Writing a JavaScript abstraction abstraction - is this sane? - javascript

I've written a JavaScript application that runs off Prototype & Scriptaculous. I'm thinking of rolling it out in as an open source product & would like it to be able to run on jQuery as well — I typically use jQuery for most of my other apps, except the site this app was originally built for.
I was originally thinking about building two separate applications, but maintaining them would be time consuming. Instead I'm considering building a library abstraction layer that detects if the page is running jQuery or Prototype and then calls the appropriate methods. I'm not going to abstract the whole libraries, just the functionality applicable to my application — namely selectors, events & effect. The core of my app is under 500 lines of code, so there isn't too much I need to worry about.
So instead of calling $('id') I would call LA.$('id') (LA for Library Abstraction) which would call $('id') in prototype and $('#id') in query etc…
Does this sound sane? I can't think of any technical hurdles, although I would have expected someone to have attempted this before. I couldn't find anything similar in my searches.

I expect that if you support the libraries only partly then no one will choose to use it, as they would have to finish the support, and you may find that maintaining it will be a headache, as there will be requests to add more functionality.
If your application is so small, why not just switch to jQuery for it, and standardize on that, as MS has done.
You may run into problems with versions, as, if someone uses it, and they are using an older version of a library, and there was some API change, then they will be wanting you to add support for that library.

I believe Ext.Js does something similar. They have a concept of "adapters" which allow you to sit Ext.JS on top of any of the underlying libraries and it will just work. The key difference is that they are using a 1-to-1 model where you say which library you want to use and it joins the dots, whereas I believe you're trying to say "I don't know which one will be available but whatever one you find, go use it".
I don't think it's insane, but you might have some fun trying to work out which library to use, particularly if both are available.

Web development frameworks (Prototype, jQuery, etc.) themselves are designed to be abstractions on top of the various browsers that exist. You ask the framework to do one thing and it has the same result (ideally) regardless of the browser. So, here, you are proposing an abstraction on top of abstractions. Presumably because you want people to be able to use your tool regardless of what framework they have chosen for their site. While it sounds like an interesting idea, I would personally have to guess that it would not work out in the long run. Largely because you do not know what the future holds. Prototype used to be the number one use framework, now jQuery has surpassed it. Perhaps another one will be very popular in a year, what if you then want to support that framework? That can be a lot of conditional code that you have to add, and in addition, force being loaded into the browsers of those using your tool.
I say either pick a single framework to support and stick with it, or maintain separate libraries. Ideally, it would be really cool if you could write some sort of builder script. This would allow you to set framework rules in some list and the script would build separate scripts for each framework based on some core script and the rules list. I honestly am not sure how to best accomplish something like this but it would effectively give you that abstraction on abstraction power that you are looking for without it being visible to the end user.


How to conciliate DRY and Loose Coupling in Javascript Libraries?

