nested quotes in javascript - javascript

A bit of a noob question here...
I have a javascript function on a list of table rows
<tr onclick="ClosePopup('{ScenarioID}', '{Name}');" />
However, the {Name} value can sometimes contain the character "'" (single quote). At the moment the error Expected: ')' comes up as a result because it is effectivly ending the javascript function early and destroying the syntax.
What is the best way to prohibit the single quotes in {Name} value from effecting the javascript?

You're committing the first mortal sin of insecure web template programming - not escaping the content of the values being rendered into the template. I can almost guarantee you that if you take that approach, your web app will be vulnerable to XSS (cross site scripting) and any third party will be able to run custom javascript in your page, stealing user data and wreaking havoc as they wish.
Check it out.
The solution is to escape the content. And to do that properly in the javascript, which is also inside html, is a lot more than just putting escape sequences in front of backslashes.
Any decent templating engine out there should provide you a way to escape content as it's written to the template. Your database values can be left as-is, the important part is escaping it at output time. If your template engine or dynamic web app framework doesn't allow for this, change to one that does. :)

In support of the prior comment please read the following to gain a better understanding of why the security advice is so important.

I would think that you could kill just about any code injection by, for example, replacing

Although the security information provided by everyone is very valuable, it was not so relevant to me in this situation as everything in this instance is clientside, security measures are applied when getting the data and rendering the XML. The page is also protected through windows authentication (adminsitration section only) and the web app framework cannot be changed. The answer i was looking for was really quite simple in the end.
<tr onclick='ClosePopup("{ScenarioID}", "{Name}");' />


JavaScript - Is filtering '<' good enough to secure HTML before displaying?

In JavaScript, is there any known string that can cause mischief if we filter out all 'less than' ('<') characters then display the result as HTML?
var str = GetDangerousString().toString();
var secure = str.replace(/</g, '');
$('#safe').html(secure); // or
document.getElementById('safe').innerHTML = secure;
This question addresses sanitizing ID's in particular. I'm looking for a general HTML string. Ideal answer is the simplest working example of a string that would inject code or other potentially dangerous elements.
That's not enough for sure... You need to HTML encode any HTML you embed in your pages that you want to be editable by an end user. Otherwise, you need to sanitize it.
You can find out more here at the Owasp site
EDIT: In response to your comment, I'm not 100% sure. It sounds like double encoding will get you in some cases if you're not careful.
For example, this string from that page is supposed to demonstrate an exploit that hides the "<" character:
Also, the character "<" can be encoded lots of different ways in HTML, as suggested by this table:
So to me, that's the thing to be careful of - the fact that there may be exploitable cases that are hard to understand, but may leave you open.
But back to your original question - can you give me an example of HTML that renders as HTML that doesn't contain the "<" character? I'm trying to understand what HTML you want users to be able to use that would be in an "id".
Also, if your site is small, if you're open to rewriting parts of it (specifically how you use javascript in your pages), then you could consider using Content Security Policies to protect your users from XSS. This works in most modern browsers, and would protect lots of your users from XSS attacks if you were to take this step.

How do I escape SQL query's single quotes for query generated in javascript/jquery in cartodb database?

