Anyone know what Javascript library is used here? - javascript

I was reading an article, and it had an image, and when I clicked on it it had a really interesting way to display the full size. I was wondering if anyone know which javascript library. Here is the link:
Click the image in the middle of the article.

It's using the FancyZoom plugin, pretty sure was the originator of that entire script...
As o.k.w pointed out if you are using the jQuery library you can use the jQuery port of it #


Exporting a div's content to PDF

I know that there are a number of points regarding this question, but I just can't find what I'm looking for so I hope someone can answer me. So, what I'm trying to do is:
imagine you have a div that is 400 X 400 px. The user uploads an image and enters text via input[type="text"] and all of it is shown inside that div. I want to export all of the content of that div in a PDF, possibliy by JavaScript (jQuery) od PHP. What would be the best way to do it?
If anyone could show a small example (code), I would appreciate it!
You can use these jquery plugins
Maybe you could combine the PHP-Printer functions-api ( with a software like, for example, PDF-Creator (
But this would imply that PDF-Creator is installed on the system of the user.
It's just a general idea ...
You can generate a PDF since a HTML page, with the WeasyPrint package. It's very easy to use and its most speed that javascript.

Copy/paste Lightbox script for third-party sites

I want to give my clients a few bits of copy/paste code so that a Lightbox shows on their site with an iframe showing a URL that I specify. This would be something similar to a support widget that comes up when you click on a button (ZenDesk, UserVoice, etc.).
I've been trying to write this on my own, but after attempting to include jQuery on page load plus the Lightbox CSS file, it's proven to be a little bit of a mess.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to how I can create an optimal bit of JS that can accomplish this? Perhaps a framework already exists so that I don't need to reinvent the wheel?
I found something reliable. Decided to use

How can I add embed function to a page

How can I add this function to something:
Its from this page.
Notice when you click on it a popup appears with the generated html to add the code somewhere. Have ben unable to find a good google search query that doesn't bring up irrelevant pages.
Thanks in adv.
Here's a quick solution.
If you know some basic jQuery you won't have problems with understanding the code but feel free to ask if you need any help.
Keep in mind that the code won't trigger a pop-up, it's just to get the embed code. I'd suggest using some plugin for this, fancybox is a good one.

Simple Image-Similarity-Search function (Need a Script or Plugin for my study web-project)

I'm searching for a simple script for my web-project.
For example: There is a simple website where you can upload an image, and If you click on the "find similar Images"-Button, it shows you similar images (similar colored picture) (from a file with many other images).
Is there a free and simple script where I can use it for my web-project (HTML5/JavaScript)?
I found this one, but I am not sure If it is good enough to use it:
Good Advices are welcome :)

Is there a basic/simple lightbox/overlay jQuery-based library anywhere?

Is there any Lightbox-live or overlay library out there that only provides the "basic cross-browser centered popup with a dark background" without attempting to perform requests and display images?
I would like to populate the contents myself using my own JS code which is non-trivial and all of these libraries expecting a link with something displayable inside it are unusable for my simple yet unusual (it would appear) use case...
I've gone over maybe 15 Lightbox clones today and for the life of me couldn't find a simple way to just get the basic overlay functionality without the added fluff. Is anyone familiar with something like that ?
Look into Colorbox. Check the Inline Examples. It works well.
Look here: under "Other Content types"
Try jQuery UI dialog!
jQuery Dialog in jQuery UI might be an option to consider.
You can customize the download of the library to give you only the dialog.
Just de-select everything from here and select "Dialog" only (it will select the minimum dependencies for you):