I am building my own JS library;
The idea is that the library should be comprised of small, independent modules, and some slightly larger utilities, that serve mainly to iron out browser differences.
I am having trouble getting anything done, because I am not being able to decide between staying dry or being loosely coupled.
An example? Given:
A small library that takes care of generating dom elements from a template
Another one that takes care of duck-typing issues (is_function, is_array...)
And a last one that creates modal boxes. That last one needs:
some type checking
will be creating the modals using only one function from the templating library
My options for the modal box library:
Be 100% dry, and dependant on the two other libraries. But that means if you are a user wanting to download only the modal box lib, you'll have to make with the two others
Allow users to pass an object of options on initiation that would allow them to specify the functions needed; defaulting to the ones of the libraries. This is better, but in practice, it still means, in 90% cases, using the provided libraries, as creating functions with the same signature might be cumbersome. Furthermore, it adds complexity to the modal box code.
Be 100% loose, and reproduce the functions needed in my modal box library; possibly more efficient because more targeted and there is no need to check for edge cases; but: any bug will have to be fixed in two places, and my download size increases.
So I am wasting time oscillating between the two extremes, refactoring a million times and never being satisfied.
I was going for a more generic question, but then I realized it is really pertaining to JS, because of the size & performance concern as well as the widespread usage.
Is there any known pattern to follow in such cases? What's the accepted way to go about this? Any thoughts are welcome.
This is the only article I found that spells out my concerns. Like the article says,
DRY is important, but so are [...] low coupling and high cohesion. [...] You have to take all [principles] into account and weigh their relative value in each situation
I guess I am not able to weigh their value in this situation.
Personally, I've always taken the view that Loose Coupling refers to creating seams in your code. In classical languages, such as Java, this is achieved by creating Interfaces which hide the concrete implementation. This is a powerful concept as it allows developers to 'unpick the seams' in your application and replace the concrete implementations with mocks and test doubles (or indeed, their own implementation). As JavaScript is a dynamic language developers rely on duck-typing instead of Interfaces: as nothing is frozen, every object becomes a seam in your code and can be replaced.
In direct answer to your question I think it pays dividends to always aim to decompose and modularize your code into smaller libraries. Not only do your avoid repeating code (not a good idea for a host of reasons) but you encourage re-use by other developers who only want to re-use parts of your library.
Instead of re-inventing the wheel, why not leverage some of the more popular JavaScript libraries that are out there; for example, underscore.js is a lightweight library which provides a rich toolkit for duck-type checks and Mustache.js may well take care of your templating needs.
Many existing projects already use this approach, for example, Backbone.js depends on underscore.js and jQuery Mobile depends on jQuery. Tools such as RequireJS make it easy to list and resolve your application's javascript dependencies and can even be used to combine all the separate.js files into a single, minified resource.
I like the concept of DRY, but your right it has a couple of problems.
Your end-user-developers will need to know that they need to download the dependencies of components.
Your end-user-developers will need to know that they need to configure the dependencies (i.e. the options to pass in).
To help solve 1. your project website could customise the download on the fly, so the core code is downloaded along with optional components. Like the modernizer download page.
To help solve 2. Rather than allowing users to pass in options, use sensible defaults to detect what parts of your packages have been loaded in the browser and automatically tie them up.
This loose coupling could also give you the great advantage that could also rely on 3rd party frameworks if the user already has them installed. For example selectivizr allows you to use jquery or dojo etc etc depending on what the browser has already loaded.
Perhaps you could use requirejs to help solve dependency management. I get the impression it's not really meant for libraries to use directly, but instead the end-user-developer... but it could be a nice fit.
I realise my answer doesn't answer your question directly, but perhaps it could help balance out some of the negative points of DRY.

How to use Ext-JS in the wild? Abstract away or not?