I am using javascript/jquery to generate a sql query.
I have a sql query I'm generating and using inside a javascript/jquery script.
Something like this:
var storeName;
var query = "SELECT * FROM stores where storeName = '" + storeName + "';";
(storeName is generated through jquery when a user selects from html)
So when storeName is something like "Jackson Deli" the query runs just fine.
But then when storeName is "Jackson's Deli" it does not work and it seems to be because the apostrophe in Jackson's is treated like a closing quote. I know I can escape a quote by doubling it if I was hard-coding the query... so
SELECT * FROM stores where storeName = 'Jackson''s Deli';
should work. But I'm not hard-coding the query. Instead it's being generated by user input and may or may not have an apostrophe in the name. How would I go about escaping ' this character in this case? I would need it to work inside Javascript/jquery.
Would I need to write an if statement that looks for ' in storeName and replaces it with '' ??
Or is there another way to go about this?
Ouch! Normally, yes, I realize the perils of generating a query on the client side.
So here's some more context. I'm working with cartodb and following their documentation. Here's an example from their repo doing something similar to what I'm talking about (they have other examples too):
You can't run a query in cartodb that lets you modify data in any way -- you can only run queries that let you retrieve data. So I'm still thinking about what the best way to escape this quote character would be.
That being said, if you are going to use a dynamic query, you are best off escaping the user input and binding it to a prepared statement on the server side.
If you post more details about which database (MySQL, Postgres, etc.) and what language you are using for server processing- you will get better answers.
Yes... I am fully aware this doesn't answer the question. Nobody should be creating code this way though.
Edit: Made the warning bigger for emphasis.
I see others have answered but I wanted to approach this question from a few angles.
The question you're asking is a good one. You recognize that the SQL doesn't work with single quotes. You realize that something needs to be escaped. These are a good starting point for a few considerations that will hopefully help you to architect software in a secure and maintainable way.
Never directly execute client code/content - Generating SQL or any kind of code/instructions (javascript, bytecode, compiled code) from a client is always a poor idea because it breaks a few critical concepts.
It's hard to maintain because you cannot control the input fully. Sure you could escape the SQL but that doesn't fix both strange case scenarios where you have other characters you didn't account for.
It isn't secure - Your relationship to variables, inputs, CGI params, file contents, database fields whose values came from the aforementioned list, or just about anything that came from a remote system, remote user cannot ever be trusted. Always check, sanitize and validate inputs. I can open the source to your page, see where you add a check for single quotes and change that and then execute the code to delete your records, have it email if certain stored procedures are available, run code on the SQL backend, drop databases (assuming the query runs under appropriate privileges.)
It blends/blurs the lines between client input/display and business logic. Research MVC, n-Tier development and other concepts for an introduction to the concepts of separating your business logic from display/inputs. This is critical not only for scalability and performance but also to reduce the change of issues such as this from causing critical security flaws.
Approach your software development from the bad-guys perspective - Instead of "How can I escape this string to make it work." try "How can I bypass the escape on this page to allow me to delete records, view things I should, etc.
Don't feel bad because the approach is wrong,learn from it. I see alot of comments about how you should never ever do this (and they're right) but many of us learned this lesson the hard way. We laugh at Little Bobby Tables because we've all written or had to support code that did this. The key is to understand the underpinning of why it's a bad idea and then use that in designing software. Welcome to the school of hard knocks. We're all graduates and thankfully you could learn from our comments rather than when somebody tinkers and corrupts, deletes or infiltrates your database and application.
To get you started on this journey may I suggest reading the following:
SQL Injections Explained
And as an added bonus XSS E.g. escaping OUTPUT that originated from an external system or person. for example a comment entry that contains Hi!!! <script>alert('Thanks to this site not escaping this output I get to run this code under your login. Thanks for the 4000 crates of free tshirts you just ordered for me');</script> how are you??? so that when you output it you get
Comments:Hi!!! <script>alert('Thanks to this site not escaping this output I get to run this code under your login. Thanks for the 4000 crates of free tshirts you just ordered for me');</script> how are you???
Which is "valid" HTML and the browser will execute it.
Final thoughts - Adopt the motto Trust but Verify and you'll be OK
FYI, CartoDB does not allow you to execute a query that changes something in the table, it's read-only.
Send data to your server first, then escape all chars that need to be escaped with addslashes() command (provided that you are using PHP).
addslashes() command on PHP
After you are done with eascaping characters, you can send your data to cartoDB using their API and your API key.
cartoDB does provide insert/update/delete tasks through its SQL API. See this link:

Is there a way to "stop script" from running using JavaScript?

