jQuery click() not working on replaced html - javascript

I am trying to create a go-moku game using jquery,php, and mysql database.
I have a ajax function that updates the a board every second if needed.
var turnCount = -1;
$.get('includes/boardControl.php',{turn: turnCount }, function(data){
if(data != "")
{ $("#board").html(data);
turnCount = $("#turnCount").text();
}, 1000);
This works just fine, it checks the database to see if turn has been incremented and replaces the board if it has. Now what I want to ultimately do is create a click function that use Ajax to update the board and turn count in the database. I am hoping to somehow use the N'th selector do determine what square I'm clicking on.
I have several questions.
1) My click function right now is
$(document).ready(function() {
$("td > img").click(function(){
as of right now it works on a extra test table I wrote into the html, but not on the table created with the previous function. What am I doing wrong?
2) The tutorials I've looked at so far dictate that I should write code in the following way.
$(document).ready(function() {
//code here
When i asked a question last night, I was told that I was over complicating things with my functions. So when should i use a document.ready function and when not? And is it fine to put all of my scripts into one document.ready function or should I have multiple?
Once I get the click image to work I am hoping to send a X,Y coordinate to the server and change that corresponding spot on the board. How would I determine what cell in the table is clicked in order to know what coordinates to use? (or is there a much easier way?)

sounds like you need to change
$("td > img").click(function(){
$("td > img").live('click',function(){
Edit: For jQuery 1.9 and later you can do:
$("#board").on('click', 'td > img', function(){
// handle click

The $(document).ready() function only fires when the page first loads - in order to make this work try something like this:
function bindClicks() {
$("td > img").click(function(){
This will allow you to call bindClicks() later on if need be to bind the click events of a new table.

1) Are you re-wiring the click event after the ajax content loads?
The $(document).ready function will fire as soon as the page is fully loaded, but won't fire after ajax calls. So you will need to re-wire the click event after every ajax call:
2) KISS. Keep it as simple as possible. If you have 50+ lines inside a document.ready statement you might want to create some functions.
3) The best way to accomplish this might be to assign a specific ID to each cell and capture that in the click event. You can then pass that to the server and update the specific cell on the return.

Are you sure JQuery is matching you query:
$("td > img")
I would load firefox with firebug and check that your actually getting match first. The second table your creating may have a slightly different structure then you expected and firebug can show you the exact structure also.


JQuery behavior of text() vs .parent().html() for subsequent changes

I had a scenario in my code where I was previously updating a div using element.text(data) every time a button was clicked.
I've since updated this, because I need to pass html into the div now instead of text. As such, the call is now element.parent().html(data).
It works correctly the first time the button is clicked, but seems to have the unintended side-effect of only ever allowing me to update it once, now. I changed it back to .text() just to be certain, and sure enough I was able to click my button multiple times with different content, and get that content in there. Unique content just won't make any updates via that parent().html(). Can someone explain what's going on here?
Here's the code that works every time:
//[... gets some parameters in here ...]
$.post("myfile.php", {argument = list, goes = here}, function(data){
$("#subcount").text("Submission Count: " + data);
And here's the code that only fires once:
//[... gets some parameters in here ...]
$.post("myfile.php", {argument = list, goes = here}, function(data){
Unless data includes an element with id subcount, after changing the parent HTML, the target will no longer exist.
Try wrapping your data string in:
<div id = "subcount">....</div>
Then you will have a target for the next button click.

JavaScript alert callback not working inside a function

I am trying to make a image preview containing of about 5-6 images which will appear one after another when user hovers over it (not like a carousel with prev and next buttons). Here is the fiddle consisting of what I gathered so far.. i don't know if this approach is right or not.. but I am stuck as the alert callback is not working. Could someone please tell me what is wrong?
var imageCount = $('#product_grid_list').find('figure')[0].getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0, n = imageCount.length; i < n; i++) {
imageCount[i].on('click', function(e)
alert('Everything is going fine!');
The root cause of click event callback can't be triggered is that you're trying to register a event handler on a "DOM" (in this case: imageCount[i]) element in jQuery way. Try to register the event handler like this if you want to use pure javascript solution:
imageCount[i].addEventListener('click', function(e){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
Here is a jsfiddle demo.
Note: I didn't consider the cross browser issue in this case.
BTW, try to cache the length of imageCount node list, it will improve the performance.
You are using js AND jQuery at same time. It's wrong. If you use jQuery, than click event will be like this:
$(document).('click', '#product_grid_list figure img', function(){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
You are using a mix of jQuery and standalone javascript. You might as well go all the way to jQuery, with something like:
$('#product_grid_list figure:first img').click(function(e) {
alert('Everything is going fine, hopefully!');
You did not send the corresponding HTML, so we cannot test whether the above is correct.
it's just a simple click event in jQuery, no need to use js: http://jsfiddle.net/wP3QQ/11/
$('#product_grid_list').find('figure img').click(function(e){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
You want the hover effect, so click event should not be used over here. It should be mouseover.
Working Fiddle
Code Snippet:
$(document).on('mouseover','#product_grid_list figure img',function(e){
alert("now it is working");
You are attempting to call on(), a jQuery method, on an HTMLElement (a DOM element). You can't do that, jQuery methods can only be called on jQuery collections. It's easy to get a jQuery collection for the elements you desire:
Use .find() to match the images
There's no need for a for() loop, jQuery's .on() will handle looping for you.
You may also want to prevent the default behaviour of your anchors
$(function () {
var imageCount = $('#product_grid_list').find('figure img');
imageCount.on('click', function (e) {
alert('Everything is going fine!');