I work at a company that uses Ext-JS for our product. The product currently over extends Ext-JS components and overrides parent functionality. This has made upgrade difficult at best. We are keeping Ext-JS but are looking into using it in a non-bastardized way. There seem to be two camps. In one camp the members think we should write an abstraction on top of Ext-JS in case we decide to change frameworks in several years, hopefully that way we are less locked in. I personally think that's a silly goal, so I sit in camp number two. My reasoning is the Ext-JS team has spent their time coming up with a reasonable abstraction for the web--they are in the domain to solve that problem, whereas we are merely trying to implement a cool product. I think if we write an abstraction it will assume Ext-JS. I see us writing inferior abstractions that are less powerful and that won't map to the jQuery world (or any other framework). Opinions on the correct course of action?
I agree with you; I think it's a silly goal. Here's why:
In the end (after several years) you may not change frameworks. If you don't, then you spent extra time and resources adding a layer of abstraction that doesn't buy you anything. Not only will it fail to complete the goal you set out to accomplish (diversifying your options), but it will add to the amount of code that you and your teammates need to maintain.
You can always modularize your project with other Javascript libraries to suit any needs that ExtJs doesn't fulfill. For instance, if you do not like ExtJs's charting implementation, then you can include jQuery and use a plug-in like jqPlot.
It will be difficult to write an abstraction that applies to both current and future libraries. How can you guarantee that your abstraction will withstand changes in either your current library choice (ExtJs, etc.) or any future JS library that you fancy in the future.
Just a couple of points for thought. Overall I think it would be a bear to maintain, so I would pick a diverse library that meets most of your needs and then add in smaller libraries if necessary.
I think option 2 is the better option. If you build a great web app and it works really well, what are the chances of you actually changing to a new framework?
ExtJS is designed to be extended. I would definitely recommending using Ext.extend() vs Ext.override() to do the extensions though. Using this method to do your overriding you really shouldn't have that much of a hard time when you upgrade to newer version of Ext.
Building an additional abstraction layer on top of ExtJS seems like a non-option. It would require a fair share of work, it would probably be very difficult to do it properly (so that it would be really easy to switch the underlying framework), and it may be never needed.
Extending existing ExtJS is not bad, but you need to do it in a structured and controlled manner. Do not overdo it - only extend when you need to - and place and package your extensions in separate files and structure so that it will be easy to find out extensions to classes X and Y. Try to come up with reusable solutions so that you do not need to write a new extension every time you need a little modification somewhere.

Is Graceful degradation possible for everything? for every javascript and javascript frameworks functionality?

Is Graceful degradation possible for everything? for every javascript and javascript frameworks functionality?
No, it is not possible for everything. There comes a point when you have to decide if you can support a feature with or without javascript, or if it simply can't be done without it (or would take too much time/money to accomplish).
This concept might help you:
For public websites meant to provide information, make sure every essential piece works with/without JS. This includes sales sites, corporate information sites, business micro sites, etc.
If the site is a web application with tools available behind a login, then making JS a requirement makes more sense since you can notify the user of this requirement upon signup/signin. Obviously you should still go as far as you can to make the site accessible for handicapped users.
If you start with a non-javascript webpage, and get the functionality that you are willing to accept, then you can get graceful degradation to work, as you have a lower level that is acceptable, so if you can't get some functionality to work you can just not use javascript for that part.
But, if you absolutely require javascript then you need to decide on a least supported version, and get your app to work that way.
You may find that you will need to be able to replace some functionality that doesn't exist in the browser's version of javascript, so, if you use the string.trim() function but it isn't included, then you need to write it, and use the String.prototype functionality.
If you use unobtrusive javascript then you can test before making any changes to the dom elements to see what needs to be done to get that functionality to work.
If you find a framework that doesn't meet your needs, you will need to replace that framework with your own, rather than having a mix where on some browsers you have one framework and on others you have your own.
It depends what you will accept as functional, if you require a dialog box to pop up on the page and request user input, then no, but if it's ok that the page redirects to an input form then it is.
There are a lot of cool things that can be done with javascript, but with some thought things can usually be functional (but probably not pretty) without.
In my experience, I've yet to find a scenario that can't be solved with graceful degradation. Consider a "to-do list" app of today versus a decade ago. Today, if you would like to order a list of items, you simply drag & drop. A decade ago, you would click a "re-order" button, visit a second page where you would manually modify the IDs for each item for numeric sorting.
I tend to build apps (with a framework behind them, mind you) that already support this structure. Then, with "progressive enhancement" via Javascript, you can simply ease the user's burden in making these changes and still take advantage of the same code in the backend.
So yes, as long as a browser supports cookies for session data, an app can remain entirely functional without Javascript. It will simply be more difficult to use :)

