javascript based progress bar - javascript

I am curious how can a javascript (or also benefiting from jquery) based progress indicator such can be developed:
alt text
My first idea is something such as:
function drawBar(total,sofar){
where it consumes the max number(20 in our case) and sofar (15 for the picture).
But how can it be implemented?
Is there any jquery based plugin to achieve this?

This is usually done with CSS, by creating a div the total size of your progressbar, and then having another div child of that which has a percentage width of how much needs to be filled.
You can style the divs anyway you want. You likely want to style the inner div with background-color, or background-image & background-repeat. It can be a solid colour, a gradient, or a banded pattern, which seems to be rather popular.
Have you Google'd for jQuery plugins? They are fairly easy to find. Here's one for example:


Make table cells responsive and make them evenly square, filling the window

I want to make table cells responsive - even squares filling all available space(window).
If table width is 100% - it takes all available space, distributing cells evenly but only horizontally. I have written small javascript with jquery, calling this function on window resize event:
function windowReszie(){
But this approach is slow, because I have a lot of cells - is there a way to do it just with css or any other better , faster way?
I see some problem with your approach, you're computing the width for every cell.
I'd do something along the lines of
function windowReszie(){
var size =$("td").width();
Another approach would be to set a class and change the css rule associated with the class, but that could be a bit tricky (see : Changing a CSS rule-set from Javascript)
try adding class only at first <td> in <tr> and then loop over that class... no need to check every <td> item.

Animating a table with jQuery

I asked a question yesterday on here and got some awsome help, but I need more help concerning more or less the same, only a bit different.
This is my old thread.
So ye, I made this and the idea is that you can customize the table to see it the way you want. for now its possible to drag the columns to change the order and its possible to order the columns on alphabet or high/low. Since I got help here, its now also possible to hide the columns.
Now I want to make the hiding process a bit more smooth, since its hard to see if something is hidden after a click if you use no animation. I use .fadeOut(200); now, but when the fading is done the column just 'jumps' to fill the gap, is it possible to animate this in some sort?
Edit: After thinking some more, I thought that I could just loop a -1px width untill the element's width is 1px and then just hide it, but for some reason that wont work, the table doesnt respond to .width(xxx); or .css('width', 'xxx');. It does change the value, but the td keeps the same width.
This is somewhat of a workaround, and there might be a better solution, but here it is anyway:
Animate the opacity to 0.0. Fadeout does the same, but it also sets display:none after completely fading out. It is the display:none that causes the adjacent column to jump and fill in the gap.
Animating will cause your hidden div to remain there. Now that it is no longer visible, animate its width to 0. This will cause the adjacent div to smoothly take over its place.
Once width is 0, set display:none
Here's a working sample I whipped up. Adjust accordingly to animate width:
Here's how the magic happens:
function allDone()
I'm not sure how important the allDone() method is. You could probably do away with it.
you must use jqgrid
or just for sorting you can use tablesorter which is very easy to implement

Creating a smaller replica of a div?

I have a div full of text, photos, etc. It is generated dynamically, and usually around 10:1 ratio height:width.
I want to create a replica of this div on the same page, but making it 1/8 of the width.
EDIT: All of the contents should also be at 1/8 scale.
This thin tall overview div doesn't need to be able to be interacted with, just accurately show the contents of the other larger div.
Any Ideas how I would/should do this?
You can use the jQuery clone() method to make the copy and css() method to change the width.
var w = $("#thediv").width();
var clone = $('#thediv').clone().css("width", w/8);
Then you can use the append() method to place this clone into some new position on your page. Note however, that the new width will depend on the content of the div that you are cloning. So you may have to set the overflow and so on to make sure it works properly.
Just an idea, you may try out the -webkit-transform and other such css styles on a jQuery .clone() of your larger div. Like,
$('#theDiv').clone().css('-webkit-transform', 'scale(.125, .125)');
Not sure if that would work, but its an idea :)
Edit I know this might not work on all browsers out there, but it will save you the trouble of resizing all the child elements, I believe.
Off the top of my head,
$origDiv = $('#originaldiv');
$cloneDiv = $origDiv.clone(true);
Then set all the individual size-sensitive properties of $cloneDiv to 1/8 that of the original. Do things like iterating over the images to calculate their new height/width.
It's insane to do this with jQuery though, do as much as you can with HTML and CSS and use jQuery for the more dynamic elements.