Jquery Duplication in mobile vs. of table

I am making a mobile version of my tables, I'm using the following script to help do so:
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function () {
$('table#CustomerMainTable td').each(function () {
var idx = $(this).index();
$(this).prepend($('table#CustomerMainTable tr th').eq(idx).text());
$('table#CustomerMainTable th').hide();
This works fine in my fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/2EJy3/1/
But in my app, it creates duplicates eg. The td would have the th printed twice, instead of once. Does anyone know what would be causing this?
Since it works in your fiddle, that implies a couple of things: 1) Your document structure is different in your app, or 2) your ajaxSuccess handler is being called twice. Turn on your debugger, or add some logging in your script before your each() call and see if the handler is being invoked twice.

How to make a div click-through but hover-able?

I need to make a div so that when the cursor hovers over it then I can detect it (using javascript) but I want to make it so that you can click through the div to the elements underneath. Is there a way to do this?
As far as I'm aware, and through my quick searches, I do not believe that you are able to do this, if you can it wouldn't be easy and or very practical I wouldn't think.
Using jQuery:
$("body").on("hover", "div", function(){
//do whatever you want on hover
$("body").on("click", "div .child-class", function(){
//do whatever on click
If this doesn't answer your question and do what you want, let me know what more specifically why it doesn't.
There are multiple solutions for this depending on your problem.
I will start with some assumptions:
1. You are the owner of the page (you know what happens there);
2. You know what element is beneath the clicked element.
For this case check this code:
//function executed when you click on element with id: beneath
function clickOnBeneath() {
alert("beneath click");
//function executed when you click on element with id: above
function clickOnAbove() {
var beneathEl;
beneathEl = document.getElementById("beneath");
//attach click event on element with id: above and beneath
function attachClickOnElements() {
var aboveEl,
aboveEl = document.getElementById("above");
aboveEl.addEventListener("click", clickOnAbove, false);
beneathEl = document.getElementById("beneath");
beneathEl.addEventListener("click", clickOnBeneath, false);
and also working example: http://jsfiddle.net/darkyndy/xRupb/
If you don't know what element is beneath it then I will try to find some code as I wrote a couple of years back something like this, as start point you can check getClientRects() function that is available on HTML elements (documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/element.getClientRects )

Why i can not trigger the jquery function?

This is a button to close the click but it fail and not work. I would like to know what is the tab ID since i did not think i assign one when i create a tab.
Thank you.
This is my attempt
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
<input type="button" id="closeTab" value="Cancel" class="submit"/>
I found my js code is working but the button can not trigger it? Why? thank you
latest try:
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
It still doesn't work so i think it is because the upper function ? How to fix this?
Also, are there any ways to clear my session in using this jquery function (what should i add for instance)?**Thanks
With javascript, you have to delay the execution of certain functions (like event handlers) until the page loads fully. Otherwise, it is attempting to bind a function to an element that doesn't yet exist. With jQuery, you can pass a function to jQuery to be executed on page load very easily like this:
$(function(){ /* code goes here */ });
So to use this with your code, you would do this:
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
This way, when the jQuery attempts to bind the function to #closeTab, it happens after the page has loaded (and after #closeTab exists).
Do you have any errors in the console?
Do you include jQuery before that click binding?
Try changing the window.parent.... to alert('clicked!'); and make sure you're actually getting there.
Also, make sure the click binding is inside of a:
// here
A script can close only the windows it creates. It cannot close the tab which it didn't create.
To rephrase, cannot close tab only if unless but when created tab by script which is same that close window.
I hope this makes sense.
Maybe the form is submitted and the browser navigates to another URL before the code could run? Try replacing function() with function(e) and adding e.preventDefault(); to the beginning of the event handler.