jQuery vs. Yahoo UI API design [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am baffled by the difference in design between jQuery and Yahoo UI APIs. Disclaimer: I have a strong dislike of the jQuery api, but I am also a huge ignorant in web programming and javascript in general, so I could be dead wrong and come back here begging for redemption. so long...
The point of my question is the following. The two designs are different. jQuery puts the DOM at the center, and adorns the DOM by executing a "trigger" enhancer method on it. example
A requirement of jQuery is that you must, in some cases, follow a very specific conventional structure for your html beforehand. Example:
<div id="accordion">
<h3>First header</h3>
<div>First content</div>
<h3>Second header</h3>
<div>Second content</div>
and then
Moreover, the returned entity in general does not provide any mechanism to hide the DOM through a convenient programmatic method. To manipulate your jQuery entity you have to access the DOM via selectors, access that in some case is not guaranteed to be easy to know, like in the case of internally generated ids. Suppose that you want to swap the accordion programmatically, what you do is
$('#accordion').accordion('option', 'active', 2);
and not a more intuitive
On the other hand, yahoo ui focuses on javascript objects, you create them passing the DOM node selector (e.g. myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("container_id")) and then perform all manipulations through the object methods. Want to add a new row ? call myDataTable.addRow(). The DOM is hidden. You are not concerned with what's going on behind the scenes.
Now, my experience with Trolltech QT maps nicely to Yahoo UI. Clear, defined API of the widget objects, eventual freedom to reimplement part of them via inheritance, opaque rendering unless you want to open the box and get your hands dirty. QT is a winning API, works well, it's easy to use, and Yahoo UI is kind of similar in the design style. On the other hand, jQuery works in a counterintuitive (to me), very open box way, with reduced API on its objects.
Enough ranting. The point is that I assume I can be dead wrong on this, but I'd like to know why. What are the design advantages of having a jQuery-like interface (where the DOM is clearly exposed and you potentially have to hunt for stuff that jQuery plugins create automagically, so you can finally $(select) them and attach events or modify their content) instead of hiding everything behind an objects and commodity methods like YUI does ?
I'm not talking about speed, or code size, or amount of typing. I'm talking about design concepts like encapsulation, focus on interfaces, and ease of access. What design is better, in what situations, and why?
I don't think your argument is directed at jQuery, but more the APIs provided by plugin authors.
Unfortunately, no two plugin authors will create a plugin with the same API. The level of programmatic access is not limited by jQuery itself, but rather by the author/s of the plugin.
Also, as you said, jQuery is all about the DOM -- I see this as a benefit because it means jQuery doesn't get all mixed up in the "logic" (eh, "business logic") of the application... It's quite fine on it's own level of abstraction -- it deals with the DOM, and that's all!
You can create an unlimited amount of data structures and additional APIs for your application. jQuery doesn't hinder you in this respect.
You've added more details to your question -- this 'edit' is in response to those details.
I think what you're experiencing is common when you reach a certain stage with jQuery... The API becomes insufficient. You don't want the DOM... You want a nice clean API for your module, whether it's an accordion or a data-grid.
Personally, I don't think that some things should be bundled into a "jQuery plugin" -- doing so normally means sacrificing the API -- or having to resort to jQuery's mechanisms such as psuedo-event triggering through "trigger":
var someModule = $('#contain').someCoolModule();
I get what you're saying, and I think I agree, but I also think it's important to have jQuery on an entirely separate level -- forget about it -- only utilise it when you need to attack the DOM.
jQuery doesn't require any kind of special markup - you can write a selector for any object. You can also use an existing DOM reference, and turn it into a jQuery object like so: $(domObject). Actually simpler and more capable than Yahoo UIs.
It's not required to know your dom selectors if you already have a DOM reference... That might be the source of your misunderstanding.
Having worked with both Yahoo UI and jQuery, let me tell you they are both great libraries. They're for different roles, but both have great approaches.
jQuery is kind of a wrapper, simplifying everything that has to do with the DOM, Ajax, selecting objects, doing graphics. It has a very concise and brilliantly simple API that abstracts all the browser compat nonsense away.
