jQuery file name - javascript

This one should be easy, and I think I know the right answer, but here goes.
For compatibility reasons, should I leave the filename of jQuery as "jquery-1.3.2.min.js" or just rename it to jquery.js?
My guess is leave it as is to avoid conflicts in case another app uses a different version of jQuery. If they've renamed it to "jquery.js" and I do the same, I see potential version conflicts.
Am I wrong or way off base?

It's a very good idea to have version-numbered JS (and CSS) files, because that lets you configure your web server to use a far-future Expires header on such files without running into caching problems. When the file gets updated, it gets a new version number, so the browser always fetches the new version, not the old cached one.
You should do this on your other JS and CSS files, too. You want this to be automated, not something you manage by hand. Your development work happens on unversioned files, and your versioning system creates versioned copies and works out the details of updating the references to the CSS and JS files in the HTML files to point to the versioned copies. This can be a bit of work, but well worth it when it comes to speeding up your site. It took me about a day to set my system up. The improvement wasn't subtle.

I would go with jquery-1.3.2.min.js because it's more specific and you can immediately tell if you're reviewing this site in months to come, as well as avoiding any filename confliction in the future.
You shouldn't have any issues with updating, if you're relying on something like an include/template file for the javascript.

In my opinion, its just a personal preference. If you have version in your file name, It helps you easily identify which one you are using with out actually opening the file. It also provides an indirect way of clients downloading the new version file (as it is never cached). If you don't use the ext, upgrading to newer version is easy in coding perspective, but takes the pain of force downloading the new file by all users.
Recommended way to use jQuery in app is using the google's hosting..
google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
// Place init code here instead of $(document).ready()
Why and how to use jQuery hosted on google

I prefer to leave the version in the file name because there are times when you are changing versions and this is very helpful. At a glance I can see which version I am using on any given webpage.


Force reload after new version in DOJO

I am providing an infrastructure that require the developer to include only one simple java script file that then includes allot others, for instance DOJO toolkit. Later DOJO is loading all\some of my infrastructure files.
When i'm updating the version i'm simply telling my clients to include the version number in the <script src="...?ver=1.2"> so it will not take the files from the cache.
My problem is that (this simple file is being reloaded but) the rest of my files that being loaded by DOJO are still being loaded from the cache.
Is there a way to do the same technick, or maybe other way, to force my browser take the files from the server at this time, and not from the cache ?
As usual, I am posting question and answering myself. But sharing the answer so it will use others and not deleting the post.
Using dojoConfig property cacheBust is the solution.
dojoConfig = {
In DOJO documentation it's stated that when you send true it will add the time as query string. Which means that every load will be from the server and never from the cache. but what we can do is adding constant string as i wrote above v=1.2.3 and this string will be added as the query string as well, and giving us more power on when the version will be loaded from cache or server

what is a preferred way to include bootstrap jQuery etc libs into project?

I recently started using js libs and have a question regarding them.
It's possible to include their source, but then there is a problem with versions, as there are two options: add version to file name, but then all includes will have version appended to file name, which will cause trouble when you will update version. If version isn't specified in file name it's not clear what version is, but it's not that big problem, as you can go inside js source and see it's version.
Another option is to link to libraries hosting url, but it'll add additional overhead to download them and when external host will be unreachable, your site won't be able to load that library.
There seem to be maven plugins for some js libraries, but they are usually 3rd party and frequently they refer to outdated versions.
The ideal solution will be something maven-like but with official support.
Also as a comment advises it's possible to use some sort of bundling, but bundling happens after building, so it's still a question how to keep those js libs before bungling.
Please advise.
For many projects it is not necessary to stay at the bleeding edge of 3rd party libraries. Like for jQuery, a new version can maybe break some of the plugins you use. So you have to check and test everything first before deploying a new version.
Having the version in the filename is considered good practice though, because it prevents caching issues and allows you to cache files for a very long time (since the browser will always download a file when the filename has changed).
Regarding the issue you pointed out with the libraries hosting url, they are true so far. But you also need to consider, that when those are widely used (which they are) the library may already be cached in your browser and therefore the browser won't need to download it again. You can check out https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/devguide for a library hosting by Google, which you can expect to be pretty reliable I guess.
All that being said, it depends on the project. If you need 100% reliability you need to host the library by yourself. If you're fine with Google's reliability, go for library hosting.
As your edit pointed out bundling: https://github.com/bower/bower check this out. It is a package manager for installing dependencies etc. on frontend projects. Should be exactly what you're looking for.

