Redirecting to a relative URL in JavaScript - javascript

My problem is that I want to redirect via JavaScript to a directory above.
My code:
location.href = (location.href).substr(0, (location.href).lastIndexOf('folder'))
The URL looks like this:
The redirect affect just this:
But want to have this:
How can I do it?

You can do a relative redirect:
window.location.href = '../'; //one level up
window.location.href = '/path'; //relative to domain

If you use location.hostname you will get your part. Then location.pathname will give you /path/folder. I would split location.pathname by / and reassemble the URL. But unless you need the querystring, you can just redirect to .. to go a directory above.
window.location.assign("../"); // one level up
window.location.assign("/path"); // relative to domain

redirect to ../

no JS needed
.. means parent directory.

I'm trying to redirect my current web site to other section on the same page, using JavaScript. This follow code work for me:

try following js code
location = '..'

This is an old question but just to provide more information, this is how urls work:
window.location.href = 'https://domain/path'; // absolute
window.location.href = '//domain/path'; // relative to current schema
window.location.href = 'path'; // relative to current path
window.location.href = '/path'; // relative to domain
window.location.href = '../'; // one level up


how to get the full path of a page in javascript

I know that var pathname = window.location.pathname; returns path only and var url = window.location.href; returns full URL.
Now suppose i have page MyPageName.aspx in the root of my site and my site can be deployed on servers serverone, servertwo & serverthree.
On Serverone, i want to display
On servertwo, i want to display
On serverthree, i want to display
So how do i get the full URL path of a page in i'ts current environment with out browising to that page but knowing in advance that the page exists.
I want to display the URL some where on a master page.
You can use window.location.origin to return everything up to and including the .com:
var url = window.location.origin;
-> ""
As MyPageName.aspx appears to be static, you can then just use string concatenation to append it to the end:
url += "/MyPageName.aspx";
-> ""
var url = window.location.origin + "/MyPageName.aspx";
Did you try

How to redirect to HTML page present one level above folder

I have this directory structure as shown
Inside the www folder as shown in the figure (www folder naming convention as per phonegap requirement) there are two items
customer folder
From ORcapture.html i am redirecting to a html page present under the customer folder ths way
window.location = "customer/index.html?qruuid="+uuid;
My question is
From customer/index.html file how can i redirect back to ORcapture.html ??
Please let me know how to redirect in this case ??
You should use ../.
window.location = "../capture.html";
Well, it's always best to use absolute URLs, when possible. In your example, it would be:
window.location = "/customer/index.html";
window.location = "/ORcapture.html";
If you still want to use relative URLs, you can denote a parent directory using ../ (instead of /, which denotes a root dir) so the other one would be:
window.location = "../ORcapture.html";
but that would work only with URLs which are one level deeper than that html file (as opposed to the absolute URLs, which work from everywhere).
window.location = "../ORcapture.html";

How do I set window.location to a specific path (without a host)?

I am using the window location method to redirect a webpage to another after a set amount of time.
The url needs to change from to The problem is that I do not know what the final URLs will be so I cannot use absolute links, they have to be a path only. This is what I have so far:
window.location.pathname = "mobility.html"
You can just prepend a / to your URL to make them relative to the domain root (without having to hardcode the domain name). Like this:
window.location = "/mobility.html"
window.location.assign("/path") also works.

JavaScript current URL check

I am wondering how I would get JavaScript to check if a user is on a certain URL so i can build an if statement from the result.
My reasoning is that if a user clicks on a link in the menu and they are currently on trucks.php the javascript will redirect them to a certain page. If they are not on trucks.php they will be directed to a different page.
Cheers guys.
The current location is in location.href.
The location object also contains some other useful fields:
location.hash: The part after the # in the URL Hostname including port (if specified)
location.hostname: Just the hostname
location.pathname: The requested URI without protocol/host/port; starting with a /
location.port: The port - only if one is specified in the URL
location.protocol: Usually 'http:' or 'https:' - mind the colon at the end
In your case the most fail-safe way to check if the filename is trucks.php is this:
var parts = location.pathname.split('/');
if(parts[parts.length - 1] == 'trucks.php') {
location.href = 'some-other-page';
If you want to redirect without keeping the current page in history, use the following code instead of the location.href assignment:
Use window.location.href to get the current URL, or window.location.pathname to get just the path. For your specific problem, just the path name is required for the solution:
if (window.location.pathname == "/trucks.php")
window.location = "/somewhereelse.php";
Check out the MDC documentation for window.location.
Use window.location

Get relative path of the page url using javascript

In javascript, how can I get the relative path of the current url?
for example
I want just the /test/this?page=2
holds the url of the page your script is running in.
The quickest, most complete way:
Only weird case: >> "/"
You can use the below snippet to get the absolute url of any page.
var getAbsoluteUrl = (function() {
var a;
return function(url) {
if(!a) a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
return a.href;
// Sample Result based on the input.
getAbsoluteUrl('/'); //Returns
Checkout get absolute URL using Javascript for more details and multiple ways to achieve the same functionality.
I use this:
var absURL = document.URL;
You should use it the javascript way, to retrieve the complete path including the extensions from the page,
So, a path like this, can be retrieved too.