Finding width of text in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Calculate text width with JavaScript
(29 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a way to find the width of text in Javascript (jQuery is used, so happy to take advantage of any functions they provide) for a hidden element?
I want to have a graph of nodes. Each node has text inside and I want the nodes to have a width that accommodates the text up to a limit. So I essentially create hidden <div>'s with some html inside. Then I use jQuery to display those <div>'s on the graph at the right spots. It's important that I know the correct width ahead of time so I can construct the graph properly.
UPDATE: Just to clarify, I need to know how wide some text is while it's hidden. Blender gave an answer below, I'm hoping there's a less tricky way?
What width do you mean? If you mean the <div> element's width, there's a handy function which does just what you need. Play with some of these:
As for finding the width of a hidden element, I usually do this dirty trick:
var zIndex = $('#foo').css('z-index');
$('#foo').css('z-index', '-10');
$('#foo').css('position', 'absolute');
$('#foo').css('display', 'block');
var fooWidth = $('#foo').width();
$('#foo').css('display', 'none');
$('#foo').css('z-index', zIndex);
There must be a simpler way, though...
You can set the style of the divs to have no wrap white-space:nowrap (so, text is in one line) then get the width of each div, if more than the limit, set it to the limit and set the style to allow text wrapping `white-space:normal
Just throwing in a non-JQuery answer to this. Assume I have a work div with id myworkerdiv and i have put my text in already.
var myDiv document.getElementById('myworkerdiv'),
width = myDiv.clientWidth || myDiv.scrollWidth;
You can also find out height as well, if your so included (clientHeight || scrollHeight).
You could use something similar blender's method, but use the visibility css property rather than display. Visibility:hidden; keeps placement of the element, but just makes it invisible.

Quickly repaint array of unicode symbols in JavaScript

I want to change background/foreground color of many symbols with the same CSS class. Right now I'm doing it with jQuery — like $('back_COLORED').css('background-color', '#00FF00'), but this approach is slow when there are many elements with such class (>900).
Seems it's because jQuery don't change CSS rules itself, but finds all elements one-by-one and applies inline styles to them. At least, this is what I see in inspector. So, the question is:
How can I change the CSS rules itself?
Will it be much faster?
Can I make it cross-browser (IE6 doesn't count)?
UPD: I'm trying to make some kind of color scheme editor. The source is at Don't mind PHP things, editor is fully client-side (with just some libraries fetched from the net).
UPD2: Tried canvas approach, still slow. Canvas branch is at
The most cross-browser friendly way to override a class definition is to write a new rule and add it to the end of the last stylesheet in the document. You can edit an existing style rule, but even some recent browsers can make it difficult.
function newRule(selector, csstext){
var SS= document.styleSheets, S= SS[SS.length-1];
// this example assumes at least one style or link element
else if(S.cssRules){
You can add as many 'property:value;' bits in the csstext as you need.
Remember to prefix a '.' to a class name or a '#' to an id,
and the css must be written as a style rule (with-hyphens, not camelCase).
Of course, it will not override inline styles, and it is overkill for small, local changes.
It also may make the redrawing of the page more obvious than changing one element at a time,
but it may be just what you need here.
There are different ways depending on which browser you are dealing with. This is documented on Quirks Mode.
Some libraries provide an abstraction layer, such as YUI's StyleSheet utility.
There should be a significant performance boost since you aren't using JS/DOM to cycle through all the elements.
Another approach would be to predefine your styles: .myElements { … }
And then edit document.body.className
If you can select the parent div by id, maybe you could select by tag inside it? Or are there elements of the same kind that should change color and that should not, inside the parent?
It would be nice to have an idea of what you're building here. 900+ objects seems to be a lot... maybe a completely different approach could be used? Canvas, SVG?
Try hiding the items you want to change before changing them, make the change and then display them again. This is common practice to speed up things as you minimize the repaint events in the viewport. In this case when you only setting one css property it might not be that of a benefit but it´s worth a try I say.
$('back_COLORED').css('background-color', '#00FF00');
$('back_COLORED').hide().css('background-color', '#00FF00').show();
I would stick in trying changing a CSS property, instead of parsing the DOM.It is about the CSS engine vs. DOM+JS here, and the winner is clear.
It happens I just uploaded a tiny library that replaces CSS by Javascript: jstyle
This is may be an overkill, but you will find in the source code of jstyle.js all the code you need to update cross browser the CSS properties of your page.
I think a better solution would be to write a more specific CSS rule (that would override the normal colour) that can be activated by simply changing one element's css class.
So for example if you had the following structural markup:
<div id="container">
<span class="colored">Test 1</span>
<span class="colored">Test 2</span>
And CSS:-
.colored { background-color: red; }
.newcolor .colored { background-color: blue; }
Then in your jquery you add the .newcolor class to the container div:-
When you do that the second CSS rule will override the first because it is more specific.
Inject the css code into a style tag:
var style = $('style').attr({
}).html('.tempClass { color:red } .tempClass p { background:blue }').prependTo('body');
and on every changes on your color with color picker you only rewrite the html inside of #changeStyle tag.
Have no idea if it works (didn't tested) but you should give a try.
This is jQuery pluggin for work with css rules:
not sure about its performance, but worth a try.