Requirejs - versioning

Quick note - by versioning I mean for the purposes of cache busting. The common practice of adding query params to the end of the script request does not work on all browsers. The easiest and the most messiest way that I have found to date is to version my entire deploy folder name.
-- scripts.v1
-- scripts.v2
But this is incredibly messy and mucks up the deploy times too (I use S3 as my cdn). Does anyone know of an alternate method to this?
It seems, I have not been very clear. Let me be a bit more explicit.
I use requirejs on my site. It is quite a JavaScript heavy application with frequent updates and iterations. With requirejs in place now, the only way I can reliably make sure that browsers are serving the latest version, is to version my whole deploy folder name (javascript) and upload the whole lot of files to S3 again. I then use the data-main method to set the base path of the project.
For many reason, this is quite cumbersome. Even if the code change is just a few lines, the whole process has to be repeated. Is there some other decent method to let requirejs know that files have versions? As in, if I call
require(["superImportantJSFile"], function(){})
it will know that the current version is superImportantJSFile.v4.js or something along those lines.
I hope I have been more clear now. Any suggestions as to how the community in general does this? I'm pretty sure this has to be a common scenario, but I haven't been able to find a good solution to this yet
I like to use a post-build step that puts static resources into a folder with a path that includes the version control version number. For example source control revision number 1234 would lead to the creation of a path: /1234/scripts/*. These directories are also created in the CDN with the correct version of the assets within.
In our require.js config in a template, we replace the baseURL with the appropriate revision, which is controlled via a config file, eg:
var require = {
baseUrl: "%%resDir%%",
This makes it easy to change the asset versions between a few different releases, which can all stay on the CDN without causing any conflicts. It also solves the browser cache busting issue.
The HTML5 Boilerplate offers one of the most graceful solutions I have seen. They have configs available for Apache and nginx. From there you can just add a timestamp to the filename within your script tags, like so:
<script src="scripts/app.20130728.js"></script>
Which the web server would rewrite to scripts/app.js.
You can add aliases to your RequireJS configuration by using map (see http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-map) for example:
require.config({ /* ... other config.... */
map: { '*': {'superImportantJSFile': 'superImportantJSFile.v4'} }
So you only have one place to update :)
You mentioned the use of a CDN which is a good use case to not put those files in your minimized r.js bundle (in case that you are using that tool). But if those files are updated frequently, maybe it makes sense to pack your modules with r.js and update the whole code.

Embed open source libraries or plugins in a jQuery plugin

When building a jQuery plugin, do you think it's bad practice to embed the source of another plugin or library that it depends on?
It seems to me that it's a better way to go than requiring users to do multiple <script src="..."> calls or compressing the multiple source files themselves.
I would stay away from embedded in most cases, especially if you're depending on another jQuery plugin. Some cases to consider:
What if I'm already using that plugin, a newer version, an older one?
At best you're adding the download weight twice, possibly a different version
At worst you're breaking my code :)
What if I'm trying to debug, is a bug in your plugin?, the other?, still yours because you included it?
Which author do I contact?
There are few upsides to this besides saving a few <script> tags, which should be cached on the client anyway...and in my case as well as many others (like SO) the scripts get compressed into one or a few requests.
Most jQuery plugins require dependencies to be added with their own <script> tags, in this case by not going with what most do serves more to confuse or complicate rather than save time. Personally, I'd stay away from the embedding, but to each their own.
Personally, as a potential plugin user, I'd prefer the multiple <script src='...'> way. First, it gives me more flexibility and control and second, if I already have some of the plugins in my own code, having them in your plugin as well means they'll be included twice.
Imagine what would happen if every plugin author included all dependencies in the source. What you think is convenient now will turn out to be a maintenance nightmare later.