jQuery uses radically different design concepts than most newbie programmers are used to. It is really the poster child for how Javascript should be used. A few years back, there was a lot of ignorance about the power of Javascript. Mostly, because most of the javascript on the internet was terrible. Now, I think most people have realized that Javascript is one of the most capabable languages. It supports several paradigms: functional, imperative, object-oriented (prototype, not class-based), data literals....
jQuery uses Javascript to its full ability, using each aspect of its design to solve each problem in the most effective way.
I tell all people learning javascript to read the jQuery source over and over until they understand it.... It will be hard, but they will finish by being much better programmers, with a much larger assortment of tools in their toolbox.
It's kind of perpendicular to the Java/.NET brainwashing, which is to give every developer a screwdriver (OOP), and tell them it is the perfect soltion to every problem in programming and life.
Which, it's not. Every problem needs a different tool. OOP is good, but often a bad idea for some problems.
jQuery's mixin-style plugin architecture is really good. Different, but highly effective, fast, and easy to use.
jQuery is #1 for a reason - it's simple to use, and incredibly powerful.
Yahoo UI is a different approach, for a different problem. It's a UI toolkit that has very heavy abstraction from the DOM (vs. jQuery's lightweight approach).
You'll find yourself speding a lot of time modifying it if you intend to something outside the norm. (That's the downside of the heavyweight approach).
It's not a framework for developing apps. It's a bunch of GUI widgets.
I've used both together. There's no reason you can't use both jQuery and Yahoo UI on the same page, they're two different tools for different problems.
I suggest including jQuery site/app-wide, then including jQuery UI plugins as needed. If you need heavyweight stuff, add Yahoo UI. But stick to jQuery for your plumbing code...
Learn from jQuery. Understand the power of array programming, callbacks, data literals, treating code as data, and keeping things concise. And that using the right tool for each problem means much shorter, simpler code.
In my opinion, YUI is weaker in DOM manipulation, but is way ahead in design.
JQuery is designed for those with little or no JavaScript (or general coding) experience. Its very easy to get an application up and running.
YUI is more readable, and any programmer can pick it up and go very quickly because of the wide use of best-practice methodologies.
jQuery is a great library for DOM manipulations, and centering it's API around selectors is one of the reasons why it's so popular today. The thing is, jQuery wouldn't be needed if the browsers DOM APIs were more consistent and easier to use. And I agree with Robert Harvey (commented above) that as an abstract layer over the DOM jQuery does a very capable job.
But as I understand, you dislike jQuery plugin system and the jQuery UI, not the core library itself. Personally, I prefer a YUI style API for components and widgets, because at the higher abstraction level DOM elements become less important. I think the reason why jQuery UI authors chose this design is to make API more consistent with their main product, jQuery library. But I don't agree that this was a good decision.
jQuery is designed to work with the DOM (i.e. it's a language highly optimised around web pages).
you potentially have to hunt for stuff that jQuery plugins create automagically
Presumably if it's appropriate, a plugin returns a jQuery object that you can manipulate, unless it's badly written. In which case that's obviously the plugin's fault.
If you're using a method that autogenerates IDs then jQuery may not be for you. However for example I've used jQuery with Google Maps without too much trouble.
If you wanted to add a row to a table automatically, I'm sure there's a plugin out there. If not, it wouldn't take much to write one.
I agree with Computer Linguist. OOP is not a perfect fit for every possible for problem.
In case of web development one first has to decide upon the kind of solution that one has to design. Is the solution essentially a web page with interactive widgets embedded at places that enhance the interactivity or is it a full fledged RIA. JQuery,I believe is fit for the first case and it is basically targeted towards ease of handling of the DOM.
In case of RIA applications, toolkits working at a higher level of abstraction are prefered because the developer in this case is dealing with widgets and layouts rather than the HTML and css that lies underneath. In such case using Object Oriented Toolkits like YUI, Dojo or ExtJS are more convenient as they bring the desktop application development approach (with its associated advantages) to the web domain.