How can I stop script from execution in JavaScript? In case of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, the fundamental requirements are injection + execution of script.
Imagine a scenario where attacker is able to inject JavaScript in a page & our goal is to stop attacker's script from execution. The injection point as an example can be any user-supplied input area.
Always always escape your input. For XSS, use htmlentities() to escape HTML and JS. Here's a good article on PHP Security
There are basically two things to be careful of when dealing with XSS:
Escape your output. Escaping the input just takes more resources for nothing. Escape your user-submitted content output. It also means that non-escaped content is in your database, which is a good thing (in case of false positives you can fix that without losing content, in case of a new XSS policy you don't need to modify all your database, etc).
Secure your javascript code. Be very careful not to include some flaw using eval() or something like it.
As others said, the best and easiest way to protect yourself from XSS is validating input and properly escape output depending on the insertion point (HTML, most likely, with entities or JavaScript / CSS blocks -- unlikely and more difficult to properly escape).
However, if your use case is outputting raw user input which is supposed to contain arbitrary HTML and you just want to prevent injected JavaScript to mess with your site, you can either:
1) Frame the content in a different, unique domain (so it cannot share cookies with your main document), e.g. (with xyz123 different for any user)
2) Wait for and/or CSP's sandbox directive to be standardized in every browser you support (and, of course, denying access to uncapable browsers).
Your only solution is to prevent scripts from being injected. There's several things you can do to achieve this:
Never trust input from the user. That means form inputs, query string parameters, cookie content, or any other data obtained from an incoming request.
Sanitize everything you render, everywhere you render it. I like to achieve this with two clearly-named rendering functions in templates, render and render_unsafe. Rails has a similar interface since 3.0 which sanitizes all template data unless you specifically ask for unsanitized rendering. Having a clearly-named interface will make it easier to keep your templates in check, and ensuring that unsanitized renders are the exception forces you to make a decision every time you dump data into a template.
If you must allow the user to run functions directly, always do it through a whitelist. Have them supply a function name or some other identifier as a string and their arguments as JSON or some other parseable construct. Have a look at the design for Shopify's Liquid templating system which uses a similar execution-safe whitelisting pattern.
Never trust input from the user. Not ever.

Prevent XSS attacks site-wide

I'm new to ColdFusion, so I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do this. I've been assigned to fix XSS vulnerabilities site-wide on this CF site. Unfortunately, there are tons of pages that are taking user input, and it would be near impossible to go in and modify them all.
Is there a way (in CF or JS) to easily prevent XSS attacks across the entire site?
I hate to break it out to you, but -
XSS is an Output problem, not an Input problem. Filtering/Validating input is an additional layer of defence, but it can never protect you completely from XSS. Take a look at XSS cheatsheet by RSnake - there's just too many ways to escape a filter.
There is no easy way to fix a legacy application. You have to properly encode anything that you put in your html or javascript files, and that does mean revisiting every piece of code that generates html.
See OWASP's XSS prevention cheat sheet for information on how to prevent XSS.
Some comments below suggest that input validation is a better strategy rather than encoding/escaping at the time of output. I'll just quote from OWASP's XSS prevention cheat sheet -
Traditionally, input validation has been the preferred approach for handling untrusted data. However, input validation is not a great solution for injection attacks. First, input validation is typically done when the data is received, before the destination is known. That means that we don't know which characters might be significant in the target interpreter. Second, and possibly even more importantly, applications must allow potentially harmful characters in. For example, should poor Mr. O'Malley be prevented from registering in the database simply because SQL considers ' a special character?
To elaborate - when the user enters a string like O'Malley, you don't know whether you need that string in javascript, or in html or in some other language. If its in javascript, you have to render it as O\x27Malley, and if its in HTML, it should look like O'Malley. Which is why it is recommended that in your database the string should be stored exactly the way the user entered, and then you escape it appropriately according to the final destination of the string.
One thing you should look at is implementing an application firewall like Portcullis: which includes a much stronger system then the built in scriptProtect which is easily defeated.
These are a good starting point for preventing many attacks but for XSS you are going to end up going in by hand and verifying that you are using things like HTMLEditFormat() on any outputs that can be touched by the client side or client data to prevent outputting valid html/js code.
The ColdFusion 9 Livedocs describe a setting called "scriptProtect" which allows you to utilize coldfusion's protection. I've have not used it yet, so I'm not sure how effective it is.
However, if you implement a third-party or your own method of handling it, you would most likely want to put it in the "onRequestStart" event of the application to allow it to handle the entire site when it comes to URL and FORM scope violations (because every request would execute that code).
Besides applying all the ColdFusion hot fixes and patches you can also:
Not full proof but helps, Set the following under CFADMIN > Settings > "Enable Global Script Protection"
Add CSRFToken to your forms
Check http Referer
Add validation for all User inputs
Use cfqueryparam for your queries
Add HTMLEditFormat() on any outputs
Besides Peter Freitag's excellent blog you should also subscribe to Jason Dean's