Managing jQuery Plugins

Often, when working with jQuery, the need arises to include multiple plugins. This can quickly become messy work, especially when some plugins require additional components (images and CSS files).
What are some of the "recommended" ways to:
a. Manage the required files/components (.js, .css and images) in a way that is easy to maintain, and;
b. Keep these plugin packages updated to the latest versions
I'm not necessarily looking for a tool to do this (although one that could perform this management would be useful, I suppose), but more of a way of thinking.
Update: These days there is Bower, Component and Browserify which take care of all of the following for us automatically.
I'm surprised no one has covered what I do yet. So here's how I manage scripts and resources.
I have each project I work on setup with SVN. Nearly all of the scripts I include have a SVN mirror (github has svn these days) this means that I can then use SVN externals and fetch whatever branch or version or whatever I want of that project directly into the projects scripts folder. As we are using SVN, it is easy to track, manage and update these scripts.
If a project is not on SVN, then I just add it to a common SVN project I have made, so for instance Project A and Project B, both use jquery-project-not-in-svn, so we stick jquery-project-not-in-svn into our common project's SVN repository, and then use SVN externals on Projects A and B to reference it - as explained before.
Now that covers managing, fetching and updating.
Here is how I cover script inclusions and requests.
As each project now has it's own scripts directory that contains all the scripts it needs (which is managed by SVN externals), we now have to worry about minifying them to reduce load on our server. Each project has a Makefile in it's root, which contains the command update. This command will perform the following:
Perform a SVN update (this will update all SVN externals appropriately)
Once that is done, it will pack and minify all the js files into scripts/all.js and scripts/all.min.js
I can't share the exact Makefile but I can share one which is public that handles packing/merging and minification of CSS and Javascript. Here is the link:
By doing these things, we have achieved:
Management of external script resources over multiple projects
Updating of appropriate script resources automatically
Packing all used script resources of the project into one file
Minifying that file, such that only one JS request and one CSS request are performed.
So good luckmate, feel free to post a comment if you would like to learn more.
I would recommend not updating them unless you are experiencing a problem with the version you have or you would like to use a new feature available in the updated plugin. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
My own personal "recommended" way is to keep all my JavaScript files in one include folder, all CSS files in another, and all images in a third directory. I write shortcut functions for my projects that I can then use like <?php scriptlink( 'jquery.tooltip' ); ?> or <?php stylelink( 'jquery.thickbox' ); ?>. Each shortcut function takes a filename (only) as an argument and outputs the full HTML tag for that resource type, i.e. (in order) <script type="text/javascript" src="/includes/js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script> or <link rel="stylesheet" href="/includes/css/jquery.thickbox.css" />
Most jQuery plugins I've run across that require images allow either specifying a configuration variable in the script itself or in the code used to invoke the plugin. Stylesheets are quite easily included without mucking about with the script.
So far this method has kept me pretty sane, so I think it works rather well. I don't tear my hair out over where I stuck a particular plugin; I just include it with a function. (The system also supports subdirectories of the include directory, so e.g. <?php scriptlink( 'ui/accordion' ); ?> equals <script type="text/javascript" src="/includes/js/ui/accordion.js"></script>.)
YMMV of course, but the only issue I've had at all is with upgrades when plugin authors start distributing a jquery.plugin.pack.js version instead of jquery.plugin.min.js or vice versa, because I actually have to remember to change the filenames I look for.
(Since I've omitted the implementation of those simple functions, perhaps your version will check for different variants of the file name given. If the argument to scriptlink() is jquery.plugin, the function might check the file system to see if jquery.plugin.pack.js exists, and if not look for jquery.plugin.min.js, and if not look for jquery.plugin.js, etc.)
CDNs are great but not for debugging. Sometimes debugging really requires local access
to the scripts and CDNs are useless until in production mode. For this reason I still like
to keep both debug and minified versions around then compare results and benchmark response time until we shift to production.
All of my jQuery plugins are organised into subfolders which include the version number e.g.
If I need to update to 1.4.2 I can drop it in a new folder without too many problem, I can even use a specific version of the plugin in different parts of the site if needed. When I site is large and your using a few different plugins it's helpful to quickly see version numbers without digging around source comments in a plugin.js file.
If a plugin requires CSS I will take the base styles out of the plugin CSS and bundle these in with my main stylesheet, requesting additional CSS files is expensive and 9 times out of 10 it will be customised anyway. Likewise with images, if I'm doing any image customisation I will bundle these into my main image sprite, otherwise I'll just link to the images into that plugin.1.4.1 directory.
Yes, you end up with a few more files in your repo but it means:
you can easily upgrade plugins just by updating your paths
you can debug plugin issues easier because you can see how out of date you are
you can roll back to an earlier version if everything breaks
You could utilize the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network) for more popular plug-ins. Google keeps it up-to-date, you can quickly choose/switch between versions, and you also get the benefits of caching from other websites that use CDN.
Example for jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
And, if you want to use a higher version automatically, change the version to 1.4 (automatic 1.4.x updates) or even 1 (automatic 1.x.x updates). Unfortunately not all plug-ins are available, but many of the major ones are.