How to achieve library-agnosticism when building a javascript framework?

I've started looking into architecturing a javascript framework.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel here, especially regarding browser quirks, and know that for that matter, I'll have to rely, at some point, on some commonly-used libraries to handle low-level concerns.
The thing is, I'm not sure how i can depend on an external library for some piece of functionality (say for example dom manipulation), without tying it to my design.
Practical examples would help make a better point, but I'm not at the design stage yet, and I'm merely trying to avoid getting started on the wrong foot.
So I'm looking for some examples, guidelines, best-practices or maybe patterns that could help in this situation.
Any insight ?
EDIT : Bit of a clarification on why I'd want to do this.
My goal is to build something resembling more of an application framework than most traditional libraries like jQuery.
Think layered architecture, where the libraries would fit into the infrastructure layer (as per Evans' definition in Domain Driven Design), and handle things such as events, dom traversing and manipulation etc...
This is a very broad question, but if I were you, I would use jQuery as a base. It is a very easy library to extend and add functionality too.
I'd recommend grabbing a copy of ExtJS and taking a look at how they provide support for replacing the underlying core of their product. You can use their higher level libraries, such as grids, trees, etc, but choose to use YUI or prototype in place of their Ext core.
That should give you a good starting point.
Edit to answer comment:
Once you've downloaded ExtJS, take a look in the "adapter" folder. In there, you'll see the various adapters that exist to make ExtJS work with other libraries. You'll quickly see how they define functions that in turn make use of the appropriate underlying lib.
Segregate your code:
use the external libraries to the fullest possible, within their separate section of code.
Taking jQuery as an example, just designate a section for interfacing with jQuery and then use jQuery within that section of the library like there's no tomorrow, and give it interface functions that the rest of the code uses exclusively.
Frankly, if you integrate a library with your code and try to make it generic enough that you can trivially swap it out with something else, you're probably going to neuter the library to the point where you might as well have not included it at all.
Accept that you may need to rewrite if you end up swapping libraries, but prepare for that by giving the library-interfacing code it's own separate section, and you'll be able to write less generic, more powerful code with those external libraries and save yourself a lot of work.
This doesn't answer your pattern question, but a word about the frameworks. All of the modern JavaScript libraries are pretty good at playing well with each other, but some are better than others. Just make sure that they libraries don't monkey-patch the core objects with arbitrary properties or muck with the global namespace and you should be good to go. JQuery and YUI are both well designed and namespaced libraries. Dojo is also quite good, but a couple years ago when looking at all of the options, it seemed like Dojo encouraged the use of proprietary element attributes in markup as JS hooks. At that time Prototype was the library that mucked with objects like String/Array and didn't play well with others. I haven't looked/used Dojo or Prototype so take that with a grain of salt. I'm actively using YUI and JQuery in the same app; YUI for widgets and event management and JQuery for Selector/DOM manipulation.
I'd suggest you pick a single general purpose library or no library at all, depending on the requirements of the framework you plan to write. It's very difficult to make any kind of recommendation without more information, such as what your framework is aiming to achieve, who will be using it and in what kind of environment.
If you're considering writing a script of reasonable complexity then I would suggest learning the relevant "low level" DOM manipulation techniques for yourself. It's not as difficult as devotees of some of the famous general purpose libraries would have you believe.
Use some kind of interface to link to the library.
Don't do:
function something(id){
Since you could call something() 20 times, it'll be simpler to update if the actual use of the library is in only 1 place.
It'll add development time and then complexity, but you won't be as dependent on a library.
I don't think this can be achieved very effortlessly. If you really want this behavior, I think you'd have to manually map the features that are covered by all libraries you want to include support for.
So that the implementation would look like:
yourLibrary.coreFramework = 'prototype';
And your librar would treat it in the following manner:
function doStuff() {
var elem = getElement('id');
// do stuff with 'elem';
function getElement(id) {
switch(this.coreFramework) {
case 'prototype': return $(id);
case 'jquery': return $('#'+id);
/* etc */
Check out the jQuery or prototype frameworks.
If you decide you need to, then extend these.