JavaScript DOM XSS Injection validation

Is this regular expression enough to catch all cross site scripting attempts when embedding HTML into the DOM. eg: Such as with document.write()
It is referenced in this document from
Would it catch all <\sscript.?\s*> variants in UTF-8 for instance?
Unfortunately not. There are actually quite a few ways to sneak past that regex if an attacker is really trying. With modern browsers, that regex should do a pretty good job, but its not exhaustive. For example, something along the lines of this could open javascript without explicitly saying script or javascript
<img src="blah.jpg" alt="" onmousedown="alert('a')" />
Check out here (somewhat outdated but gets the point across) and here for more examples
Is this regular expression enough to catch all cross site scripting attempts
Sorry. But really... no, that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
Daniel has mentioned one other method of injecting script, but really there are hundreds. It is not at all possible to sanitise HTML using a simple regex. The only approach (and even then it's not trivial) is to properly parse the HTML, throwing out all malformed sequences and element/attribute names except for a few known-safe ones.
Of course this only applies when you are actually deliberately accepting HTML input and you want to limit its potential harm. If the situation is that you're accepting text but forgetting to escape it properly on the way out, you need to fix that HTML-escaping, because no amount of input-sniffing will fix an output-problem.
This is why mod_security is utterly bogus. It is giving you the illusion of improved security by catching a few of the most basic injection techniques, while letting everything else through to a vulnerable application. It won't, in the end, prevent you from being hacked, but the more injection signatures you add, the more it'll deny and mess up legitimate requests. For example it might prevent me from entering this message because it contains the string <script>.
The other respondents are right: there are many contexts through which injection may occur. Remember, the solution must consider both the many contexts in which an injection can occur. Blacklist (or "known bad") approach to filtration won't work because they fall prey to attacks that encode injections using unexpected character sets, creative use of whitespace, and other techniques. For more information, see OWASP DOM Based XSS. That page's Links educate on the 'problem' side.
As for the solution, consider the OWASP XSS DOM Prevention Cheat Sheet, which we just published. There are several tool kits referenced within the Cheat Sheet that help you implement escaping or encoding strategies. Probably MY FAVORITE approach to assuring that server-written client-side code is encoded and escaped appropriately is JXT. From its google code page:
<!-- Automatically escaped content -->
Hello ${user.getName()}!
<!-- Example tag with 3 different contextual encoding requirements -->
<img src="/profile-photo?user=${user.getId()}"
alt="Photo of ${user.getName()}"
onclick="openProfile('${user.getId()}')" />
<!-- Override the default escape, rare, but occasionally needed: -->
<jxt:out value="${user.getProfileHtml()}" escape="none"/>
Note that this includes auto-escaping for contexts but also a custom tag that allows for un-escaped output, in case special elements of your page/app would be broken by a cart blanch encoding regime.

