeight + "px";
frame.oHeight = cHeight;
// Call again to check whether the content height has changed.
setTimeout( function() { resize( frame ); }, 250 );
* Resizes all the iframe objects on the current page. This is called when
* the page is loaded. For some reason using jQuery to trigger on loading
* the iframe does not work in Firefox 26.
window.onload = function() {
var frame,
frames = document.getElementsByTagName( 'iframe' ),
i = frames.length - 1;
while( i >= 0 ) {
frame = frames[i];
frame.onload = resize( frame );
i -= 1;
This continually resizes all iframes on a given page.
Tested with jQuery 1.10.2.
Using $('iframe').on( 'load', ... would only work intermittently. Note that the size must initially be set to 0 pixels in height if it is to shrink below the default iframe height in some browsers.
What you can do is the following:
Within the iFrame use document.parent.setHeight(myheight) to set the height within the iFrame to the parent. Which is allowed since it is a child control. Call a function from the parent.
Within the parent you make a function setHeight(iframeheight) which resizes the iFrame.
Also see:
How do I implement Cross Domain URL Access from an Iframe using Javascript?
Just do it on the HTML tag, works perfect
$("#iframe").load(function() {
$(this).height( $(this).contents().find("html").height() );
As the answer to the question use an already outdated jquery (load has been deprecated and replaced with .on('load',function(){}), below is the latest code for the answer in the question.
Note that I use the scrollHeight and scrollWidth, which I think will load much nicer than using Height and Width like the answer provided. It will totally fit, without scroll anymore.
var h = $('#dreport_frame').contents().find("body").prop('scrollHeight');
var w = $('#dreport_frame').contents().find("body").prop('scrollWidth');
Adjust height of an iframe, on load and resize, based on its body height.
var iFrameID = document.getElementById('iframe2');
var iframeWin = iFrameID.contentWindow;
var eventList = ["load", "resize"];
for(event of eventList) {
iframeWin.addEventListener(event, function(){
if(iFrameID) {
var h = iframeWin.document.body.offsetHeight + "px";
if(iFrameID.height == h) {
return false;
iFrameID.height = "";
iFrameID.height = iframeWin.document.body.offsetHeight + "px";
At end, I come with this cross-domain solution that work also for resize...
(resize not triggering : Auto resize iframe height when the height of the iframe contents change (same domain) )
Iframe :
(function() {
"use strict";
var oldIframeHeight = 0,
currentHeight = 0;
function doSize() {
currentHeight = document.body.offsetHeight || document.body.scrollHeight;
if (currentHeight !== oldIframeHeight) {
console.log('currentHeight', currentHeight);
window.parent.postMessage({height:currentHeight}, "*");
oldIframeHeight = currentHeight;
if (window.parent) {
//window.addEventListener('load', doSize);
//window.addEventListener('resize', doSize);
window.setInterval(doSize, 100); // Dispatch resize ! without bug
Parent page :
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if (event.origin.startsWith('') && && {
jQuery('#frameId').height( + 12);

